December 2, 2013

Good morning, brethren!  It is hard to believe that 2013 is almost gone.  It has been a good year for our work with the Bear Valley extension program.  In the past month I was able to make a very quick trip to give reports to the good brethren of both the 4th & Jackson congregation in Hugo, OK and Calera, OK.  As I said, it was a very quick trip, but not uneventful.  I experienced a blowout on my rental car.  I am happy to say that it all turned out fine, and just a little proud that I was able to change that tire in my dress clothes without getting a spot of grease on me.  Seriously, I am thankful for God’s watchful care, as always.

I have one more trip scheduled for this year.  While the details are still being worked out, brother Denton Landon and I are planning a trip to Panama to deliver diplomas to students who have completed their work on their masters degree, and then on to Peru for a survey of future possibilities.  

So far this year, I have been privileged to attend the graduations of three schools.  In March I witnessed the graduation of five students from the full time program of ITL in Guatemala.  In May, I was blessed to be a part of the last graduation of IBH in Honduras, as well as, the graduation of five students from the Denver program.

Another great part of this year’s work was the beginning of classes of a new school in Asuncion, Paraguay.  The Asuncion Bible Academy began classes with five students on March 11.  We are very excited about the future of this new school.  

In 2013 I was blessed to teach a class on Advanced Homiletics during the third quarter of the program here in Denver.  In May I returned to Paraguay and taught Bible Geography.  In June I taught Old Testament Introduction to the students of ITL in Guatemala via our video conferencing system.  In August I traveled to Guatemala to teach a class on How We Got the Bible.  In October we had our campaign in Cobán, Guatemala.  And finally, last month (November 4-8), I once again taught a class in Guatemala via the video conferencing system; this time Christian Evidences.  I cannot overstate the blessing it is to have this technology that allows us to teach in remote areas of the world from Denver.  An interesting side note here is that while I was teaching this class, brother Bart Warren was teaching the same class in English next door to me.  What is interesting is that while I was standing in Denver teaching my class in Spanish to students in Guatemala, brother Bart was standing in Kentucky, using the same video system, teaching his class in English to students in Denver.  Sometimes the blessings God has given us to be able to train preachers all over the world just boggles the mind.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your interest in and support of this work, which allows us to be a part of of your work in training preachers.

As we near the end of this year, I wish to offer you a very Happy Holiday season, and God’s richest blessings as we prepare for a new year of work in His kingdom!

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on December 2, 2013 .

Bates Newsletter - October 20, 2013

Greeting, dear brethren!  I hope this edition of the newsletter finds you all well.  A lot has been happening since the last issue.  In that issue I reported that I would be making an previously unscheduled return to Guatemala to teach a class.  As it happens, I gave a report of our work to the brethren of the Golden church of Christ in Golden, Colorado the morning of August 25 and left immediately after church for the airport, arriving in Guatemala about 10:30 that evening.  My good friend Denton Landon had been able to teach one day of my class before he left Guatemala, leaving me four days of the class.  Because of our annual staff retreat, I needed to be back in Denver on Thursday evening of that week; I was able to make it to the retreat center late that night, having dropped off a bag of dirty clothes at home, picked up a previously-packed bag of clean clothes and continuing on my way.  An interesting side-note from the staff retreat is that one evening we calculated our air miles flown in the previous year.  Our team traveled 1.1 million air miles from Labor Day 2012 to Labor Day 2013 to train preachers around the world.  Wow!

I also reported in the last issue that I was making plans to take a group of four campaigners from Denver to Guatemala this month.  We have now been back from that trip for almost a week.  It was a great campaign, with several Bible studies conducted, contacts made and visitors at services.  Please keep the small congregation in Cobán, Guatemala in your prayers as they follow up with the work that was done.  One unfortunate result of the campaign is that we were apparently exposed to something.  I have been sick since before we returned, and several of the campaigners have also complained of symptoms.  I would appreciate your prayers for us, as well.  I hope to visit my doctor tomorrow and start making some ground toward recovery.  

I am currently working on translating material into Spanish for a class that is coming up in November in Guatemala.  Brother Nery Irías, who has worked so faithfully with us in Honduras, will be traveling to ITL in Guatemala to teach Old Testament I (Genesis, Exodus) that week.  When I am done with that, I’ll be working to prepare a class I will be teaching the next week via our video conferencing system at ITL on Christian Evidences.  

As you can see, things are still busy and the schedule is quite full, but I plan to make some very drastic modifications in my travel schedule in the near future.  I suspect that this illness may be at least aggravated by traveling so much.  I am very happy that brother Luis Camacho, who accompanied us on this campaign, has agreed to come on board and work more with us in our partnership with ITL.  This will be a great help and blessing to me.  

Again, I ask you to keep us and this great work in your prayers.  I also want to thank you all for your continued interest and support of this work.  Without good brethren like you, we would not be able to accomplish the things that continued to amaze us and cause us to praise God for being allowed to be a small part of it.  For more on what Bear Valley is accomplishing around the world, visit our website at:  

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on October 20, 2013 .

August 12, 2013

Greetings!  The Summer has gone by so fast I did not even realize that I had missed sending a newsletter for the month of July.  Sorry about that.  It has been a busy and hectic Summer to be sure.  We managed to get our daughter Jessica moved to Denver about a month and a half ago; we’re very glad to have her close by.  

