Kumasi, Ghana students welcome new students




 We praise God, for the son of thy love, who has renewed our lives for His faithfulness.


 The general quarter activities continued successfully per the academic calendar of the institution.


  • The quarter has ended successfully with our weekly classes as schedules.

  • Participatory level in class is always high, livelier and more interactive.

  • Two new students have been enrolled to the school, level one hundred Emmanuel Afriyie Antwi from KNUST and Daniel Okyere Asiagbor from KsTU

  • All students at BVBI have been assigned on weekly bases to assist the newly establish church at Kentinkrono except those enrolled in this quarter.

  • There has been follow-up evangelism after Class at Kentinkrono

  • The Digital Library has improved Research and Sermons

  • Increase in Directors and Instructors Support


Christian Evidences, Inter-Testament Period, Bible Geography, Old Testament Literature

Posted on October 10, 2024 .

Accra East students go house to house

ACCRA EAST EXTENSION - Third Quarter Report - 2024

Courses Covered

The third quarter began on July 5, 2024, and concluded on September 28, 2024. During this period, the school successfully completed three courses, including the newly added Greek Language I and II:

  • Greek Language I

  • The Book of Hebrews

  • Greek Language II

So far, we have completed the majority of the courses. A few remaining courses include: “How We Got the Bible”, “Old Testament 3”, "Homiletics II", “Hermeneutics II”, “World Religions”, “Counseling”, “Bible Geography”, and “Marriage and Family Life”, among others. We plan to tackle these in the fourth quarter and into next year.

Report on Students

Despite a few instances of decreased attendance, students' performance was highly commendable throughout this quarter. They consistently showed remarkable dedication by attending classes on time and regularly. A few students faced challenges due to their location and work schedules, which affected their punctuality and regular attendance. However, overall attendance was encouraged with an average of eight (8) students participating each class. Additionally, students actively engaged in class tests and discussions, contributing to a lively learning environment.

The students initially responded positively to the Greek language course, with attendance reaching 10-11 in the first class. However, in the following weeks, attendance dropped to 5, 7 as some students expressed unease due to the material's difficulty. The Greek lecturer, Samuel Papa-Woode, along with myself and some students, encouraged them to recognize that understanding Greek is a requirement for completing their program and is also essential for their biblical scholarly study. As a result, we observed improvement in subsequent classes. Overall, the majority of students showed determination and commitment to studying Greek, even staying beyond the normal closing time.

House-to-House Evangelism

House-to-house evangelism continued in the communities of Gomoa Asebu, Awutu Breku Twiime, and later in the quarter at Bohye-North Atomic. This outreach led to the establishment of a new congregation at Bohye-North Atomic as part of the Accra East church planting program. Students were assigned to the Gomoa Asebu and Awutu Breku congregations on a rotating basis, visiting every Sunday and engaging in evangelism after worship services. Additionally, students were encouraged to participate in evangelism within their own communities and congregations.

During this period, we witnessed five baptisms: two at the Nmai Djorn Accra East congregation and three at the Boi Church of Christ. One student, John Achie-Quopy, has been instrumental in winning souls for the Boi Church of Christ, where he recorded three baptisms this quarter alone.

Church Planting Program 2024

This year's church planting program was planned for Achanisa-Abobiri in the Eastern Region, a small cocoa farming village. Initially scheduled for April 26-28, 2024, the campaign and inauguration were postponed due to the passing of a community elder and subsequent seasonal rains. The new dates were set for July 27-28, 2024. However, as the time approached, the brother for whom we chose the location and who was to oversee the church planting fell ill and was hospitalized. Upon his return home, he was still not strong enough to take up the task, so he requested that we postpone the planting of the church to December 2024.

In light of this, we turned our attention to Bro. John Achie-Quophy, one of our students, who proposed a new location for the church planting: Bohye North Atomic. He highlighted a densely populated community that lacks a Church of Christ. Bro. John conducted feasibility studies, secured a meeting place, and organized a few members residing in the area.

Since the school had already organized the necessary resources and supplies for the church planting initiative, we quickly arranged to move forward without delay. On Friday, September 13, we gathered for prayer in preparation for the evangelism effort and the church's inauguration. On Saturday, September 14, we conducted house-to-house evangelism, invited people to the church, and distributed tracts.

On Sunday, September 15, we inaugurated the church. Although attendance was modest since many students returned to their various congregations, it was a joyful and encouraging experience. We sang hymns and praised God. I led the Bible class on the topic "The Fruit of Fellowship," based on Acts 2:42-47. Bro. Acquah, the students' class captain, delivered the sermon on "Bearing Fruit as Christians."

The inaugural service saw an attendance of fifteen (15) people: four women, six men, and five children. During this service, we received a total offering of two hundred and sixty Ghana cedis (GH¢260.00), which will help support the ongoing activities of the new church. These records indicate a promising start for the Bohye North Atomic congregation.

Looking ahead, we plan to go to Achanisa-Abobiri in the Eastern Region for next year's church planting program, if God permits.

The Held Lectureship

The school, in collaboration with Nmai Djorn Church of Christ, organized a lectureship on Sunday, September 22, 2024. As the minister of the church and the local director of the school, I had the opportunity to meet with the leadership of Nmai Djorn and the students to discuss the details of the event. The final date for the lectureship was moved to September 22.

The lectures were delivered by Emmanuel Yaw Amo Gyimah, one of the Bear Valley lecturers. We also invited Kojo Acquah, the coordinator, and E.O. Larbi, the director; of Bear Valley however, due to their schedules and travel commitments, they were unable to attend. As a result, the instructor, Amo Gyimah, handled the program alone.

Originally, the event was scheduled for the first Sunday in September but was moved to September 22. The initial topics included:

  1. How to Safeguard Biblical Truth in a Changing World

  2. Principles of Hermeneutics and Interpretation (Foundational rules and guidelines for interpreting and understanding biblical texts)

  3. The Role of Scripture in Today's Culture

During our meeting to discuss the program, some students expressed concerns that the work of preachers is often undermined today, leading to a perceived loss of dignity and diminished appeal in the ministry. In response to this feedback, we decided to shift the focus to the role of the preacher. This suggestion was well-received and prompted us to change the date as well. The new topics chosen were:

  1. The Importance and Honoring of Preachers

  2. The Biblical Justification for Financial Support of Preachers

Attendance was robust, and the lecturer delivered the topics exceptionally well. The members expressed their desire for such programs to be organized annually.

Posted on October 10, 2024 .

Ash town, Ghana students baptize 6 souls




We extend our deepest gratitude to Almighty God for His unwavering guidance. This report presents a comprehensive overview of Bear Valley Bible Institute's achievements and notable events in Ashtown, Kasoa, Ghana, for the third quarter of 2024.


Papaase School and Ashtown School have undergone consolidation. Following a significant decline in student enrollment, Papaase School’s operations have been integrated into Ashtown School. Three Students from Papaase School, nearing program completion, will finish their studies at Ashtown School , while three active students will continue their studies at Ashtown School.


Over the past quarter, four comprehensive courses were successfully delivered. Emmanuel Larbi taught 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude while Emmanuel Yaw Amoo-Gyimah led Church Planting. Wisdom Kwasi Yirenkyi Instructed 1st, 2nd  and 3rd John and Cost of Discipleship. Eighteen students participated in these enriching courses.


