From Asunción, Paraguay - 05/21/13

I arrived in Asunción last night after a 23-hour trip from Denver.  After spending most of the night before in the airport in Las Vegas, Nevada with little sleep, I slept pretty well on the plane(s) the rest of the day.  The flights to Panama and Paraguay were uneventful, always a good aspect to any trip.

That kind of sleep pattern helped to make it difficult to get to sleep last night, and the news of the terrible tornado in Moore, Oklahoma did not help.  I thank God that my daughter, who teaches school not far from there, and her colleagues, are safe.  I join with so many others in expressing my heartache over the loss of so many lives.

Today, class begins in the first short course for the students at the Asunción Bible Academy.  We will be studying Bible Geography.  I'm looking forward to teaching this course for the first time.  The students here have just completed their first quarter of studies.  I understand that all are doing well and enthusiasm remains high.  I'm anxious to see them again.

Please keep us all in your prayers.  God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on May 21, 2013 .