Report of Activities for July 2022
According to the apostle Paul, we have the obligation to preach the word, to be ready in season and out of season. To convince, rebuke, exhort with all gentleness and instructing. This, we have done even though the months of July, August, and September are rainy months are difficult. Nevertheless, we are happy with what has been done as you will see in the content of this report.
Teaching / Classroom
The month of July had fewer classroom activities than the previous, because there was only 1 course, the book of Revelation left to end the training of the second batch. Brother Emmanuel Kamano took 10 days to teach and complete the material. The outcome was successful with all the students.
Just after the classroom session, the team of evangelists accompanied students in two different areas for the evangelistic campaign for the month under review. This evangelistic campaign has two beneficial results, especially for the students. The first one is the practical application of theoretical training. The second is equal and seems even more important for this month because 7 persons accepted Jesus as their Savior and were baptized in Christ. In addition and even before the evangelistic campaign, we also do door-to-door evangelism and radio broadcasting which is also to defend the holy doctrine of Jesus.
Construction of worship halls
It is important to point out that the need for worship halls has been a paramount issue, a problem that has affected many congregations. Now with this help rendered there is a positive impact in the Lord's church in the Gueckedou area, strengthening those who are like the apostle Thomas.
Because this construction program started here at the beginning of the rainy season when brethren were active on their farm work, only two congregations, Damas and Bandainin, were able to reach roof level which is the requirement before BearValley will be involved to assist.
However, several other congregations are in the process of gathering all the necessary materials (sand, gravel, stone blocks) to begin construction after the period of heavy rain (July to September).
Recruitment / lntake of New Students
With the completion of the course study of the second batch, the need to recruit new men for the Lord's army is evident and the Gueckedou Bear Valley school administration had been on the search. There were some 23 candidates who applied, but when it was time for the written evaluation or test and interview which was conducted on 20th July 2022, 17 candidates responded present. Others were prevented by some social or cultural reason, but some wish to follow soon for the training. By the grace of God, classes started with this new batch on August 4, 2022.
Thanks / Appreciation
We thank God for his mercy in accepting us in our weaknesses and forgiving us our transgressions through Jesus our advocate.
Thanks to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for their moral, spiritual, material and financial support to the church of Christ in Guinea.
We sincerely thank our coordinator Steven Ashcraft for his willingness to seek resources to boost the work of God in Guinea for church growth.
We thank brother Ken Stanley and the Niceville church.
Finally, we thank our brother in Christ who through our Coordinator financed the covering of worship halls.
We also thank our donors who are joyfully supporting the work of God.
May God bless everyone abundantly in the Lord.