Bible Institute in Fiji Celebrates Achievements of Graduates

Updates on the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa

Teaching Updates

Since our last newsletter, I have taught two courses: Minor Prophets and Acts. Minor Prophets is one of the very first courses that I taught and is still one of my favorite classes. I actually first taught it in American Samoa as part of the Pacific Islands Bible College that is directed by brother Robert Marin. Through the years, I have enjoyed teaching this great material. In addition to my two courses, brother Emosi Sailo taught a course on 2 Corinthians and Galatians, and Dad (Rocco Pierce) taught a course on Congregational Development. It has truly been a great joy teaching with these two great men.

BIR Graduation

I have mentioned before how John Nakabea first came to us as a student in July 2022 in the middle of a school year. Dad was taking his World Religions students on a field trip to Nadi when the van he rented broke down. Dad contacted John to see if he would be available to drive some of the students on the trip. John was so interested in the field trip that he came to the school to sit in on Dad’s World Religions class. He ended up falling in the love with the program and staying. Even though John came into our program in the middle of a school year, he quickly established himself as a serious Bible student. Although he has gone through some challenges, he managed to graduate our program with a 4.0 GPA. We are so proud of him!

Since John came in the middle of the school year in 2022, he did not need the full second year of courses. Because he was our only full-time student this year, he was able to complete all of his course work at the end of July. So we held graduation on Saturday, July 27. Because this was our final graduation (more on that in the next section) and we only had one graduating student, we decided to do something special. Since John loves seafood, we decided to hold our graduation at Suva’s most famous seafood restaurant, Tiko’s. Tiko’s is a restaurant that is actually located on a boat moored in Suva Harbor. We were able to reserve a private room and have the meal catered. The Tiko’s staff did an outstanding job of catering the event.

Closing Out BIR

It is with a great mixture of joy and sadness that I announce the completion of the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa. On July 27, we held our final graduation for the full-time program. Over the last few weeks, we have worked to close down the school facility. While we are certainly sad to see our work with the school come to an end, we are filled with joy over the works that we have been able to accomplish. Over the last eight years, we have had a total of thirty-three students to complete at least one course for credit and twenty-two students to go on to graduate from our full-time program (not counting our Monday night program in Suva or our Saturday program in the West). Today, we have graduates preaching and teaching with at least ten different congregations on five islands in three countries. Additionally, we currently have five graduates who are serving as elders in three congregations (along with two elders’ wives). 

Closing out the school has come with its own challenges. Since we are registered with the government, we have been required to do a great deal of paperwork to close the school down. We are especially grateful to Peter and Moira Lee for the work as our liaisons with the Fiji government during this process. Lord willing, the school will officially be closed down on August 31. One of the big challenges with closing down the school was dispersing the school supplies. The biggest part of this was what to do with the school library. Thankfully, we were able to set up a room that is now climate controlled at the Raiwaqa church building to keep the library so that it can continue to be used by the local congregations. Other materials were distributed to different congregations to be used in their works. We were also able to distribute some of the materials to some of the widows and members in need. We also transported some of the equipment (like the printer and comb binder) and supplies to our apartments (Dad’s and ours) so that we can use them to continue using them to produce materials to be used by the local congregations for teaching, training, and outreach.

Updates on Past BIR Graduates

I want to take a moment to highlight some of the fruits of our labors here with the Bible Institute. Two of our graduates, Emosi Sailo and Lesio Saurara, have been serving as the elders at Raiwaqa since January 2021. It has been wonderful to see these two men grow in their positions of leadership. Both of these men (along with their wives, Nancy Sailo and Jacinta Saurara, who are also graduates) are constantly active with various works of the church at Raiwaqa. They are regularly involved with preaching and teaching, organizing the worship services, and planning various events in the church. Both men regularly send out devotional messages to the members of the church through phone texts. Both men and their families regularly visit other congregations in Fiji to preach, teach, and encourage the brethren. These two men and their wives have become models for what our program was designed to do. They have come to understand the importance of continuing the mission to train a new generation of church leaders themselves. Recently, Nancy and Jacinta started a “Tabitha class” to train the young ladies in the church. They get together once a month for a period a devotional study and to do service projects. Emosi and Lesio started a preaching training course and invited the men from other area congregations to come and learn how to develop a sermon. While they asked Dad and myself to provide our teaching materials on preparing and delivering sermons, they have put together their own course and are teaching it themselves. The class lasts for 4-5 hours every Saturday. They have had several men (including some youths) from three different congregations to participate in the class. 

In June, it was announced that another congregation in Fiji was appointing elders. The Naila church of Christ appointed four men to serve as elders in the congregation. Two of those men, Kitione Solinadrotini and Semi Sasalu, are graduates of the Bible Institute. Both men have remained active in the church at Naila over the years. We are so excited to see them appointed as elders. This makes three congregations in Fiji which now have elders, and each of the congregations includes at least one elder who has graduated from our program. Please pray for all of these elders as they seek to shepherd the flock of God’s people in Fiji. 

Brother Kitione Solinadrotini from the Naila congregation visited me earlier this week in part to ask for a letter of recommendation from the school. Brother Kiti has long had a passion for doing prison ministry. In the past, he has visited the prisons on his own to try to teach the prisoners. Recently, the paper listed postings for a couple of jobs working as a chaplain in the local prisons in Fiji. If he were able to get one of these jobs, it would give him greater opportunities to minister to the prison population here. Please pray that God’s will be done as he applies for one of these posts.

Our Future Plans for the Fiji Work

While the full-time program has closed down, that does not mean that there is not plenty of work for us to still be doing! We see this as a transition phase for our work. The school motto has always been 2 Timothy 2:2, which says, “…and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (ESV). Our stated mission has always been to train our students to take over the responsibility of teaching the next generation of Christians to teach others. While we have trained several classes as students, we want to help them set up their own programs to help teach and train members in their congregations. Over the next several months, we will be working at helping them to do that.

One area that we will be focused on over the next few months will be curriculum development. One of the biggest challenges to spiritual growth in Fiji is the lack of available resources. Books are not widely available and are often expensive to the point of being unaffordable for the Christians. We want to put together resources that our graduates can use to teach their own Bible classes. The goal is to take a portion of our school curriculum and make it available to past graduates to set up their own school programs that are modeled after our Monday night program at Raiwaqa and our Saturday program in the West. We want to put together both student workbooks and teachers manuals that can be used to teach these classes, as well as putting together assignment and exam ideas to be used. While we have materials that we have used in teaching our own classes, we want to put those materials in a form that local instructors can use to teach on their own. 

We also want to devote more time to helping build up and encourage the local churches in Fiji. While we have always sought to spend time visiting, teaching, and preaching at the different congregations, the demands of working full-time with the school have at times limited our opportunities. We have typically made working with the Raiwaqa congregation a priority, since they have served as the sponsor for the school. While we will continue our regular works at Raiwaqa, we are hoping to be able to spend more time directly working with some of the other congregations as well. Two weeks ago, I was able to preach at the Southern congregation in Samabula (Suva), and they have already asked me to come back to preach again in September. This week, I was visited by one of the new elders at the Naila congregation (a village about 30 minutes from us). He wanted to invite me to consider coming to Naila and teaching a course on Preparation and Delivery of a Sermon for some of their men who did not attend our program. We are looking forward to being able to travel more to the West to help with the congregations in Nadi and Lautoka, which have both gone through some periods of struggle recently. We have also been invited to possibly come and do some work on the northern island of Vanua Levu by one of our graduates, Romulus O’Brien. These are just some of the possible works that we are considering for the next few months. 

In addition to all of this, we continue to work with the Raiwaqa church of Christ. Nathan and I are both part of the regular preaching rotation at Raiwaqa, preaching a two or three times a piece each quarter. This year, I am teaching an in-depth course on Wednesday nights through the book of Second Samuel. This study has been really well received, and I have noticed that our attendance has grown in recent weeks – which is always encouraging to see. The life of David is one of my absolute favorite Bible studies, so I am really enjoying getting to teach through this material each week.

