Bear Valley Bible institute-Liberia
College View Community
Sanniquellie City, Nimba County
Operation Report August 2024

We bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Almighty. We remain grateful to Bear Valley Bible Institute, Denver Colorado administration for their unflinching support and care for us as we take on the task of preparing men for the Lord’s Kingdom here in Liberia and the world at large. Below are activities for the Month of August 2024.
The rainy season in Liberia this year has pretty much affected our students’ personal evangelistic effort for the past four months. The bad road condition due the excessive rain fall is hindering our students’ movements to their various preaching points during their usual weekend activities. The rain this year is very serious that rivers and creeks are overflowing their banks to the roads obstructing the flow of traffics to various areas.
As you may know, every week end, our students are deployed to local congregations across the County to practice, as a way to mature them for their future work. In most cases, the school motorbikes are assigned to transport them to their destinations.
Since they could not go out of Sanniquellie for their weekend practices, they seize the opportunity to work in Sanniquellie and its environs. By the grace of God, their efforts resulted in converting fifteen 15 souls and establishing one new congregation in Keetonmom, one of the nearby towns, six miles away from Sanniquellie. Please keep our new brethren in your daily prayers for God directions in their lives
Tent Making To Empower Potential Ministers For The
Lord’s Works (General Agriculture And Computer Science)
Students at the Bear Valley Institute - Liberia are not limited to Biblical studies in the class room and evangelistic campaigns only, we also offer them skills in general agriculture and Computer science hoping that after graduation, they will have the basic technological concept as well as face the electronic age and be able to support their families through crops production, animals rearing and etc. These special programs are basically focused on 60% practical and 40% theoretical aspects of these courses.
Germination test was conducted to know the viability of selected crops specifically okra seeds. Test gave the result of 80% germinations, encouraging us to continue planting in the agriculture department. Subsequently, since the resumption of the school, we have gone through the following, constituting the sum of five courses in General Agriculture Science:
1. Introduction to Agriculture Science
2. Fish farm production and management
3. Agriculture marketing and financing
4. Vegetable crop production
5. Rice productions and maintenance on going
Computer class also continues with the following courses:
1. Introduction to Computing
a. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
b. Key Board
c. Monitor
d. Mouse
e. Various Windows and Applications
We appreciate Bear Valley Bible Institute Administrators’ decision to allow these special skills to be offered to upgrade our students’ future ministry.
We remain grateful to the Almighty God for His protections and care He continues to bestow upon us. Since our relocation from Ganta to Sanniquellie, the school continued to run smoothly with every staff actively performing their duties. The students are all doing well in health and with their lessons while, the support and instructional staff continued coming as scheduled, playing their parts as well.
As we come to the close of year one quarter three, please keep us in your prayers as we strive to please our maker accordingly.
Courses for Quarter three include:
1. Hermeneutics II
2. Christians Evidences
3. World Religion
4. Life Of Christ II (The Gospel OF Mark)
5. Church Planting
6. Prison Epistle (short Course)
7. General Agriculture
8. Computer Study
D. Sylvester Davie is one of the students of the fourth batch. A member of the Bahn Congregation, who expressed his interest of becoming a Gospel Minister. His commitment and passion for the word of God and his desire to become a Gospel Preacher, led him to the school. He was born on Tuesday June 17, 2000 in Bahn City, Nimba County Liberia. He works with the local congregation in His home town. He became a Christian in November 2011. His primary interest is to become a preacher and a counselor.
We remain grateful for your love for God and your constant supports that have brought us this far, despite the challenges. To God be all the glory, praise and honor.
Kind Regard
Fester G. Lee
Director- BVBI-L