On July 14, 2024, the Director paid a visit to Church of Christ, Rock City, Kasoa, where Brother Ebenezer Ocansey Otu, a student, serves as  Preacher. The purpose of the visit was to assess the church’s progress and provide encouragement. During the visit, I delivered an exhortation to the congregation comprising 45 adult members and additional children. Brother Ebenezer’s efforts have yielded notable improvements. We pray for God’s continued empowerment with strength and wisdom.


Adom Estate Congregation Celebrates First Anniversary. We gratefully acknowledge God’s blessings as Adom Estate congregation marks its first year since establishment.

On September 22, 2024, I visited the church to assess its progress. During the visit, Brother Emmanuel Aggrey led the Bible class, focusing on “Daily Walk with God.” I also had the opportunity to exhort the brethren. The attendance was encouraging, with 50 members, including children.

We remember Brother Nicholas Tsitsi, who passed away in June. His funeral was held on September 28. The church mourns the loss of a devoted leader and brother. May his soul rest in peace, and may God comfort his wife and children during this difficult time.

As we enter the final quarter of the year, we plan to strengthen the church, God willing.


On August 17, 2024, our team conducted a successful door to door evangelism outreach in the Adom Estate neighborhood, with 14 students actively participating in sharing the Gospel.


Let’s celebrate! Our students have helped six people get baptized this quarter. Their hard work sharing the Gospel and guiding others has paid off. We’re thankful to God for these new believers and will keep praying for their growth.


We proudly feature Dr. Daniel Obiri Acheampong, a 32-year-old Clinical Pharmacist and Pharmacy Manager (Pharm D), as our outstanding student for this quarter.

A devoted member of the Lord’s Church at Mpraeso Kwahu, Daniel was baptized on December 27, 2009. He actively serves in various roles: Bible class teacher, Youth secretary, Songs leader, Evangelism committee member, Monitoring and evaluation (church administration and programs), Health committee member.

He is a transfer student from Kumasi campus who joined us in the third quarter. This is what he said of Bear Valley, “Through Bear Valley’s dedicated teaching and learning, I’ve personally experienced the transformative power of God’s word. I’ve gained practical skills to interpret and communicate Scripture accurately. Bear Valley is an exceptional institution, and I’m grateful to be a part.”


We express profound appreciation to the leadership of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Colorado, USA, and the global brotherhood for their steadfast support and guidance. Your generosity and encouragement have significantly impacted our institution and we are deeply grateful for your commitment to our share missed. May God richly bless and replenish you, multiplying your investment in His Kingdom.

Reported by Larbi.

Posted on October 10, 2024 .

Accra students have successful campaign

Southern Institute of Biblical Studies (BVBI) – Accra, Ghana

Monthly Report - September 2024

We praise God for His wonderful works in the month of September 2024. We acknowledge His presence and direction in all our endeavours. Here are some of the major activities that we engaged in during the month.

Class Activities

Two short courses are currently being taught:

  • 1 Corinthians by Gyasi-Quansah

  • Life of Christ 2 by Amoo-Gyimah

Student participation has been good, with active engagement in both courses.

Campaign at Ankwa Doboro

We embarked on a campaign at Ankwa Doboro with a team of 18 members, including students and staff. The one-week campaign, from September 16 to 22, was fruitful and well-received by the community.

  • Baptism: One individual was baptized, demonstrating a clear commitment to her faith.

  • Reactivation of Old Members: Special talks, and personal visits helped re-engage existing members, revitalizing their spirituality. All members about thirty (30), were happy showed renewed strength in worshipping God.

  • Follow-up and Reconnection: Successful follow-up with inactive members encouraged them to worship with their brethren in the Lord.

  • New Contacts: We established relationships with almost the entire community, promising to continue studying with the church.

Radio Programme

The listenership of the programme has increased, every week we have new listeners in addition to old the listeners. This is seen by the callers, who calls to ask questions and help by requesting us to visit in their homes to study with us.


We thank God for a fruitful month and for His continued blessings. We appreciate the support and encouragement from all our supporters, partners, friends, and well-wishers who have been praying for us and supporting us in various ways. May God bless you all.

Report by E.O. Larbi

Posted on October 10, 2024 .

Current and past students impacting Zimbabwe


The 2 Timothy 2:2 principle of sharing the Word of God continues to inspire us in the work of equipping men and women who will take the message to the next person. Our mission is hinged on making sure that the true gospel is taught and spread.

As always, we appreciate BVBII for the partnership that has advanced the cause of Jesus Christ and His church in Zimbabwe. We are so grateful.


June 25 to 27, 2024, Mutare School of Preaching held their annual preachers refresher seminar. Among the teachers chosen, two of our former students were invited. Brother Panganai Toperesu taught on how to manage human resources that is in the church; and Brother Zungunde taught two lessons, i) setting objectives/vision in the church, ii) Biblical strategies for church management.

In August, 15-18, there was a Zimbabwe Youth Lectureship held at Church of Christ Nhowe Mission and Method Moyo, a 2022 graduate, was one of the speakers. Again from August 29 to 01 September 2024, there was an Zimbabwe Annual Men’s Lectureship held at Mutare School of Preaching, and he was scheduled to preach there but he could not make it due to ill health.

These are national events and we praise God for the work being done by our former students.

Besides the former extension students being involved in preaching and teaching at national level, we as the lectureres also participated in these church events. Myself, Ishmael Mutichu and Kudakwashe Madyira also participated in teaching and preaching at the youth event. Myself and Mathew taught at the men’s annual lectureship also.

See attached picture number 1 of Method Moyo, a graduate of 2022, preaching at Nhowe Mission youth lectureship.


Below are the active students we have and this is the class of 2021.

1. Kufa Fadzai (f)

2. Muhura Nyevero (f)

3. Mandebvu Nhamo

4. Manyati Wilbert

5. Masarakufa Witness

6. Nyahuye Maxwell

7. Suwari Philip

8. Mactivish Magadaire

9. Bennie Biriati

10. Rigason Nyikayaramba

The first eight on the above list will be graduating on the 19th of October 2024. 

Names of the September 2023 class are as given below: 

1. Thomas Mikirosi

2. Webster Madzimure

3. Washington Nyoni

4. Kennedy Kuzinya 

5. Vengai Majeza

6. Nester Maulani


Our August block for the two classes was held from 07 to 19 August 2024 and the following subjects were taught:

 Church Adminstration and Governance

 Biblical Counselling

 Advanced Homiletics

 African Indigenous (Traditional) Religion

 Teacher Training.

See picture number 2 of voice articulation practise in Advanced Homiletics.


Nhamo Mandebvu’s inspirational story is worthy noting. He is an elder at a congregation here in Harare, at Mufakose Church of Christ. After the church established a sister congregation in Whitecliffe, he decided to dedicate and attach himself to this work. Ever since he started to work fully with this congregation, growth is being recorded. Since June eight souls were baptised including the two youths in the attached picture number 3. 

On the 06th and 07th of July 2024 we had our weekend class. On the 07th the whole class attended worship service at Whitecliffe and we praised God for this unity of purpose.

Rigason Nyikayaramba is working with Bakasa Church of Christ, Guruve. The work he is doing continue to bring a positive impact in the area. In one of his methods of reaching out, he is now going into schools teaching the Word of God. He also indicated that he has made plans to visit the local clinic and preach and give hope to those facing health challenges.