Posted on September 9, 2024 .

32 more conversions in Malawi

Hello everyone!

Grace and peace from God be with you all. We are always thankful to God for everything.  God has again brought excitement in our hearts as we have good news to share with you all. It is always good to hear from our students who graduated from our school. This months we were able to receive good news from Shadreck, Wakisa, Calvin and Mateyu. These men are doing great work every day, for example Shadreck had preaching campaign in Phalombe district far south of Malawi and has reported 16 baptisms,  Calvin from  Nkhataby district reported 1 baptism, Wakisa from Karonga district reported 7 baptisms and Mateyu from Kasungu district reported 8 baptisms and 6 restorations. We are thankful to God for their zeal to keep preaching .  This has totaled to 32 baptisms and 6 restorations. Praise God!


The Teaching work is almost finished,  we are remaining with three courses before the graduation in October this year. The students have grown in the understand of the scriptures.  It is always a gradual growth. We are looking forward to have Donnie teach a final class on World religion from the 7th to 11th of October, 2024.


We excited to announce the 12th day of October, 2024 as the day when our students will be awarded their diplomas for reaching to the final day of their studies with us for two years. We are humbly inviting all who would love to comes and witness this occasion.  We are already excited that brothers Tim, Mike and Donnie have already shown interest.  Please you are welcomed to this happy day, food will be available for everyone  

We are thankful for the partnership between Bear Valley Bible Institute International and the Hillcrest brethren. Without your hand,  nothing could have been achieved. As long as we still have lost souls under heaven, we have responsibility to preaching the saving message of the gospel. Eternity Is Forever,  Think Souls!

Your fellow laborers in the Lord, 

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on September 9, 2024 .

Graduation in Ibadan

Beloved in Christ Jesus.

Calvary greetings to you all from students and staff of  Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria and Southwest School of Evangelism Ibadan .

Here are summary of some of our activities for the month of August 2024:

BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN Six Weeks Practicum/Teaching Practice Report:

Our students in their final practicum/teaching practice for the 2023/24 session have reported the conversion of 37 individuals and the restoration of 25 erring brethren to the faith. Although the program was originally scheduled for four weeks, the students chose to extend their commitment by spending an additional two weeks with the congregations to which they were assigned.


Reports from regular recipients of VOTI booklets in Oyo, Ogun, and Akwa-Ibom States indicate the conversion of 17 souls and the restoration of 22 individuals during July and August 2024. We give glory and honor to God for these blessings and extend our thanks to the VOTI Crew. May the Lord continue to bless our efforts together in Christ Jesus' name. Amen.


The first semester of the 2024/2025 academic session began on August 19, with a total of 30 students enrolled—17 in the first year and 13 in the second year.

BVBIN Degree Program Report:

The two-week BVBIN Bachelor's degree program was held as scheduled from August 12 to 22 in Butu-London, Butubutu Village, Ibadan. 

Bro. Durojaiye Odeyemi substituted for Bro. Chad Wagner, teaching Greek I, while Bro. Ayobami Akanji, an elder at the Lord's Church in Isheri-Oshun, Lagos State, instructed the seven students in Congregational Development I. Lectures took place daily from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, with a one-hour break from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. The school provided meals for both students and instructors each day.

We give thanks to the Lord for His mercy and grace throughout these two weeks. Our gratitude extends to Russell and Ginger Knowles, Bro. Keith Kasarjian and associates, Bro. Chad Wagner and associates, Doug and Diane Wheeler, Dorman and Donna Lough, Sister Cherry Lloyd and family, Zach and Kim Van Tassel, Larry and Patty Goodin, The Tulare Community Church of Christ, and everyone who supported, encouraged, and partnered with us.

May the Lord continue to bless our collective efforts in Christ Jesus' name. Amen.


The three-day Annual Bible Lectureship held at Doug Wheeler's Events Center was attended by over 300 brethren and friends of the Lord's Church. Attendance grew steadily from Tuesday, with over 100 attendees, including students, present by Thursday morning.

This year’s theme, "Christ in You - The Hope of Glory" (Colossians 1:27), focused on navigating the current hardships in Nigeria and reinforcing Christ as our all-sufficient Savior and guide. A lineup of experienced ministers addressed various topics to renew our hope and faith. On Friday evening, sessions were held at both Doug Wheeler's Events Center and Chad Wagner's Open Hall, covering "Maturity in Christ in Times Like These" and "Crisis Management in the Home."

Topics included:

- Who is Jesus Christ?

- What Shall I Do with Christ?

- The Character of Christ

- Jesus Christ: The Answer in Hopeless Situations

- Jesus Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life

- The Power of Believing in Christ

- The Great Invitation of Matthew 11:28-30

- Christ in You: The Hope of Glory

- Jesus Christ and the Many Mansions of John 14

- Jesus Christ: Our Comfort in Times Like These

- Jesus Christ and Crisis Management

The event also featured a youth conference and football matches to promote physical activity and fellowship.

We are deeply grateful for everyone who contributed to the successful hosting of these events. May the Lord continue to bless our work together in Christ Jesus' name. Amen.


The 22nd Graduation Ceremony was a joyous occasion, witnessed by over 300 brethren and friends of the Lord’s Church. It was held at Doug Wheeler's Events Center in Butu-London, Butubutu Village, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM.

Bro. Tim Iwe served as our Moderator and Master of Ceremonies, while Bro. Oladokun Samuel led us in songs of praise. Bro. Emmanuel Odo delivered a powerful admonition to the graduating students from the Pauline Epistles, encouraging them to be faithful ministers of God.

During the ceremony, fourteen students received the SWSE Diploma in Biblical Studies, two students were awarded the SWSE-IBADAN Certificate of Attendance, and ten students earned the BVBIN Advanced Diploma. Each graduate was also presented with a pack of working tools for ministry.

Special awards were given to honor outstanding students:

 **Best Ministerial Award** (donated by Bro. Chad Wagner) was awarded to Bro. Ogaji Emmanuel Isaac.

- **Most Disciplined Student** (donated by Larry and Patty Goodin) was awarded to Bro. Richard Preyorete Timothy.

- **Best Academic Student** (donated by Bro. & Sister Ayobami Akanji) was awarded to Bro. Folorunsho Richard Oluwapelumi.

- **Most Improved Student** (donated by Bro. Chad Wagner) was awarded to Bro. Olaleye Josiah Sina.

- **Most Hardworking Student** (donated by The Makinde Family) was awarded to Bro. Augustine Joseph Dada.

- **Most Responsible Student** (donated by BVBIN & SWSE Foundation) was awarded to Bro. Folorunsho Richard Oluwapelumi.

- **Evangelism Award** (donated by Bro. Keith Kasarjian) was presented to Bro. Murphat Victor Chinagorom, Bro. Ilesanmi Samson Ojo, and Bro. Osarenren Nosakhare Joshua for their exceptional dedication to house-to-house evangelism.

- **Most Humble and God-Fearing Student** (donated by Bro. Doug Wheeler) was awarded to Bro. Akanmu Solomon Abayomi.

- **Priscilla Award** (donated by Sister Ronke Kila) was awarded to Sister Abigail Augustine and Sister Abigail Akanmu.

- **Leadership Award** (donated by The Aiyela Family) was awarded to Bro. Edokpai Blessing Enoch, our student leader.

As the event concluded, all participants were given a pack of gospel literature, including VOTI Volume 120, Different publications by Mission Printing International, local tracts, and three cartons of gospel tracts distributed to all the churches present. 

The ceremony ended with pictures and light refreshments. We give thanks to Almighty God for His guidance and support in all aspects. To Him be all the glory and honor.

We sincerely appreciate your partnership and support.

ABOUT A STUDENT : Fasonu Adams Oluwamuyiwa

Fasonu Adams Oluwamuyiwa, a second-year student admitted into the BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN program in August 2023, was baptized into the Lord's Church in 2019 at Barracks Road Church of Christ, Ondo, Ondo State. Fasonu chose to attend BVBIN to deepen his knowledge of the Scriptures, enhance his evangelistic skills, and develop the ability to discern right from wrong based on Biblical teachings.

