Pressing on in Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters,  

This summer I, as well as many other Ukrainians, will remember for a long time. We are still in the heat of the warfare and Russian missiles still strike our peaceful cities. The state of being stressed out and being in danger is a part of everyday life for millions of people who are in this country. The most difficult situation is in the Eastern part of the country where the military forces of the occupants obliterate cities and villages. Many civilians from those regions try to leave their homes and relocate to the safer parts. At the times like this, the Church is presented with a lot of opportunities to demonstrate God's love and help out the people who lost their houses and their income. There's everything necessary in our church building to house the refugees and make them comfortable. As of this moment, we host a few families in the church building who are looking for a place to rent permanently in the city of Bela Tserkva. We ask for your prayers for peace in Ukraine. 

The students from the Bear Valley Bible Institute are busy with summer practice. They work alongside the congregation in Chernivtsy. These days they have VBS for the children of the refugees and the students are involved daily. They are also presented with the opportunities to have the Bible studies with the refugees. Also the church is very involved in social volunteering, students can visit with the people, cook the meals, etc. Many, of course, come to get some financial and physical aid but there are some who having been helped ask to fulfill their spiritual needs. It's very inspiring when people ask to tell them more about salvation through Jesus Christ. In Chernivtsy and Lviv our graduates, now preachers, baptize people almost every week and the Lord adds the saved ones to the Church.  

It's hard for everybody during the war. Usually we think that the most vulnerable (children, women and elderly) are suffering but, sadly, everyone goes through the trials. I ask for your specific prayers for the ministers and the Church workers. Every day for hours they have to listen to personal stories of loss, suffering, persecution and sorrow. They are the first ones to stretch out the helping hand and support in the time of crisis. It's very hard mentally to be emotionally invested in these stories while finding out the words of comfort and come up with good advice. Hundreds of pounds of food, medications and hygiene products are distributed to the people who leave their impact on the hearts of the ministers. Apostle Paul knew what it's like and only now we understand how it happens in real life - 2Cor. 11:28: "And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches ".  

We are grateful to all American congregations, brothers and sisters in Christ who support the ministry to the refugees. The church of Christ in Ukraine provides a lot of help to the needy. It demonstrates how much the Lord loves us. 

May God keep you safe!  

Your brother,  

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on August 3, 2022 .