Bennie Billiart is working with Kerlstone Church of Christ in Mutorashanga. From 25-27 October 2024, a lectureship has been planned and is going to be held under the theme Trust In The Lord. Reaching out will also be part of the program. I will also be there to teach and participate in the scheduled programs. 


In light of the new class started at Nhowe Mission in Mashonaland East Province, brother Keith visited Nhowe Mission a Church of Christ institute on May 28, 2024 (see picture number 5). Having a class there is so strategic in the spread of the gospel and moreso in spreading the influence and work of the school.

We continually pray for this class.


Our focus continue to be sharp in the work and progress of the School. As a school, we sincerely give our sincere appreciation to Bear Valley Bible Institute InternationaI, for supporting the Harare Extension School. We are grateful.

May God bless you always.


Posted on October 10, 2024 .

Zimbabwe students learn to support themselves to preach

                                                SEPTEMBER 2024 NARRATIVE REPORT


BVBIZ’s mission remains,We empower men and women through highly holistic and structured training and development programs.” Every inch of our effort and activity remain glued on this. The preparation of workers for Christ continues to be diligently done as we empower them with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies. In the month of September, a new term began and new subjects taught, 16 were baptized and more. These and more are detailed hereunder.


A new term began on the 8th of September. All students came back to continue with their schooling. The following programs are being done this term;

Subject                                                                       Teacher

Homiletics 1                                                                M.Muchingami             

Hermeneutics 1                                                           M.Muchingami

Acts of the Apostles                                                    K.Madyira

OT History (Joshua-Esther)                                        I.Mutichu

Galatians                                                                     H.Suwari

Godhead                                                                      I.Mutichu

Music                                                                          J.Jubane

Entrepreneurship Skills Development                        S.Chiunga

Sustainable Agriculture (workshop)                           J.Dube

Chaplaincy Studies                                                     ZPCS and ZNA

The parallel class concentrated on the subject Marriage and Family Development taught by H. Suwari whilst the second class


The 23rd -24th of September saw BVBIZ students, staff and the surrounding community are trained in sustainable agriculture. This is part and parcel of life survival skills that are inculcated to students during their stay at BVBIZ. Sixteen members from the surrounding community benefited from the training as well. The workshop centered on land preparation, fertility trenches, garden beds, planting of seedlings and composts were made. Attendees planted a variety of crops on the beds including tomatoes, beetroot, covo, broccoli and coli flour.


In terms of horticulture, the two main crops, which are a point of focus this month, are cabbages and tomatoes. The cabbages are already being sold currently whi;lst tomatoes are at fruiting stage currently. The prices for cabbages are very low currently with each going for an average of 30 cents due to flooding. By the end of this month, the greenhouses will be ready for a tomato crop. In terms of tomatoes in one of the gardens, sales are expected around mid-November. Besides helping the school get an extra dollar, these projects have been key in the school’s drive to inculcate life survival skills within students.


In an effort to inculcate chaplaincy skills in students, on the 26th of September, the school hosted Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS). The facilitator was Chaplain Takawira. Students were exposed to the work of chaplains in the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services.  In future, the students shall be visiting Whawha Prison to preach as part and parcel of their training. As a result, this workshop indirectly served as an orientation platform for students. In November, a chaplain from the Zimbabwe National Army shall be visiting BVBIZ on the same agenda.


Field practicum for students continued in September. This program shall end on the 13th of October. This practicum has provided valuable opportunity to students as they put theory into practice as well as learning from experienced preachers in the field. There were 16 conversions and 6 restorations.


Preachers’ Retreat: BVBIZ extends invitation to preachers far and wide to attend this year’s PREACHERS’ RETREAT which shall take place from 8am on the 16th and ends on the 18th of October. Each participant shall be paying $15. Preachers are encouraged to come on the 15th since the program begins early on the 18th.

AGM: On Friday the 18,th there shall be an Annual General Meeting. All stakeholders are encouraged to attend. Reports from the Board chairman, Board Treasurer and the Director shall be given.  The program shall take place at 10am.

GRADUATION: BVBIZ’s fourth graduation ceremony shall take place on the 19th of October beginning at 9am. All are invited to witness this momentous occasion.

When all is said and done, we continue to that you for stretching your hand towards the work at BVBIZ. Your spiritual, financial, material and moral support remain highly appreciated. Your partnership is highly valued. Through this partnership, as witnessed above, students continue to be trained, souls reached out, the community is empowered and churches are developed. We solicit for your hand as well in the construction of our classroom block. May God continue to bless you all!

Posted on October 9, 2024 .

Students take their exams in Tirupati, India

Date :- September 29th , 2024

Reporting Letter for the month of September-2024

Respected director Mr.Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all he prayer partners, greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter finds you well. By the grace of God and your prayers Bear Valley Bible Institute –extension Centre at Tirupati-India is functioning well. We sincerely appreciate your prayers and encouragement . We would like to submit our report for the month of September-2024.

Classroom work:- In the moth of September we have completed Deuteronomy, second Chronicles and Nehemiah and book of Ezra. 

Exams:- Students are cooperating well  to complete memory tests , daily tests and weekly  assignments . We also observe the note books writing.

Coordinator visit:- In the  second week of   September-2024 our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds was able to visit our school. He has encouraged the students to use the best opportunity to learn the word of God and prepare to teach others. He encouraged staff and students to involve in the campaigning to win the lost souls as other schools do at other places. We are grateful to our coordinator for his hard work to travel to our Tirupati city-India . His visit has been a great blessing for all the teaching staff , non teaching and students.

Mr.Abraham Miller’s  visit:- We are happy to share that Mr. Abraham Miller and his his wife Maddi  Miller are members of church of christ in Australia. They have visited India to see their daughter who is studying in Newdelhi. They could able to travel to our city and visit our bible school. They have encouraged all the student and appreciate the teachers and their dedication.

Campaigning :- In the month of September we have conducted campaigning at the village of Jangalapalli. It is about 95 K.M. from our city.

Baptisms:- In the month of September 9 souls were baptized , please remember these new souls in your prayers so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

Leadership class:- We have conducted  leadership class on September 20th. We have invited three guest  teachers from other local churches in India to teach the word of God.  We have invited local preachers for the leadership class. We have involved BVBI-students to organize the leadership class.

AG-Workshop:- In the month of September we have conducted A.G. workshop at the KGBV school. We have involved all the students , teaching staff and non teaching staff to learn drip irrigation, constructing raised beds, compost making , vegetable marketing  and cultivating the organic vegetables.  We are thankful to Healing Hands International for supporting for this workshop.

Local church activities and involvement of the BVBI-students:- We are happy to report you that we involve the students in all the local church programs.  The local church is very happy and also students are highly delighted to learn practically and equip themselves for the future ministry.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar&staff from BVBI-extension centre-Tirupati-India.

Posted on October 8, 2024 .

Lesotho staff and students plant new congregation

We are blessed to participate in what God is doing in Lesotho. The BVBI Maseru is still moving in its lane of producing doctrinally sound preachers. 12 baptisms were recorded.  6 courses were taught with an average of 14 students. A congregation was planted.

The school in Maseru exists to produce competent preachers to train Christians in evangelism and discipleship. Several congregations are ministered by some of the students, their members are engaging in evangelism. This is a positive move in the congregations in Lesotho since evangelism was left in the hands of preachers in the past. Thus, the instructors are working hard to ensure that students train their members to spread the gospel.