In Conclusion: We appreciate the Almighty God for granting us to be one of the tools in His kingdom and also appreciate you all for your partnership, encouragement and support. May the Lord continue to bless all our work together in Christ Jesus name, amen.

Sincerely yours in His Grace & Love as a servant .....

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi

 The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN and WBSFUW 

Posted on September 9, 2024 .

Studies continue in Tirupati, India

August 29th, 2024

Reporting Letter for the month of August-2024.

Respected director  Mr.Keith Kasarjian, our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tirupati-India greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may finds you well. We sincerely thankful to you for your prayer and encouragement. We humbly submit report for the month of August-2024.

Class Room work:  In the month of August we have completed The books of Numbers, Deuteronomy, second Samuel and first Chronicles. We also completed few N.T church doctrines.

Campaigning In the month of August we have conducted campaigning at the Village of Kalathur,  K.V.B.Puram Mandal , Andhra Pradesh-state.

Baptisms: In the month of August 11 souls were baptized and added to the body of christ. Please pray for the newly baptized souls.

Leadership class: In the month of August   second Saturday we have conducted leadership class. We are happy to report that Mr.Steve Snider from USA has visited and taught wonderful subject on second coming of Jesus Christ.  We appreciate our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds for connecting this  good bible teacher. He was with us for two days.  He was able to preach in our local church on 11th August,2024.

Zoom Bible classes :-  There are interesting people who desire to learn bible, so we conduct Wednesday and Thursday morning zoom classes.


Bed sheets to Blind people:-  This is rainy season in India, we noticed blind people who are suffering lot without blankets. Our young people in the local church have contributed money for the bed sheets. We have distributed bed sheets to the visually challenged people.

Feeding Tribal children :- We have involved local church young people to distribute food for the tribal people at Pallamala village.

Future plan:- There are several students , employees, business people and farmers who are interested to study the bible but not able to get opportunity to attend for the off line bible classes. We  would like to open the  distance educational program for the people who are unable to attend for the full time bible training . We request your prayers.

We thank you for all your prayers for all your prayers. We treat that the BVBI is wonderful platform to train up young people in India. We sincerely appreciate your prayers, support and  encouragement. We are grateful to our director and coordinator for their availability on time to time for the smooth function of this spiritual educational program.

Thanking you

Yours brother and sister in christ.

Vijay&Swarupa and BVBI staff and students from Tirupati-India.

Posted on September 7, 2024 .

Graduation nears in Zambia


We continue to give God glory and honor as we labor in His vineyard and we will always cherish our partnership with you brethren in the fellowship of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. So we send warm greetings through His Son our Redeemer. 

The month of August was another good experience at BVBI-Zambia especially on the Copperbelt Province and Zambia at large. We are happy to send this report to you once again!

Our final quarter

The classes are going on well, counting every millisecond as we conclude our final quarter. Knowing that we have no time to wastet we are balancing our class time and preaching well. Though we still have one upcoming Campaign in Ndola in the month of September of which BVBI-Zambia has agreed to cooperate with one of the Congregation there in defense of the word of God, our time is really tight.  

Our Graduation is set   

We are sending the 2022-24 intake students back to their home congregation for their service after being trained for two years. Their graduation is set on 5th October this year. We continue to pray that all goes on well. As we look back on the class that is graduating, we are filled with great satisfaction of how they have grown into capable men who will be able to teach and preach. Prince Chisupa is our youngest student and he is one of the best students we have. He devotes himself completely to his studies and preaching. On the other hand we have Obed Silwimba who is our oldest student. Obed is advanced in age. In spite of his age, Obed has done tremendously well in his studies and preparation to preach. All the students that are graduating are ready to go back to their respective congregations and make a huge difference in the Kingdom of God. 

Special Request

Please pray for us that our graduation may be successful. We are looking forward to this glorious occasion for our students once again.  

Our evangelistic campaign in Lusaka west 

We had our evangelistic strip on 22 to 26th August in Lusaka west. This trip was made possible by Brother Donnie Estep who supported us financially in going and coming back. It was a very healthy trip spiritually and it was a good experience for the students. Not only that, trips like this one makes the school to be known. We thank Brother Estep for his good gesture as far as this work is concerned.

Reports on our Alumni:

Our Alumni continue to be of good service to various congregations where they are serving to mention just a few:

Boyd Kalaba reports from Kanfinsa in Kitwe district of the Copperbelt Province of Zambia that the work of the Lord there continues to thrive. He has had a number of baptisms and restorations since he started working with Kanfinsa congregation. He has asked Jally Siawaza also our alumnus to join him and help him with follow-ups for the next month. Jally is working with Riverside church of Christ in Livingstone district of Southern Province of Zambia. Jally is very active and effective working with the youths at Riverside congregation. 

Daniel Kapata teaching at a secondary school in Zimba southern province has continued to do the work for the Lord well. We recorded three of his pupils who got baptized as a result of him teaching them the gospel of Christ. Daniel also encouraged our current student body by working together it has been an awesome experience. Simon Nkhazi studying medicine was on practicals in Mumbwa district and during his time of working there he congregated with the church there, we have recorded three restorations and one baptism.

Additions to the body of Christ:

We are so happy to report the addition of the following to the Lord’s Church: Tina zulu, Jenipher Sikota, Mercy Siyachinduka, Justina Mukalabi, Monica Mulongo, Regina Nanjame, Prisca Namumba, Anna Simpasia, Memory, Priscavia Majuba, Tekla Mundenda, Rosa Sibajene, Diana Ndjovu, Beverly Sulwe and precious Chibalani. We give glory to God for this Sixteen souls, and we pray for God’s continued blessings on their lives.

Restorations recorded:

We have also recorded the following restoration to the sheepfold: Ather Munkombwe, Paul Siyalwindi, Lameck Njese, Simon Mwamba, Angel Banda, Peter Hambongo, Henry Zulu Jacob Banda, Lackson Mwenja, Borwell Kayana, Moses Phiri Stephen Sinjela, Levy Kalemba, Davies Suze and Solomon Ngwira. We also recorded twenty nine (29) restorations through Vincent Simwanza who is currently working with the congregation in Livingstone of Southern province of Zambia. About four thousand women met for their meeting in southern and Vincent Simwanza and Jally Siawaza were there doing the work.

Survival skill developments:

We have continued to impart knowledge of survival skills in our students. We can say that we are so impressed on how they are performing as they raise chickens, and do some farming though we are still lacking essential tools like water pump and electrical generator. We keep on laboring for the Lord and promoting His cause till the last moment of our lives.

We are also expecting Dr. Ebenezer Udofia who works for the Healing Hand International in the month of September to train us on food sustainability work shop using drip irrigation and other methods. We are as excited as we look forward to receiving him in Zambia.


We continue to be rooted deeply in the Gospel, which is the reason for our existence. We continue to glorify our God for your great Sacrifice financially in order for us to share the gospel with those who need it, may our God Keep you safe through His love.

In His service,

Cephas and Fred 

Posted on September 7, 2024 .

Various Achievements in Accra, Ghana

Southern Institute of Biblical Studies (Bear Valley Bible Institute)

We are thankful for the Lord’s continued blessings and guidance throughout the month of August 2024. Here are the key activities and achievements for this month:

Class Activities

1.      Active Participation:

    • All instructors are diligently conducting their courses, with full participation from all students. The dedication and enthusiasm of both faculty and students are commendable.

2.      Exams and Research:

    • The regular courses have been completed, and students are now engaged in exams and research work. This period is crucial for assessing their understanding and progress.

Baptisms at Akotuakrom and Ankwa Doboro

  • We rejoice in the conversion and baptism of three (3) souls at Akotuakrom. This milestone is a testament to the power of the gospel and the dedication of our evangelistic efforts.

  • Two (2) souls were converted by one of our students who is now an evangelist at Ankwa Doboro church.