During the month of July, we were able to visit the good brethren in Bayfield, Colorado for our annual report.  We always enjoy the opportunity to spend some time with good friends and brethren and the 300-mile drive over the Rocky Mountains is just an added benefit.

Currently, I am making preparations for an unscheduled return to Guatemala to teach a class the last week of this month, for a teacher who, because of health issues is not able to teach this time.  I will return just in time for our annual staff retreat on Labor Day weekend.  Immediately following that retreat, I plan to be giving annual reports to some more of our supporters.  As of this moment, I am scheduled to give a report to the congregation in Slim, OK Sunday morning, September 8 and to Cave Springs, AR on the evening of September 15.  I will be trying to fill the other slots of that week in the coming days.

Our plans continue for a Bear Valley campaign in Guatemala in the month of October.  We have four campaigners who plan to make the trip.  We still have not worked out the details of the campaign, but we are looking forward to a profitable time together in helping our brethren in the work there.

A new school year has begun here at the Denver campus, with ten new students and their families.  It is truly a blessing to welcome this new freshman class.  I am not currently scheduled to teach this year, but there is still plenty to do here.  I will be helping with the publication of Uplift, the school paper.  We are hoping to get an issue of this quarterly publication out this Summer.  We are also making plans for the 2013 Bear Valley Lectureship.  This year’s theme is “Majoring in the Minors” with a study of six of the Minor Prophets (Hosea - Micah).  If you are at all able, we would love to see you there.  Over the years, the BV Lectureship has grown and become one of the best in the brotherhood.

Let me close this report by saying how much we appreciate each one of you, not only for your financial support, which allows us to be involved in such a great work, but for your moral and prayerful support.  While it is impossible for us to “see” all the blessings involved, we know that without you, none of this would be possible.  Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts and may God bless you richly!!

In Him,

Donnie Bates

Posted on August 12, 2013 .

Bates Newsletter - June 11, 2013

Greetings, brethren!  It is hard to believe that this year is almost half over, already.  Where does the time go?

I am just at the end of a busy cycle of travel and teaching.  On May 19 I was very blessed to attend the graduation ceremony here at the Denver Campus.  It was an exciting day for so many!  That night I boarded a plane on my way to Asunción, Paraguay.  I arrived late Monday evening, May 20.  I was there to teach the first short course at the Asunción Bible Academy; the subject was Bible Geography.  Because we had only four days that week (because of my travel itinerary) our classes were from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day, except for Thursday when we ended at 3:00 so they could finish up one of their long courses.  I boarded my return flight in the wee hours of Saturday morning, arriving home around 11:20 p.m. Saturday night, May 25.  

I had a few days to prepare for my next trip, which was to Honduras.  On Wednesday, May 29 I left for Houston, Texas en route to Honduras.  I met up with brethren from Neosho and Seneca, Missouri on Thursday morning and we continued on to Danlí, arriving in time to attend the mid-week Bible study in the home of the one of the sisters of the El Zarzal, congregation.  On Friday evening, we attended the graduation of the second class of the Bible Institute of Honduras.  Six men graduated.  We are very proud of the men and women who are part of our program all over the world, but graduation always brings a special level of emotion.  Counting Guatemala in March, Denver on May 19, this was my third graduation of the year.  I never get tired of seeing it!

I returned to Denver on Saturday, June 1.  On June 2 I was honored to fill in for Wayne Burger in teaching and preaching in Conifer, Colorado while he is in Africa.  On Monday, I began a class in Guatemala (Old Testament Introduction) via our video conferencing system.  This is a new class that has just begun at ITL and I have not yet met them in person, but they impressed me as good students.  This past Sunday (June 9), I again filled in at the Conifer congregation.

On Saturday, June 15, Noma and I will begin a trip to report to some of our supporters.  We will begin in Topeka, Kansas.  We’re looking forward to being with the good brethren of the Quivira Heights congregation.  From there, the plan is to travel to Neosho, Missouri to give a report on the school in Honduras to the brethren there.  From there we will travel to Oklahoma, visiting family and over the next few days will be giving reports in both Arkansas and Texas, finishing with a report to the brethren at the Highland congregation in Tecumseh, Oklahoma.  Lord willing, we will be moving our daughter Jessica back to Colorado with us.

We are very thankful for your continued interest in and support of this work, and your unceasing prayers on our behalf.  We ask you to continue your prayers, especially in our travels over the next couple of weeks.

Thank you and God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on June 11, 2013 .

Another Short Course in the Books

The past week has been another week of firsts, not only for the Asunción Bible Academy, but for me, as well.  Students at the ABA finished their first quarter of studies in their two-year program a week ago.  This past week they had their first short course, which gave them a taste of how intensive a study can be, receiving an entire course in just one week.  It was also my first time to teach Bible Geography.

For the students' part, they are surviving quite well.  And that is impressive, given the fact that we only had four days for the class because of my schedule.  That meant our class ran from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day.  On Thursday we finished at 3:00 p.m. only because they had one more class they had to finish after that!  They seemed genuinely interested and engaged in the study and we had a good time together.  For my part, I enjoyed the class, too.  It's a very interesting subject that I would not mind developing further.