The more congregations engage in evangelism the more people give their lives to Jesus. We thank God that 12 souls obeyed the gospel and were baptized.

Below are the courses taught:























A congregation in Maputsoe, the second-largest town in Lesotho was planted in July. Three church members reside in the same town and were not meeting for Sunday worship. The school had to organize these members and started meeting every Sunday. The attendance is increasing every Sunday. This congregation has great growth potential. Brother Tawanda worships with this congregation regularly. Maputsoe town is about 100km from Maseru, the capital of Lesotho.

The school would also like to thank Brother Keith for liaising with Healing Hands International to drill a borehole at Maseru church where the school operates. The borehole was successfully drilled and installed. Again BVBI Maseru would like to thank Brother Donnie Estep for donating the solar system for the borehole at Sehlabeng church of Christ, a congregation started and overseen by the students. The church is now able to provide water to the community. Thank you all involved.

God bless you

In His arms,

Tawanda Mwadiya

Assistant church Minister

Christian Counsellor

Posted on October 8, 2024 .

New School in Bloemfontein, South Africa


19 months after the first attempt to start the school in Bloemfontein collapsed in early 2023, the BVBI Bloemfontein campus finally commenced in September 2024. Many thanks to Brother Keith for his endless efforts to establish this school. The BVBI Bloemfontein is an extension school that meets twice a month to cover the 30 hours of classwork per course as stipulated by BVBI International. The first weekend was from Friday the 6th of September to Sunday the 8th of September. The second weekend was from the 27th up to the 29th of September.

Brother Tawanda was the instructor in September and he taught, How We Got The Bible. This is how the schedule lines up until December 2024. October - Survey of the Old Testament 1; November - The Life of Christ, December - Proverbs and Psalms.

10 registered students attend the school regularly. It is unfortunate on the school side (students) that one student, Brother Raphael Simango got a new job in Limpopo province. Thus, he only attended the first course and has relocated to another far way province. The students are happy with their studies they have being challenged academically and spiritually by the first course. One student, Brother Sam said, “I am 55 years old, and I was raised in the church of Christ and this is new information I am receiving. I am going to encourage other Christians to join the school so that they can also benefit. I cannot wait to enjoy more courses.”

The director will campaign to market the school in the church of Christ in Bloemfontein. There is great growth potential for the school and the church at large in this town. Keep praying for the school in Bloemfontein, South Africa.

Your brother,

Tawanda Mwadiya

(Maseru & Bloemfontein Director)

Posted on October 8, 2024 .

Luanshya, Zambia alumni continue preaching the word

October, 2024 



The month of September 2024 continued to be very fruitful as far as evangelism is concerned. The following are some of the happenings that were recorded during the month September 2024 here at Bear valley Bible Institute Zambia.


The students had intensified their personal evangelism. They were given some targets of people to preach to during week. And we were reaching twenty four persons per week. By this method we discovered that ninety-six (96) persons received the message of salvation

We also increased the number of houses in which Bible studies were conducted. Each team consisting of half of the students had Bible studies twice a week in different homes of Christians. 


We are very happy to report that the month of September has recorded seventeen (17) baptisms, which are positive numbers as far as furthering the mission of God is concerned. We can safely say that a week hardly passes without witnessing a conversion or a restoration of Christians. Our alumni have continued to work very hard in the bringing of people back to the Lord. We humbly solicit your prayers for all our alumni. They have remained faithful to the mission of Christ. We also intend to have fresher courses with our Alumni.  

End of the Final Quarter (2024)

The courses that were concluded for the final of 2024 academic year included: The Book of Revelation, Christian Ethics, Congregational Development, Denominational Doctrines and elementary Greek. After completing the above courses, we became very busy in preparing a colorful graduation ceremony after all our students completed their full prescribed courses of Biblical Studies by the administration of Bear Valley Bible Institute. Hence the 2022 -2024 intake graduation ceremony has been done; we will give our full report in the month of October 2024. 

The students are really excited and four of them have been taken by the congregations on the copper belt province to give service. After graduating, all of them have gone back to their respective congregations that are dotted across Zambia.

We will definitely miss all of them here at school but we are very confident that they will make great preachers wherever they are.

Hosting the training of survival skills with Healing Hands International-USA

Bear Valley Bible Institute Zambia hosted the training of survival skill sponsored by Healing Hands International. The workshop was conducted by Dr Ebenezer Udofia, the Coordinator for African region.

Dr Udofia ably taught eighty three (83) participations on Agricultural techniques in order to maximize crop production. This training was extended to even non- members of Church of Christ. And they were very grateful to be invited for such a workshop. We also recorded three (3) baptisms at the end of this workshop

A new building at a new congregation

We are helping our newly established congregation to have a structure were they are meeting for worship in a village of Masaiti District. The congregation is increasing in numbers and all are very excited as they labor for the master, they stated with eight members and the numbers have risen to twenty-eight. We have attached some pictures taken during our work and worship.


Our hearts are forever indebted to all our partners and to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ in particular for financial support and all the encouragement given to us for this noble work. 

You are always in our prayers. May God richly bless you all!!


Cephas and Fred

Posted on October 8, 2024 .

New library in Nairobi, Kenya

We great you all in the mighty name of Jesus hoping that you are all doing well despite the hardships of life and hard work in the kingdom of God. We thank God for all spiritual and physical blessings because He has always been a great provider and guide to all.The Nairobi school is still on and we thank God we've finished the second quoter of year one and headed to quarter three .

The quarter began with brother Fred Ramoya teaching the book of Mark, followed by Samson with Godhead. We are so happy since one of our students who graduated last year, Moffart Kibethi taught this month of July about the scheme of redemption.we gave him a try and truly he performed to the task .I Kennedy taught Old testament 1a (Exodus- Deuteronomy) in the month of August.

 At Nairobi school of preaching,we resolved to be empowering graduated students by giving them a chance to teach but we are also keen on the lessons that we schedule them to teach. God willing,the faculty will be doing visitation program on October to congregations opened by our former students and where our current ones worship to see the progress .

In the month of October,one of our former student's congregation is going to hold first Leadership seminar and hoping to incorporate our students to help in teaching as well.


Brethren,we are in need of your prayers and continual support since we are at the heart of Nairobi,so much has been affected recently by the anti government demonstrations.so much is going on but God is so faithful to help us through.


We were also privileged to be given a small space within the church building where we used boards to partition and get a small library and office.We constructed some shelves for books and a space for our printer/ computer. This was made possible by the help of kind brothers and students. Though the office is incomplete, we are so grateful that students can do some research and do their assignments well.

Yours Kennedy Munubi 

Samson omutele 

Posted on October 6, 2024 .

33 souls saved in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Report For August 2024

Greetings from the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute. Once again to you, our donors and well wishers here is the report of events that transpired here during another rainy month, August.

With careful analyses of the season, the students were sent on a 3 weeks break as stated in our July report. Hence much was not done in the classroom. However, a lot was achieved on the field of personal, congregational and evangelistic team work. Here are the details under the below sub-headings:


The poetic books of Psalms to Song of Songs were scheduled for July but the lessons extended in the month of August and  thereafter the students went on break for 3 weeks until September. This was because of the continuous disturbance of the rains and other family obligations which the students needed to respond. Course evaluations were also postponed to be done in September. 

