Classes starting in Ukraine

Dear brethren and churches,

I'd like to share with you the latest news from the Bible Institute, some local congregations in Ukraine and on the occupied territories. 

Churches on Christ in the East of the country. 

Unfortunately, the situation in our country remains unstable. The military conflict in the East of the country still continues. Fortunately, many churches in the region keep worshiping. In the city of Khartzysk (that is located in the middle of the DPR (unlawfully proclaimed republic) they had 5 baptisms recently. The preacher of this congregation Vasiliy Pavlovich shared this great news over the phone.  We used to financially help this congregation and thanks to the joined efforts God added saved souls to the Church. Probably the people of that part of the country appreciate the Good News more since their only hope is the Lord. One member of that congregation is working on getting the permits to cross the border, he has a big desire to become a student of our Institute. 

If you are willing to help people on the occupied territories I'd be more than happy to answer your questions and provide you with the necessary information. There is another local congregation there in Donetsk which we were able to help once and it was very needed. This money was given to 2 families who were in big financial turmoil.  There was a young lady who was fighting cancer in one family and there was a man who had got a head injury during the shelling in the other family. Praise the Lord that in both families medical help was successful. 

Bible Institute.

Currently we are getting ready for the next school year. The classes will start in September. We will have to purchase the necessities for the new school year. We are expecting more than 14 new students and we will need desks and chairs. Also we will have to rent additional apartments. These are pleasant tasks because we are thrilled that more people want to join the Bible program and devote their lives to the service of the Lord. We will have students from all parts of Ukraine and it's a big progress. Only two years ago most of our students were from the eastern part of Ukraine but now we are targeting the whole country. We were able to achieve this goal by very active recruitment activities and personal visits to the local congregations. I am very thankful to my assistant Alexey Mitskutis for the great job. This young leader demonstrates intensive spiritual growth.

Churches of Christ in Ukraine.

A terrific news came from Lviv where our graduates continue laboring. Bogdan, Stanislav and Dmitriy and their families have established a new congregation there in the October of the last year. This part of the country is very difficult in regards to evangelism. The Catholic Church is very rooted there but God keeps working through our team of young evangelists. Yesterday they had yet another baptism. This is the third baptism since they've started. One man from this young congregation will study in the Bible Institute. 

We've also got some good news from Dnipropetrovsk where our brother and graduate Alexander Rodichev serves as a preacher. He is a faithful brother whose family has worked in this city for a few years now. They have a good team of teachers and they run children's' school "Smart Elephant". Every year brother Jeff Abrams and his team help Ukrainian churches to run a family camp "Amerikraine". This year they had 14th camp. We are thankful to Jeff and his team for this service and their help. We had 7 baptisms this year in "Amerikraine" camp where some saved ones were from Dnipropetrovsk. My wife and I were able to worship with that congregation this month and I taught a Bible class. This is an amazing Christian family with the desire to grow. 

Everything is going well in our home congregation in Bela Tserkva. We take turns preaching with other brothers and it gives our students an opportunity to practice as well. Also we made plans to have VBS in the city in the end of August so we will follow up and invite children to the Sunday school. My wife Vera and some sisters from this congregation are getting ready for the VBS.    

In August we plan to have a meeting for the preachers and teachers on the Church of Christ in the city of Chernivtsy. This time the topic will "The role of women in the church". I hope this will help us to discuss different aspects of this interesting subject, have good fellowship and establish new contacts.  And we also made plans to do some exterior and interior improvements in our church building in August getting the church building ready for the future use.  

Dear brethren, churches and families, thank you for your prayers, support and care for us. You labor with us here. We know that a lot of good work in Ukraine wouldn't be done without your generosity. 

Your brother and co-worker,

Dennis Sopelnik 

To see the pictures that accompanied this report click HERE

#extensions #ukraine

Posted on August 9, 2016 .

First campaign in Zimbabwe is a success


True to our evangelical commitment, as Bear Valley Bible Institute Zimbabwe we held our first evangelical weekend outing on the dates referred above. It was really an awesome experience coming only two (2) months after opening the school.


This is situated about 30km outside Gweru City (Southern direction). It is a resettlement area and still developing with a catchment area within a radius of 6km which include part of Meadows Resettlement Area.

The approximate population of the area is between 400-500 people; with one (1) primary school; no secondary school and no clinic or any health facility. 

The area has a capability of developing as it falls under Gweru Rural and its proximity to the City promises positive growth. This then demands that we strategically position ourselves as the church for the future and continually work for church relevance in the area.


The church had her humble beginnings in 2014 started by some members who had relocated there under the leadership of Nashville church of Christ. The lack of sound manpower on the ground has continually stifled growth and currently the average attendance is 20.

