26 Students Preparing

To our brethren in Christ,

Things are going well here at the Chimala Bible Institute. The students and faculty are all working hard to make the school the best in the Bear Valley system.

We are constantly reminded as we work in this extension school of the good work the Bear Valley system accomplishes in foreign countries. For example, this quarter the two departments, Swahili and English, are learning together in the Church History class with the aid of a translator. It is a joy to see the students begin to understand the history of the Lord’s church and how various denominations have developed over the centuries.

In addition to this, the importance of the American short course teachers was illustrated during Brent Smith’s short classes. Brent taught John and Christian Evidences while I taught I, II Timothy and Titus and Christian Ethics. The students enjoyed his classes and his company. On the Thursday before he left, Brent sponsored a pig cookout for the students and faculty. We all thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship.

I’m continually amazed at the improvement of the students’ research and writing efforts. This is because of the many hours Rebecca Benson, our librarian and administrative assistant, has put in tutoring the students in essay writing and research.

As the weather continues to be cool and the rains fall and everything is blooming with at least 30 varieties of plants on the campus, our students have a beautiful place to prepare themselves to be well-trained evangelists and teachers of God’s word. Interest continues to be high for those former graduates as we start the Master’s program in a little over a month. This will further train teachers and evangelists to train others in the countries of Tanzania, Malawi, and the Congo.

As all 26 students gather for a group picture with their new Bear Valley t-shirts, we exemplify the spirit of unity and joy at the Chimala Bible Institute.

God bless, 

Garry L. Hill
Chimala Bible Institute

Posted on March 21, 2011 .