700 children attend kids camp in Cambodia

Glory to the Most High God and our Lord Jesus Christ for His mercies which abound on us.

The work in Siem Reap Cambodia is doing very good. We are very excited to share with you what we did in August 2023.

IBISR’s class:

Every Monday to Friday we begin with an hour long devotional at 6:30 in the morning. From 8:00 to 11:30 we have bible class study. After bible study, we have lunch together. In the afternoon all the students come to English class together.

In August 2023 IBISR’s school finished the books of Psalms and Denomination Doctrine. Now we are continuing in the books of Romans and Jeremiah.

Application week:

Every weekend, the students and staff of the IBISR’s school get to go out to preach the gospel to new people and encourage the church members who live out of town. We love sharing God’s words with three special villages: Ta Kamm, Sam Buor, and Kouk Khnang village. We have members of the church in each village and these have been especially good for recruiting new students.

Children’s camp:

Children’s camp in Siem Reap was attended by IBISR’s students, staff, and members of the church of Christ in Siem Reap. In that camp, we had 700 kids plus adults! The children are very joyful to study about Jesus Christ singing songs, playing games and eating together. Camp lasted 3 days over 3 different locations. All children immensely enjoyed being together in Jesus’ name.


Please remember us in your prayers. 

1) Remember our new brothers and sisters in Christ who just got baptized into Christ: Brother Khoeun, Brother Watana, and Sister Sophorn.

2) The plans to join in the regional seminar next month. 

3) Darat’s sister and Piseth’s nephew who are very sick.

Servants of Jesus Christ. 

Piseth Rin and Darat Run. 

Co-Directors IBISR. 

Posted on September 11, 2023 .

The Ashcrafts visit Guinea


Lack of information creates confusion.

To avoid this confusion, we at Bear Valley of Gueckedou have a monthly obligation to report to our supporters on the completion of activities.

In a few words, you will find the following information in six points.


In August, there was no theoretical teaching. However, the students did put the theory they had learned in class into practice during their time off. More on this later in the report.


During the three-week break, the students were not idle in God's vineyard.As mentioned above, they did door-to-door evangelism, according to the instructions they received before joining their respective congregations.

Three of them namely : Balla Frangadouno, Alain Mano and Lambert Kamano succeeded in convincing three lost souls to confess the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Next, Justin Malaya Simbiano, a graduate of Bear Valley's first class, tells us with joy that he has finally succeeded in converting his own mother to the church of Christ after three years of exhortation.

III-Personal profile

It gives us great pleasure to introduce you to Balla Kamano, a teacher at Bear Valley of Gueckedou.

He was born in Gbangbadou in 1972. He converted on 5/1/1994.

After two years (1999-2001) of training at the Bouaké Bible School under Barry Baggott, he returned to Guinea to serve as a preacher. He began his ministry in Gueckedou in the Solondonin congregation, eventually moving to his hometown of Kissidougou to serve in the same function in the local church to the present day.

We present him as a humble and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. His gentle, patient character is a great asset to his preaching ministry.

IV-Training women in Kenema

In an effort to teach children the way of the Lord, Steven Ashcraft and Karen Ashcraft spent two days, training Sierra Leonean women in Kenema, and two Guinean women took part.

During this training workshop, our Coordinator Steven met us with some of the leaders of the Sierra Leone congregations to discuss the progress of the church in the three countries: Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, especially starting in the Kissi area, namely Gueckedou, Koindou and Foya, which is very receptive to the gospel. A meeting of leaders from the said area is scheduled for 29/9/2023 in Foya to discuss and plan evangelism activities in the zone.

V-Bible Seminar in N'Zerekoré

We would like to inform you that the congregations of the Churches of Christ in Guinea are organizing a Bible seminar from September 20 to 23, 2023 in Mohomou, N'Zerekoré. On the following themes:

1- Church History

2-Importance of being a member of Church of Christ

3-Church Organization.


We ask our brothers and sisters in Christ to support us in prayer for the peace and social tranquility in Guinea and understanding between us brothers in Christ for the progress of the church.

We also ask for spiritual support for the success of the above-mentioned Bible seminar.


In the image of what we have as a result of evangelism. We can believe that our students are obeying Bear Valley's mission.


We thank God for his protection during the 31 days of this month and for the various tasks he has enabled us to accomplish.

We are grateful to Bear Valley International for their gratitude in supporting the training of evangelists in Guinea.

We would also like to thank our Coordinator Steven Ashcraft for his personal efforts in the development of the Church of Christ in Guinea.

We also thank everyone who contributes in any way to the growth of the eternal kingdom in our country.

May God bless each one abundantly in the Lord.

Posted on September 8, 2023 .

Reaching souls in Peru

Greetings dear brothers from Lima - Peru to all who can read this brief report. 

We have finished two more courses, I mean Prison Epistles (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon) and I - II of Peter, Judas. The first course has been This server (Juan Abanto) dictated and the second course was taught by Abraham Alata. 

The students who have been participating in the classes have been: Alejandro Manrique, Victor Quijandría, José Daniel, Bety Melo, Marta Nola, Mariela Ramirez, Carolin Chavez, Ethel Lapa and Jhonely. It has been once again a pleasant experience teaching this course and all the lessons related to the course through these last eight Saturdays. 

On the other hand, one of our teachers (Andrés Nuñez) is doing special work in a church in the south of Lima, every month he travels to give personalized instruction to some male members of the Church of Christ in Subtanjalla – Ica. They have certain technological limitations, so the best thing is the face-to-face class in their city, probably arrangements are made so that they can be added to the next courses virtually, but this work of Andrés is resulting in a great blessing for the brothers in said congregation.