The coming of BVBI-Z is a direct blessing to the congregation because our school evangelism plan dictates that we work with such congregations.


The work started well at 09:22hrs when the teams left the home were we had camped for the neighboring homes. We divided ourselves into three (3) teams with the teachers taking the leading role as we sought to set an example in lesson presentations. The primary purpose of the program is to fulfill God’s mission for the church through evangelism and edification; and the secondary purpose was/is to give the current students field experience.

During the duration of the program twenty-eight houses of non-christians and religious people were visited and fifty-three (53) people were taught different lessons including the Bible is our guide, baptism, the church, sin, God’s plan of salvation, etc. Five homes of Christians were visited. On Friday our visits started at 09:22 to 15:15hours and on Saturday we commenced at 10:20 to 16:00hours. Of note also is the distance between homes; the spacing of the houses is about one (1) kilometre apart.

We also had evening devotions with the church were the Word of God was taught. It is good to note that two (2) visitors came on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday for worship we also had two (2) men who visited. All the visitors were a direct result of the home visitations.

We were also privileged to listen to Donnie Estep who was the speaker for day and through his lesson titled Fully Pleasing God (Col. 1:10) we were all encouraged and corrected.


There is great need for holiday or field program in this area. The response and welcome that we got in the two days wevisited the homes was so touching. The people were so welcoming and receptive. It is my suggestion that we consider holiday preaching and/or field program as this will afford us more time and opportunity to make visits and follow-ups. 


My gratitude also goes to the church members in Julena who hosted us during this weekend evangelism program.

In Christ,

Howard Suwari

Posted on August 9, 2016 .

Chimala campaigns results in 40 baptisms!

The Chimala Bible Institute Evangelism team has been busy with their annual Gospel Chariot campaigns. The Gospel Chariot is a large, red truck which travels all over eastern Africa doing evangelism outreach. Each year, the Gospel Chariot comes to Tanzania in the month of August. CBI has arranged its schedule to utilize the students during the campaigns so that they can learn how to do effective house-to-house evangelism as well as having more capable evangelism workers in the field.

This year has already been successful year. The first village that the Gospel Chariot has held a campaign is a village called Maninga.  During each day, the students conduct house-to-house evangelism in the morning through mid-afternoon. Then, there is some preaching on the truck platform. Later in the day, there is a movie shown about Christ and then more preaching later that evening.  This method of evangelism is showing to be very effective.  In fact, during the week of evangelism at Maninga, there were 40 baptisms in one week!

The next location for the CBI students and evangelism team will be Vwawa which is close to the Zambia border. Let us pray for their continued success in preaching the Gospel as well as for the new converts in Tanzania.

Because of the Cross,


#extensions #tanzania #chimala


Posted on August 8, 2016 .

Students involved in successful prison ministry

Dearest in Christ,

        Greetings from this end, we do hope this reports meets you and family in good health. We are doing great here. Rain continues to water the soil and many are happy because we are in an agrarian area, so many rejoice with the faithfulness of God to send down enough rain to prepare for planting.

      Last week in BVBIC went on well, with some hitches as usual. As I write this report all who went out for weekend evangelism are back safe but soaked with rain on their body mostly for those students who must sit on a motor cycle to reach their destinations. We appreciate all your prayers towards us.

PIC 1 - Some of us in the cause of the week was in Kumba principal prison, where we gave out thousands of mission printing tracts to bother inmates and officers. We were not allowed by the law to take pictures when we were doing evangelism from one cell to another and from a group of prisoners to others. We were pointing the truth from the Bible. It is our way of life and it is helping many to see the truth with their own eyes.  

PIC 2 - This picture shows the newly baptized Christians in Kumba principal prison. They were happy to be redeemed through the undiluted word of God. I was given the opportunity to speak for 45 minutes, so I preached on the topic “REJOICE”, assuring them that they should rejoice because God is watching the situation. 

PIC 3 - One of our students, brother Mendel baptized 10 souls in prison. Keep these brothers who are in a very horrible condition in your prayers.    

PIC 4 - Brightland Christian Academy had another brilliant result in the last public exams. Preparations to send children back to school are already going on, as September 5th is the re-opening date. Please keep Brightland Nursery and primary school in your prayers and for the children from underprivileged homes.


     Demands to bring the gospel to more villages are coming to my office weekly. It is true the field is ripe but laborers are few. At times I feel as if two years to too long to get workers into the vineyard, but when you look upon the intensity of the training, you will bear with me that two years are even too short. Keep us in your prayers as we pray and make decisions where we can go first to preach, teach, and establish a congregation.


