Leadership Meeting Helps Cambodia...

Greeting from Siem Reap Cambodia

Always my privilege and honor to tell you about the work that we are doing in Cambodia.

I would love to thank God always for letting me be a part of His work in Siem Reap, Cambodia. I thought I could go and visit you all sometime in February, but God still wants me to work in Cambodia, so I am looking for another chance to go and visit my brethren a long way from where I live, as a few days ago, I was denied on the 18th of this month by US embassy so I can't go. Any way, I have some news that I would love to share with you all as following.

We had a leadership meeting earlier of this month and the thing went very well. We had leaders from various congregations in Cambodia come to encourage and share with one another the work that was being done in each area. Through that meeting, it helped us to grow more in relationship with a bond in love and peace to one another. I am very thankful to those brethren who came up to join with us. Also I would love to appreciate to our brothers in Siem Reap such as, Phanat, Darat, Cheuy, Hout, Piset, Sokchea, Ravy, Vanra, that we all have a very good idea of helping the church to grow more for the year 2012 compared to other leaders. It's kind of challenging for the Lord's work in our country. 

Also this year, we have our brethren engage their family wedding to God's teaching. Keep your prayers for us that sooner or later we plan to have a family camp, so that we will encourage one another through the Bible teaching that we need to raise our children in God's word.

In the year 2011, I think that the number of members not grow much as it supposed to, but I see that our brethren grow in the faith, that helps grow more in numbers and spiritually. 

I want to thank God for those brethren who sacrificed their financial and love because of God's work in our country. May God bless them richly and strongly in Him.


Posted on January 22, 2012 .