I have been wondering whether David would have left his former Church if he knew that decision would land him in jail. David came to CBS, as a denominational preacher only to increase his knowledge in the Word of God. Little did he know that after a year’s study, he would be convicted so much that he would be converted? David, after his conversion, converted some members of the church he used to preach for. Word got to his boss that he was preaching a different doctrine and was gaining followers.
A powerful delegation was sent from Lome to kick him out of the church and the rented apartment. Later, his boss went to a judge and the chief to ask him to kick David out of the town. As if that was not enough, David was summoned to meet the church council of elders in Lome for a deliverance service, since they were convinced that an evil spirit had taken over David in his decision to leave the church. In all this David was resolved never to return to his former church.
We found another apartment for David and his wife and also a meeting place for the new congregation. I thought everything was quiet. I was called one evening from Kpalime only to be informed that a Judge in Kpalime found David guilty and asked him to refund $1,150.00 equivalent to CFA 508.00 which they claim was the collection realized during the nine years David had been preaching for the church. Though there were documents covering how the fund was spent by the church, the judge ignored it and sentenced David to a serve a prison term. David was immediately transferred from Kpalime to Lome. This was the handy work of his boss.
Today, by the Grace of God, some brethren have taken care of the amount involved and David was released on Monday the 20th of March. Thanks to all who provided the money for David’s freedom?
Visit to Golokwati Church
I spent the recent holidays with the Golokwati Church of Christ. The Golokwati Church was planted about 25 years ago and has produced four preachers who are currently preaching in different parts of the Volta Region. For the past eight years I have spent the “Easter” holidays with my mother in Golokwati, and on such occasions, I always have the opportunity to either teach the Bible class or preach the sermon. This year my lesson was based on Romans 12:5 – “members one of another.” I used the lesson to encourage the congregation to remain united and caring for one another.
After the service, I met with the leadership and discussed the possibility of starting a pre-school in the church building to help families who cannot afford to send their kids to some private schools in town. We felt starting a school will promote the image of the Church in the town.
11 Baptized After Relief Program
Torkor church of Christ
In February, relief items were dispatched from Accra to be distributed among flood victims at Torkor in the Volta region. The first group to benefit from the items were the ten whose properties were severely destroyed and later the entire church was given some of the items left over.
Immediately after the exercise, report reaching me indicated that, attendance almost doubled. Members who for some reason had become delinquent all of sudden started attending services of the church.
A young school girl’s mother who before the distribution of relief items was not a member of the church later was baptized and is now worshipping faithfully with the Church of Christ. I understand several have continued to visit each service. We thank God that He has used this unfortunate situation and the demonstration of love by church of Christ to touch the heart of eleven (11) souls who have given their lives to Him.
CBS (Center for Biblical Studies) NEWS
I was recently in Kpalime to visit with the students and David in particular after his release from prison. As a way of welcoming David, a thanksgiving service was organized in his honor with students and the principal gracing the occasion. The worship service was conducted at Akpadape where David preaches. David taught the class and Yaovi preached the sermon. There was a special benevolence for David and the wife. We were provided with lunch after the worship service.
Lessons taught during the month of March
1) Christian evidence
2) Church history
3) Major cults
The instructors were Esperence from Lome, Akalo from Tsevie, and Cephas from Kpalime
Students have continued to work with the following congregations: Avekpo, Detideke, Beme, Nyiveme, and Kloh.
CBS plans to hold its second graduation on June 18th, 2011. Nine (9) students who have successfully completed the requirements will graduate. We are expecting about 1,000 guests at the ceremony.
New Enrollment
A number of men from the church and the denominational churches have expressed interest in attending CBS during the next academic year which starts in September 2011.
Each of the following congregations is sending two men to be trained. Azanu, Aveho, Kuve, Tsevie, Avetonu, Tokoin, Hadzranawe, and Nukafu. A few men from some of the denominational churches in the Kpalime area have expressed interest in attending CBS. Two men will come from Assemblies of God, one from miracle of God church, and one from a church claiming they don’t offer prayers. In all we are expecting 24 men. However, we are making provision for only 20. All admission forms are to be submitted by the close of May.
Preachers’ Appreciation Month
The month of March has come to stay on our Church calendar as preachers’ appreciation month. The items above were brought by members of the Nsawam Road church to express their gratitude in sharing material things with preachers while enjoying the spiritual from them. The items were distributed among the five preachers. This was the first of its kind at the Nsawam Road Church of Christ.
Medical Items Presented to the Church at Kpala
About 13 years ago, I was part of a team that planted the Church of Christ on the Kpala Island. Kpala is situated in the Volta Lake about 45 minutes boat ride from Torkor which is on the main land. The Island is made up of seven villages, and is entirely fishing and farming community. The Church started a school there a couple of years ago with about a 100 kids now.
During the recent flood, the Island was almost swept away but by the grace of God nothing serious happened. However, the islanders were struck with several water borne diseases which needed to be taken care of. It therefore became necessary to provide money from the relief fund provided by Whites Ferry road relief Ministries to purchase drugs and other medical products to open a little health post in one of the villages where the school and the Church are located. We were very fortunate to have a retired nurse who had just moved into the village to administer the drugs to the inhabitants of the Island. We are very confident that God will use this to win the hearts of many.
15,000 Pieces of Tracts Distributed
One of the duties performed at the WBS is to supervise the distribution of tracts provided by Mission Printing. Several congregations in Ghana are beneficiaries of the kind gesture of Mission Printing. This is the second time that a 20 foot container of tracts has been sent. These tracts are making so much impact to the extent that we have received several requests from denominational churches for tracts. It is my prayer that funds would be provided for the printing of literature to proclaim the saving message of Christ.
Former Elder Goes Home
Owusu Kankam was one of the elders at the Nsawam Road for a couple of years, but became sick suddenly and had to relinguish the office of an elder. After seven years he passed away when the sickness became more severe. His funeral was attended by several hundreds who had come from sister congregations in and outside Accra. May his soul rest in peace.
Willie Gley