Bates Newsletter - January 17, 2013

Greetings, dear friends and brethren.  I am getting this newsletter out a little later in the month than I would have liked, and for that I apologize.  Things are going well with Noma and me.  In December we were finally able to sell our house in Edmond, OK and that was a huge relief.  Our daughter Jessica got to spend about three weeks with us over the holidays and we certainly enjoyed that.  We are looking forward to her moving here at the end of the school year.

I am very excited to have been asked to teach this quarter on the Denver campus.  I am teaching Advanced Homiletics (“the Science and Art of Sermon Preparation and Delivery”) to the Juniors and Seniors.  It’s proving to be a challenging assignment, but I am really enjoying the opportunity.

We are currently moving ahead with our plans for some big changes in our Latin American extensions this year.  We are still planning to consolidate our schools in Central America.  After the graduation of the Beta Class at the end of May, we will no longer be conducting classes at the Danlí, Honduras campus.  All future classes in the full-time program will be conducted at the Guatemala City campus.  We continue to keep plans for the Danlí area in mind in the way of campaigns, special seminars, etc.  We’re also still very excited as the time grows closer and closer for the beginning of classes in Asunción, Paraguay.  On March 11, Bob Turner (BV Director of Extensions) and I will be on hand for the first day of classes.

Speaking of the Guatemala City extension (ITL - Latin American Theological Institute), the second class (Beta Class) will be graduating on Sunday, March 24.  The graduation will be preceded that weekend, as is the custom there, by the Fourth Annual ITL Lectureship.  An invitation is extended to any who would like to come and see the program (all that ITL does) firsthand.  If you have an interest in attending, please let me know and I will get you all the information you need.  I promise, you will not be disappointed!

I want to also remind everyone who is a financial supporter of ours that beginning this month, we are asking our supporters to send their checks to the school here in Denver, with a notation with my name on the memo line.  Please make checks payable to:  BVBID and send to the school at this address:

School Contact Information: 

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver
2707 S. Lamar
Denver, CO 80227 
(303) 986-5800
(800) 766-4641
Fax:  (303) 986-8003

My Contact Information:

4801 S. Wadsworth #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123
(303) 718-7040

Thank you for your interest and support of our work.  God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 18, 2013 .