Greetings Fellow Workers;
We hope and we pray all is well in your life, your life of service and your week to come. We thank you all for your prayers for God’s work here in Tanzania. He hears you and is answering in grand fashion.
Safari for Souls campaign time is here. Our first campaigner arrived last week, Jessica Galloway, the daughter of Jay and Renee. She is helping Stephanie on Bible studies, spent a day at the clinic at Monduli, taught a lesson at our home yesterday for a group of young ladies (teens, 26 in number) from Aruaha and Kisongo, and she taught the children (a group of 21) at Moshi today during the Bible class hour. The energy and zeal the young bring to the mission field is amazing. We thank God for Jessica and the other headed this way to participate in the work of the Kingdom.
We have begun our Pre-campaign efforts in and around Arusha for the last couple of weeks. Several studies have been established and are on going. Friday, Stephanie, Jessica and Mukunde went on a study with one of our Arusha member’s mother. She is 92 years old and really loves the Lord. She has attended services for several months. Her son, Makuti ask if we would study with her.
While they were on this study, Isaac and I were on a study at Kwa Mrombo (Arusha area). After our study, Meshach said he wanted to obey the Gospel. We had studied with him several times over the last couple of months. We made our way to the building and were met by the ladies. Mama Mkuti also wanted to obey the Gospel. While these two were putting on Christ in baptism, the guard’s son, 18 year old Saruni, said he too was ready to become a New Testament Christian.
Saturday Isaac and I were back at Kwa Mrombo on some studies. We studied with a family, and at the end of the study, the husband, wife and 25 year old daughter said they wanted to be added to the Lord’s Church through obedience to the Gospel.
We received a report from the Church at Monduli Juu, four souls have been added to the Lord’s Church this weekend.
When I survey the good being done, the many blessings of God, and seeing the growth of the Lord’s Church, I simply stand in awe as to the power of the Gospel! Through God’s grace, our many supporters, at the hands of our graduates (from the ACSOP, ABS & the MBS), and the mission team (short term campaigners included), and our Short Course teachers, souls are being saved, God is being glorified and that my friends is what its all about.
We thank you, we love you and we pray for you often. Please know that your prayers, support and visits are not in vain. They are having an eternal impact on countless souls.
To God be all the glory, great things He continues to do in our lives.
In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Exel