Dearest in Christ,
Accept warmth greetings from this end. It is always my joy to say hello and to relate to you all what transpired during the week in CBIW.
As a result of classes offered, the assistant full gospel pastor, Mella Roger, who came to build himself more to help his denomination grow, came to the lime light of the PURE gospel and was led through the truth by CBIW. After the classes, he kept coming to the students to learn many things about the church of Christ and their ways towards heaven. He was exposed to the truth and God helped him this morning after our morning worship. He accepted Christ and was baptized into Christ. Please remember him in your prayers as he confessed that the wife too needs this salvation.
The week with its activities went on well from Monday to Thursday where my younger brother passed on to glory with our king.
CBIW students are busy with preparations as we shall start our second semester exams on tomorrow. Remember them in your prayers.
All arrangements had been made for the students to go for campaign to 14 different congregations for nurturing and evangelism.
The picture to the left shows me and sister Tamu, a U.S. based missionary, who came to Cameroon and was so impressed with the work of CBIW, even though she has not come to the campus, but she organized a workshop on BELIEF THERAPY, through the director and minister of Wotutu congregation. Both believers and unbelievers attended and were enriched concerning their belief systems.
You can see the preacher teaching the class with the attendance of 39 people. It was really wonderful and we are soliciting for more opportunity to move around from one congregation to another to teach and God will help change people’s belief system.
In this picture is the Tole church in worship this day as CBIW students went there with the director for worship. It was wonderful. Please always remember this young congregation in your prayers and also the efforts the students are doing to provoke growth.
The church in Wotutu is promoting fellowship as you can see. Because of the forth coming campaign and the workshop, the congregation organized prayers and fasting for God’s intervention to all dimension to help His will be done in the life of the students and the church in Wotutu and others, mostly those who are standing beside to support CBIW achieve it goals.
I am appreciating you for your prayers and financial support to this work. Please keep going because your labor will never be in vain.
Continue to pray for the Director’s family in this moment of deep sorrow where the younger brother, Emmanuel Mokube Esowe, passed on on the 19th of May 2011. Burial will take place on Wednesday, 25 May. It is not easy with me and the entire family, and the church, as many today in worship shed tears because of this great song leader in Wotutu congregation. A big vacuum is created in our lives and the life of the church. We are at rest with the words of God, Rev. 14:13.
Stay bless in all your endeavors. Do your best to share this report with others.
Thanks very much for your concern.
Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW