Once again we bring you greetings from the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute. Indeed the month of July has since ended but we had some administrative challenges coupled with the heavy rains for which reasons we are coming a little late with the updates of the period.
There were not many evangelistic activities, also because as mentioned in our last report we have just started with a new batch of students and it is during this wet season. Yet, our Lord is to praised; for by his grace all went well and what transpired is of much interest and importance for us to share with you even though we had to withstand the difficulties mentioned above.
This report will cover both in and outdoor activities of - lmproved environmental conditions of the school, Lectures, Leadership Trainings, Evangelism and Agricultural practices. Here are the details below.
Campus Environement lmproved:
By the grace of God and through the good financial support of the Bear Valley International Administration we did get some support to creat a conducive learning environnement by improving the dormitory bed facilities, provision of whiteboard for the classroom, kitchen and dining shelter extension and the making of dining tables and benches. All these are in the photos attached below.
During the July lectures, our still on roll 14 students completed the book of James with brother Michel Yombouno. Then in July proper, bro Fara François Tengaino took the class with the Poetic books beginning with Plasms to Songs of Songs. These courses extended a bit in the month of August whose report is coming soon.
Evangelists and Church Leaders Training:
Another interesting and important activity carried out at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute campus was the training of evangelists and church leaders drawn from several congregations of Gueckedou, N'zerekore and Conakry. Some of the major areas of this training which was rather an interactive discussion was focused on the evangelist or church leader and his family, church growth, the problems that hinder it and pertinent moral issues. The program was initiated by Peter Sahr Makundu, Director of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute, Sierra Leone and the good voluntary services of brothers Mike Udam and Mojima who travelled from Nigeria to edify us. We remain grateful for all the good knowledge impacted in us of which possitive responses are beginning to show up.
Some of our July evangelistic activities were advanced in our June report which included our evangelistic training mission to Côte d'Ivoire and some conversions by our evangelistic teams. Still other July evangelistic work was the conversion of 1 precious soul at the campus congregation by the school staff and the establishment of 1 congregation at the biggest village in the sous-prefecture of Ouende Kenema namely Owet Djiba by the OuendeKenema team. It was at the close of a day's door to door evangelism when 2 sous were baptized one of which was a prominent Catholic leader who is now on his feet to see the church grow in his community as he worships with all his large family.
Introduction to Agric Training:
Because most of our students are farmers and the fight against hunger is unending, the administration deemed it necessary to seize the opportunity of the planting season and the available spot on campus to at least introduce the students to some modern agricultural training. The Director of the school had obtained this knowledge when brother Abenezer of Healing Hands International visited Kenema, Sierra Leone for that purpose early this year. A good number of seed beds are being raised and seedlings of garden eggs, peppers and roots of other eatable leaves including potatos will be transplanted before releasing the students for break in August. It is our hope that Healing Hands International through the appropriate persons will be encouraged by this exercice to help us.
We are grateful to you all for your support and we thank Almighty God for all that we have done in July. It is by your support and prayers that we were able to go through to accomplish the above activities. May God continue to bless us and bless his work of preacher training and soul saving.