Beginning on August 25th, 2023, Kenya school of Preaching took a break for September holiday, which marks the end of the 4th quarter of our first year with KSOP students of the 6th intake. This break will be till October 2nd of 2023 when we will again resume classes. We have had 3 instructors who taught regular classes Charles, Nixon and Elias. Again we had 3 foreign short course facilitators, Mike Reese, and brethren Rowand and Ray. All of these 6 teachers are the ones who, in this quarter, taught 7 courses to the 20 current students at KSOP.
While in school the students managed to plant one new congregation of the Lords church at Ruga in Homabay County. This happened when the school, upon request, had conducted a gospel meeting at the home of one of the KSOP'S former graduates, namely Kennedy Owade. All the 20 students and other local preachers, carried out evangelism in the area. This resulted in the establishment of Ruga Church Of Christ which is composed of 4 families coming together to assemble every Sunday for worship. We ask prayers on behalf of this young congregation for her numerical and spiritual growth. Much thanks to the supporters of KSOP both in prayers and finances. May the Lord continue to bless you richly both now and beyond the blue!
In His service, Elias Omollo.