Earlier, I had reported that one of the students, our only female student, in fact (Karen), has been diagnosed with Dengue Fever.  I learned further that not only she, but her mother also contracted the fever.  Her mother was hospitalized, but Karen has not been, so far.  She is, at this time, some improved.  Apparently, the fever has been worse so far this year.  Several of the members of the Sacramento Ave. congregation have contracted it so far this year.  Thankfully, this week was much cooler which kept the mosquitos subdued and I only saw a few and was not bitten.

As I write this short report, I am on my way home to Denver.  I have only a few short days before heading to Honduras for the graduation of the students of the Honduras Bible Institute, but it will be good to be home for a bit.

Thank you for your interest in this great work!  God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on May 25, 2013 .

From Asunción, Paraguay - 05/21/13 (Part Two)

We had a great beginning to our study of Bible Geography today.  I thought I might finish today's material a little earlier than planned, but the class discussion was enough to take us past 5:00 p.m.  I think it's going to be a very good class.  

I did not anticipate that it would be dark when we got out of class.  Of course, I have to remember that we are in the southern hemisphere and we are coming into winter here, so the days are significantly shorter.  The temperature is cooler than it was in March, also.  I'm not to the point where I need a jacket (yet), but there are times one would be nice.  We'll see how the next few days go before deciding if I need to buy one.

Tonight, I plan to be in bed much earlier so I can try to catch up a little.  Once again, I thank all those who are praying for this trip, as well as others from BV that are traveling over the summer break or to any of our extenions. 

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on May 21, 2013 .

From Asunción, Paraguay - 05/21/13

I arrived in Asunción last night after a 23-hour trip from Denver.  After spending most of the night before in the airport in Las Vegas, Nevada with little sleep, I slept pretty well on the plane(s) the rest of the day.  The flights to Panama and Paraguay were uneventful, always a good aspect to any trip.

That kind of sleep pattern helped to make it difficult to get to sleep last night, and the news of the terrible tornado in Moore, Oklahoma did not help.  I thank God that my daughter, who teaches school not far from there, and her colleagues, are safe.  I join with so many others in expressing my heartache over the loss of so many lives.

Today, class begins in the first short course for the students at the Asunción Bible Academy.  We will be studying Bible Geography.  I'm looking forward to teaching this course for the first time.  The students here have just completed their first quarter of studies.  I understand that all are doing well and enthusiasm remains high.  I'm anxious to see them again.

Please keep us all in your prayers.  God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on May 21, 2013 .

Bates Newsletter - May 6, 2013

Greetings, brethren.  It is my prayer that this newsletter finds you well and faithfully involved in the vineyard of the Lord.

I want to repeat how much I appreciate the support and encouragement you give us in our work by your continued support, whether financial, moral or prayerful.  You are a very important part of this work.

In the month of April I was privileged to give a report to the brethren of the Blossom church of Christ in Blossom, Texas.  It is always a blessing to visit with that good congregation.  I was not able to schedule another report on that particular trip, but am planning to be in the area where many of our supporters are in June and look forward to being with as many as possible then.

Also in April I got to attend the 19th Annual Workshop in the Word, near Durango, Colorado.  I had not been able to attend this workshop in 13 years.  It was good seeing many old friends there.  A number of our students here in Denver were able to attend, as well as, brethren Denny Petrillo (who taught half of the sessions) and Wayne Burger, another instructor here.  I also spent time with some dear friends from the Bayfield church of Christ and worshipped with them on Wednesday evening of that week.

Presently, I am preparing for a trip to Asunción, Paraguay to teach Bible Geography in the first short course of the Asuncion Bible Academy.  I will leave Denver the evening of May 19.  Speaking of May 19, that is Graduation Day for the students here in Denver.  I return from Paraguay on May 25 and then travel to Honduras on May 30 to be there for graduation on the 31st.  This is a busy time, but that just means a lot is happening in the kingdom.  

Thank you again for your part in all of this.  To our financial supporters we offer this reminder, please send your checks to the Institute here at the address listed below and please make your checks out to BVBID, not to me.  Thank you!

School Contact Information: 

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver 
2707 S. Lamar
Denver, CO 80227 
(303) 986-5800 
(800) 766-4641
Fax:  (303) 986-8003

My Contact Information:

Donnie Bates
4801 S. Wadsworth #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123 
(303) 718-7040 

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on May 6, 2013 .

Bates Newsletter - March 31, 2013

March 31, 2013

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  I hope this newsletter finds you well.  It has been a busy month for us here.  

The third quarter of the school year ended on March 1, with a final exam in the Advanced Homiletics class.  All the students did well on their finals and their overall grades.  I must say I thoroughly enjoyed teaching that class and hope to have opportunity to teach it again.

On March 8, Bob Turner, Director of Extensions, and I left for Asunción, Paraguay, arriving Saturday evening, March 9.  On Sunday afternoon, after a great worship service with a capacity crowd and a delicious meal together, we got to participate in the exciting inauguration ceremony of the Asunción Bible Academy.  There are two sister congregations in Asunción (the only two in the country), and both were represented at the worship and ceremony.  Also students and faculty come from both congregations.  Bob and I began our journey home on Tuesday, March 12, around midday arriving in Denver Wednesday afternoon, March 13.

