Work In Togo Is Influencing Many...

Yaovi is a recent graduate of CBS and resides in Kusuntu with his family. While in school, he was working with the Nyiveme congregation. Since it is our policy that no two preachers will work in one congregation, we decided to start this new congregation for Yaovi Amegadzi. The campaign started on the 27th October and ended on the 30th . Activities at the campaign included: house to house teaching, open air preaching each night from 6:30-9:00 pm.

On September 12th, 2011, the Center for Biblical Studies started a new academic year with 20 new students. These men are from different church backgrounds and from different parts of the country. It was rather unfortunate that during the interview only seven men from the church met the criteria set by the committee and the rest came from denominational churches. However, two men from the church of Christ couldn’t make it when the school reopened. We also had two men from the “one cup” movement of the Church of Christ. These men have now accepted the teaching of the Church of Christ and have been subsequently baptized. Now, we have five members of the Church of Christ and fifteen from the denomination. It may interest you to know that three students are also contemplating baptizing. As part of the requirements of CBS, all the students are enrolled in the World Bible School.

We started each evening program with a film show on the life of Christ to draw the crowd and then preached to them. We had a crowd of about 100 each night while a lot more stayed home to listen. The campaign was climaxed with a worship service. Selorm taught the bible class and I delivered the sermon.

We were blessed with (3) three baptisms: two ladies and a man.

New congregation planted on Macarthy Hill
Macarthy Hill is one of the affluent communities in the city of Accra. One of our elders and his family reside in this community. Recently, the Nsawam Road Church of Christ organized a massive tract distribution and a church planting exercise. We in Ghana are grateful to Mission Printing for providing the tracts used in the exercise.

As a result of the tract distribution and open air preaching for three nights, a congregation of the Lord’s church now meets on the Macarthy Hill.

I grew up and started my schooling in Golokwati. The town has a small group of Christians meeting there. I had the opportunity to worship and preach the sermon during my recent visit home. I also felt very honored to name a new born baby.

The Golokwati church was also beareved in September. Congregations in the region were represented in their numbers to mourn with us. Ludwig Atsu was the oldest member in the congregation, and died at age 76.

Finally, on September 23rd, I completed my class room work with a final exam in Organization Development. Later a dinner climaxed the activities of the day. This course was jointly organized by the (UCC) University of Cape Coast and OCIC – Organization Capacity Improvement Consultancy. I am planning to share the knowledge and the skills I have acquired with leaders in the Lord’s Church by organizing seminars and workshops.

Five of the eight recent graduates of CBS came in from the denominational church where some were already preaching. They were converted through CBS in less than one year after they enrolled. They have given up denominationalism and as a result will not have anything to do with their former churches. They are now working in very small village churches that do not have the strength financially to support them.

These men you see in this picture have lost the allowance they were given while in school since the new students have to use it. They are confused, discouraged and don’t know what to do. The situation is affecting the morale of this men. I have encouraged them to stay on and pray. You can appreciate how I felt before these men in Kpalime. They find themselves in a limbo. They can’t go back to their former churches and they can find immediate support to live on and take care of their families. Yaovi’s wife is pregnant and can give birth at anytime. We can manage with $600.00 each month to take care of these men till something permanent can be arranged for them. Please come to our aid. It is my prayer the good Lord will touch someone’s heart in this matter. We are holding discussions to raise funds to start rearing animals for sale to earn some income that will be used to supplement what ever these men can raise. But, all these will take some time to materialize.

H. Willie Gley
P.O. Box An 19611 Accra-North, Ghana
Cell: 011-233-244-509169 

Blanco Church of Christ
P, O, Box 866
Blanco, TX, 78606
Tel: 830-833-4884

Click here to read about the work of the Center for Biblical Studies in Kpalime, Togo. This link includes the pictures from the PDF file on this report.

Please take a few minutes to read Willie's report.

Posted on November 13, 2011 .