Individual & Congregational Evangelistic Efforts:

Our alumni efforts are yielding fruits on the mission field as souls are being converted by individuals and congregations. 

Graduates of the Bear Valley Bible Institute found in the city of Conakry, the town of Gueckedou and in the villages of Koundou L-Bengou and Fassaba all together converted 12 souls to Christ. As may be expected, these conversions took place not only at different localities, but at moments that vary and by different individuals and congregational evangelists and other field workers.

Efforts of Evangelistic teams:

There were 2 churches simulteneously planted by the following Evangelistic teams: 

The Tekoulo and Gueckedou teams planted 2 churches when on the 18th of August 4 and 10 persons respectively accepted Christ in the villages of Gbarndonin and Yarakorodou. Then on the following Sunday, the 25th of August an additional 7 souls were baptized still at Yarakorodou making a total of 17 baptisms by the Gueckedou team.

All togetherthe evangelistic activities in the month of August resulted to the conversion of 33 souls

Health Obstacles:

While it is such a difficult thing to get men to accept the call to "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel", even the few volunteers are faced with various challenges and  health obstacles. One of our heard working and able men of the Conakry evangelistic team and instructor at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute, bro. Francis Lavaley had been struggling while still preaching with an illness that needed a surgery costing more than a thousand dollars. 

Through God's wonderful grace the funds were provided by a faithful, merciful and God loving brother so that the operation was planned weeks in August and successfully carried on in early September. 

We are so grateful to God for his grace as the brother's health improves.

Please remember bro Francis in your prayers and for God to reward those benevolent hands.


God is to be glorified for his grace in enabling us to achieve thus far.

We realise also that our success is not without your prayers and support for which we thank and appreciate you all.

Now, we wish to inform you that in less than 2 months, precisely in the the month of November God willing, the 16th will be a graduation of the third batch of students from the Gueckedou school. 

We will need your every spiritual and financial support please. 

Thanks and much appreciations. 

Posted on October 6, 2024 .

Evangelistic campaign in Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone

(An Extension of the)

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, Colorado, USA


Full Time and the Extended Program

We want to begin this write up by giving praise to God who has granted us another opportunity to have scaled through the rainy month of August 2024. We are glad to meet you again in proxy. Though we stay far away from one another, yet we are closer in spirit. The month of August was a fruitful one for us in that our academic activities continued without any hindrance; the school as well conducted an evangelistic campaign and successfully planted a new congregation; our alumni and the evangelistic teams continued to be very busy on the field, even under the rains. May you continue to read patiently as we share more details! And we shall do this under the following subheadings:  


It was in our July report that we informed you that our students (full time and extended) had returned from break and were ready to continue their programs. As usual, they were very committed to their studies and all our spiritual activities. The third quarter for the full time students which started in July continued and was expected to end by the end of September 2024. On the other hand, the extended students continued with few courses remaining to complete 2 years so that it would remain 2 more years.


In line with the mode of operation of the school, aside from daily lectures, routine evangelism campaigns are conducted twice in a quarter with the aim of either strengthening, restoring or planting a new congregation. It was in light of this fact that the school conducted the evangelism campaign in Daru Town to establish a new congregation. Daru is 50 miles away from Kenema where the school is. Just like many other towns in Sierra Leone, Daru is a very big town with a very large Muslim dominated population. The school administration met and discussed the possibility of saving those many people in Daru that are in need of Christ. A conclusion was reached and the campaign was embarked upon. Prior to the campaign, there was no Church of Christ in the town. Before the campaign, several visits were made since we did not know anybody from there. However, the Gospel must be preached everywhere. Fortunately, we established a friendly relationship with one denominational pastor, Blackie and his daughter, Isata Blackie who would later become our host for the campaign.  

Eventually, on August 20 to 25, a campaign was launched at Daru. During our six days stay there, so many good things happened, ranging from the conversion of souls, extending to the engagement of some denominational pastors that was arranged by our friend, Blackie, and the institution of the first scriptural worship in the New London community in Daru. At the end of the campaign, seven (7) souls became obedient to the faith. Our friends, Isata and her father Blackie and some denominational members till date worship with us but they are not yet baptized. There is more potential for more conversions as we continue to follow them up. The school has added Daru mission into her activities; the students and staff alike will be building those new Christians up until they can stand on their own.


As you know, our activities are not only limited in the classroom. So before August ended, Three (3) souls became saved.  


Our graduates are also very busy on the field in carrying out the great commission. In fact some of them are making a lot of impact in their local congregations and on the mission field. All of them combined, they converted seven (7) souls and restored five (5) brethren in August.


You are already aware of the active works of the evangelistic teams across the country. Therefore, their efforts resulted toFifteen (15) conversions and four (4) restorations. Apart from those being saved, the teams kept on strengthening and nurturing the various congregations that they are in touch with. They are moving back and forth to the local congregations being established in order to nurture and build them up in the most holy faith. They have a lot of evangelistic activities that they have planned for the future. Please keep those brethren in your prayers so that they could continue the good work that they are doing for the Lord.


Brother Amara is one of our very committed students who come from Buedu, Kailahun District of Eastern Sierra Leone. He is a Kissi by tribe. He was born in 2003 to non-Christian parents (Mr. Tamba Teekay and Mrs. Sia Teekay). Brother Amara was one the earliest converts at the Buedu Village congregation when the school launched a campaign there in 2021. After that campaign, a congregation was established (though there was a congregation there before but it died off for lack of a committed preacher) where Brother Amara now worships. Because of the burning desire to serve the Lord and to build others up, one of our graduates, Nsimdoh Ngegbah, after his graduation in October 2021, decided to relocate to Buedu. Through his efforts and God’s help, Brother Amara was mentored and desired to enroll at the training school in Kenema. At the school, he is outstanding academically, evangelistically and morally. We are glad to have a student like Amara. We seek to have more Amaras. There is no doubt that Amara will do a lot for the Lord. Please keep him in your prayers as a young man to continue to be focused on the Lord and His work. Brother Amara’s picture will be attached to this report.


We are hoping that the Lord will grant us another opportunity to be alive to read the September report again. Till then, may the Lord keep us and be with us all!

 Thank you.

Your brother,

Peter Sahr Makundu,


Sierra Leone Bear Valley Bible Institute

Posted on October 6, 2024 .

Classes continue in Liberia

Bear Valley Bible institute-Liberia

College View Community

Sanniquellie City, Nimba County

Operation Report August 2024


We bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Almighty. We remain grateful to Bear Valley Bible Institute, Denver Colorado administration for their unflinching support and care for us as we take on the task of preparing men for the Lord’s Kingdom here in Liberia and the world at large. Below are activities for the Month of August 2024.


The rainy season in Liberia this year has pretty much affected our students’ personal evangelistic effort for the past four months. The bad road condition due the excessive rain fall is hindering our students’ movements to their various preaching points during their usual weekend activities. The rain this year is very serious that rivers and creeks are overflowing their banks to the roads obstructing the flow of traffics to various areas.

As you may know, every week end, our students are deployed to local congregations across the County to practice, as a way to mature them for their future work. In most cases, the school motorbikes are assigned to transport them to their destinations.

