This has been on extraordinary week. There is no way to put it into words. The reports this week provide information explaining incredible growth in the kingdom. An estimated 82 souls were added to the Lord's family and 10 were restored. In the words of Cy Stafford, "this is what it is all about." I encourage you to read every report and give praise to our God for the ways He has blessed this work.
Next Sunday morning, May 22nd, is the day 12 men at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver have been working diligently to achieve... graduation. This graduation will complete the 45th year of training men to preach at the Bible Institute in Denver. The feelings associated with accomplishing the goal these students have been so focused on for 2 years can be overwhelming and exciting.
The graduation ceremony in Denver is only part of the equation for 2011. We have already discussed and seen pictures of students from around the world who have achieved this same goal. The month of June will bring two more graduations, one at the Center for Biblical Studies in Kpalime, Togo and the other at the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies in Tamale, Ghana.
The men who have dedicated themselves to diligently prepare for the work know the joy of completing this task. They also understand the responsibility before them as they enter into full-time ministry. Not every student who completes the program in Denver, or in the Extension Program, will fill a pulpit. However, they are entering various areas of ministry where they will fill pulpits, encourage and strengthen congregations, reach out to the lost, teach Bible classes, and assist in the development of the Lord's Kingdom around the world.
Thank you to all of the congregations and individuals who know the value of training men to preach and have helped provide support for these men. Thank you for your prayers in the development of this work. Thank you for the vision you have for the Lord's work. May our God be glorified by your generosity and the program of work in training men to preach.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Extension Reports
Sacrificial Commitment To A Powerful Work: The work with the school in Wotutu, Cameroon continues to see the increase given by God.
Preparation For Graduation In Togo: The report this week from Togo talks about David Wama's release, the upcoming graduation, and the new class to begin.
45 Baptisms And 4 Restorations: The Church Grows In Ghana: The development of the work in Takoradi is proving to have a great impact on the country of Ghana. This is worth reading.
15 Souls Were Added In Ghana Campaign: This campaign connected to the Tamale Institute Of Biblical studies also experienced growth. This report also shares news about the growth taking place with the students.
10 Souls Added, Safari For Souls To Begin And The Good Gets Better: The news in Arusha is exciting as the Lord keeps adding to His Kingdom.
In The Midst Of Discouragement, There Is Hope: Mission work always presents challenges. Jimmy Gee's report shares some of the challenges, yet with the power of hope with the future of the work.
Final Thoughts
As I near the end of my third year with the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, and my second year working with the Extension Program, I continue to grow in my love for this work. There would never be enough space to explain all of the reasons why I love the work of the Bear Valley Bible Institute and the Extension Program.
I appreciate each of you taking time to read the reports every week. The reports are filled with the reasons why I believe we all love this work. It does not take long to read about the growth of the program and see the benefits of training men to preach the gospel. The joy of this work is seen in this country and every country around the world where we are privileged to share in the same task.
Thank you for your efforts to make it possible. We need you and the Lord will continue to bless you through your dedication to His cause. I pray for you everyday.
God bless