Preachers and Leaders Seminar at Takoradi

·         Including our campaign, we attended a Preachers and Leaders seminar at Takoradi organized by West Coast School of Preaching (Bear Valley Bible Institute).

Campaign at Ankwa Doboro

  • Our next campaign is focused on Ankwa Doboro, with the aim of strengthening the local church. We are committed to nurturing and supporting the congregation there.

Radio Programme

  • Our top radio programme continues to be effective, reaching a wide audience and spreading the message of Christ. The positive feedback from listeners encourages us to keep this ministry thriving.

Bachelor’s Degree Programme

  • The Bachelor’s degree programme is ongoing, providing advanced theological education to our students.

Master’s Programme

  • From August 12th to 23rd, we successfully conducted the Master’s programme with 13 students in attendance. Jery Bate led the sessions, imparting valuable knowledge and insights to the participants.

We are grateful for the support and prayers from our community, partners, and friends. Your contributions are vital to our mission. May the Lord continue to bless our efforts as we strive to serve Him faithfully.

In His Service,

E. O. Larbi

Southern Institute of Biblical Studies (Bear Valley Bible Institute)

Posted on September 6, 2024 .

Academic Successes in Lima, Peru

Dear brothers,

We hope in the Lord that you are enjoying good health both physically and spiritually, a fraternal hug from a distance.

Last Saturday we concluded two more classes, in the months of July and August Brother Andres Nuñez and myself (Juan Abanto) taught the courses of I and II Thessalonians and Advanced Homiletics, it has been an excellent time that we have shared with our students. Interaction and learning have been two things that we have emphasized a lot in these last two months.

I share with you some notes from Brother Andres about his course:

"Thank God for giving me the opportunity again, to be able to teach this interesting course of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Personally I have felt very good to be able to share this beautiful course which has helped me to investigate, to look for answers again regarding topics included in this course such as: (1) The Second Coming of Christ (1 Thes 4:13-18; 2:1-12); (2) The false teaching about the rapture (1 Thess 4:17); (3) Hades (II Thess 6-10); (4) Apostasy, the man of sin (2 Thess 2:1-12). All of these topics are interesting since it is doctrine, where the brothers of the church should know, learn much more about the subject....

Here I send you the appreciation of some of the students:

“The classes were very interesting, I found them quite edifying, since I learned new topics which I was not very clear about, when I finished this I already have a better understanding regarding Hades, the second coming of Christ and the man of sin, and I will take into account what I learned.” (Jhonely Pérez Silva)

“The classes were interesting, I cleared up many doubts, I have learned more, everything was very clear, I had a good time, thank you brother.” (José Daniel)

“Thank you brother Andrés for the teachings, I have learned a lot about things that I was unaware of, I have been edified quite a bit.” (María Rojas)

It is possible to appreciate how grateful the students are and also the pleasant experience that always comes with teaching the Word of the Lord. Next Saturday, September 7, we will be starting two new courses, I refer to: 1) Romans (Exp. Abraham Alata) and 2) Epistle of James (Exp. Andres Nuñez).

Always trying to strengthen ties with other congregations here in Peru, I participated in a youth camp as a guest instructor giving me the opportunity to teach and talk a little more about the institute, this has generated a lot of interest among the youth and some of them have decided to become part of the training program.

It has been a pleasure to share these lines with you, hoping that they will be encouraging and informative.

A fraternal hug,
Juan Abanto

Posted on September 6, 2024 .

Advancements from school in Tamale, Ghana



We give God all the glory and honor for the month of July 2024. We continued with our duties as servants of the most high in doing our best to serve our beloved master in our various capacities. Because He lives, we are not consumed, praise Him. Amen


Students have gone on a break to try to do their farming activities as the rains began. It is a long break, arranged to accord them the opportunity to do their major farming activities and return back to school. This is important because we do not want to train irresponsible preachers. We therefore are doing our best to encourage them to involve themselves in some little productive activities that can help them to be more responsible in carrying out their duties as preachers. Farming is the major work across Northern Ghana. It is our prayer that the Lord remembers them and blesses the work of their hands.


We are doing our best to put the school compound in a more presentable state. The rains not being stable made us slow down with some of the things we intended to do to put the compound in order. Notwithstanding, in the month of July 2024, we were able to transport some local fence building flowers from Yendi area to try to demarcate the school compound from the school garden. We are however going to need more helping hands to push the agenda of keeping our environment to a certain standard. It is our prayers that the Lord makes a way.


Brother Paul Laar, a past student of Bear Valley Tamale was sent to the newly established congregation in the Savannah Region (Nahari Ziiri) to spend some days to strengthen the congregation and as well as make efforts to convert souls. Working with Brother Abraham, also a past student from the Upper West Region, one soul was added to the church. We thank God for the blessing of the soul.


As part of our duty as a congregation to preach Christ to the world, we believe good works aid us to have access to souls. As a result of that, benevolence is one of the greatest tools of good works that draw the attention of people to the gospel. While we used benevolence too wisely to maintain our needy members, we equally used the same tool to draw the attention of people to the gospel. In the month of July, we once again embarked on an in house and outside benevolence as well. Some needy members were supported according to their needs and the strength of the church. We also reached out to souls as well.

As a sign of maturity of the members, there was a benevolent donation made by couples who are members to aid our benevolence activities. They donated ten (10) bundles of powdered soap to support the church. We praise God.

Working with the campuses in Tamale, one soul was added to the Lord’s church.


In the month of July 2024, we harvested the groundnut we sowed in the school garden. We had a fairly good harvest, though the rain pattern wasn’t the best. We have plans to sow different crops on the land, as we observe the rain pattern to decide what to sow.

Thank you,

Bear Valley Tamale

Posted on September 6, 2024 .

Continuous Efforts in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine

Monthly Report – Bear Valley Bible Institute

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As the summer break comes to an end, I would like to provide an update on the recent activities at the Bear Valley Bible Institute. Over the past three months, our students have been engaged in practical ministry work, gaining valuable experience and serving in various locations.

Practical Ministry Assignments:

- Maxim: He completed his practicum in Bila Tserkva, where he actively participated in church activities and outreach programs.

- Vadim: Vadim served in Poltava, where he made significant contributions to the local church. We believe there is a strong possibility that Vadim will continue his ministry in Poltava after graduation. Please keep Vadim and his family in your prayers as they prepare for this potential move. Vadim has one more year of study left, during which he will also be preparing for his new role in Poltava.

New Students:

We are pleased to announce that we have two new students who have already submitted their application documents. Additionally, a man named Konstantin from Kramatorsk has expressed his intention to join the program.

Upcoming Academic Year:

Classes for the new academic year will commence on September 2nd. The first course will be taught by Denton Lendon, with Konstantin Kiselenko serving as the translator. I would like to acknowledge Konstantin's long-standing contribution as our regular translator. His work is invaluable not only to the institute but also to the Church in Bila Tserkva. Please continue to pray for Konstantin and his health.

New Instructors:

This year, we have added several Ukrainian instructors to our teaching staff. We are working to involve two brothers currently pursuing their master’s degrees—Oleg Fofanov and Oleksandr Rotkevych—in the work of the Bible institute. Oleksandr, in particular, has been assisting me with the technical aspects of our educational process. He has developed a program that allows students easy access to information databases. Through this application, students can access books, notes, maps, and also submit their assignments. This innovation is a great asset to the institute.

Current Situation in Ukraine:

Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine continues, and we are losing ground at an alarming rate. The situation remains dire, with no clear end in sight. I am deeply grateful for your prayers, your patience, and your ongoing support for Ukraine. The Church of Christ in Ukraine is doing tremendous work in saving souls, thanks to the resources provided by our brothers in America. We are indebted to you, and your assistance is both invaluable and necessary.

Please also pray for the brothers who are serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As the country has initiated widespread mobilization, more and more of our brothers are joining the ranks. Your prayers in this regard are greatly needed.

