Dear Supporters, Family and Friends,
BY LAND OR BY SEA? Yes, it has rained A LOT for several days and we are so thankful. We haven't had to buy water in almost two weeks and our yard is nice and green. This morning we continued to get more rain and basically just slid down our winding muddy drive in our van on the way to services. Many low areas were simply lakes of water. Near the Kisongo church building, some children (with flip-flops and shoes made of tire tread) were having a good time running on the smooth areas of thick mud and then sliding as they came to a stop. During the closing prayer, it is common practice for the Tanzanians to ask God to protect people as they travel home, usually adding the words, "whether they came by foot, bicycle or car." Today I understood the translator to say "whether they came by land or sea." I just had to smile...I had never heard that before here.
WITH ONLY TWO WEEKS LEFT of classroom instruction, both the Swahili and English stream of instruction continue going well. Joseph Ngoma, a second year Swahili student, taught Bible class this morning and Abraham Mrutu, ACSOP staff supervisor, preached the sermon. The ladies joined the men's class due to the "classroom" being so muddy (the chairs would sink). Two classrooms are in the process of being built so that the kids and ladies will have a place to meet out of the weather.
"MOST DEDICATED CHRISTIAN-OF-THE-MONTH" AWARD. Trina’s first class in Galatians went "well" except that only one person came. While rain might not hinder someone in the states (with a garage, a car and paved roads) it does tend to discourage women here. Rosemary, a new Christian, walked down a muddy steep hill (about 1/4 mile) in the rain AND with a two-year old strapped to her back. When told that Christians in the states were praying for her, she smiled and said that she appreciated it.
REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS! Obviously Christians should be happy, but we have an especially good reason today. Yesterday, Ikande, the wife of a Tanzanian evangelist, Emmanuel Peter, was baptized. This wonderful day was preceded by many years of prayer and patience. Needless to say, Emmanuel should be even more effective and fruitful because now he has her support and help. Please pray for her growth.
PRAYER REQUEST. We ask you to pray for John Rice and his family. John lost his father, Brinton Rice, just a few days ago. Bro. Brinton was a faithful Christian. No greater thing can be said than that. He will be sorely missed by many people but we look forward to seeing him again on the other side.
"HOW WILL THEY HEAR WITHOUT A PREACHER?" Thank you for your interest in our work, your financial support and for encouraging notes. You all are the "backbone" of this work. Generations of people here will be changed because you cared enough to support us. Won't it be absolutely wonderful when you meet some of the Tanzanian Christians in Heaven and know that you had a part in their salvation?
In Christian Love,
The Jimmy Gee family