On Wednesday, March 20 Bob and I again headed to the airport, this time bound for Guatemala for the graduation of the Beta Class at ITL, as well as, the 4th Annual ITL Lectureship.  In addition, ITL celebrated its 5th anniversary.  There was a lot of ceremony, good fellowship and outstanding gospel preaching!  Approximately 450-500 people came together on Sunday morning for worship.  The logistical problems of finding room for so many people were great, but what a great problem to have!  Our hats are off to missionaries Hawatthia Jones and Byron Benitez, as well as, the rest of the ITL staff (Aníbal Ramirez and Darvin Alvarez) and the members of the Linda Vista congregation who hosted the event.  Bob and I returned home late Monday night, March 25.  

April will begin with a rapid pace, as well.  Beginning today and through tomorrow morning, the extension staff from all over the world will begin arriving for our annual extension meeting Monday and Tuesday.  It will be a good meeting as we make plans to improve our efforts to train preachers all over the world.

Thank you all so much for your interest, participation and support of this work.  The following paragraph is a partial repeat from last month.

I want to thank our supporters, first of all, for the ability you give us to do the work we do.  Secondly, I want to thank you for making the change to send your support to the school here.  When we announced this change, we expected there would be an adjustment period, but most have adjusted just fine.  Just by way of reminder, please send your checks to the Institute here at the address listed below and please make your checks out to BVBID, not to me.  Thank you!

School Contact Information: My Contact Information:

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver 
2707 S. Lamar
Denver, CO 80227 
(303) 986-5800 
(800) 766-4641
Fax:  (303) 986-8003

Donnie Bates
4801 S. Wadsworth #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123 
(303) 718-7040 

May God bless you richly!

Donnie Bates

Posted on March 31, 2013 .

Bates Newsletter - February 26, 2013

Greetings, brethren, in the name of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  It is hard to believe that February is already coming to a speedy conclusion.  Along with the end of the month comes the end of the third quarter of the school year here at the Denver campus of BVBID.  The Final Exam for the Advanced Homiletics class will be on Friday, March 1.  It has been a great experience for me to be able to teach this class and I am grateful for the opportunity.

A week later, on March 8, Bob Turner and I will be leaving for Paraguay to be present for the first day of classes in Asunción, Paraguay.  Our plan is to be there on Monday, March 11, for the first class and begin our return trip on Tuesday, arriving back in Denver on Wednesday morning.

On Thursday, March 21, just over a week later, Bob and I will be traveling to Guatemala for the 4th Annual ITL Lectures and the graduation of the Beta Class.  It’s hard to believe that two years have passed in the education of these students.  We are very proud of the work they have done and the progress they have made.  We have great confidence in the work they will do for the cause of Christ.

I want to thank our supporters, first of all, for the ability you give us to do the work we do.  Secondly, I want to thank you for making the change to send your support to the school here.  When we announced this change, we expected there would be an adjustment period, but most have adjusted just fine.  Just by way of reminder, please send your checks to the Institute here at the address listed below and make your checks out to BVBID, not to me.  Thank you so much for your interest in and support of our work.

School Contact Information: 

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver
2707 S. Lamar
Denver, CO 80227
(303) 986-5800
(800) 766-4641
Fax:  (303) 986-8003


My Contact Information:

Donnie Bates
4801 S. Wadsworth #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123
(303) 718-7040 

God bless you richly!

Donnie Bates

Posted on February 26, 2013 .

Bates Newsletter - January 17, 2013

Greetings, dear friends and brethren.  I am getting this newsletter out a little later in the month than I would have liked, and for that I apologize.  Things are going well with Noma and me.  In December we were finally able to sell our house in Edmond, OK and that was a huge relief.  Our daughter Jessica got to spend about three weeks with us over the holidays and we certainly enjoyed that.  We are looking forward to her moving here at the end of the school year.

I am very excited to have been asked to teach this quarter on the Denver campus.  I am teaching Advanced Homiletics (“the Science and Art of Sermon Preparation and Delivery”) to the Juniors and Seniors.  It’s proving to be a challenging assignment, but I am really enjoying the opportunity.

We are currently moving ahead with our plans for some big changes in our Latin American extensions this year.  We are still planning to consolidate our schools in Central America.  After the graduation of the Beta Class at the end of May, we will no longer be conducting classes at the Danlí, Honduras campus.  All future classes in the full-time program will be conducted at the Guatemala City campus.  We continue to keep plans for the Danlí area in mind in the way of campaigns, special seminars, etc.  We’re also still very excited as the time grows closer and closer for the beginning of classes in Asunción, Paraguay.  On March 11, Bob Turner (BV Director of Extensions) and I will be on hand for the first day of classes.

Speaking of the Guatemala City extension (ITL - Latin American Theological Institute), the second class (Beta Class) will be graduating on Sunday, March 24.  The graduation will be preceded that weekend, as is the custom there, by the Fourth Annual ITL Lectureship.  An invitation is extended to any who would like to come and see the program (all that ITL does) firsthand.  If you have an interest in attending, please let me know and I will get you all the information you need.  I promise, you will not be disappointed!