Future Involvement:

The schedule for this academic year is now available. If any of our American brothers are interested in participating in the educational process, please contact me. We are currently planning the schedule for the second semester, and there are opportunities for involvement.

Thank you all for your continued support. May God bless and protect you.


Dennis Sopelnyk

Director, Bear Valley Bible Institute

Posted on September 6, 2024 .

Evangelistic Successes from Students in Arusha, Tanzania

Hello, core workers!

Greetings from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching! Along with these greetings, we are glad to give you a report on the school following the beginning of the third quarter of this year, with classes starting on August 19th. I want to remind you that after the first and second-year students completed their second quarter of studies for this year on May 31st, they all went on break. All 15 first-year students and 6 second-year students returned to school on Saturday, August 17th. During their break, they engaged in evangelism practice within their home congregations, which led to the establishment of 68 new classes, the baptism of 36 people, the restoration of 19 backsliders, the founding of 5 new congregations, and the holding of 13 outdoor meetings. We, as a school, commend our students for the excellent work they have done in saving souls during their break, which has greatly contributed to the growth of those congregations both numerically and spiritually.

During that break, the entire faculty of ACSOP was divided and traveled to various locations within and outside our country to visit our second-year students, who are expected to graduate on November 22nd of this year. During these visits, we also sought out new students to join ACSOP next year in the English-speaking class.
After completing these visits, we traveled to Busia, Uganda, to join various preachers from across East Africa for joint evangelism efforts. While there, we also announced the availability of positions for new students to apply to ACSOP next year. During this evangelism, we witnessed the baptism of 5 people and the establishment of many new classes.

In conclusion, in this third quarter of studies at ACSOP, the following courses are being taught, starting with the first year:

August 19–23: Godhead, Peter K.

August 26–30: Christian Evidence, Peter K.

September 2–6: Matthew (Life of Christ 1) - Desdery, 

Exodus – Deuteronomy - Josephat, and Public Speaking 1, Losotwa M.

Short Courses: September 23–October 2: Acts and Joshua–Ruth.

August 19–23: Life of Christ 2 (Mark) by Desdery M.

August 26–30: Life of Christ 1 (Matthew)—Joseph M.

September 2–6: Public Speaking 3 (Advanced Homiletics): Losotwa M., 

Galatians - Ahimidiwe K., and Bible Geography.

Short Courses: September 23 – October 2:

September 23–27: Marriage and Family Life

September 30 – October 2: Foundation of Missions (study of missions in the New Testament).

October 3–6: Tanzania Leadership Conference.

We continue to express our gratitude to all the brethren in Christ who have been with us, supporting us physically and spiritually in making this noble work of God possible. May God continue to bless you richly, both physically and spiritually. Amen!

Michael, ACSOP, Dean of Academics

Posted on September 6, 2024 .

Evangelism in Sierra Leone producing great results


Full Time and the Extended Programs


We bring you greetings from Kenema, Eastern Sierra Leone. It is always good to hear that we are all prospering in good health and that souls are being converted on a daily basis.  In June, our students continued to take their classes, and all other activities outside the classroom continued. Here are the details:


You were informed in our May report that our full time students progressed to their second quarter of their first year which was to end by mid-June, 2024. Indeed, the Lord led them successfully and the quarter came to an end, and they were sent on break till July 1, 2024. Meanwhile, our part time students, who completed their fourth quarter at the end of May 2024, also went on a week break.   


As the school exists to train evangelists, every member of our family is focused on bringing men to Christ. That is why every week after classes from Mondays to early Fridays, at the evening of Fridays to Sundays, we get involved in evangelism. There is a schedule prepared for this activity and it is truly helping to bring people to Christ, strengthen some weak congregations, and nurture some new ones. Therefore, before June ended, three (3) souls became saved.  


Our graduates are also very busy on the field in carrying out the great commission. They are involved in carrying out the Lord’s mandate in their various localities. So as a result, seven (7) souls were converted.


You are already aware of the active works of the evangelistic teams across the country. Therefore, their efforts resulted to Twenty six (26) conversions. Apart from those being saved, the teams kept on strengthening and nurturing the various congregations that they are in touch with.


It was in the month of May that we requested for your prayers for our Dean of Students; Joseph Missailie Jr., who lost his son and his wife had some complications; our school Director, Peter Makundu whose mother went through surgery twice; our Academic Dean, Michael Triyoh, whose wife suffered from a skin disease, and our School Lectureship and Agricultural coordinator, David Thoronka who slipped, fell and fractured his left hand. We are glad to report to you that your prayers have been working well; all the brethren mentioned are improving well now. In fact, some have been completely healed. May the Lord be praised for His goodness! Thank you too, brethren for your faithful prayers.  


We are hoping that the Lord will grant us another opportunity to be alive to read the July report again. Till then, may the Lord keep us and be with us all!

Posted on September 6, 2024 .

Learning continues in Guinea

Once again we bring you greetings from the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute. Indeed the month of July has since ended but we had some administrative challenges coupled with the heavy rains for which reasons we are coming a little late with the updates of the period. 

There were not many evangelistic activities, also because as mentioned in our last report we have just started with a new batch of students and it is during this wet season. Yet, our Lord is to praised; for by his grace all went well and what transpired is of much interest and importance for us to share with you even though we had to withstand the difficulties mentioned above.

This report will cover both in and outdoor activities of - lmproved environmental conditions of the school, Lectures, Leadership Trainings, Evangelism and Agricultural practices. Here are the details below. 

Campus Environement lmproved:

By the grace of God and through the good financial support of the Bear Valley International Administration we did get some support to creat a conducive learning environnement by improving the dormitory bed facilities, provision of whiteboard for the classroom, kitchen and dining shelter extension and the making of dining tables and benches. All these are in the photos attached below.


During the July lectures, our still on roll 14 students completed the book of James with brother Michel Yombouno. Then in July proper, bro Fara François Tengaino took the class with the Poetic books beginning with Plasms to Songs of Songs. These courses extended a bit in the month of August whose report is coming soon.  

Evangelists and Church Leaders Training:

Another interesting and important activity carried out at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute campus was the training of evangelists and church leaders drawn from several congregations of Gueckedou, N'zerekore and Conakry. Some of the major areas of this training which was rather an interactive discussion was focused on the evangelist or church leader and his family, church growth, the problems that hinder it and pertinent moral issues. The program was initiated by Peter Sahr Makundu, Director of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute, Sierra Leone and the good voluntary services of brothers Mike Udam and Mojima who travelled from Nigeria to edify us. We remain grateful for all the good knowledge impacted in us of which possitive responses are beginning to show up.


Some of our July evangelistic activities were advanced in our June report which included our evangelistic training mission to Côte d'Ivoire and some conversions by our evangelistic teams. Still other July evangelistic work was the conversion of 1 precious soul at the campus congregation by the school staff and the establishment of 1 congregation at  the biggest village in the sous-prefecture of Ouende Kenema namely Owet Djiba by the OuendeKenema team. It was at the close of a day's door to door evangelism when 2 sous were baptized one of which was a prominent Catholic leader who is now on his feet to see the church grow in his community as he worships with all his large family.

Introduction to Agric Training:

Because most of our students are farmers and the fight against hunger is unending, the administration deemed it necessary to seize the opportunity of the planting season and the available spot on campus to at least introduce the students to some modern agricultural training. The Director of the school had obtained this knowledge when brother Abenezer of Healing Hands International visited Kenema, Sierra Leone for that purpose early this year. A good number of seed beds are being raised and seedlings of garden eggs, peppers and roots of other eatable leaves including potatos will be transplanted before releasing the students for break in August. It is our hope that Healing Hands International through the appropriate persons will be encouraged by this exercice to help us. 


We are grateful to you all for your support and we thank Almighty God for all that we have done in July. It is by your support and prayers that we were able to go through to accomplish the  above activities. May God continue to bless us and bless his work of preacher training and soul saving. 

Posted on September 6, 2024 .