Since they could not go out of Sanniquellie for their weekend practices, they seize the opportunity to work in Sanniquellie and its environs. By the grace of God, their efforts resulted in converting fifteen 15 souls and establishing one new congregation in Keetonmom, one of the nearby towns, six miles away from Sanniquellie. Please keep our new brethren in your daily prayers for God directions in their lives

Tent Making To Empower Potential Ministers For The

Lord’s Works (General Agriculture And Computer Science)

Students at the Bear Valley Institute - Liberia are not limited to Biblical studies in the class room and evangelistic campaigns only, we also offer them skills in general agriculture and Computer science hoping that after graduation, they will have the basic technological concept as well as face the electronic age and be able to support their families through crops production, animals rearing and etc. These special programs are basically focused on 60% practical and 40% theoretical aspects of these courses.

Germination test was conducted to know the viability of selected crops specifically okra seeds.  Test gave the result of 80% germinations, encouraging us to continue planting in the agriculture department. Subsequently, since the resumption of the school, we have gone through the following, constituting the sum of five courses in General Agriculture Science:

1.     Introduction to Agriculture Science

2.     Fish farm production and management

3.     Agriculture marketing and financing

4.     Vegetable crop production

5.     Rice productions and maintenance on going

Computer class also continues with the following courses:

1.     Introduction to Computing

a.      Central Processing Unit (CPU)

b.     Key Board

c.      Monitor

d.     Mouse

e.      Various Windows and Applications

We appreciate Bear Valley Bible Institute Administrators’ decision to allow these special skills to be offered to upgrade our students’ future ministry.


We remain grateful to the Almighty God for His protections and care He continues to bestow upon us.  Since our relocation from Ganta to Sanniquellie, the school continued to run smoothly with every staff actively performing their duties. The students are all doing well in health and with their lessons while, the support and instructional staff continued coming as scheduled, playing their parts as well.

As we come to the close of year one quarter three, please keep us in your prayers as we strive to please our maker accordingly.

Courses for Quarter three include:

1.         Hermeneutics II

2.         Christians Evidences

3.         World Religion

4.         Life Of Christ II (The Gospel OF Mark)

5.         Church Planting

6.         Prison Epistle (short Course)

7.         General Agriculture

8.         Computer Study


D. Sylvester Davie is one of the students of the fourth batch. A member of the Bahn Congregation, who expressed his interest of becoming a Gospel Minister. His commitment and passion for the word of God and his desire to become a Gospel Preacher, led him to the school.  He was born on Tuesday June 17, 2000 in Bahn City, Nimba County Liberia. He works with the local congregation in His home town. He became a Christian in November 2011. His primary interest is to become a preacher and a counselor.


We remain grateful for your love for God and your constant supports that have brought us this far, despite the challenges. To God be all the glory, praise and honor.

Kind Regard

Fester G. Lee

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on October 6, 2024 .

Chad students evangelize while on break

I greet you, dear brother Coordinator! Send my friendships to your lovely wife, your biological family, and all the saints of the United States that you are in contact with. May the eternal blessing of God remain in you! I believe that this little report will find its rightful owner in good health.

Indeed, Mr. Coordinator, the Bear Valley Bible Institute Moundou – Chad, of the Churches of Christ, which you have the great honor of coordinating, through my writing, wishes to inform you of the situation of its activities for the month of September 2024. In this report, we will talk about the activities of the students during the holidays (August - September), the resumption of classes for the last quarter, and finally the preparations for the graduation ceremony for the graduating students.

Speaking of the vacations, the Lord protected the student brothers during their holidays. Everyone returned to the Center safely. We thank God for this. During their stay in their respective localities, they continued with the same zeal that they had from the beginning of our activities, in the work of evangelization. This does not mean that there is an absence of difficulties. The heavy rains and intense rural activities made evangelization difficult, however, the Lord who is head of the mission, is in control of their activities.  As for the resumption of classes for the last quarter, glory to God, everything, so that it is going very well. Classes are proceeding normally and we hope to complete the program by the grace of God this December. For this, we ask for many prayers, so that the end is a happy one.

As for the preparations for the graduation ceremony for the evangelists, and the registration of the new students, let us pray without ceasing. We would like to thank, in particular, the congregation of Creekside who allowed us to have the robes for this modest ceremony. We hope that these robes will be delivered very soon by the one who makes them. We continue to pray for the other aspects of the preparation. We pray for the coordinator's trip to Chad, his stay in Africa, and his return to the United States.

We believe in the power of the Lord, who opened the doors of this school to us, in Moundou, Chad.

May God bless us all for his work in Chad!

Fraternally in Christ, Datoudji.

Posted on October 6, 2024 .

New students arrive in Lilongwe, Malawi

New Faces in New Places

Two ladies, whose husbands both work at the school, stood ready to assist with the moving process as a student family arrived on campus.  Four families trickled in between Tuesday and Wednesday so that all would be present for Orientation on Thursday, September 12.  An evening meal was prepared on Wednesday for the weary travelers.  They also received a welcome gift of a small pile of firewood and a mbaula (charcoal cooker).

Over the month, we learned that the other two pre-approved, student families would not be coming for various reasons.  We were disappointed with this development but with a small group so much more is possible.  For example, even before they arrived, we knew the names of all the husbands, wives, and children so we could give them a warm, Malawian welcome.

Orientation 2024

Before these children had been on campus for 24 hours, their parents went to orientation to learn more about the school and what will be expected of them.  The children remained to play behind the housing block with Lancaster Ngulube, Alyssa, and Leann.  

With pre-loved toys such as lettered blocks, Matchbox cars, plastic eggs, balls, plus a new jump rope and soccer ball paired with kaamba (similar to round cheese curls that are great to eat straight from the fingertips like black olives) and individual water bottles, the three hours passed by fairly quickly.  

As we didn’t have any kids younger than 3 years, it was a tear-free experience.  Those who were missing their parents just grabbed Alyssa’s hand and held on.

Back to the Beginning

We are remembering what it was like to start with a brand new group of students.  Dale taught the Language and Research Class so the men could learn to use the library, how to write a sentence, and get used to how he talks.  By the second week, Dale was able to pick up the pace as together they studied Acts 1-12.  

Leann is teaching both of the women’s classes for the first 8 weeks.  On Tuesday evenings, the class entitled “Christ’s Culture” contains back-to-the-basics lessons where God is established as the supreme authority.  Students are also reminded how to enter Christ, how to identify the one true church, and what do to after a person becomes a Christian.  They are challenged to turn the world’s thinking upside down, and then encouraged to take a close-up look at the similarities and differences between Christ’s culture and the Malawian culture.  Friday mornings are dedicated to studying the book of James.

Dale Kastner

Posted on October 6, 2024 .

Successful evangelism in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brethren here in Cameroon. We do hope you are doing well. We always keep you in our prayers and we trust that the work of God is continuing in your area as well. We continue to apologize for the poor network situation in my area which does not permit me to send my report weekly as I used to do. But, all the same, as long as I have the opportunity, I will make sure my report reaches you.

The past period in Wotutu was great as we were involved in most of our normal routines and a few others that popped up. God is still at work in His ministry and we give all the glory back to Him as He deserves all.

During the last quarter, the course “Marriage and Family” came up. It is always a course that comes along with a lot of opening up of and strengthening to marriages. I taught the course alongside my wife. The course involved lessons that ranged from the origin and God’s expectations in marriage to communication, as well as many other very important topics concerning marriage.