I want to also remind everyone who is a financial supporter of ours that beginning this month, we are asking our supporters to send their checks to the school here in Denver, with a notation with my name on the memo line.  Please make checks payable to:  BVBID and send to the school at this address:

School Contact Information: 

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver
2707 S. Lamar
Denver, CO 80227 
(303) 986-5800
(800) 766-4641
Fax:  (303) 986-8003

My Contact Information:

4801 S. Wadsworth #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123
(303) 718-7040

Thank you for your interest and support of our work.  God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 18, 2013 .

Great Opportunity for ITL!

The following is a letter from Hawatthia Jones and Byron Benitez concerning a great opportunity to purchase property for the Latin American Theological Institute.  Please read and give prayerful consideration to helping this great work!  I could not open the attachment with pictures of the property, but if you are interested, please contact me and I will get pictures to you.


Greetings Family, Friends and Supporter of Mission Guatemala!

It is our hope and prayer that you are enjoying this holiday season with your family and loved ones. It is also our prayer that God will bless each of you a prosperous 2013.

Many of you have told us to notify you when we have specific special needs. Well, at this time, there is a very important need for your assistance and we pray that you will be able to participate. Please excuse the general e-mail, but this is the quickest way to contact many of you at the same time. 

We have been blessed with a special opportunity to buy both the house we are renting and the house where ITL, our preaching training school, is located. The owner of our house is the son of the lady who owns the property where ITL meets. Due to circumstances beyond their control they need to sell both properties and have given us first option to buy both of them before they place them on the market. We believe that it is a great opportunity for our work and want to take advantage of it.

Please allow us to give you some details about the properties. First, the owner of our house plans to ask $95,000 for his house but is willing to sell it to us for $70,000. It is a four-bedroom, 4 1/2 bath house, with two additional rooms that can be converted into bedrooms. We have priced property in our neighborhood and have found that the $95,000 that he wants is reasonable since property in the Guatemala City area is quite expensive, especially in neighborhoods that are still deemed safe. We have lived in this neighborhood since we arrived to Guatemala in March of 2000.

The second property, which joins our house, is what we presently use for ITL. It includes a three-bedroom, 3-½ bath house, a two-bedroom, one bath apartment, and a studio apartment. Presently, our students live there and all of our classes for the school take place there. Remember that we have both a full-time program and a Saturday program. This property belongs to our landlord’s mother. She is willing to sell us her property for $80,000.

So, the total for both properties will be $150,000 and we presently have approximately $80,000 that we have raised to purchase property for ITL. We say approximately due to the exchange conversion rate. We will need to only raise $70,000 to purchase both properties.

We believe in using the monies we are entrusted the best way that we can and we believe this is a good way. The following are only some of the advantages for this purchase:

  1. The price for both properties is good for the area where they are located.
  2. We will no longer be paying rent and that money can be used in other areas of the ministry.
  3. Since the properties are next to one another, this provides an opportunity for the expansion of ITL as it grows.
  4. We are already in the facilities. We have lived in our house since 2000 and have rented the other property for ITL since 2009.
  5. The properties are centrally located for both the full-time students and for those who study on Saturday. Our full-time students are close to shopping and the other things they need for daily living. It is a fairly easy commute for our Saturday students to come where we are presently located.
  6. The properties are located in a safe area. Since we also have teachers who come from the U.S. to teach, this is very important.
  7. By purchasing the property, we will avoid the additional costs entailed in having to move our residence and the location of the school, and having to rent another house and another facility for ITL, which would likely be much more expensive than what we are currently paying for both.

We are calling on you to help us purchase these properties. If you can help us, we assure you that you donation will be put to its greatest use. We are also asking to inform as many people as you know about the great opportunity with which we have been blessed. We need to say “yes” to the sellers very soon. So, we need to hear from you as soon as you can to let us know if you can help. You have more than one option to get your donation to us. You can go to our secured website and donate online by clicking hereYou can also send your tax-deductible donation to our overseeing congregation at the following address:

Kingsley Terrace Church of Christ 
c/o Dwaine Himes/Guatemala Mission
2031 E. 30th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46218

Please note on your form of payment “Guatemala Property Fund.”

We are attaching pictures of the properties. We are also attaching an electronic “Property Donation Intent Form” to this message. Whether you donate online or through regular mail, please, send us this form through e-mail so that we can know more precisely the funds that have been raised for this purchase. We will keep everyone posted as we raise funds.

THANK YOU so much for the love and concern that you have for the Lord’s work in Guatemala. Thank you also for helping us to achieve this milestone in our work. Again, please help us get the word out to as many as possible about the opportunity we have with the purchase of these two properties.  Please remember to keep the work in Guatemala and us in your daily prayers.

May God continue to bless. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

We love you! Happy New Year!!!



Posted on December 29, 2012 .

Bates Newsletter - December 10, 2012

Greetings, brethren.  It’s hard to believe we are so close to the end of a very eventful 2012.  And it certainly has been eventful.  2012 has seen the decision to begin a new school in Paraguay.  Classes for the Academy of Theology in Paraguay are set to begin classes on March 11, 2013.  This year also saw my wife and me moving to Denver.  Last month I asked that our supporters begin sending their funds to the Institute here in Denver beginning January 1, 2013 (more on that below).  In this newsletter, I have a couple more items of very important news to cover.