Thanks to the invitation, we have also participated in an evangelistic campaign in the Iglesia de Cristo Los Rosales, a church north of Lima where brother Juan Nima (a brother that some of you may remember) preaches, along with brothers who came of the Church of Christ in Hyaleah – USA. The result of this campaign resulted in 12 baptisms to the glory of God.

We have also had a three-day event for preachers and leaders at the end of July, the 3 instructors from the Institute were invited to participate as speakers, taking advantage of the opportunity to communicate with other church leaders, but also to talk a little more about the benefits of the institute and to stimulate them to count on us as a resource to increase the knowledge of the brothers in their respective congregations, we hope in the Lord that this bears fruit.

We were also invited to support an evangelistic activity in the east of Lima, in the church of Christ in Santa Anita, where the brothers Moisés Quispe and Richard Gomez preach, they have gained many contacts with whom we hope the brothers are surely already working.

We are about to start the following two courses, in these two months the brothers in charge of teaching the courses will be: Marriage and Family (Andres Nuñez) and I Corinthians (Luis Camacho). The students are already waiting for this new beginning!!! 

Thank you to all the people directly or indirectly involved in keeping this project going, may the Lord continue to bless you!!!

Posted on September 8, 2023 .

Good things in Sierra Leone

Bear Valley - Kenema, Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs



We are here again with the exciting news of the spread of the Gospel in Sierra Leone through the impact of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute. As mentioned in our previous report, we are in a challenging period to share the Gospel as it rains almost every time. But the good news is that the good work of the Lord continues.  In the month of July, our full time and extended students continued their classes, souls were converted, and an evangelistic campaign was conducted. Below are the details of the highlighted activities.


On July 1, our full time students resumed their classes and joined the extended students. All of them resumed and brought exciting reports from their various congregations. Please we continue to covet your prayers for our students as they will soon, by the special grace of God complete their studies here, so that they will continue to serve the Lord in many parts of Sierra Leone. Our staff are committed to their work so much that they give their very best in taking the students through the courses. Apart from being active in the classroom, they are so much engaged in our evangelistic vision. Please continue to pray for them.


The school directed her one week evangelistic campaign at Giehun town. Giehun is a town in Kailahun District that is occupied by mostly Muslims. It covers 92 miles away from Kenema where the school is. Our decision to direct the campaign to Giehun sprang up from the love of the many souls there who are perishing on a daily basis. Moreover, we have a small congregation there that needed to be strengthened, hence decided to go there. As stated above, in the midst of a bunch of unbelievers, especially fanatic Muslims, the Lord’s church was established in Giehun. This congregation was established by the brethren in Kailahun town (Kailahun is the District head quarter town) together with Brother Jonathan Joseph, a native of Bonthe Island, far in the northern part of the country. He migrated to the Kailahun District and settled in Giehun. He has been making requests to come over and help with the evangelistic efforts. We finally stormed the Giehun community from July 25 to July 30.  We were joined by brethren from the host congregation and also those from Kailahun, led by their evangelistic team leader, Alfred Tengbeh. For the 6 days we spent there, 6 souls were converted and 4 brethren were restored. We have included Giehun as part of our mission territory where our students and staff will be going to help nurture that young congregation and to continue to evangelize the area. We will not rest until, “All have heard.”


In an effort to continue to enhance team work and fellowship, the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Ganta in Liberia sent an invitation for me to go and teach their students a course, The Book of Revelation. Through the prayers and support of our coordinator, Brother Steve Ashcraft, the staff in Ganta, and the Bear Valley family in Kenema here, I was able to make the trip there and returned back safely. It was a lovely and wonderful experience with our students in that country. Apart from the lecture which I was originally scheduled for, I was also involved administratively in some discussions for the smooth running of that school in Ganta. God indeed is to be glorified for everything!  


Jacob James is one of our soon-to-graduate students who is doing very well academically and evangelistically. He was born on May 5, 1999 to Mr. and Mrs. Sahr James, in Dia Village, Kissi Kama Chiefdom, Kailahun District, Eastern Region of Sierra Leone.  Jacob comes from a polygamous home. Religiously, he grew up as a member of a denomination where he met his parents. But on one beautiful day in September of 2019, Brother Jacob was confronted with the true Gospel by one of our first graduates, Victor Sahr Moroe, who is now the preacher at the local congregation in Kangama town. Through the power of the Gospel, Brother Jacob was converted to the Lord’s church in Dia. Upon his conversion, he began to express zeal in the things of God, and soon he began to be taught on how to lead the Lord’s Supper, giving, etc. He showed good Christian qualities over time and finally in 2021, he immediately expressed a desire to be enrolled at the Bear Valley in Kenema. From his influence and through God’s favour, we already have two other prospective students from his congregation that shall be coming for our entrance examination soon, Lord willing. We are very hopeful that Jacob is going to be a vessel unto honour after his graduation as he continues to show that while with us here.



Thank you dear brethren for patiently going through this report. We continue to appreciate your partnership in all aspects. May the Lord keep us till we could meet to share the good news of another report!

Posted on September 8, 2023 .

An update from Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters,

Thank you for your prayers and your unfailing participation in the work of God. Last month our family had an amazing news. God gifted us with the 3rd daughter. We named her Diana. Praise the Lord, the labor went safely even though there was an air raid alert and the medical staff suggested us to move to the basement for shelter. Unfortunately, our hospitals are not prepared for such dire conditions and our family was very scared.