Nineteen students graduate in Kenya

By the grace of our great God, that long awaited graduation ceremony of KSOP'S 6th class came to pass. The 19 graduands finally made it on August 24th of 2024, with exception of just one who dropped, out of the twenty, whom we had admitted.

It was without doubt, a successful celebration of the graduantes’ resilience and determination in fulfilling their KSOP academic requirements and to be given the deserved  Diplomas and Bachelors of Biblical Studies Degrees. 

Nine Americans graced the occasion. Over 60 local congregations of the Lord's church were represented. This is a proof that KSOP's impact is felt and the  church in Kenya is growing. Many KSOP alumni, some of whom run small preaching schools ( Bomet school of Preaching, Chwele, Mombasa, and Londiani, Christians For Kenya), also attended. Nothing  impresses us and gives joy than seeing 2 Tim. 2:2 being fulfilled by our Bible students before our eyes. 

During the two years that we had with these going graduates, they conducted a total of 166 baptisms. They had planted 8 new local congregations in different parts of the country. They had restored 18 churches that had gone  denominational way in worship and 118 individual backsliden Christians they restored. 

Surely, the Kenya School of Preaching is a spiritual force of its own, for many have realized it and are now pressing their way to join it by sending many applications. We appreciate what the Lord our God accomplishes in His servants, incuding those who are supporting this work in one way or another.

We ask prayers on behalf of this already out going group of KSOP trained preachers, for the work of ministry ahead of them. We will continue to update the brethren with reports of what the former and current students do, for this is the only way to know those who continue active and those who are not.

We thank, appreciate and pray for ALL KSOP supporters, may the Lord bless you forever into eternity as you continue to do your part, 

       Yours faithfully, the KSOP dean,

                   Elias Omollo.

Posted on September 6, 2024 .

Graduation and Evangelism in Cambodia

Dear Brethren in Jesus Christ

Grace and Peace be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and His beloved son, Jesus Christ. We give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare opportunity to work in His Kingdom. Thank you for taking the time to read this report and look at these recent photos.


Congratulations to our six incredible students who have completed their Bible classes! Their dedication, hard work, and commitment to studying the word of God are truly inspiring. May this knowledge guide them and strengthen their faith as they continue their spiritual journey. And also they can bring the gospel to the lost souls in the world.  We are so proud of each one of our students.​  The graduates started working in the areas where they come from, such as their hometowns. Please pray to God our Father for their first mission after graduation.

Application Week

We continue to go out preach and take our students every week to the city, villages and other areas.  Darat and I lead the students in sharing the words of God in the new town named RunTahek. Every Sunday, about 25 to 30 people come to study God’s word with us. We are so proud of what our students have learned from in their experience with evangelism.

Some of our students also go out preaching every Saturday and Sunday to other areas including three villages such as Ta Kamm, Sam Buor,  and Kouk Khnang villages.

Children’s Camp

Children’s camp in Siem Reap Cambodia was attended by IBISR’s students, staff, and members of the church of Christ in Siem Reap. In that camp, we had 500 kids and adults! The children are very joyful to study about God’s creation and plan of salvation. They enjoy studying, singing, playing, and eating together.


We are very happy and thankful that Brother Wes has traveled so far to visit and encourage us in Cambodia.  We also thank all of you for your love, prayers, and support of us in Cambodia.


Please pray for our plan to send out our students who just finished their classes to go out and preach God’s word. And please remember my nephew (Tong) who is very sick with leukemia.

Servants of Christ.

Piseth Rin and Darat Run.

Co-Directors IBISR.

Posted on September 6, 2024 .

Making an eternal difference in Liberia


The Students and Staff of the Bear Valley Bible Institute - Liberia extension brings you greetings and hope that all is well with you in the name of our Lord Almighty. We remain grateful to Bear Valley Bible Institute Denver Colorado administration for their unflinching support and care for us as we take on the task of preparing men for the Lord’s works here in Liberia and the world at large. Below are activities for the Month of June 2024.


Bro. Steven Ashcraft once told us in a meeting that it is better to close down any Bear Valley Extension if the school is not evangelistic. This statement served as caveat to us, thus getting us to put in more time for evangelism.  As a requirement, this is one of the best things we came up with to keep our students busy in learning the practical works by being involve in the preaching field.

During the weekend, our students are usually required to visit any congregation of their choice to worship. During their visit, they are instructed to work with leaders of said congregation to do door knocking or visitations thus, reminding weak and delinquent members for service. And they submit the reports on Monday upon their returned. For the matter of fact, the June 2024 statistics of their weekend visitation indicates that talk to two hundred and forty-six (246) people. Out of which twenty-nine (29) were backsliders who were restored and Nine (9) received baptisms in the various congregations visited over the weekends.

 Tent Making To Empower Potential Ministers For The

Lord’s Works (General Agriculture And Computer Science)

Students at the Bear Valley Institute - Liberia are not only limited to just Biblical studies the class room activities and evangelism campaigns, but we also offer them skills in general agriculture and Computer science with the anticipation that after graduation, our Students will have the basic technological concept as well as to face the modern age and be able to support their families through crops production, animals rearing and etc. These special programs are basically focused on the practical aspects of those courses than the theory.

We are happy that Bear Valley Bible Institute Administrators allow these special skills to be offered and our students are upgraded for their future ministry.

A sister of the Sanniquellie Central Church Of Christ offered a passel of land (five Lots) to be used for agriculture practical.

Academic Work

Since our relocation to Sanniquellie, the school has been running smoothly in teams of lessons and Students Care. We started Batch Four Year One Quarter two in Sanniquellie by April 22, 2024 which ended on July 21, 2024.  As per the requirements of the institution, our staff and students are regularly carrying on their required duties and lessons are on course as per the curriculum of the school. As we conclude year one quarter two of Batch Four, we continued to seek your prayers as we strive to perform our duties accordingly.

Our class room activities continued with the following:

1.     Group works

2.     Research works

3.     Students group or Individual Assignments and presentation

4.     Memory works

5.     Final examinations (Practical and theory) etc.

 Gospel literatures / Tracts Received

On June 29, 2024 the Bear Valley Bible Institute - Liberia received 512 cartoons of tracts and Children Bible Class materials from Bro. Alfred Beyan the GSA Road Church Of Christ Minister, through Bro. Steven Ashcraft on behalf of Mission Printing. Those tracts are intended to boost the evangelistic efforts of the Country.

In an effort to make use of those materials, the Liberia evangelistic effort have taken the initiative to have them distributed to various congregations and evangelism teams of the Country. The Southeast Churches Of Chris Evangelistic Mission took the street On July 20, 2024 to carry on a massive tracts distributions in Pleebo City, Maryland County creating awareness and popularizing the Church.

At this juncture, we want to use this medium to appreciate and recognized the efforts of Mission Printing for taking the gospel out to the needed and defending the truth. Those tracts and many other Gospel materials received from you and other brethren are tremendously helping the evangelistic efforts here in Liberia and will carry us a long way in improving the works of God’s Kingdom in this part of Word.

Please keep us in your individual prayers as we take on the task of propagating the gospel.


We remain grateful for your love for God and your constant supports that have brought us this far, despite the challenges. To God be all the glory, praise and honor.

Kind Regards

Fester G. Lee

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on August 14, 2024 .

More conversions in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the world. We are happy that through media technology, we can share news about our work with you who are far away from our own home. We do hope this piece of information meets you in good health and sound in faith. God keeps watching us and seeing all that we are doing for humanity and for the work that He has entrusted in our hands. We are in the rainy season now and the rains can truly try to interrupt many of our mission works. But, because we are encouraged from Paul’s inspired letter to Timothy to preach in season and out of season, we have no reason to complain or to cease to labor. We must continue to spread the good news of Jesus Christ!

Last week in Wotutu was amazing! The work here is in progress, as the Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon – Wotutu students are doing their best in their studies in the word. And, they are always ready to answer the Macedonian call, anywhere in our country.