New Developments in Honduras

After a great deal of discussion, prayer and consultation with all parties involved, the decision has been made to consolidate our Central American institutes into one.  This is a development that has been several months in the making.  On Saturday, December 1, brother Rick Hyder, representing the eldership of the Hillcrest church of Christ in Neosho, MO, and I met with brother Nery Irías, director of the Bible Institute of Honduras (IBH), to discuss the future of that institute and the overall work in the area of Danlí, Honduras.  Later, we all met with a group of about 15 preachers in the area to inform them of the changes and give contact information for the Latin American Theological Institute (ITL) in Guatemala City, as well as, answer questions about the change and future of the work of training preachers in Latin America.  The ultimate result of this change is that after the current class of students at IBH graduates around June 1, 2013, classes will no longer be conducted on that campus.  We are currently encouraging all new potential students in Honduras to apply to ITL which will begin classes sometime in May, 2013.  This year we began offering graduate level courses in Danlí twice a year.  Those courses will continue as before.

In our meetings with our Honduran brethren, I wanted very much that they understand (and I want you to understand) that this change has nothing to do with any lack of confidence or dissatisfaction with the efforts of our Honduran team.  I am very proud of the work our teachers have done in the four years we have worked to train preachers in Danlí.  The decision was made as a matter of stewardship.  All of us know that there is only a limited amount of resources available to us in doing this work.  We must be good stewards in order to be faithful to God.  By consolidating these two schools we simplify the process of fund raising, coordination of teachers for our short courses, and a number of other issues.  

I am viewing this as an exciting development that will hopefully result in a more efficient effort on our part, but I admit a certain bittersweet aspect of it.  I made my first trip to Danlí almost five years ago (February, 2008) and feel a special relationship with the brethren there.  I know that the brethren of the El Zarzal congregation, which has housed and encouraged the students of IBH, are saddened and will miss the help and encouragement of the students.  I tried to assure them that our relationship was not ending and that, Lord willing, I will return from time to time on campaigns with ITL and also with the brethren of the Hillcrest congregation.  Our focus in Danlí is still to train preachers for that area.  This change just means that the training itself will take place somewhere else.

Other Developments

As I noted last month, beginning January 1, 2013 our personal support funds will be routed through the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver.  So, please send your checks made out to the institute (or BVBID) with my name on the memo line.  The address is:  2707 S. Lamar, Denver, CO 80227.  If you live in Hugo , OK and have been making your contribution to this work by personally giving it to the church office, you may continue to do that and your support will be added to the that which will be sent on behalf of the congregation.

Another new development is that my contact information has changed just slightly.  Our mailing address is the same, but just recently I have changed my phone number to a local Denver number.  So, my contact information is:

Donnie Bates
4801 S. Wadsworth Blvd. #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123
(303) 718-7040

I want to conclude by thanking all of you very sincerely for your interest in and support of this work.  Without brethren like you, who are concerned about the need for preachers around the world, we could not do what we do.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart and may God bless you richly!  

From Noma and me to you and yours:  Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Year!

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on December 10, 2012 .

Bates Newsletter - November 12, 2012

Greetings, brethren!  I hope this newsletter finds you well.


Beginning January 1, 2013 all monies contributed to our work will be collected by the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver.  That means that those of you who have been faithfully sending support for our work to the 4th & Jackson St. church of Christ in Hugo, Oklahoma, will need to send it to BVBID after the first of the year.  I spoke with the elders of the 4th & Jackson congregation and they are fully supportive of this change.  If you live in Hugo and have been making your contribution to this work by personally giving it to the office, you may certainly continue to do that and your support will be added to the that which will be sent on behalf of the congregation.  For those of you who will now be sending your support to BVBID, please make your checks out to the institute (you may write it out as Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, or you may write BVBID), writing my name on the “Memo” line.  The address to which you will need to send it is:

2707 S. Lamar
Denver, CO 80227

Again, this is to begin on January 1, 2013.  Any support you send in December should be sent to Hugo as you have been doing.  I will repeat this advisory in next month’s newsletter.

Reports Given to Supporters

During the last couple of weeks in October I was able to give reports in person to the brethren of several congregations which support our work.  On October 21 I visited with the brethren of the 4th & Jackson congregation in Hugo and the Lynn Lane congregation in Idabel, Oklahoma.  On Wednesday, October 24, I reported to the brethren of the Wapanucka church of Christ in Wapanucka, Oklahoma.  On October 28 I gave reports to the congregations in Slim and Redland, Oklahoma.  On October 29 I gave a report on the Honduras Bible Institute to the elders of the Hillcrest church of Christ in Neosho, Missouri.  I returned home on October 30.  I want to thank the brethren of all these congregations for allowing me the opportunity to share with them personally the work we’re doing.

Future Plans

I will be in Honduras teaching two classes the first week of December, Lord willing.  

We are approaching the holiday season and on behalf of my wife and me, I want to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Holiday Season!

God bless,
Donnie Bates

Posted on November 12, 2012 .

Bates Newsletter - October 15, 2012

October 15, 2012

Greetings, brethren!  My prayer is that this edition of the Bates Newsletter finds you well and faithfully engaged in the labor of the Lord.  

