On Monday and Tuesday last week all of the Extension Staff came together to discuss various matters within the program. We looked at the past year, discussed the present situation, and planned for the future within each school location.
Howell Ferguson was able to join in the meeting via the video conference system. As a result, every staff member was able to be involved in this meeting. It is powerful to see the use of technology to make it possible to join all of these men for this meeting. I am more convinced than ever this is one incredible team of men who demonstrate a Christlike spirit, godly attitudes, and a desire for training men to preach the gospel.
While I enjoyed the opportunity of having time to meet about the extension program, there was a stronger underlying benefit. I believe this time together helped build a stronger bond of fellowship in this team. I am thankful to be working with these men and glean from their wisdom to help improve the working of Bear Valley’s Extension Training program.
The men who comprise the Extension staff are from all walks of ministry, but they share one common purpose. I want to express my gratitude to each of them for their dedication to the work of our Lord and their willingness to make great sacrifices for the growth of the kingdom.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Remember Howell and Mary Ferguson while they are working in Gorlovka, Ukraine.
The monthly report from Jerry Bates has been posted and talks about his most recent trips. Jerry and Paula are now in Burma and then on to India. Remember them in your prayers.
Extension Reports
26 Students Preparing: One of the largest classes in the Extension Program is found in Chimala, Tanzania. Garry Hill reports about the progress of this work.
Public Radio Proves Successful: The Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies sees success with the use of public radio in the Northern Region of Ghana.
50 Years of the Lord's Church in Ghana: Daniel Asiamah reports about the activities surrounding a great milestone in the work in Ghana.
Persecution of David Wama Continues: The report from Togo shows the struggles some students endure for the cause of the kingdom. David Wama continues to be persecuted because of his stand for the truth.
The Good Stuff... Tanzania: The work continues to grow and the work is exciting in Tanzania as Cy Stafford reports.
The Most Dedicated Christian Award: The Jimmy Gee family reports on activities in Arusha and one particular story worth reading.
Honduran Campaign Produces Fruit: Hector Viera, a graduate from the Honduras Bible Institute provides the results of a recent campaign.
Final Thoughts
With a dedicated staff, the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver is moving forward in the Extension work. There is one constant I noticed from all of the staff, and that is gratitude.
Every member on staff knows this work is only possible because of the generosity demonstrated by so many wonderful individuals and congregations. The sacrifices you continually make to help this work do not go unnoticed.
Thank you. I pray God will bless you richly for your love for the Lord and dedication to the work.
God bless