There were also some changes implemented in the work of the Bible Institute. We had to let go one of Instructors as the disciplinary action and some others followed him. We understood that it had to be done and calculated the risks of negative consequences.  However, we keep moving forward and everything is ready for the new school year.  As I mentioned in the previous letter the air raids are constant all over Ukraine, there's always a danger of blackouts and lost of the central heating. For these reasons we will transfer to the online studies until there's no danger for our Instructors and students. We have got 5 students for the first year of the program.

There are all temporally dislocated individuals and we will have to seek additional funding for rent needs of every family. On average it's about $200-300 a month.

It's been 1.5 years since the beginning of the active warfare and, naturally, people are exhausted and longing for peace. They want to go to work, buy groceries and clothes, have some normal rest and stop worrying about their families every second. But, unfortunately, we have to live with the prolonged war with extensive bloodshed. Currently we have the 3rd stage of mobilization. Men younger than 60 are dealing with forceful encounters in the streets when they are being given the drafting paperwork and sent to the military commissaries for medical evaluation and dispatching to the military units. The  fatalities are numerous and the military units are in constant need of recruits. It's very stressful emotionally for those who are scared and not willing to join the military. For this reason it's not unusual that men prefer to stay at home and only women go to work. The humanitarian aid is the only means of surviving for some people. We are trying to use this avenue to share the word of God and introduce people to the church.

Last Sunday I went to preach to Brovary to support the local  congregation that works for the Lord a lot. During the following week Konstantin and I went to Kramatorsk to deliver the grocery care packages. People there are in such great need that the list of people asking for help numbers over 500 individuals. And they are willing to wait for months for their turn.

There were baptisms this month in Kiyv, Nikopol, Kremenchoog. God is adding people to His family. It encourages us and gives us strength to keep working. Thank you for your love and support for our ministry.

May God keep you all,

Your brother Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on September 8, 2023 .

Graduation in Nigeria!

Beloved in Christ Jesus.

Greetings and appreciation from the staff and students of the BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN for your partnership and support that results in to the success of today's graduation of 20 servants of God.

We are very excited for your concern and love.

May the Lord continue to bless all our work together in Christ Jesus, amen.

Sincerely yours in His grace as a servant,

Makinde Ebens (The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN)

Posted on September 8, 2023 .

A new school doing well

We at NIATS community are happy for the visit of our loving and courageous missionary and coordinator bro Chad Wagner on the 2nd of August. Happy because his visit is always edifying and strengthening. We highly appreciate him for donating books of value and quality to NIATS. Determined to visit Nigeria for missionary works despite the insecurity in the land is commendable and laudable.

Such is a great inspiration for us. May the good Lord reward him. We took him round the projects going on in the premises. The buildings that are undergoing rehabilitation including the provision of iron doors and protectors on the existing halls. We all ate the maize harvested from the school farm.

It is with great delight that we announce the birth of 18 persons into the Church. In addition we had 24 restorations. These are results from our students who went on their practicum. They are back with the above edifying information. To God be glory.

In the Lord's service,

Bro Bernard Osita Akokwu for NIATS.

Posted on September 8, 2023 .

Chad students use vacation time to evangelize

Bear Valley Bible Training Center Moundou-Chad

Report of activities for the month of August 2023

May the peace and immense grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of our common joy, be upon you!  We hope this report finds you in good health.  Above all, receive our most sincere greetings, especially the greetings from the students, in the precious name of Jesus Christ!

You will find in a few words, what we can tell you about our activities during the month of August. We will tell you about the students' activities during vacation time, their return for the third term, and the actual start of the third term. 

In fact, the vacation time lasted more than six weeks. This time allowed the students to rest, to do their family and business work, and to evangelize. Speaking of evangelism, during the entire vacation, the students presented the gospel to many people in their respective communities. Thus, we recorded five baptisms.  We have some images but they are of poor quality. We glorify the name of God for these opportunities and ask you to join us in praying for the spiritual growth of these souls.

After the vacation time, our students returned to the center on the 26th and 27th of August. However, we regret to announce the loss of a student. The student, HAMSOU S. Gabriel, dropped out of the program. He is a soldier in the Chadian National Army who left military service to come to Bible school.  Unfortunately, during this vacation time, he returned to the army.  According to him, he was relentlessly harassed.  We are praying for him, because with the information he has given me, he is continuing to preach the gospel to families around him. We pray that along-side him, we will succeed in establishing an assembly in his area in days to come.

Regarding the resumption of classes, they have once again been running effectively since the beginning of the new quarter on Monday August 28.  The first week has just ended with the exam on the books of Job and Psalms.  We say thank you to God for his support, as we pray for His grace for the rest of the term.

We would love to have the ability to give a copy of the Bible to each of our new converts and to have a few extra to use in our evangelization activities.

This was briefly, in a few words, the information concerning the activities of the Center for the month of August 2023. May God continually bless you in the name of Jesus Christ!

 In Christ,

 Your servant DATOUDJI

Posted on September 7, 2023 .

Cameroon students baptism more than 20 souls

Calvary greetings from this end of the universe. The church of Christ in Mbanga sends her salutation to the sister assemblies in the world. The staff and students of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon – Mbanga also send their warm greetings. The students are presently in class, sending their greetings as I send out this report.  

The 5th batch of students are already preparing to take exams for their second quarter and are also preparing for their second internship which will take place by the 2nd of September. While others in the country will be preparing for school to start back, we in BVBIC-Mbanga will be preparing for another soul winning mission to various villages and towns in the French speaking regions of our beloved country Cameroon. We need your prayers as we go out to win souls. 

