The new batch starts in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you and family and our compliments of the season. We do hope this season brought lots of joy and smiles to you and the work you are doing for the Lord. On our part the season met us busy with the things entrusted in our hands .

After the graduation, I thought I will have some time to rest and refresh after the graduation and annual Bible lectureship, but the work cannot allow me to rest as we prepare to welcome 21 freshmen into the college. I am supposed to make sure I prepare the field for weekend and other evangelism and I was also visiting some of ther congregations that we established with the former students who are now preparing to take full time ministry. I was bound to go and keep those congregations alive.

The DELTA btach of students are expected on campus on January 1 and their studies begin on the January 3, 2017.

Thanks very much for your unfailing love and support, because they are the wheels that make this work move ahead. God bless you and keep you strong as we start up another year. We wish you the best of the year 2017 and we pray that 2017 will bring you surprises and making your dreams comes true.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 8, 2017 .