After studying the Bible, our students are also benefiting from our vocational training instructor, brother Kunda Julius. He is presently teaching our students on how to do plantain and banana multiplication. Plantains and bananas are very fast, food crop growing businesses. Therefore, in our preacher training, we are seeing that our students are gaining this knowledge. It will go a long way in helping them in the field, to either do multiplication to plant in their farms, or to sell to others who need it for their farm. We are fighting food shortage as well, so this will help them to have some income, some food of their own, and to help with the food needs of others in the country.

Weekend evangelism took us to 5 different locations. Among the locations we were embarking to, was a community which contains both French and English speakers. So, students from our sister school in Mbanga, a French speaking Bear Valley Bible Institute, were a part of this exercise. As our school van took some students to other locations, my small mission work car was also there to take some students to another location.

God took us safely to Nkende. This location was very new to us. I even had to ask for directions from people along the road to finally get to the location. A sister in Christ, who just built a new house in that location, was the one that gave us the Macedonian call, asking us for help to establish a new congregation in that area. Her husband and 2 children will be staying there permanently, while she visits them during some weekends. She is serving far away from that place as a nurse. Please put her continued zeal, and our continued work in progress there, in your prayers.

In Nkende, we arrived and started with house-to-house evangelism immediately. We were telling the people that we have come with bread, that is spiritual bread, and we are hawking it free of charge. Many of them were amazed and were very receptive to the new message, although some would not give us the time to share the gospel message with them. But, many did have open hearts.

Mr. John accepted the gospel, alongside 5 others in different families. This was a clear indication that the people are receptive, and are ready to learn some new things. The community is characterized by those who follow Roman Catholic doctrine.

Some young people accepted us to their home. Their parents were there, and we were able to share the gospel message with the entire family. The parents are not fully educated, so they allow their children to interact with us. They asked us a series of questions which we answered with scripture. At the end, the young people decided to obey the gospel but their parents refused. They said that they will not be baptized, but their children should go ahead and be baptized because they were the ones interacting with us, and they have seen that they must have understood us more than themselves. They said that while the children are with the church of Christ, they will one day teach them the truth where they can understand it as well. It was amazing for me to hear this from the parents because most of the time, the parents will blatantly refuse for their children to be baptized without them being part of the group.

The sisters of the Wotutu congregation fully reinstate the LACE chapter in Wotutu, since it was closed down because of the political crisis in Cameroon that displaced many, who fled to other locations. The aim of LACE, which is LADIES ASSOCIATION FOR CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, is to help women and girls in our congregation in the areas of farming, schooling, and more as they disclose and empower them with the means available to bring more stability into their lives, marriages, and homes. Please keep this baby group in your prayers, as it will be a source of empowerment for many to the glory of God.

Brethren, please keep me in your prayers, as my birthday comes up this week on the 31st of July. God is kind to me, and I return all glory and honor to Him.


We are still focused on our daily program, which is training men to preach so that they can preach the word and evangelize their own surroundings.


Thank you so very much for the work you are accomplishing daily. We give all glory to God, who is the general overseer on this work.

May God bless you and keep you as you make a great day.

Elangwe and Family

By His grace, director of BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on August 14, 2024 .

Many activities in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus,

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and from Christ our Lord, Comforter and our Chief Shepherd . Below is the summary of some of our activities for the month of July 2024 .


The Sent Forth ceremony for the BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN 2023/24 set took place at the Doug Wheeler Events Center in Butubutu-London, Butubutu village, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria on the evening of July 5th, 2024. The event lasted for an hour and twelve minutes. Highlights included:

- Bro. Ogaji Emmanuel leading songs

- Bro. Emmanuel David Etta leading the opening prayer

- Bro. Ebenezer Olugbenga Ojo delivering an admonishment on "The Soldiers Of Christ In The Field" (2 Tim. 2:1-13)

- Encouraging words from Bro. Makinde Ebens based on Matthew 28:18-20

- Distribution of working tools such as VOTI volumes, Mission Printing trifolds, and evangelism booklets

- Closing hymn and prayer led by Bro. Akanmu Solomon

- Refreshments marked the conclusion of the program.


With divine assistance and the collaboration of fellow servants at BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN, we successfully concluded the Fourth Semester classes on July 5th, 2024. The curriculum included:

- Bro. Eniafe Olukayode teaching 1st and 2nd Corinthians

- Bro. Israel Tajomavwo covering Christian Ethics and Islam

- Bro. Makinde John instructing Research & Writing-2 and Elementary Greek

- Bro. Ebenezer Olugbenga Ojo handling Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus) and The Book of Revelation

- Bro. Isaac Olaniyan teaching L.O.C-4 (Book of John) and Church Leadership and Administration

- Bro. Durojaiye Odeyemi covering Fundamentals of Faith and Church History

- Bro. Samuel Effiong teaching on Homiletics -3 and Church Growth -1  

- Bro. Oladokun Samuel handles New Testament and Mission

- Bro. Makinde Ebens instructing Church Growth - 2, and Homiletics-2 (Practical)

- Bro. Folorunso Richard and Sister Oyenuga Esther continuing their service as Computers Instructors.

REPORT FROM SOME OF OUR GRADUATES Supported from the School Evangelism-2 allocation . Graduates from BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN reported conversions in various locations:

- Bro. Olaleye Josiah (Aramoko-Ekiti, Ekiti State, 1 Baptism)

- Bro. Victor Smarther (Ussa, Taraba State, 2 Baptism)

- Bro. Odulaja Gospel Opeyemi (Ijebu-Ode in Ogun state, 2 Baptism)

- Bro. Matthew Rowland (Akure, Ondo State, 1 Baptism)

- Bro. James Isah (Niger State, 3 Baptism)

- Bro. Olorode Samuel (Ode-Ajagba, Ondo State , 2 Baptism)

VOTI VOLUME 120 Ready for Distribution:

Voice of The Truth International's Volume 120 is now available for distribution. Initial batches will be sent next week to churches in Eastern and Northern Nigeria, with subsequent batches planned for distribution at upcoming events.


A report from our students in their final practicum/teaching practice for the 2023/24 session in Ibadan indicates the conversion of eighteen (18) individuals and the restoration of twenty-five (35) erring brethren back to the faith. Bro. Nnamso Sunday Umoh and Bro. Murphat Victor Chinagorom recorded the highest numbers with five conversions each, while Bro. Asamu Michael and Bro. Emmanuel David Etta achieved the highest number of restorations, each with six in their respective areas of service.

The students are expected to return to the school campus in Butu-London, Butubutu village, starting from the evening of August 04, in preparation for the next session, 2024/25, and the 22nd Annual Bible Lectureship and graduation of 26 successful students (Certificates = 2; Diplomas = 14; Advanced Diplomas = 10).


1. Establishment of a new Lord's Church in Oke-Yidi area, Badeku town, scheduled for September/ October 2024.

2. The BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN 22nd Annual Bible Lectureship and graduation ceremony will be held from August 22-24, 2024. Grateful acknowledgments are extended to Patron Bro. Chad Wagner, Grand Patron Bro. Doug Wheeler, and the Lough family for their valued support.

3. The BVBIN degree program will run from August 12-22, 2024, at the Butubutu-London campus in Butubutu village, Ibadan, Oyo State. Bro . Odeyemi Durojaiye will stand for Bro. Chad Wagner to teach Greek-1, and Bro. Ayobami Akanji will instruct on Congregational Development-1.


Bro. Umoh Sunday Nnamso is one of our second-year students. He was admitted to BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN in August 2021. Born to Brother and Sister Nnamso of Afagha Efiat , Etinan Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State in September 22, 1991. He was baptized on January 2, 2010 at the Church of Christ, Olomu Road, Ifo, Ogun State.

His mission at BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN is to gain more knowledge about the Word of God and to be an effective worker in the vineyard of the Lord in any aspect he can.