After a long break of reporting due to a heavy charge of work in the field as the director, where some staff members and I have been moving up and down to attend to some Macedonian calls, we are happy to be able to send you a report of the work that has been going on since our last report. We want to assure you that the church, and the work that is done by the graduates and the current batch of students, is greatly impacting the church not only in French Cameroon, but is spreading her influence into more great works in other French African countries.  

Our students registered 15 baptisms during their first mission work and internship. Some others also registered baptisms during our weekly evangelism program to Mudeka, Banaberi and around Mbanga. 

Our mission last week ended in Buea where another 5 baptisms were registered during the summer youth retreat. My son, Ititi Precious, was one of those baptized. 

We are in the midst of the rainy season in Cameroon. This climate really disturbs our students with attacks such as influenza, cough, typhoid, and malaria. Due to the present rains, there is a lot of stagnant water that is helping to accommodate the multiplication of mosquitos. In the wake of this, most of our students are under severe treatment all the time. Our first aid kit is helping and also the school nurse is doing a good job. In some serious cases we send them for proper check up at the hospital. As of now though, we are doing great, because there have been some great improvements. 

We also concluded our VBS mission successfully as we handed our young ones, Bibles and certificates. Thank you so much to the powerful team that was made up of Bible instructors, Bible teacher for the kids, some nursery aids, and some with a good mind and desire to manage the kids. May God continue to give you all the grace you need to do His good works.  

Our congregation is also doing well. We had some lessons from our intern, brother Bigda Rufus, who is studying with Nations University at the moment. His lessons were based on leadership and eldership. We are growing and are introducing some ministry work in our assembly. The most recent is the hospital ministry and the prison ministry. We have prepared for the work and have sampled some hospital work as we are going to officially begin the hospital ministry by next month. One hospital has already given us a program for devotional opportunity and will soon allow us to commence with work every morning. 

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. 

From your servant,

Ititi Benedict

Posted on September 7, 2023 .

Working to keep the church pure



We had very fruitful activities in the month of July 2023 by the special grace and mercies of God. We continue to move forward in the right direction with all events relating to the school and kingdom business. Indeed, one cannot downplay the efforts of our sponsors and all the prayers made by brethren for our noble Institution. We give God the glory.


We started the month with a move to address a doctrinal issue in one of the congregations in the Upper East Region. A strange doctrine cropped into the Koka congregation that we needed to go and address. The Koka congregation is handled by one of the graduates of Bear Valley Tamale by name Jacob Nichema. This false doctrine from the information gathered was introduced into the church by his son, called Peter Nichema. Due to the inactiveness of the father to activities of the congregation, he took advantage and began to introduce the workings of so called miracles, prophecies, miraculous tongues and many other practices alien to the doctrines of Christ. Preachers in the area never bother addressing issues. We had the information and to go make an effort to address it.

During a meeting with Jacob, his son and some of the leaders, we were told those things they practice have made them able to build a mighty building for the church. It took very serious arguments before addressing the issue with Biblical proofs. Peter who was deep into such practices with the youthful leaders was not willing to listen till we had to raise our voices before. We praise the Lord that he ended up admitting to being at fault. We have since then been trying to convince him to come to the Bible school to be educated. It is of a truth that one of the biggest challenges confronting the Lord’s church is the issue of doctrine. Many are moving away from the truth or adding to the truth that we have received from our Lord Jesus and His apostles. We pray the Lord give us more sound preachers and watch who will be willing and defending the truth at all times without fear or favor. This journey was embarked on by Brother Francis Ayine and James Bisong Legend. May the Lord help us. Amen.


Two stores are being put up on the local congregation in Kpalsi South Congregation plot of land to support the business of Brother Bisong Legend’s wife migration to Tamale. Sand was bought in the Month of July; Blocks were moulded towards the work. We give glory for the life of our senior brother, Steven for his consistent determination to making all brethren stand strong to serve their maker. The Lord Bless him greatly. Work is going on speedily on these stores and will soon be ready for usage.


Students are back to campus, and lectures have resumed successfully with three course taught in the month of July, 2023. We praise the Lord for the smooth running of lectureship in the school. No course is skipped for any reason as all courses are handled sufficiently. The New Testament Church was taught by Brother Adjei, Hermeneutics two by Brother Albert Tamanja and Life of Prison Epistles by Brother James Legend respectively.

We give God glory for showing mercy once again by blessing us with a new Canon printer to aid our printing work in the school. We thank God for His gracious grace towards Bear Valley in Tamale all the time. God Bless all who have us and the Lord’s work in their hearts.


The local congregation in Kpalsi South continues to make efforts towards growth in all areas necessary. Concerning its building, the congregation through its giving was able to engage the services of a carpenter to work on the ceiling joints. The giving habit of the congregation continues to increase to the glory of God.

Also, in the month of July 2023, the church embarked on a neighborhood benevolence activity in efforts to show the love of Christ to some selected need persons in the community. Being an Islam dominated community, those who benefitted from this kind gesture of the church gave praises to God. We took advantage to share Christ with some of them.  

One soul was added to the church in the month July 2023 to the glory of God. We wish to thank God for standing the Kpalsi South Congregation in all the activities that are going on our effort to keep the church strong and growing. We thank you Jesus.


Visitation is a key tool to dealing with false teaching and strengthening our congregations. As we also want to start our recruitment journey early for the next batch, we wish to continue to prioritize visitations. Brother James Legend was able to visit some congregations in then month of July in the Upper East Region and Northern Region respectively. He visited the Kugashegu, Denugu and Garu congregations in the Upper East Region. He also visited the Kanodor congregation, Sanguli, Bikpajab and Gbogundo congregations respectfully under the Zabzugu Tatale District. It is our hope God will bless our efforts.