The last month has seen the annual Bear Valley Homecoming Lectures and it was a fantastic weekend of great Gospel sermons from many faithful brethren.  It was a great blessing for all those who were present.  

Two masters classes were taught in Danlí, Honduras in September.  We were not able to teach the two scheduled short courses this month, so we will reschedule those to be taught later.  

Just this morning I received a report from Guatemala of five baptisms in the last month there.  We are excited to hear that news!  Short courses are scheduled to begin there on October 22.  Please pray for those classes and those who are traveling to teach them and, let’s not forget our translators!

I’ll be traveling over the next couple of weeks to give reports to some of our supporters.  I will be in Hugo, OK Sunday morning, October 21 and in Idabel, OK to give a report to the Lynn Lane congregation that evening.  Sunday morning, October 28 I’ll be with the brethren in Slim, OK and that evening in Redland, OK.  On Sunday afternoon, November 4 I will be meeting with the elders of the Hillcrest congregation in Neosho, MO to give a report about the school in Honduras.

I want to thank each of you for your interest and support of this work.  We could not do it without faithful brethren like you who are interested in training men to preach the Gospel in their own country and culture.  Yes, I know, God it is from Whom all blessings flow, but I am convinced that you are part of those blessings from Him!

If I can answer any questions, or if you know of others who might be interested in this work, please contact me at:  

4801 S. Wadsworth Blvd. #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123
(580) 326-1914 

God bless, 

Donnie Bates

Posted on October 15, 2012 .

Bates Newsletter - September 13, 2012

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord!  I hope this newsletter finds you all well.  We are well and enjoying somewhat cooler temperatures. 

The last month has been a busy one.  I traveled to Guatemala to teach a class during the week of August 20-24.  There was a lot of material to cover, but the students did very well and I’m very proud of the job they did.  

The weekend after my return, the Bear Valley staff assembled at the Eternal Purpose Retreat Center for our annual staff retreat.  Over 50 people assembled for an inspiring weekend, where we heard reports of work going on literally all over the world.  Within the next few months the number of extension schools in the program will reach eighteen and we will be training over 300 men to preach the Gospel.  These are exciting times, indeed!

At the retreat, Dr. Denny Petrillo, president of Bear Valley, announced the most aggressive fund raising campaign in Bear Valley’s history.  Our goal is to raise $500,000.00 by the end of this year.  A good start has been made on reaching this goal, but we have a long way to go.  I encourage you to visit our website ( and prayerfully consider how you might help.  If you do not have internet access, please contact me and I will be happy to give you further information about this campaign.

I am still planning on visiting some of our supporters in Oklahoma next month and will be giving more information about that soon.  I want to thank all of you, once again, for your support and interest in this work.

My contact information is:

4801 S. Wadsworth Blvd. #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123
(580) 326-1914

Until next time, may God richly bless each one of you. 

Donnie Bates

Posted on September 13, 2012 .

Bates Newsletter - August 7, 2012

Greetings, brethren, in the precious Name of our Savior, Jesus Christ!  I hope everyone is surviving the heat.  It has been a miserable summer all across the country this year with heat, drought, destructive weather and wildfires, but good things are happening, too.

We are now into our third month in our new home in Littleton.  It is truly a blessing to be here at “the home office,” so to speak.  We are enjoying getting to know, and be a part of, the Bear Valley congregation.  I have been blessed to teach in the Bible Class program and lead singing some.

A new class of students began yesterday at BVBID here at the Denver campus.  Thirteen families began a two-year journey through the school that will change their lives and, with God’s blessings, will help change the world.

As for my work, I am helping out on the Denver campus by subbing when needed.  I will also, Lord willing, travel to Guatemala to teach a class to the students there on Ezekiel.  I plan to leave on Saturday, August 18 and return on Friday, August 24.

Soon after I get back from that trip we have our annual staff retreat, which is always an exciting time.  I am also still making plans to travel to Oklahoma to give reports to several congregations in the Fall.  I have not yet begun contacting people about scheduling a time.  I have had to adjust my plans by just a bit.  As soon as I can, I want to start penciling in congregations and dates.

Please keep us in your prayers.  We appreciate very much the fact that so many prayers are offered on our behalf, but we continue to solicit more.  We ask you to pray that our house in Edmond will sell soon.  This is a continuing economic drain on our limited resources.  We also ask that you pray that we will be able to find the support that will allow Noma to accompany me on my international trips, utilizing her abilities in Spanish to teach ladies classes there.  I also want to include a reminder to make your checks payable to the:

4th & Jackson church of Christ
P.O. Drawer 549
Hugo, OK 74743

My contact information is:

Donnie Bates
4801 S. Wadsworth Blvd. #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123

(580) 326-1914

Thank you again for your interest in this work.  God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on August 7, 2012 .

Bates Newsletter - July 8, 2012

Greetings, brethren!  I hope and pray that this newsletter finds you all well and faithfully engaged in the vineyard of the Lord!!

Well, we have been in Denver for a month, now.  Much of our time has been spent in setting up our home.  We are very pleased with our apartment and it has begun to feel like home.  Being back in Denver feels like home, for sure.  It has been good to get reacquainted with some old friends and brethren from my time at the Bear Valley congregation as a student (30+ years ago), and to make new friends and acquaintances with those who were not here then.  

