A busy time in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus, 

Greetings from BVBIN and SWSE, Butubutu village, Ibadan and from my CO-WBSFUWin Western states of Nigeria. 

CHURCH PLANTING IN IGBOBINI: The preachers & WBSFUW in Ondo state and our students gathered together for mass evangelism in the morning of Dec.16&17 and open -air Bible lectureship in the evening of December 16 & 17. Bro.Emmanuel Godwin, one of our students, spoke on my behalf on Christ mission in the evening of December 16,2016 during the first Open Air Bible lectureship in Igbobini town -Ondo state. And on December 18,they all gathered together for the first worship. The Lord blessed their joint efforts with three souls.

BVBIN AND SWSE, IBADAN FIRST WORKSHOP IN IKORODU -LAGOS: We the staff, foundation members and the Ikorodu Lagos campus of the BVBIN AND SWSE gathered together with over 250 brethren from twenty-five congregations in Lagos state for the first Workshop organized by our Lagos campus on December 17,2016 where Bro. Linus Agada spoke on the Bible School and It's Value while I spoke on Preaching Methods in 21st century. 

And on Sunday, I worship with Mile -12 congregation where I taught on What makes a strong church. We are 159 in attendance with total collection of N45,000=.
Lord ''s willing, I shall be speaking on The Home as God planned it on Saturday, December 24 in the marriage ceremony of the last born of Bro. Samuel Ishola in Meiran congregation, Lagos State. 

DECEMBER 22-30,2016: Our students shall be working Lord 's willing in Oro town, Kwara State with Bro. David Akinola from December 22-25. On December 26-28, we shall be working in Felelearea of Ibadan with Bro .Dele Shotola in mass evangelism and Gospel Campaign and on December 29-30,we shall be working in Otunolode area of Lagelu L. G. A of Oyo State with Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation in Gospel Campaign .

MATERIALS USED :Over 1,000 copies of VOTI vol. 90, Mission Printing materials, TFT materials and our local tracts are used and set aside for all this program. 

CLOSING REMARKS : We give praises and thanks to Almighty God for His mercies, love and grace which He bestowed on us through out year 2016.
Our special thanks go to our honourable patron -Bro. Doug Wheeler ,The BVBI West Africa coordinator -Bro. Steven Ashcraft, WBSTC Director -Bro. Joel Coppinger, VP ACSF -bro. Bill Pennell and you all for making year 2016 more meaningful for us in Africa most especially in Nigeria. With God and you in our sides we hope for better year 2017.
Your co-labourer in Christ Jesus, 
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi
Director of studies -BVBIN AND SWSE, IBADAN& Chairman of administrative Council

Posted on December 22, 2016 .