Brother Albert Tamanja Malir attended and participated in a seminar at Duuni in Northern Region. It was a three days seminar that brought together preachers and leaders and members of various congregations across the Chamba, Bimbila, Salaga and Yendi areas. This event was well participated by all. The school was marketed by Brother Albert who was one of the key speakers of the event. Eleven souls were baptized at the end of the program and added to the Lord’s church. Hallelujah.

The congregation in Kpassar invited Brother James Bisong Legend for a three days women seminar in the month of July 2023. He was the main speaker for the event. It was a wonderful program. He spoke on the duties and responsibilities of the Christian woman.

It is our prayers that the Lord continue to give us the strength, wisdom and good will stand for things of God and not self.   

We praise His name,

Bear Valley, Tamale.

Posted on September 7, 2023 .

Malawi student helps church correct error

Meet the Pundi Family

Since we introduced the oldest family on campus last month, it is only fitting we introduce the youngest family this month. Matthias is 28 and his wife, Charity, is 24. They have a 1-year-old son, Chance. Matthias was baptized at age 15, and Charity was also baptized at age 15. They were both born and raised in Mpherembe which is a village in northern Malawi near Mzuzu. Before coming to school Matthias was a reed farmer.

Matthias met Charity in 2020 at the local market. He is one of the few students we have who graduated high school. Charity finished her sophomore year. After graduating, he was not sure what to do. He wanted to continue his education but was not sure how he would be able to afford more education. In the spring of 2022, he received an application to our school from a friend who had attended a meeting. Matthias immediately applied. 

Even at a young age, Matthias was very active in his local church. He preached, led songs, and was also the church secretary. Here at school, he has maintained his desire to participate and grow in knowledge. Following graduation, Matthias and his family will return to the village and continue to farm and work in the church. If an opportunity arises, he will further his Bible education. 

I am excited to see what life holds for the Pundi family. Matthias has the gift of critical thinking. He will ask 70 percent of the questions in class and a fair number of them will require me to postpone the answer until I can do further research. He is a thinker. Both he and Charity are consistently towards the top of the class. Please take time this month to pray for the Pundi family. 

Sad News from the Bible Society of Malawi

One of the works the school is involved in is purchasing Bibles and selling them for 10% of the original cost or giving them away if the interested individual can say all the books of the Bible from memory. Not only do we have this program here in Lilongwe, but we also work with the Bear Valley School in Ekwendeni. Recently, Mbano, the director in the Ekwendeni school, went to purchase more Bibles from the Bible store. He was told they were no longer printing the “old” Tumbuka version as it was outdated, and they could not make any money with it. They were now printing the “new” version. At a glance this would not seem to be a problem. However, the “new” version includes all the apocryphal books. Mbano decided to purchase Chichewa Bibles which have 66 books. It is very sad our Tumbuka brothers and sisters will not be able to learn from God’s word in their their mother tongue. It is funny to mention that while Mbano was in the store working through a solution, five other customers came in requesting the same “old” version. Let’s pray the Bible Society of Malawi changes their mind about the Tumbuka translation. 

Great News of Multiplicity

One of our students has returned a week early to make up a course he missed due to chicken pox. Upon greeting him and his family, I learned of the great success he had while in the village. He was given the opportunity to teach Bible class for two weeks. They asked him to teach on the Lord’s Supper which is one of the most disputed parts of worship in Malawi. Many congregations have divided over the Lord’s Supper. George carefully taught what he had learned from 1 Corinthians and the gospels. He made sure to only teach the text and not tradition or opinions. George also included the entire context of the relevant passages and not just a few verses here and there. I am excited to write that the congregation immediately corrected their worship service that Sunday. It was through George’s careful presentation of God’s words, and only God’s words, that the congregation was taught. 

My dear brother and sisters, this is what Bear Valley International is all about! Teaching others to teach others to teach others. Multiplicity of efforts at its best. I am so thankful Bear Valley has provided a great way to spread the pure word of God to changes lives. Please make time to lift up those at Bear Valley to our Lord and Savior. Have no doubt that your financial assistance is making a difference in Malawi!

In Him,

Dale Kastner

Posted on September 7, 2023 .

Souls saved in Zimbabwe



Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” BVBIZ is part of the answer to this commission. The school exists to equip and mould labourers for this daunting task. The focus is the field. As a result, this report shall concert itself more on what is transpiring in the field as all students are in the field doing their practicum.


The first few days of July were dedicated to the writing of examinations. These were done successfully. Examinations then gave way to this year’s field practicum. In this report, we focus on the campaign done and the field program proper.


Field practicum for the full time students began on the 18th of July.  It appears students have slowly fitted well in their various locations. We continue to thank the churches that are hosting the students. The following are the statistics from what transpired in the field within the first 11 days of the program. All in all students put in 322 hours, 1 restoration and 17 baptisms (including those done at Checheche).


The school (both students and teachers) together with its usual team of brothers Kufa, Madyira (snr), Kasimu and Madamombe. drawn from our usual experienced preachers descended on Checheche from the 10th to the 16th of July. This was a follow up to one of the school’s dedicated graduates, Mugove Mudhlozera and wife who have been key in the progress currently obtaining in the churches in Midlands. The couple is now stationed at Checheche in Manicaland with both working for Greenfuel in Chisumbanje. They recently started a congregation there and invited the school to descent on the area for an evangelism campaign. The first two days were disturbed due to cold weather accompanied by strong winds and showers. More work was actually done between Thursday and Sunday. Besides evangelism done during the day, evening services were conducted were prospects were invited to attend. The congregation at Mambarangwa just close to the growth point also came to attend the Sunday worship service. Great appreciation to the Mudhlozera family and the congregation for taking care of the preachers.  The team left after baptizing 12 souls with many more failing to be baptized due to the cold weather. Two BVBIZ students remained there to continue with their practicum and to make a follow up on the prospects.


