Greetings Fellow Workers;
What a week the Lord has blessed His Kingdom with! We hope and we pray all is well in your life of service. We pray your day in worship is all God would have it to be and that you and your fellow Christians are edified to the fullest.
Yesterday, 21 “preacher’s wives” came together at our home to learn more about life as a servant’s wife in the Lord’s Church and to encourage one another in the work of God. The ladies raved as to the lessons and overall experience. What impressed me, among other things, was the number of ladies present. The 21 represent some of the local congregations and show the growth of God’s work here in Tanzania.
Every week I am privileged to receive phone calls, sms messages, e-mails, letters in the mail, etc. from many of our graduates. Their reports are always encouraging and always challenging. Here is but a sampling of the Good News:
Eliay Samhenda; “We are now evangelizing and conducting Bible teaching from house to house in the area surrounding Bonga. Our aim is to get those who have ability to help others before our movement begins next year. Our goal is to establish new congregations at Galapo, Magugu and Dareda.”
William Rodrick; “The Church is doing well, during this month the attendance was positive, having some people to whom we have given them Bible Correspondence Courses visited our worship services, the great joy is one soul obeyed the Gospel of Jesus and the Lord added him to His Church. Please pray for this new baby in Christ so that they may overcome all the trickery of the devil. His name is Baraka (blessing) Godson.
Charles Ogutu; “Just to let you know that in the past week we visited a town called Nyahururu in central Kenya and had three days of evangelism. Four souls obeyed the Gospel, glory to God.”
Gasper Julius; “The work of God is expanding, the church has plans, if God wishes, next year for all those who are coming very far, we shall establish congregations again at their places. We will be able to do this because we have two brothers graduating from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching this November. If the Lord wills, we have three more brothers willing to join the new class in Feb. 2012.”
Cotton Box & Gene Davis; Our two brothers are now back home with their families. After spending close to three weeks here in Tanzania teaching and preaching the Gospel to the good people of Kioga and Ushirombo. Nine souls God would add to His Church through these brother’s efforts. We thank God for them and for all who come and join us in this grand evangelistic effort.
Anita Davidson; Our sister in Christ from the Bear Valley congregation in Denver, CO leaves tonight. We thank God for her and her efforts while here. We pray God blesses her with safe travels and a long life in His Service.
Too many good things to report, too little space! We close by saying thank you all for your part in this work of God. May your week make a difference in the life of some lost soul.
In Him,
Cy, Stephanie and Granny