As I write this week’s report, I am completing my trip in East Africa. Over the past week I have been privileged to visit two locations in Tanzania where the Bible Institute shares in the work of training men to preach the gospel: Chimala and Arusha.
The Chimala Bible Institute (CBI) is part of the Chimala Mission under the oversight of the New York Avenue congregation in Arlington, Texas. The Mission also hosts a hospital, along with a primary and secondary education program. CBI (formerly the Chimala Bible College and the Chimala School of Preaching) became the umbrella of both schools that were involved in training men to preach in Swahili and English.
The school has 26 men enrolled who are preparing themselves for the great work of teaching others about Jesus. In just a few weeks the Chimala Bible Institute will graduate 12 of these men, seven from the Swahili program and five from the English. The staff of the Bible Institute is continuing their efforts to recruit students for the next class which promises to be even larger. You can read more about the Chimala Bible Institute and watch some video footage on their web-page.
It was a great blessing to be in Chimala. I was encouraged to meet the staff and students. We met several times to visit about the work and ways we can improve the overall program in the months and years ahead.
The last part of the trip was spent at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching in Arusha (ACSOP), Tanzania. The ACSOP is a work of the Kensington Woods congregation in Hattiesburg, MS. The TZ2000 work is under the direction of Cy Stafford. Cy and the staff of the school have been preparing men to preach the gospel in the northern section of Tanzania for the past 14 years.
The Andrew Connally School is only part of the TZ2000 work. The efforts to help the kingdom grow are also connected to the Moshi Bible School and the Arusha Bible School. Both of these efforts are connected to congregations planted by the work several years back. These schools have also been instrumental in providing students for the school of preaching. The development of the work in the ACSOP has played a significant role in the planting and growth of more than 100 congregations in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.
I urge you to look at the depth of information about the ACSOP on their web-page. Having opportunity to meet with the staff and students these past few days continues to strengthen the bond we share in this work. I have admired the work of the Stafford’s and the TZ2000 team for several years. I look forward to the years ahead.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Extension Reports
Opportunities Grow In Cameroon: A new PA system, transportation and growth in the congregation increase the opportunities in Cameroon.
Graduation And New Class Begins At WCSOP: Graduation is quickly approaching in Takoradi, Ghana. As well, a new class begins in training men to preach in West Africa.
English And Kiswahili Classes In Uganda: Francis Wechesa shares the latest information about the two programs training men to preach at the Uganda School of Evangelism.
A Tribute In Ghana: A beautiful tribute in Ghana provides a beautiful backdrop to the description of the work in West Africa.
Flight To Mbeya Aids The Work In Chimala: Garry Hill’s report about the work in Chimala shows the benefit of flying into Mbeyha for those traveling to the Mission.
Twenty New Students Begin In Togo: The program continues to grow and show great progress at the Center For Biblical Studies in Kpalime, Togo.
The Joy And Blessing Of God’s Kingdom: This week’s report from Cy Stafford highlights the joy and blessing of being a part of God’s kingdom.
Two In One And Even More From Arusha: Jimmy Gee combines two reports in one and a whole lot more about the work in Arusha.
Final Thoughts
It has been one incredible week. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be involved in this work. I am encouraged by the sacrifices made by so many to train men to preach the gospel. I have now had opportunity to see each of the 15 locations where Bear Valley is able to share in the work of Extension Training.
I know this is possible because of so many of you. Thank you for your love of the Lord, your desire to see the kingdom grow, and understanding the urgency of reaching the lost with the gospel of Christ.
I pray you know those who are involved in this work are serving faithfully in this task.
God bless