BVBIZ continues to push towards viable projects. The dream, though still far, continues to be slowly realized. The maize crop  in the garden did not do well, as we fought running battles with monkeys. On the other hand, the month ended with the planting off cucumbers, onions, lettuce and butternuts.


The tomato crop is doing well. By the end of July, a few flowers could be seen. We anticipate that by mid-August the majority of the tomatoes would have reached the flowering stage. Trellising of the crop is currently in progress. The area surrounding the greenhouse was also fenced in the month of July. Great appreciation goes to Healing Hands for making this possible.


The school added another project in July, rabbits. The project had a false start in 2020 but has now been resuscitated. The main plan for now is to provide more meat and skills to students whilst at the same time looking at the possibility of providing an extra dollar to the school through sales. We have started with one male and 6 females. The structure to house them shall be worked on in early August.


Following the Sustainable Gardens training that was done by Healing Hands International in May, every student, as per requirement, prepared a 30m bed. Final touch ups are now being done on the beds. When funds permit, a drip system will be installed on the beds.


We thank God for the development we keep witnessing in our students. We appreciate the sacrifices congregations have been making for the upkeep of our students as they do their practicum. To you all for you spiritual, moral, material and financial support we remain grateful. To God be the glory!

Posted on September 6, 2023 .

Tirupati, India students conduct campaign for souls

Reporting Letter for the month of August 2023

Dear brethren:

We pray that this letter may serve us to find you in good health. We sincerely express our gratitude and thanks to you for your continual prayers and encouragement for the establishment of BVBI-extension centre at Tirupati-A.P, India. . We humbly report you for the month of August-2023.

Class Room Work:-  We run the classes regularly, students are able to follow the teachers and write assignments and complete their memory verses work. Teachers observe the students’ classroom notebooks and notice how they write the notes in every subject.

Campaigning :- In the month of August 15th we conducted a campaign at the village of Gunapadu-Village. This is 100 K.M away from our BVBI. We invited about 20  local preachers for the village campaigning. The local church was able to provide afternoon lunch for the students and local preachers. We presented two lessons in the morning and after the lunch we visited a few houses in the same village. The local preacher Mr.Mark died a while back so we visited his family and encouraged his wife and 4 children and grandchildren.   Our August campaign was blessed by God to be a great encouragement for the local church, preacher ‘s family and other people who are not in Christ.

Back to the Bible class:-  In our outreach program we got in contact with 2 denominational leaders. We have started back to the Bible classes for them. By the grace of God we have taught them a few lessons, and they are showing much interest to study the NT doctrine. Lord willing shortly they will be converted.

Encouraging local churches:- In the month of August on Sunday the 20th we visited Krishnasamudram-village and encouraged the local church. The village congregation meets in a small shelter but spiritually they are  strong in doctrine.  Their local preacher works as an English teacher and works for this local church.  He is my good friend. We also visited two other local churches at Vidyanagar and Poolathota-villages.

Houseboard  colony visiting:- There is houseboard colony located  in the outside of the city. These houses were constructed for the sake of people who are living under the poverty line in India. Our students have joined with me to visit door-to-door and share the gospel.

Leadership class:- In the month of August 21 we have conducted leadership class at Jangapalli-village.   Mr.Joseph from Karnataka was able to join with our staff and taught a good lesson from Acts 8:26-40  and encouraged the local leaders to work hard to win the souls like Philip . He sponsored the lunch for all the local leaders.

Staff meeting:-  We invite our staff members and conduct the staff meeting each week. We discuss about the present students and also previous students and their progress in church planting. 

whatsApp group  for previous students:- We have created whatsApp group and connected all our previous students .  They post their reports in the group and pray for one another and encourage one another . There is a student who came to BVBI from Paderu tribal hill area, this is boarder of Odisa state. He is working hard among the tribal areas. He requested us to pray for September 7th and 8th Bible classes at tribal areas.

Home Bible study:-  We are happy to share with you that there is good response out of our home Bible studies. In the evening we visit families and conduct home Bible studies. Our students and  staff also join with these studies. Last week we conducted a home bible study at Mr. Sambaiah family . There is another person Mr. Yesurathnam, his wife died during covid -19 season. He has 4 daughters and one son. We started a home Bible study with his family. One of our church members Mrs.Parvathamma has connected us to a few people near by her house. We started a home Bible study in her area .  Lord willing 4 sisters will be baptized this coming Sunday. Please pray for them. It is our plan to start a new congregation at her area. Please pray for this work.

We thank you so much for your prayers and all your efforts to establish BVBI-in India which is the best platform to educate young men to teach gospel with others.

Prayer Request:- We are planning and praying for organizing youth Bible camp in October 3rd week. We request you to pray for this camp.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay behalf of BVBI-extension centre-Tirupati-India.

Posted on September 6, 2023 .

Uganda students show great potential

Greetings brothers and sisters, 

The joy of the gospel continues to reach many. Souls are being saved arround the country,  giving us more hope of a strong and future church. 

I take this opportunity to thank God and everyone who is working tirelessly in the vineyard. I want to tell you how joyful we are at Bear Valley Uganda, especially the students who are always mentioning you in their prayers for the support given to let them be part of Bear Valley and take their classes comfortably here.

