God Continues To Give The Increase...

Dearest in Christ,

Accept greetings from the staff, students and members of the Wotutu congregation and many brethren here who can see your great work through the school and our ministry. They are sending their love to you.

We do hope your week was great and God was with you to see you through in all your endeavors. We pray God to continue His works in your life and that of your family members.

Sister Kudi Gladys obeyed the gospel after listening from us. She came to church with her two children. Keep her in your prayers to keep working for the Lord so that her large family will follow her footsteps one day and  also obey the gospel as we continue to plant and water the seed.

Our week in CBIW was great, as it went by without any major problems. The new lecturer is doing well. The students admired his approach and handling of the truth here. They love his encouragement to preach nor matter what. Brother Tabe Moses is happy to be part of our team and promised me in my office to give his best to prepare zealous and devoted soldiers of the cross. That was the way he described our students. Please keep him in your prayers.

Evangelism is our mission and we cannot do without that in a week. The program I shared with you few weeks ago has started rolling. This week we arranged to go to Mondoni Village which is about 10 miles from Wotutu to re-establish the Lord’s church there. The church of Christ in that community was established and stayed for some few months and died. It was after about four years now that we heard the Macedonian call from a sister there to come over and help us through the Buea congregation. We went there this weekend. As I write you now we have just return from there and it is successful, glory be to our God.

I went there with three students and the Lord used us to accomplish His purpose there.

Brother Namina Bernard shared the gospel in Mondoni Village from house to house.

Mondoni villagers were so receptive to the gospel. They gave us audience, listening to us and they asked lots of questions to cross check their denominational stand with what they were hearing.

Our goal is to continue to rob from the strong man’s house. God is fulfilling His promise in helping us to do so. Yesterday evening in Mondoni Village, sister Elizabeth Sama accepted Jesus and was baptized making the a total of two souls in Mondoni village and 7 restorations this morning. Thanks be to God that the church is on again in Mondoni. Keep this new work in your prayers for us to have means to send students every weekend to go and nurture the brethren.

The was a good number of us that worshipped today in that Mondoni village, as the pictures shows below. We have a brother’s parlor that we shall be using as our worship hall. Keep this work in your prayers. It is fruitful for the glory of the Lord.

In the Wotutu congregation, 105 worshipped with 4 first time visitors, who confess their readiness to continue to worship with the Lord’s church and to encourage their families to escape from the bondage of denominationalism. Our PA system keeps cutting across the communities as many will call us from different villages to appreciate the teaching and the light that the Church of Christ is ushering to the communities.

A brother was baptized yesterday during our weekly evangelism, but it resulted in to a severe problem between the students, the leaders of our congregation and the family. I was on mission to Mondoni, but I will be able to handle the situation as of tomorrow to expose to the family the truth of the scriptures concerning the urgency of a man’s salvation. Keep the situation in your prayers.


1. We shall travel to Lykoko village this weekend for Campaign and Bible lectureship. Keep us in your prayers for the work and our travels.

2. Keep the Nkongsamba work in your prayers, as we are praying and preparing to go there on the 2nd to the 5th of February with some students for a 4 day campaign.

3. The Batoke, Idenau and Bakassi mission are still pending. The first congregation we established in Lebialem regions is facing serious problems now in leadership. They need our attention. The one who was leading as a young convert cannot control any longer. We are looking for means to encourage him to come to CBIW when the time comes so that one of our students will go there after his graduation this year and serve.

Every day the work load keeps increasing. It is good, but our hands are short to meet up, but by His grace we have the human resources, our students are ready, zealous and sacrificial to go where ever the gospel is calling.

Please come and be part of this soul winning team. If you think souls, then come and join us. Let us go and plant and water so that God will give us the ability to rob from the strong man’s house.

I pray to God daily for you, for your concern and prayers over this work. Thanks for your priceless support. God will enrich you and your family the more.

Do your best to share this with others. God bless you. You are a pillar in our ministry.

Elangwe and family by His grace
Director CBIW

Posted on January 22, 2012 .