To Our Loyal Supporters, Family and All Interested in this Work:
Yesterday, 21 women attended the 3rd Annual Preachers’ Wife Seminar hosted by Stephanie Stafford. The theme for this great day was “How the Preacher’s Wife Can Support Her Husband’s Ministry.” “Evangelism” was Trina’s assigned topic, while others spoke on Encouragement, Hospitality, Visiting members, Quiet Time with God and Having a Christ-like Spirit. Stephanie is also planning a Ladies’ Retreat for next April!
The abandoned baby girl (covered in scratches with a large bruise on her back), found in the ravine, was released from the hospital to the custody of the Cradle of Love Baby Home. She is doing fine. However, the family that found her is being accused by some of their relatives of selling the baby to us or the orphanage!
Abigail and Lindsey have both passed their I, II and III John class and Abigail also passed her Personal Evangelism class. In Abigail’s words: “I really enjoyed the challenge presented by the Personal Evangelism class to stick my foot out the door and do Bible studies. While I’ve always thought I was “evangelistic” I haven’t always been an “evangelist.” Commenting on the I, II, and III John class, Lindsey states, “I enjoyed the emphasis on the necessity of our actions following our words.” She is now preparing to take the I and II Corinthians short course to be taught by Earl Edwards (due to arrive Friday). Please pray for his safe travel.
Today, we will say “Good-bye and Thank you” to guest Anita Davidson as she leaves for the states. Also, on Monday, Jimmy will travel to Nairobi for a routine medical check-up. Co-worker Elly Martin will be traveling with him.
My study with Jessica and Maureen was turned over to Paulina because Trina was at the clinic with Matthew. Sadly, Maureen had to return to her parents’ home before the study was completed and Jessica was out of town for several days. We plan to study this week.
At the ACSOP, Tanzanian instructor Charles Heberth begins teaching the Gospel of John Monday to the English class. Jimmy has been teaching this book on Sunday mornings so the students have a ‘head start” in the class!
Upcoming events include an ACSOP graduation, Future Preachers Training Camp and Tanzania Christian Camp (TCC). John Rice and Burt Fuller will arrive a week before TCC to travel with Jimmy to Dar es Salaam to discuss the possibility of conducting a Christian camp there in the future. Thank you for your continued support and prayers!
In Christian Love,
The Jimmy Gee family