News Worth Reading...

By the time many of you read the report this week, I will be on a plane headed back to Denver. Ralph and Cindy Williams, and I were in Houston, Texas over the weekend. We were privileged to spend time with the Lake Houston congregation on Sunday and meet with the eldership of this wonderful group of Christians. The meeting with the elders involved discussions about the Extension program overall, but more specifically, the work this congregation supports in Visakhapatnam, India.

It is always encouraging to meet men who understand the vital nature of training men to preach the gospel and who take the responsibility of financially supporting a work very seriously. These men are those kind of shepherds. The meeting was encouraging, informative, and productive in discussing the needs of the work. Bear Valley is privileged to be involved in working side by side with men of such integrity and wisdom. 

The report this week brings news from several of the schools where the Bear Valley Bible Institute is assisting in the training of men to preach the gospel. The reports in Chimala and Arusha, Tanzania; Kathmandu, Nepal; Takoradi, Ghana; Siem Reap, Cambodia and Wotutu, Cameroon share exciting news about the growth and development of the overall program of Extension training.

Now on to the reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Howell and Mary Ferguson, along with several others have arrived at the Chimala Bible Institute in Chimala, Tanzania. Howell’s report about their arrival is found here.

Extension Reports 

God Continues To Give The Increase: As classes resume, and a new teacher is brought on board, the growth continues as students evangelize Cameroon.

Leadership Meeting Helps Cambodia: A recent meeting with the leadership at Siem Reap is helping unit the efforts of the church.

26,000 +/- Attend Services In Ghana: A new quarter begins at the West Coast School of Preaching. In December, two services were held worth reading about.

Details Of Day To Day Nepali Life: One of the instructors at the Nepal Center of Biblical Studies shares the day to day activities of Nepali life for an evangelist.

Go Tell It On The Mountain: In a very literal sense, you need to read the story behind this heading that recently took place in Chimala.

Their Thoughts Are Not Our Thoughts: This is one of the hardest lessons to learn as Americans serve in mission work. The Gees share a part of this experience in a recent event. 

Final Thoughts
You are all a blessing to me and for so many others around the world. Those who are recipients of your generosity, encouragement, prayer and loving support cannot express enough gratitude for all you have done to make this work possible. Thank you.

My prayer each day is for God’s abundant grace and blessing to continually provide your every need. It is the greatest honor and privilege to know you and share in this work with you. I hope you know the difference you are making in the Lord’s kingdom and the lost souls around the world. You are awesome!!

God bless

Posted on January 22, 2012 .