It Seems Like Only Yesterday...

It seems like only yesterday... Have you ever heard someone make this statement? Well, it seems to characterize the way I feel about this work. 

It seems like only yesterday when I began working within the Extension Program. There is not enough space in this report to share all that has happened over the last two and a half years. I have grown to love and appreciate the work of so many good men and women laboring around the world who share the gospel with others. My life is blessed just to know these brethren, but it is a double blessing. I also have the blessing of working next to them in carrying out the Great Commission.

It seems like only yesterday when my view of the world was much more limited. I knew of missionaries serving in several locations. I had heard about the Extension Training concept, but I had no idea how powerful and influential this work was with 15 schools. As I read the reports each week I am reminded of how many souls are being changed.

It seems like only yesterday when I was trying to get a passport to make my first trip to Nigeria. In the short time I have been traveling to see the various schools, I have added an additional 50 pages to my passport. Who would have thought one person would need so many visas and receive this many stamps? Interestingly enough, I am only one of many in the same situation.

It seems like only yesterday when I sent my first report and we are quickly approaching nearly 150 reports. I would never have guessed so many would enjoy reading the reports. I only dreamed about the number of reports and the nature of them in sharing the wonderful news from around the world.

It seems like only yesterday I met most of you who are reading the reports. If you are reading this report, then I know you are interested in the work of training men to preach the gospel. I thank God each day for your love for the work and your support at whatever level you are involved. Thank you!

Now, on to the news of the week, and it is great...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Donnie Bates and Denton Landon are on their way home from teaching short courses and sharing in the graduation ceremony at the Chimala Bible Institute. Read more about their trip in Donnie’s latest report.

Howell Ferguson’s report provides information about the valuable position of Ukraine for the work of the kingdom.

Extension Reports 

History (Spiritual And Physical) In The Making: The development of the school in Cameroon continues to see events unfold setting a precedence for the school and the future.

Work In Togo Is Influencing Many: A new class in a new location is having powerful influence in the work of the Center for Biblical Studies in Togo.

Hope, Hongera, Hatari Are Words To Remember: The Chimala Bible Institute recently graduated its most recent class. It was a time of congratulations (hongera) and danger (hatari). Read Garry’s report to learn what happened.

Listening Twice From Two Languages: Donnie Estep recently traveled to Uganda to teach. The students who understand English and Swahili were hearing the lesson in both languages.

Good News Is Contagious In Tanzania: You do not have to read very far in Cy Stafford’s report to see how great the news is connected with the Andrew Connally School Of Preaching.

Third Annual Preachers’ Wife Seminar In Arusha: 21 women gathered for encouragement as the wife of preachers in Arusha. Jimmy Gee’s report shares the news about this event and more. 

Final Thoughts
There is always a need for help in many areas of this work. If you would like to be involved in helping support this work financially, please send me an e-mail at I would love to hear from you and talk with you further about how you can support a student, provide funds for the general operations of a school, or what is needed for those working within the program.

We also need those who are willing to spend time in fervent prayer about the various needs of the work. Please pray for the Bear Valley Extension staff and the men and women who are involved in making this work move forward.

I will close with simply saying thank you. We could not do this work without you. Please share the news with others and encourage everyone you know to get involved and help. 

God bless

Posted on November 13, 2011 .