         We say thank you from the bottom of our hearts on behalf of the students, staff, and all those connected to this work here in Cameroon. We are thanking God daily on your behalf for all that He is doing to us through you. He will replenish and you will never lack. Thank you very much and God bless you.   

Do your best to share our reports with others.   

Elangwe and family 

By His grace director of BVBIC-Wotutu

#extensions #cameroon #wotutu

Posted on August 8, 2016 .

Exciting news from the ACSOP Director!

Then said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38 NKJV)

Truly the laborers are few and we are always praying that the Lord of harvest, may sent out laborers into His harvest, this has been true through the training of faithful men here at Andrew Connally School of Preaching. 

The Lord has sent a lot of His laborers to be trained here for number of years now and as He did with His disciples, The Andrew Connally School of Preaching is training faithful laborers who go out to their respected congregations and continue doing the harvesting. 

This past month we (Charles and Ahimidiwe) were privileged to go and work with some of the laborers whom the Lord sent out in past few years (These have graduated from ACSOP). Fredrick Bwile, Pius Bwile, Kennedy N’getich, Kennedy Munubi and Johnson Wafula who is still in school now. These men are serving in the Lord’s Vineyard in Kenya, at Kakamega count in Matunda area. We spent 13 days at their place. These men are doing wonderful work in the Lord’s Vineyard, for we were able to conduct 198 Bible classes at the time we were there. Through these efforts, the Lord added 27 souls while we were there and 4 more were reported to be added in to His body at the time we left. We thank God for sending out His laborers in to His harvest. This could have not been possible if YOU COULD HAVE NOT TAKE PART IN PARTNERSHIP OF TRAINING THESE LABORERS through the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. We always thank God for your support and prayers. May He therefore bless you beyond measure.

The school will be back in session this coming week - please pray for our students as they will be traveling back to school. Also pray for their family for they will be away from them for few months.

We are soliciting special prayers on behalf of our fellow laborer, Cy Stafford who is still sick. Please continue to pray for him so that the doctors may find the best way possible of curing his Leukemia.

Again, we thank you all for all you do and mean in in His Vineyard.

To Him be the glory both now and forever.

Your servant in His Vineyard,

Charles Mwanga


Andrew Connally School of Preaching

#extensions #tanzania #arusha


Posted on August 7, 2016 .

Prayer requests from Tanzania

The Week of July 24: 

We apologize for not sending out a report last week. We had very little internet last week. We spend several days at Habari’s office to get this taken care of. On August 2 the internet issues were finally taken care of. There are a few things that we need to make you aware of: 

    .    1)  Cy, the director of the work, has been notified that his Leukemia is back. We are not sure how long this will set him back. However, at the end of this month, we will be the only missionaries here until the Maynard’s get back in December/January. So, please pray for Cy and his recovery. Also, be sure to pray for the fundraising success of the Maynard’s. They are actively working with the farming project at ACSOP and are desperately needed.

    .    2)  Last Saturday we were able to attend the “evangelism meeting” and discuss the work with many of the local preachers. As you know there was campaigning efforts in Njiro a few weeks back. These young Christians need our prayers. The Njiro congregation is a young congregation, yet are doing fantastic. We have worshipped with them the past two Sunday’s and it has been a real joy. The preacher at Njiro is a student of ACSOP and does a fantastic job. We are looking into further opportunities to help this congregation grow in the future. After we work some of the details out, we will notify you of some of the plans we have for the future in Njiro.

    .    3)  Again, much time was spent preparing for classes at ACSOP. Classes actually begin on Monday--so this will bring some normality to our schedules.

The Week of July 31: 

We have been given the opportunity to buy a Landcruiser Prado from a church member and director of ACSOP. Our Rav 4 has done well, however, we are only able to drive it in town due to the bad roads elsewhere. So, we have been using Todd’s vehicle to do evangelism and to go meet with the local congregations. We are working on selling our car and buying the Landcruiser. The owner of the Prado is seeking to sell his vehicle to buy land. So, he has offered us two deals: 1) buy the vehicle outright for $16,000 or 2) trade our Rav 4 + $5,000 for the Prado. We are hoping to sell the Rav and only owe around $2,000-3,000 instead of $5,000. 

As mentioned, the quarter at ACSOP will begin on Monday. Pray for the teachers and students. This is an extremely important part of our work. Training men to preach the gospel is one of the most important things that we can do while in TZ. Next quarter, I will be teaching Greek IV and Revelation. Preparation for these classes will begin soon (the next quarter is only 6 weeks away). 