The school continues to give more hope as I see students taking a metamorphic change. Men are growing daily. This is because of their desire to know more. 

Classes are going on well and teachers bring good and nice report about the men in class. 

Our former students also haven't stopped telling us of what they are doing in the field. They have invited me to join them on 13-16th September debate with the Adventist. This is going to be an open public debate.  One of our students  was a former Adventist pastor,  having known the truth,  he has arranged such that we talk Scriptures with these people. So pray for this work of the Lord. 

At school,  we have been having  some challenges, ranging from water scarcity to sickness, but we thank God some of the students who got sick have gotten well and are back in class studying. 

Not forgetting to tell you of my uncle who passed on one week ago with great hopes that one day we shall see him. He has been a member of the church for over 30 years.  Pray for the widow.

In His service,


Posted on September 5, 2023 .

Kenya students plant a new congregation

Beginning on August 25th, 2023, Kenya school of Preaching took a break for September holiday, which marks the end of the 4th quarter of our first year with KSOP students of the 6th intake. This break will be till October 2nd of 2023 when we will again resume classes. We have had 3 instructors who taught regular classes Charles, Nixon and Elias. Again we had 3 foreign short course facilitators, Mike Reese, and brethren Rowand and Ray. All of these 6 teachers are the ones who, in this quarter, taught  7 courses to the 20 current students at KSOP. 

While in school the students managed to plant one new congregation of the Lords church at Ruga in Homabay County. This happened when the school, upon request, had conducted a gospel meeting at the home of one of the KSOP'S former graduates, namely Kennedy Owade. All the 20 students and other local preachers, carried out evangelism in the area. This resulted in the establishment of Ruga Church Of Christ which is composed of 4 families coming together to assemble every Sunday for worship. We ask prayers on behalf of this young congregation for her numerical and spiritual growth.  Much thanks to the supporters of KSOP both in prayers and finances. May the Lord continue to bless you richly both now and beyond the blue!

In His service, Elias Omollo.  

Posted on September 5, 2023 .

Nairobi, Kenya school anticipates graduation


We thank God that it's another quarter full of God's providence that we can have this wonderful time to serve Him. The faculty and students are doing well and serving their congregations effectively. The school has been very instrumental in local evangelism and the newly opened congregations within Thika and the surrounding areas.

Being the first lot of part-time school in Nairobi, we are facing a lot of challenges of an office to keep our stationaries ,some books, and computers. Students had desired to be helping in contribution so we could build a small office, but due to inflation and hardship of life things never went as purposed.

We are in our third year, 4th quarter and so far covered Proverbs, Psalms, Christian Ethics and the Book of Revelation we be covered soon.


We are praying and hoping to have our first graduation before the end of this year, most probably November or December. The exact dates will be communicated soon. The faculty, students and congregations  are so excited for this school and the work being done within Nairobi.

Please keep us in your prayer list so that work in Nairobi can be more effective and productive.

Yours in service

Kennedy Munubi

Samson omutele

Posted on September 5, 2023 .

Sharing Jesus in India

Reporting letter for the month of July-2023

Date :- August 07th, 2023

Respected director Mr.Keith Kasarjian, coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us to find you all good health. We thank you so much for your prayers , we humbly wants to share our brief report for the month of July -2023.

Our director ‘s  Indian visits:- We are highly delighted to share with you about our director visits , we are thankful to Mr.Keith Kasarjian for all his efforts which he invested to travel to India and encouraging us to work in better way for the success of training young men for the spiritual battle to spread the kingdom of His son Jesus Christ (Col 1:13) in the hearts of lost souls in India. We wonderful time with our beloved brother Keith kasarjian on July 10th,2023.

BVBI-class room work:- We are happy to inform you that the classes are running  smoothly for the 3rd batch students. We have selected the students by conducting entrance examination. This entrance exam is much useful for selecting the better students who are able to follow the class room teaching and also capable to write the assignment and other tests from each teacher and courses.

Village campaign:- In the month of July we have selected my native village called Jangalapalli, we have invited near by village gospel preachers to join with us. We have distributed New testaments in our native village. These preachers don’t have other transportation thank having own motor cycles to travel village to village for the gospel ministry. We are happy to do this campaigning on July 15th .

Leadership class:-  We have conducted preachers meeting on July 26th, in fact village preachers did not get an opportunity to attend for the bible schools but they are gifted in reaching the lost souls and converting them. Our BVBI extension centre  has decided to conduct monthly one a class and teach them few lessons and encourage them to work in better for the progress of their local ministry. we had first meeting on July 26th , we had more than 50 people for the class.

Asian Mission Forum work shop:- 2023 Asian Mission Forum was being conducted in Chennai, it was started on July 28th and closed by August 2nd . we are highly delighted to report you that one of my good friend has sponsored me to attend to Asian Mission Forum work shop. It was really wonderful platform to meet other brothers who are touch with BVBI and get encouragement from one another. We are happy to meet Mr.Dominic D Santos from Trinidad , Mr.Phanat Ouch from Cambodia , Mr.Bill Mc Donalds from US, Mr,Gajendra and Mr.Eric from Nepal Mr.Van Biak Lian from Myanmar and other brethren from different parts of our country. We have enjoyed good fellowship and also studied good lessons . We thank God for this wonderful program. We had wonderful opportunity to present our BVBI work by power point presentation in the Asian Mission Farum.

Guests to BVBI-extension centre -Tirupati:- we are happy to report you that 2 guest people we had to visit our BVBI.  One of them was Mr.Van Biak Lian from Myanmar and Mr.Gajendra from Nepal.