During the course of teaching the class, we at times divided the class into two groups. The wives would stay in the classroom with my wife, while the men would stay with me under the tree. In this way, each person could speak freely with an open heart about the deep things in their marriages, some of which would need some special care and special prayers. We tried to do our humble best in teaching this class because we know it is very true that when families are strong and fully connected to each other in love, then the congregations will be stronger as well.

An extra blessing that comes whenever this class comes up, is that those who are married traditionally, will have the opportunity to legalize their marriage before the government of Cameroon which is backed with a marriage license. To help you understand marriages in Cameroon, they come in phases of INTRODUCTION, TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE, COURT OR WEDDING, AND CHURCH MARRIAGE.

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. This slogan or motto is a part of the Bear valley Bible institute here in Cameroon. We do our best to keep evangelism at the top of our agenda. Immediately after the wedding ceremony in our congregation, our students and staff hit the road to different mission fields that are far away from Wotutu as we continue hawking the bread of life free of charge .

Mission work takes us to many locations even when heavy rains make bad roads and with the high cost of transportation to get to our different mission fields. But, because we think souls, we have no other option than to go, so that we can save some souls. Mission printing tracts were given to many prospects and God blessed the evangelistic efforts by adding 25 baptisms, 6 restored Christians, and two newly established congregations. There are the Big Butu church of Christ and the Mbonge road congregation.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. We have resumed classes again in the Bible college and this is the last quarter of the 2 years program as prescribed by the Bear Valley elders. I am teaching this quarter on Congregational Development. I will also include, as part of the course, belief therapy and counseling lessons. This quarter will end before December 11, which will be our valedictory night. The 12th of December will be our graduation ceremony. We have our theme for this graduation which is, “IT’S TIME TO GO Isaiah 6:8.” Please, you can make plans to be our guest during this ceremony.

We say thank you Lord, for the God will serve is a God of providence. Our chapel hall is almost completed. You can see hundreds of students in Brightland Christian Comprehensive College going to the hall for chapel. The message of Christ goes deeper when students are not distracted by various natural occurrences. We used to do it in the open air, but rains would come at times and disturb the smooth running of our chapel and at other times students were baking in the sun.

God takes all the glory. Even though it is not fully completed, hundreds of students are shaded in this building and the serenity is great. More attention is given to the speaker at chapel time now even though we don’t have seats. It is still much better than standing under the sun or rain.

The Bear valley Bible Institute in Wotutu by December, will have been established for 14 years. This means that we have successfully trained 7 batches of students. The new batch of 20 students came in the month of May to take the entrance exams and after many background checks on those who performed well, the result of 20 successful candidates has been proclaimed. They are getting ready to start their new journey in the Lord by the 12th of December where they will be matriculated into the Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon – Wotutu. They will be the THETA or 8th batch. Please keep them in your prayers as they make plans to come. It is evident that the FIELD IS TRULY RIPE AND READY, BUT THE WORKERS ARE NOT ALWAYS THERE TO GO GET THE HARVEST. We are doing our best to train men, alongside their families, to preach the saving message.


We are still focusing on evangelism. That is our business and the business shall continue.


Thank you very much for all your prayers and for your sincere hearts towards this work. We are convinced that God is watching and will repay each of us in due season. Do make a great day.

   Elangwe and family

    By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on October 6, 2024 .

Baptisms in Lusaka, Zambia



INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                                      On behalf of the management of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Lusaka, I wish to submit this Third Quarter Report for the year 2024.


 The courses covered were three as shown below, giving us a total of 31 taught so far.

a)   1 & 2 Thessalonians,

b)   1, 2, & 3 John and Jude

c)   1 & 2 Peter.

On average, we had 11 students who attended the classes in the quarter under review.


In the month of July, I (Jonah Siyanga) was invited to be one of the speakers at the 35th Namwianga Mission Annual Lectureship which was held in Kalomo, Southern Province about 350 Km away from Lusaka. The theme of the Lectureship was: “Living a Christian Life in a Sinful World” and the topics I taught were:

a)   Evangelism and Christian Life

b)   Christian Life and Giving

The total attendance at the Lectureship was 1,144 members. Among the speakers were brothers from the USA and South Africa. We recorded 17 baptisms, 22 restorations and 35 members were prayed for due to ailments and other problems.

In the same month of July, we sadly lost an older lady who was baptized at the age of 98 years at Situmbeko Church of Christ, the congregation which was planted in May 2024. Some of the staff and students attended and facilitated the burial church service.

In the month of August, the Lusaka local churches of Christ hosted the Men’s National Annual Lectureship where some of the Bear Valley Bible Institute staff and students were part of the organizing and preaching team. The Lectureship was held from August 22 – 25, 2024 on the Theme: “The Passionate Man”.

The Men’s Lectureship was attended by 248 men. It was grateful to note that in the same number, we had some brothers who came from Mozambique and South Africa. One baptism was recorded and 28 brothers were restored.

The Month of September was for the Students’ Local Congregational Outreach Program, that is from Chunga Church of Christ, George Central Church of Christ, Kanyama West Church of Christ, John Laing Church of Christ and Lusaka Central Church of Christ. In response to this approach, the total number of 8 baptisms and 42 restorations were recorded as shown below.

a)   Chunga Church recorded 1 baptism and 13 restorations

b)   Kanyama West Church recorded 3 baptisms and 8 restorations

c)   George Central Church recorded 1 Baptism and 11 restorations

d)   John Laing Church recorded 5 restorations

e)   Lusaka Central Church recorded 3 baptisms and 5 restorations

On the other hand, I wish to report to you that in the quarter under discussion, the Bear Valley Bible Institute (BVBI) continued to be instrumental in the preaching of the gospel to the incarcerated in the local correctional facilities of Kamwala Remand, Lusaka Prison and Mwembeshi Open Prison. 

In the same quarter under review, the BVBI team were involved in various routine activities in their respective congregations by conducting classes for the new converts, teaching Bible study classes and preaching.

In order to help these newly planted congregations to grow spiritually and numerically, BVBI and Lusaka Central church sent out students and church members for preaching and teaching at least twice per month.

In addition, you may wish to be informed that BVBI paid monthly rentals of ZMW 200.00 for the Situmbeko Church of Christ which meets in a classroom at Kalala Combined School.  This congregation was planted in May this year and it is located in the rural area whereby apart from one the majority of the members are unemployed villagers.



In the month under review, the BVBI team facilitated the baptism of 26 souls that were added to the Lords’ church from the above executed activities.  That is:

a)   17 from the Namwianga Mission Annual Lectureship

b)   1 from the Men’s National Annual Lectureship, and

c)   8 from the Student’s Local Congregational Outreach Program.


Accordingly, the BVBI facilitated the restoration of 92 souls in the quarter under discussion. That is,

a)   22 from the Namwianga Mission Annual Lectureship

b)   28 from the Men’s National Annual Lectureship,

c)   42 from the Student’s Local Congregational Outreach Program.


The BVBI Lusaka is grateful for the continued support being invested in the advancement of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the growing of the Kingdom of God.

 Jonah Siyanga


For/ Bear Valley Institute Lusaka Management

Posted on October 6, 2024 .

