Greetings Fellow Workers;
It is with much joy that I write, thanking God for you, your love of the Gospel and for the care and compassion you so often demonstrate toward us here in Tanzania. Our lives have been touched in so many ways through you and your prayers. We give God the glory and we thank Him for each of you.
We have been blessed by the rains, a bit late, but they are here! I woke this morning with plans to go to Monduli Juu, where I was invited to teach Bible class. I received a phone call saying the roads up the mountain where not safe because of the rains and that I should not try and make the journey. Therefore, I attended the Bible class and worship at Kisongo, and was I ever blessed!
Joseph Ngoma, a second year student at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching taught a class on “Patience and Prayer”. Mostly on patience, but in his conclusion he brought prayer into the equation. One of the best classes I personally have ever heard on this subject, but a small testimony of the quality of students we have.
He illustrated the need for each of us to have patience, just as God is patient with us. He went on to use the example of our brother Wilfred Massawe, the evangelist for the Mororogoro congregation. Though he has suffered much, loosing his wife and being left with a new born and two other children, he was patient and God blessed him and his work.
He told the story of Wilfred studying with a man by the name of Joseph, his wife and three children. It was during the time of the death of Wilfred’s wife that this study was being conducted. Wilfred persevered and Joseph obeyed the Gospel. He went on with the story and talked of the struggles Joseph endured trying to teach his wife and children. It took the better part of three years, but in the end, through much patience, Joseph’s wife and three children all became New Testament Christians.
God has also blessed Wilfred with a new wife and mother to the children!
The Good News: Yesterday I received a phone call from Emmanuel Peter (one of our graduates, now an instructor at the ACSOP and part of the translation team translating the Greek N.T. text into Ki-Swahili). I could tell he was excited and then he told me, “we are at the Arusha building baptizing my wife, Ikande.” This has been a process that has taken more than five years, thanks be to God, for He has added to His Church our new sister.
The Good News: Raymond Mwero, another of our ACSOP graduates from Uganda reported four souls being added to the Church this Lord’s Day.
The Good News: Fariji Paul, yes, another of our ACSOP graduates and current evangelist from the Usa River congregation reported two souls being added to the Kingdom last month.
What a blessing it is to be a part of the family of God! What joy there is in knowing we serve the God of Heaven and a living and risen Savior! To Him be the glory, great things He continues to do through His faithful.
Prayer Request: Our dear brother, John Rice lost his father this past week, please remember him and his family in your prayers this week. My sweet bride and her mother Exel, will be leaving the States on Wednesday of this week headed this way. I solicit your prayers on their behalf, that God might grant them safe travels, thank you.
In Him,
Cy & Stephanie