A new school doing well

We at NIATS community are happy for the visit of our loving and courageous missionary and coordinator bro Chad Wagner on the 2nd of August. Happy because his visit is always edifying and strengthening. We highly appreciate him for donating books of value and quality to NIATS. Determined to visit Nigeria for missionary works despite the insecurity in the land is commendable and laudable.

Such is a great inspiration for us. May the good Lord reward him. We took him round the projects going on in the premises. The buildings that are undergoing rehabilitation including the provision of iron doors and protectors on the existing halls. We all ate the maize harvested from the school farm.

It is with great delight that we announce the birth of 18 persons into the Church. In addition we had 24 restorations. These are results from our students who went on their practicum. They are back with the above edifying information. To God be glory.

In the Lord's service,

Bro Bernard Osita Akokwu for NIATS.

Posted on September 8, 2023 .