Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,
“BE DILIGENT to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of Truth” (II Timothy 2:15). Edith Kincaid sure left a lot of follow-up work to do! :) Loveness (a Personal Evangelism graduate) will continue teaching Rose with whom Edith began lessons. It’s great to see the fruit from this seminar!
NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE the ability of young people. Lindsey is continuing to teach two young ladies (ages 21 and 16) named Neema and Theresia (not the same Theresia mentioned before) with whom Edith studied. Theresia’s father was killed a few months ago while guarding a jewelry wholesaler. Lindsey studied with the girls four afternoons this past week.
YESTERDAY, Abigail had two separate Bible studies with Grace, age 15 ( Lutheran) and Jane, age 13, whose family is Catholic. The topics taught were the Existence of God and the Authority of the Bible.
ROSEMARY, (a Christian of 10 months) taught our mid-week Ladies Bible class on Proverbs 7. Beginning this week, our Bible study will be on Thursday evenings instead of Wednesday due to some work schedules.
IT WAS OUR PRIVILEGE to have Bob Turner (Bear Valley Extension Coordinator) visit to meet with Cy Stafford, Jimmy and the entire ACSOP faculty to discuss the curriculum and possible future vocational projects (aimed at helping graduates become self-supporting). The students were also blessed to hear Bob speak on “Leadership.” Bob has left and we are thankful he had returned home safely.
DRESSED IN THEIR SPIRITUAL OVERALLS with their sleeves rolled up, Cotton Box and Gene Davis usually “hit the ground running,” ready to labor in the Lord’s vineyard in Tanzania. After arriving on October 25th, they will be working with David Bayi in Kioga for several days before traveling to Ushirombo to help Yusuph Mdaki with evangelism in that area.
“NEVER A DULL MOMENT.” Due to our large family, people often smile and say the afore-mentioned phrase. Yesterday, five-year-old Elijah was tipping the water filter over to get some water (in his mouth and not in a cup!) when the entire top and bottom fell, spilling water into the dining room and in the living room under my computer desk.
YOU CERTAINLY CAME THROUGH! We express our sincere gratitude to all who contributed to a new generator for the ACSOP. Since our electricity is not always reliable, a generator is a necessity in order to run the school. One man, who wishes to remain anonymous, contributed HALF the purchase price. Contributions total $20,950 leaving a balance of only $2,050! As soon as we get that amount we will make the purchase and get it installed.
“WE GIVE THANKS to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ…”(II Thess. 1:2-3).
In Christian Love,
The Jimmy Gee family