On June 22 we traveled to Bayfield, CO to give a report to that congregation on the 24th.  We are so grateful for their support; we always enjoy spending time with them.  We returned home on Monday, June 25, dodging wildfires along the way.  Actually, we never drove near any of the fires, but it was a concern to see how many there were (11 at one time across the state on that weekend).  Thankfully, most (if not all) of them are coming under control now, with rain and cooler temperatures.  It was also a blessing not to have to travel so far to get to Bayfield this year.  It’s still 300 miles away, but the last few years we’ve been traveling 800 miles to get there.

Currently, I am preparing to travel to Guatemala next month to teach a class on Ezekiel.  I am translating notes from that class by brother Dave Chamberlin, who has taught it for years here in Denver.  In fact, he was scheduled to teach the class via the Video Conferencing system here at BV, but that system will not be available that week, so I will travel there to do it in person.  

I will be making plans to head back to Oklahoma for a couple of weeks in the Fall to give reports at some of our supporting congregations, so some of you can expect some communication from me in the next week or so.  I plan on visiting with as many congregations as I can during that time.  We are still looking for additional funds because of a greater cost of living here, as well as, we are hoping to raise enough to allow Noma to travel more with me and help in training our sisters on the field.  If you are not already helping us financially, or would like to increase your help, you can contact me about visiting more with you in person.  If you prefer to just go ahead and send your support, please make your check out to the 4th & Jackson church of Christ and send it to the address below, with the notation that it is for our work.

I am also preparing to start teaching in some of the Bible Classes here at the Bear Valley congregation.  I’ll be filling in starting later this month and some next month in the adult Bible Classes and I am very excited about that.  It won’t be long before our extension staff will be headed to Denver for our annual staff retreat, which is always held on Labor Day weekend.  Summer is passing quickly, but we are definitely ready for cooler weather.  This weekend the temperature has been in the 70s for highs and it’s really been nice!

Thank you for your continued interest and support of this work.  May God richly bless you!

Donnie Bates

4801 S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Unit #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123

(580) 326-1914

4th & Jackson church of Christ
P.O. Drawer 549 
Hugo, OK 74743 

(580) 326-3457

Posted on July 8, 2012 .

Report from Honduras

The following report was received from brother Nery Irías, director of the Bible Institute of Honduras.

Good afternoon, brother Donnie.

I hope this finds you well together with your wife in your new home.

To continue, I present to you the report of the work of the students:

Porfirio Gonzales

The brother is visiting a town called “The 24th of December” with the purpose of establishing a congregation.  This place is located in El Paraiso.  Some brethren live there who have left the church.  He, along with Yoni (his son and graduate of IBH) are visiting these brethren and 4 were reconciled this Sunday.  All of them participated in the communion.  There are at least 10 brethren more that are in the denominations and the brother is visiting them to get them to come back to the church.  He has been distributing literature, giving classes and preaching house to house.

Enrique Figueroa

The brother is collaborating in Coyolar together with the preacher.  He is visiting a place where he is preaching the Gospel.  He has studied with some sectarian pastors over the necessity of obeying the truth and to seek the restoration and unity of the church.  Each Saturday and Sunday he collaborates in the preaching and classes in the church.  They have realized two weddings and four baptisms.

Jairo Irías

He is collaborating in El Zarzal in the preaching, evangelism, songs and direction of the Lord’s Supper.  He continues attending on Wednesdays Los Robles to teach the Bible to people.  Also, he has visited the brethren who have left (the church) and to encourage those who are discouraged.

Jose Cruz Lopez

The brother is collaborating in El Zarzal.  The past week he was collaborating in a campaign that was realized in La Villa de San Francisco where there were 10 baptisms and 4 restorations.  I have contributed and one person was baptized.  Also he is active in the work of evangelism, the songs and the preaching.  For the moment he takes charge of the youth group of the church, together with Hector (another graduate).

Jose Antonio Caceres

The brother is always helping brother Oscar each weekend in El Empalme de Trojes.  This month a gentleman was baptized and they helped him since he has problems of paralysis.  Brother Oscar is very satisfied by the work that Antonio does since he helps in every aspect of the work.

Gustavo Reyes

The brother continues helping the church of Cuyali, El Paraiso.  The preacher does not give him much participation in the services of the church.  Each Saturday he leave together with another brother to give studies and encourage the brethren.  The preacher feels jealousy toward Gustavo because the brethren like the way in which he teaches in the classes and sermons.  Gustavo spoken to him about it, saying that all he is doing is so as to affirm the church and help in its spiritual growth.

We are preparing ourselves for the campaign that will begin July 8 to July 14 in Talanga.  Brother Donnie, I want you to please do me a favor and send me the program of studies of the Beta Class, since I did not make copies and one day cleaning the office with the students, I believe it was lost among the papers of the trash.  I will appreciate it very much if you send it to me and I will make sure to make some copies.

Relating to the wall, we still do not have an answer on the part of the authorities, only a backhoe came and deepened more the creek and I believe that that is not sufficient, but our authorities are negligent.  I just hope to pay the taxes so that later, if possible, to interpose a demand for the possible damages that the creek causes to the property of the church.

God bless you and have a happy day!

Posted on June 30, 2012 .