HHI -Agriculture Garden :-  Few weeks back we have worked hard and started cultivation by the partnership of HHI. The harvest has began.  Last Sunday after the service we have distributed organic fresh vegetable to poor families in the local church. Our students are able to use vegetables. We are thankful to HHI for their love and generosity for establishment of new AG garden .

Surgery for the blind person:- in the month of July Mr.John wesly become sick severely, we have raised funds for his surgery . Today he has discharged from the hospital.

Provided walking stick to blind person:- We have provided walking stick to Blind person Mr.Richard.

Prayer request:- Lord willing BVBI-Tirupati is planning and praying to organize 4days youth bible camp in the month of October . in fact all the school and colleges will be closed for 10days from October 14th to 24th. It is our ambition to invite 100 young people for the youth bible camp. We request you to keep these upcoming youth program in your prayers.

We are ever grateful to BVBI for your willingness and sacrifice to establish an extension centre in India . It is really very good platform to train India people to preach the gospel. We need your continual prayers and encouragement .

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay behalf of BVBI-extension centre –Tirupati-India

Posted on August 8, 2023 .

32 Baptisms in Malawi

Hello everyone!

It is our hope that everyone of you is doing well. July has been a good month for us. We have had busy time preaching and teaching the gospel of Christ. As it is; some were good recipients and some were slower than others. But the good news is that we have a report of 32 souls saved and 47 more restored. We are thankful to our Alumni for working tirelessly preaching and teaching the sound doctrine!

Teaching and Preaching

As a preaching school of training faithful men become preachers, we are so excited to train as many men as we can. The Ability and Opportunity will always give us Responsibility to action as we preach and train men - 2 Timothy 2:2!

We are in our second month since we resumed the classes after holiday. Much have already been achieved so far. It is always a move from the low lever to a high lever of understanding and getting used to memorizing, research writing, essays. Students are growing to understanding things every day which is encouraging. 


It has been a good month of preaching door to door. Brother William Tembo invited the school for a 3 days preaching campaign where the church has been established. The place is called "Kajivi" in Mtwalo area of Mzimba. It was all joy as the church has started with 31 members. We ask you to remember them in your prayers. Again, we received good reports from our allumins who have been busy preaching and winning souls to Christ.

Brothers Saliwa, Takesure, Abishai, Shadreck and Mateyo have reported a total of 32 baptisms and 47 restorations. We thank God for these men and the big difference they are making in the Kingdom of Christ. We are always proud of them. This shows the work of training men to become preachers is fruitful.

We are thankful again and again to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International and Hillcrest church of Christ for the good work you are doing. You always think good of us and without your support things could could not be as it is right now. God keep on blessing your families.

Your fellow workers in Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on August 8, 2023 .

Saving Souls in Guinea


July is a month of heavy rains, people are more focused on field work than any other activity. In any case, rain or shine, we must do our duty of the training, the evangelization, the edification and exhortation to save the lost and strengthen the weakened. You will see in the rest of this report, all the activities carried out by the Bear Valley Institute of Gueckedou in five points.

Please keep reading until the end.

I- Teaching.

Like all schools, our main activity is teaching. It should be noted that for the edification of future leaders of local congregations, three subjects were successively taught one after the other.

1- The Inter Testament Period, taught by Saa Robert Kamano.

2- The Pastoral Epistles taught by Niouma 2 Kamano

3- The Christian Home taught by Antoine Fassa Tolno.

Each teacher has completely exhausted the timing set by Bear Valley Institute.

Il- Evangelism

July was not successful as the previous months of the year. This was due to heavy rains and field work. Two people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. They were baptized in the water in Jesus' name for the forgiveness of sins. 

We pray for their spiritual growth and their perseverance in the faith in Jesus.

III- Gospel campaign

At the end of the month, we began the evangelism campaign, which will run until the beginning of August. Three teams are deployed in these differents areas: Pova, N'Wokouma, Dento, to evangelize and edify members of our congregations. We also had video projection during the nights.

IV- Radio.

The preaching team led by Saa Robert Kamano is still preaching messages on 104.1, broadcasting from Sandia Penbetyo. The team is accompanied in turn by students, to teach them how to do radio preaching.


We thank God for the life, health and protection he grants us in Jesus Christ.

We never cease to thank Bear Valley International for the spiritual, moral, material and especially financial support contributing to the exponential growth of the Lord's church in Gueckedou in particular and in Guinea in general.

We also thank our Coordinator Steven Ashcraft for his sacrifice in serving God on every saison favorable or not.

Many thanks to all the brothers and sisters in Christ who continue to support God's work in Guinea.

May the righteous God, who never forgets the blessings of these children, reward each and every one of us. 


Niouma 2 Kamano

Posted on August 8, 2023 .

Students doing well in Uganda

Greetings in the mighty name of our lord Jesus. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I thank my God in all my remberence of you, always offering prayers with joy in my  every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in this work of saving souls from day one to date with all the confidence that  this work that brings joy having been part of our lives will continue until we see our savior 

I am happy to share with you the joy that the school is back from the holidays energetic and zealous for the good works. Classes are on and I will be teaching two courses: HOMILETICS AND LIFE OF CHRIST 2. There are currently 13 students. We continue asking for your prayers for these men and the teachers as they  travel to come and teach.

We have been receiving messages from the local congregations that send these me, giving their thanks for what the men are turning to be in terms of helping the congregation. Not only for these ones, I have been visiting the former students too and their work gives a difference.  We greatly thank God for this  blessing. 

Thank you so much 

Be blessed 

Until all have heard 


Posted on August 8, 2023 .