On behalf of BVBIN & SWSE-Ibadan, we extend our sincere gratitude to Bro. Chad Wagner and associates, Larry & Patty Goodwin and the Tulare community Church of Christ, Doug & Diane Wheeler, Dorman & Donna Lough, Sister Cherry Lloyd & family, Zach & Kim Van Tassel and Gahana -Jefferson Church of Christ, Bro. Jerry Bates & The World Evangelism/ VOTI Crew, Bro .Richard Renfro and Mission Printing International,The BVBID family and you all for your partnership ,encouragement and support towards the growth of the Lord's Church in Africa, Nigeria in particular. May the Lord of blessing continue to bless all our work together in Christ Jesus name, amen.

I remain yours in His Grace & Love as a servant.....

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi 

The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN and WBSFUW 

Posted on August 14, 2024 .

Lectureship and evangelism in Enugu

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I thank God and rejoiced in His grace that have enable us successfully do all these works we had plan to do in second quarter and part of third quarter of the year 2021 despite all insecurity problems in the South East of Nigeria in the second quarter of the year.

We did Evangelism House to House Preaching for three days 20 – 22 May, 2021, at Olepe town in Igbo-Eze North Enugu State Nigeria, did Open Air Preaching at Elugukpali Town near Ogugu Development Area in Kogi State, did Community Evangelism at Umuagwu Community in Aaoli Town where I assembled the people of the community in their town hall and spoken the gospel of Jesus Christ and teach about His church to 33 members of the community on 30th July, 2021. Also we held one day Mega Evangelism/Seminar/Lectureship in memory of our beloved late Sister Doris Taylor. We spoke on the importance of Evangelism/mission to 112 preachers who attend the seminar from churches of Christ in Enugu State, Kogi State, Anambra State, River State, Imo State and Ebonyi State. The attached are my welcome address and the lecture on Evangelism/Mission to all who attended the Seminar on 31st July, 2021.

I give God all the glory for giving us brighter days for this work now that we are in raining season and to you who gave us the financial support that enabled us do these works as planned.

While we continue to pray for all we had planned to do in this remaining 3rd quarter and forth quarter of 2021year, I sincerely thank you for all your support.

May God, the rewarder of every good good reward you as He promised to do.


Herbert Nwankwo Chukwu

Posted on August 14, 2024 .

Evangelistic Successes by teams in Guinea

Greetings to you all, our supporters, well wishers and those who care for the preacher training work that we do in Gueckedou, Guinea. 

Yes, the good Lord has not only kept us alive, but in sound health and has also enabled us to continue doing our usual preacher training and other related activities. All has been successful to the glory of God and we are glad to share with you details of these: a new batch of students, resumption of classes, and the evangelistic activities of the Guinea teams. Now follow with me.

A New Batch of Students

Our last report concluded that the third batch of students had come to a close of their academic work in the school. Some 12 students are now awaiting their graduation ceremony which hopefully will take place in November. 

Main while, the school staff, church leaders and these prospective graduates have identified some 18 individuals who sat to an entrance exam of which 15 are maintained as the current class, the 4th batch of Gueckedou Bear Valley.


As stated above, 15 students have started their classes and have already completed  the following courses which were taught by their respective instructors namely:

Old Testament 1, the Law - by Antoine Fassa Tolno

Old Testament 2, history -  by Saa Robert Kamano

The Cost of Discipleship by Saa Michel Yombouno as well as 1st, 2nd Thessalonians and James. 

Evaluation of these courses are scheduled to be conducted at the close of the quarter. Meanwhile, the students are being engaged with reading, memory work and other assignments.

Resumption of campus church and devotions

It is a good thing and it is appropriate for the students to have a campus church  where they are to hold worship services not only for practical exercice, but especially so to worship our Lord. 

We started this on the 21st of July and it is ongoing. 

Also, campus devotions started on the 18th of July and since then this exercise has continued to date. We are thankful to our visiting staff especially to Francis Lavaley who proposed and volunteered to sleep on campus and to begin devotions. We are also thankful to Francios Tenguiano for his voluntary services to lead the church and help direct these activities.

With the church now on campus we shall soon begin to conduct house to house evangelism in the community. 

Evangelistic Teams in Guinea

There are at present 6 Evangelistic teams in Guinea located in various areas around Gueckedou and in Conakry.  These have had some follow up and Evangelistic work to do during the month under review as par the details below:

The Ouende Kenema team:

This team had done follow up work to exhort and strengthen the brethren of both old and newly restored  churches. They reported 2 baptisms in 2 different congregations. 

The Gueckedou team:

This team members made follow up work and also converted 2 persons in the newly planted church at the village of Kamalo. At the same time one of her members, Francis Musa in a combined effort with another member of the Conakry team, Francis Lavaley made a successful evangelistic training mission in the town of Danane in Ivory Coast. There were some 35 in attendance to whom we also shared our field experience. Soon, we began to receive encouraging reports of conversions and restorations. 

The Tekoulo team:

With the rains heavely pouring and with some other personnel issues,  this team was unable to  plant a congregation as had planned. Therefore that mission was transfered on to the Koundou L-Bengou team whose detail report is given below. 

Nevertheless the Tekoulo team itself was regularly making a follow up work every weekend at the village of Workuma from where we now have 2 candidates in the 4th batch at the school.

The Yaladou kongonani team:

Not only has it accomplished follow up work during which some 5 souls were baptized in the village congregations of Fassaba and Baladou, but was also able to convert 3 other persons in a new area thereby planting a congregation in the village of Woladou. Brother Eloi Tolno, the group leader is one of our hard working evangelist carring on these missions. 

The Koundou L-Bengou (KLB) team:

Bro Saa Many who leads the KLB team has worked hard and has planted a congregation in the village of Maadou. It began with 3 baptisms on the 30th of June, but Sunday attendance is encouraging -45 and since then other evangelistic work has continued and we are optimistic that sooner or later additional conversions will follow. Then in the village congregation of Kongola, this team's follow-up work has increased conversions. During the months of June and July we have registered 13 baptisms and the Sunday attendance some Sundays raise to 100+.

Also, the Koundou L-Bengou team is giving a hand to the Tekoulo team which was scheduled to plant a congregation, but was unable to due to unbalanced circumstances. So the KLB team is on a mission this weekend to plant a congregation in the village of Yarakorodou.

The Conakry team:

Much effort is being applied by the members of this team to win new souls and to strengthen already existing congregations. There have not been any new conversions registered, and new grounds are being exploited along with follow-up visits in communities where they preached before. 

It was of this team that a member cooperated with a Gueckedou team member, Francis Musa, for that successful evangelistic mission at Danane, Côte d'Ivoire mentioned above. 


In summary, the activities for the month of June were few, but with a successful outcome. We have started classes with a new batch of 15 students, resumed morning and evening devotions, and started the campus church. 

We did make a successful evangelistic training mission at Côte d'Ivoire where the outcome is to the praise of God. 

Finally, our follow-up and evangelistic campaigns resulted in a total of 28 baptisms

We are grateful to God and are thankful to the Bear Valley International Administrative body especially the West Africa Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft, and all well-wishers who support this work. 

I thank you all and personally remain grateful to Steven Ashcraft and Keith Kasarjian.

Posted on August 14, 2024 .

Continued Academic Success and Evangelism in Takoradi




Main courses for the term were completed in the month and examinations on the various courses were also written. The courses completed this term include: the life of Christ – 4 (Gospel of John), congregational development, books of Galatians and Hebrews, marriage and family life, and logic and the Bible. The second term of the second year will be completed in some weeks’ time. Most of the students are left with one more academic term to complete their two years program.

Part-time students continued to study the three courses that were started last month. These courses are Counselling (taught by Joshua Aidoo), the Godhead (taught by Samuel Owusu-Afari) and the book of Revelation which is taught by Nathaniel Brobbey). 


The propagation of God’s saving word continued as always in the month of July. The good news was preached using the various media available. Old students who preach on radio, television, and the other social media platforms continued to preach the message through those channels. Others also utilized the house-to-house approach and yet still others used the public preaching approach, which is usually done between 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Our current students are also doing their part in spreading the gospel during weekends which resulted in three baptisms.

Posted on August 14, 2024 .