Student internships in Zimbabwe



The Institute continues to thrive in its mission to train preachers and leaders for the Lord's church in Zimbabwe. Our focus remains on equipping students with biblical knowledge, practical skills, and spiritual growth. We are pleased to share with you the latest updates which includes; the impact of our interns and staff, preparations for our upcoming graduation ceremony, and the return of our current students from holiday. We are grateful for your continued support and partnership in our mission to train and equip effective leaders for the Kingdom.


We are excited to report that our students are currently on internship across Zimbabwe, gaining hands-on experience in preaching, teaching, and evangelism. They are serving in various congregations, applying the skills learned in the classroom to real-world ministry. Our interns, set to graduate in October, have made a significant impact in their assignments, demonstrating: Exceptional preaching and teaching skills, effective leadership and organization of community outreach programs. Through all this, they have shown potential to become future leaders in their communities. Their contributions have enhanced our school's reputation and brought spiritual and physical growth to the communities they serve. From the August statistics, there 25 baptisms, 2 restorations, 47 sermons preached, 142 lessons taught to prospects with over a 1000 hours put into the work.



Preparations for the October graduation ceremony are underway where 20 students will receive their certificates. The event will take place on the 19th of October We are excited to celebrate the achievements of our students. To ensure a successful and memorable event, we have begun preparations in earnest. We are finalizing exam scores and assessments, confirming guest speakers and dignitaries,  graduation program and schedule,  arranging for catering and logistics, and preparing student robes and graduation certificates. We are excited to celebrate the achievements of our graduands and are working diligently to ensure a memorable and successful graduation ceremony.


From the 16th to the 18th of October, BVBIZ shall host its annual Preacher’s Retreat under the theme “TAKING PLEASURE IN SELF DEVELOPMENT” from Proverbs 12.17. A number of topics are lined up with the objective of inculcating self-development skills and attributes in preachers relevant to the ever changing world preachers are working in. The fee shall be $15 per person.


Our staff members played a significant role in the recently concluded Annual International Gospel Meetings, held this month. The events, attended by hundreds of delegates from around Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Malawi and Mozambique provided a platform for our staff to serve through preaching and teaching thereby enhancing the event's overall quality and impact. Their contributions enhanced the lectureship experience, providing spiritual nourishment and inspiration to those who attended. Ishmael Mutichu, Howard Suwari and Kudakwashe Madyira ministered at National Youth Gospel Meeting at Nhowe Mission where they shared inspiring messages with the young people. On the other hand, Howard and the director taught and preached respectively at the men’s gospel lectureship, which was held at Mutare School of Preaching in Mutare. We are grateful for these opportunities to share the Gospel and inspire others. Please continue to pray for our team as we seek to serve and make a positive impact in our communities.


Our current students are on holiday, returning on the 9th of September.  We expect them to come back refreshed and ready to tackle the new term with enthusiasm and dedication. As we are preparing for the new term, we ask your prayers for safe return of our current students and a smooth start to the new term. The following subjects are going to be done; Homiletics 1, Hermeneutics 1, Acts of the Apostles, OT History (Joshua-Esther), Galatians (SC), Godhead (SC), Entrepreneurship Skills Development 1(SC), Introduction to computers, Sign Language and Horticulture (SC). There shall be seminars/workshops on Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (Seminar), Sustainable agriculture and Chaplaincy.


The school’s motto remains “where spiritual integrity, empowerment and academic excellence intersect.” The aspect of empowerment is key in the learning process. Students are empowered with knowledge, improved nutrition and life survival skills. At the same time, some produce is sold to enable the school to earn an extra dollar towards the school’s operations. Projects actually provides a hands on approach to the learning process besides the theory which is learnt in class.


In the previous month, we reported on a $100 donation that was made by brother Isaiah Machingura so that BVBIZ can kick start a cattle project. At least $300 was needed to purchase one cow. From the amount that had been donated by brother Manyati earlier in the year towards electricity and through his permission, $200 was taken and added to brother Machingura’s donation and the first cow was bought. The school is looking for $200 -$300 more to purchases another cow. If we get more, then more beasts will be bought.


Besides the cattle project, other projects have been running as well. In terms of horticulture, there are 800 plants of cabbage in the greenhouse, ordinary leafy vegetables (covo, rape and tsunga), carrots, green paper and about 1500 plants of tomatoes planted on the 15th of August.

In terms of animals, the school has broilers, layers and goats. The number for layers currently stands at 243 with an average of 180-200 eggs being picked every day. This translates to an average of 80% production. In the month of July, the school introduced the black astrolope (road runner/free range) birds. We have a total of 45 and we hope to see them laying eggs soon. In terms of bee keeping, three beehives were set up though they are yet to receive bees inside.


The month of August, as all the school holidays/vacations, those on the prarallel program converge in Gweru for their lectures. This is besides the weekend classes they meet. Of these students, 8 are set to graduate this year. The following subjects were taught; African Traditional Religion, Church Administration and Governance, Advanced Homiletics, Teacher Training and Biblical Counselling. The following pictures are a capsule of what the students went through as they went through their classes.


We are grateful for the blessings and opportunities we experienced this month. Our interns have made a significant impact in their assignments, and we look forward to their graduation in October. We are also excited to welcome back our current students and launch the new semester. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in our mission to train and equip effective leaders for the Kingdom. May God bless and guide us as we continue to serve Him.

Posted on September 10, 2024 .

Successful Seminar in Takoradi, Ghana




The students studied two short courses in the month of August. This took place in the first two weeks of the month. The first short course was the epistles of John and Jude which was taught by Douglas Armah. The second short course on second Corinthians was taught by Nathaniel Brobbey. The course started on Monday, 7th August and examination was written on Friday, 9th August, 2024.

Seminar preparation continued afterwards. The students were given one week on campus break to rest and to prepare the seminar grounds for the program. The seminar started on the 19th to 22nd August, 2024. The students were conveyed to the seminar grounds from Monday to Thursday.

The regular students were given a recess on the 22nd of August and will resume school on the 23rd day of September, 2024.

Classes continued for the part time students except for one weekend of the month of August. There was no class on the weekend following the seminar. The instructors teaching on the weekend were involved in the seminar and also most of the students attended the seminar. The weekend was therefore used for resting.

The students are still studying the doctrine of Godhead and the book of Revelation. 


The gospel was spread as always using the various media available. Throughout the month, various efforts were made by our alumni and current students in preaching the truth to the lost.


3.     SEMINAR

This year’s seminar begun on the afternoon of 19th August and ended on the afternoon of 22nd August. There were six local speakers for the seminar who spoke on topics like love, forgiveness, kindness, honesty, self-control, and patience. The theme for the seminar was Practical Christianity.

This year’s seminar was attended by over three hundred preachers and church leaders from all over the country. And everyone went home describing this year’s seminar as one of the best seminars we have ever had, and to God we give all the glory. We had good food throughout the program. Thanks to the Howe church of Christ, and also Mpintsin church of Christ, especially the women who were ready to serve us.

The theme and topics were timely and very much needed as we sometimes forget that, Christianity is a practical religion.

Ken Gyan Kesse spoke on the topic of love, where he taught on how to make our love practical.

Joshua Aidoo spoke on the need to practice forgiveness.

Charles King Arthur also taught on practicing the virtue of patience.

The topic Honesty was spoken on by Charles Mensah.

Brothers Kojo Acquah Beenyi and Amoo – Gyimah spoke on kindness and self – control respectively.

Overall, this year’s seminar was also a great success. 

Posted on September 9, 2024 .