Dear Co-Workers,
We apologize that you did not receive last weeks’ report due to electrical and internet problems. We will do our best to squeeze in two weeks onto this one short page.
Lindsey and Abigail (whose work permits are in the process of being approved) are eligible to take classes at ACSOP. Both are enrolled in Jimmy’s I, II and III John class and Abigail is enrolled in a second class, “Personal Evangelism” taught by the TZ 2000 Mission Team director, Cy Stafford. Abigail and her friend, Happiness, gave out tracts last Friday and are planning to study with a 13-year-old girl named Jane who works for one of our members. Lindsey already has two studies set up for Monday with a 16 year old and a 21 year old (Neema and Therasia).
Please pray for new Christian Miriam, who, after we returned from the dentist, found her little mud room (6 x 8) stripped of everything but some clothes. Her husband had left and taken everything they owned (bed, kerosene stove, pots, utensils, etc). There was not as much as a bowl left. She has left to travel 8 hours to her parents’ house in Singida where sadly there is no congregation. We have talked about sending a student to try to establish one there.
Last week, Jimmy preached at Maji ya Chai and announced concerning the Future Preachers Training Camp and Tanzanian Christian Camp both in December. He also advertized the ACSOP, seeking students who are eligible to attend. Today, he visited the Monduli Juu congregation to make these things known. The rest of the family attended at Kisongo where Trina taught the Ladies class, finishing up Genesis 19.
Now, for the best news! Due to Edith’s diligent studies, we have a new sister in Christ! Eunote, a Maasi lady, in her 20’s, with one small child was eager to learn and after completing all the lessons, wanted to have her sins washed away. Eunote’s mother and brother are also Christians.
Edith conducted 40 Bible studies (with 8 non-Christians and 3 new Christians) in the three weeks that she was here. She also taught two lessons at the Galatians seminar where almost 60 people from five different congregations signed our attendance book. The men of the congregation cooked and organized our lunch. It was a great day! She also conducted a Personal Evangelism Seminar where 12 ladies finished the course and received a certificate. But more important than that, they received so much knowledge, advice and confidence to carry on the work of the church. To say that her “plate was full’ while she was here is an understatement. She was sick one day and rested in order that she could speak at the Galatians Seminar the next.
We are very thankful to the Union Grove Church of Christ who donated enough money to buy 200 Swahili Bibles. These will mainly be given to new Christians who do not own a Bible. The Union Grove congregation also contributed heavily to fund Edith’s trip. I think they got their money’s worth!
Our hearts are always full of gratitude to all the congregations that have a part in this work. Through your prayers, support and dedication, you have made this work a tremendous success.
Although We have given you a little overview of these past weeks, we will end with what the Queen of Sheba said after meeting King Solomon: “The half has not been told.”
In Christian Love,
The Gee family