The Joy And Blessing Of God's Kingdom...

Greetings Fellow Workers:

What a joy it is to be part of God’s family and to know we will be with one another forever in the life to come. What a promise from our Lord, that He has gone to prepare a place for us. Heaven should be on our hearts and minds often, giving us the hope and faith to overcome the trials and tribulations of this life. We take great comfort knowing we have friends and family like you, praying and supporting God’s work here in Tanzania. Thank you all so very much!

Today was a very special day in Arusha. We were blessed with a great lesson in Bible class on the topic of God, His names and what they mean to Christians, followed by a most powerful sermon on Heaven. Bob Turner, Director of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Extension program was God’s evangelist who blessed us this day. Seven responded to the invitation asking for prayers for stronger faith, help on ones journey to Heaven, etc. Thank you Bob Turner, may our God continue to bless you in your life and work.

We are so excited about the upcoming graduation at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching on November 26th. This year we are thankful to have Dr. Earl Edwards from Freed Hardeman University coming to teach 1 & 2 Corinthians the week before graduation. He will also be our guest speaker during the graduation of 15 evangelist. Yes, we are indeed a blessed people.

Please remember in your prayers Edith Kinkaid (Jimmy’s great aunt) and Trina’s mother Rita who will be flying out tonight heading back to the States. Edith has been conducting 3 or 4 personal Bible Studies almost every day for the past two weeks. Souls have obeyed the Gospel, many have been encouraged and the Church has grown because our dear sister in Christ, a great lady of faith who cared! What an example of faith and putting God first in ones life (Matthew 6.33). 

Also, remember Cotton Box and Gene Davis as they make their way over on the 24th of this month. They will engage in personal Bible studies with David Bayi at Kioga and also will make the long trip to Ushirombo (100 miles south of Lake Victoria) to work with Yusuph Madaki and the Lord’s Church in that area. We thank Cotton and Gene for their continued support and involvement in God’s mission work through “Tanzania 2000 missions”. They, and many others, who have joined us over the years making God’s mission work what it is today.

UPDATE: We have received $5,950 toward the much needed generator for the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, $17,705 remaining. A very special thank you to all who have donated for this need.

We wish you all a great week of service to Him and His. We continue to offer up prayers on your behalf, knowing God is able.  

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on October 16, 2011 .