Bates Newsletter - February 26, 2013

Greetings, brethren, in the name of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  It is hard to believe that February is already coming to a speedy conclusion.  Along with the end of the month comes the end of the third quarter of the school year here at the Denver campus of BVBID.  The Final Exam for the Advanced Homiletics class will be on Friday, March 1.  It has been a great experience for me to be able to teach this class and I am grateful for the opportunity.

A week later, on March 8, Bob Turner and I will be leaving for Paraguay to be present for the first day of classes in Asunción, Paraguay.  Our plan is to be there on Monday, March 11, for the first class and begin our return trip on Tuesday, arriving back in Denver on Wednesday morning.

On Thursday, March 21, just over a week later, Bob and I will be traveling to Guatemala for the 4th Annual ITL Lectures and the graduation of the Beta Class.  It’s hard to believe that two years have passed in the education of these students.  We are very proud of the work they have done and the progress they have made.  We have great confidence in the work they will do for the cause of Christ.

I want to thank our supporters, first of all, for the ability you give us to do the work we do.  Secondly, I want to thank you for making the change to send your support to the school here.  When we announced this change, we expected there would be an adjustment period, but most have adjusted just fine.  Just by way of reminder, please send your checks to the Institute here at the address listed below and make your checks out to BVBID, not to me.  Thank you so much for your interest in and support of our work.

School Contact Information: 

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver
2707 S. Lamar
Denver, CO 80227
(303) 986-5800
(800) 766-4641
Fax:  (303) 986-8003


My Contact Information:

Donnie Bates
4801 S. Wadsworth #3-105
Littleton, CO 80123
(303) 718-7040 

God bless you richly!

Donnie Bates

Posted on February 26, 2013 .