This week we have been blessed to study with several. Filbet was baptized into Christ during the Njiro campaign. However, he has missed worship services the past three weeks. On Saturday, we followed up with him and he has promised to come to Njiro church of Christ tomorrow. Please pray for Filbet. We have also been able to study with Alex and Vickie. Vickie has been studied with two times now. We have given her a Bible and she wants to study again on next Saturday. Today, she told us that she owned a business selling alcohol and that she wanted to change businesses to please God. We see this as a huge step in the right direction. 

Earlier in the week Todd was able to study with two other individuals who decided to be immersed into Christ. 

Haley and Mason Norman

#extensions #tanzania #arusha

Posted on August 7, 2016 .

Thousands reached in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ,

Grace, peace, and mercy be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and from Jesus Christ our Sustainer and Hope. I taught on The Three Pillars of Every Successful Home (Gen.2:24 cf. Eph.5:21-31) at a marriage feast of a young brother and a sister held at Oniyere congregation Ibadan, Oyo state on Saturday, July 30 and the ceremony was graced by over 600 brethren, friends, relations, and well wishers . 

On Sunday, July 31 at Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation (Ibadan) one of our BVBIN students named Lawrence Dada taught on The Unity of The Church while a SWSE student named Moses Bamidele admonished the church on Working Together (Exo.17:9-13) while I led in songs and communion . On Monday and Tuesday, August 1 & 2, we continue our house-to-house evangelism at Butubutu village under the leadership of our campus minister, Bro. Abraham Idu Yeje, which finally resulted into conversion of two young man named Blessing and Dennis. These two converts were blessed with a Bible each and WBS materials on I have just begun the race and How To Get To Heaven? 

On Wednesday morning, we (myself-Bro.Makinde, Bro.Kayode Solomon, Bro.Dele Shotola, and a BVBIN student-Bro.Samuel Omotayo Babatunde) board the school van to attend this years Annual Bible Lectureship held at West Nigerian Christian College and School of Biblical Studies (WNCC & SBS), Abeokuta in Ogun statewith 3,000 copies of VOTI volume 88 after posting nine packages of forty each to brethren and other regular recipients of VOTI materials. Over 400 preachers / WBSFUW and mature men and women benefited from this free gifts from VOTI at WNCC & SBS campus on Wednesday, August 3,2016.

Those in attendance at this year program held at WNCC & SBS campus are from the West, East, and Northern part of the country including a brother from neighbouring country- Republic of Benin.  

In conclusion, I and Bro. Isaac Olaniyan will be traveling Lord's willing by road to Ghana in continuation of our studies at Bear Valley Bible Institute of Graduates, Accra,Ghana for two weeks under our able tutor, Bro. Gary Allen Fallis.

Big thanks to you all for your cares and love . May The Lord of blessing continue to bless all our joint efforts in Jesus name, amen.

Your fellow labour in Christ vineyard ,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Studies)

BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan, Oyo State.(0082)

#extensions #Nigeria

Posted on August 7, 2016 .

Growing food and growing the church


We had hoped to be able to share pictures of the finished cow house with all of you. However, the government has currently shut down the forest and we cannot get the lumber we need for the stalls without paying an astronomical price. With that said, it is fully ready for the cows to move in with the exception of the stall dividers. We hope to get this finished before we return home on furlough. Also our 500 egg layers are still growing and should start producing at the end of the month. We have been very busy on the farm gathering corn. We hope to be finished next week and will know how good of a harvest the Lord has blessed us with.

I have said in many reports now that we never know the influence we will have on those around us. This month that proved to be true, again, when the fundi (construction worker) on the cow house chose to be baptized after asking to study God’s Word with the shamba workers. We are thrilled to welcome our new brother.


Brother Jimmy Gee’s campaign in the Kisongo area went well. We enjoyed meeting and fellowshipping with our brother who lived here for many years before us. Many Bible studies were set up and conducted in the time that he was here. I, along with the shamba workers, were able to take three days during the week and evangelize. All three of my days were spent with the same man, Peter, and later his wife, who were both baptized into the Lord’s Church. Anna spent the entire week, week after, and now starting a third week have Bible studies almost every morning and afternoon (with only a few exceptions). Jimmy also held an open air meeting every night that drew a large crowd. There are so many who are wanting and willing to study God’s word. Pray that their hearts are receptive to His word.

We conducted our children’s seminar this month in Manyire. It was a wonderful seminar. The area is very rural and yet around 50 children came. Anna taught the children about the Bible and Susan Storks taught creation. Todd, Wesley, Mason and I conducted several Bible studies and as a result two people chose to put the Lord on in Baptism. Anna was able to talk with the women of the Church that afternoon about teaching children, the importance of teaching children, and give them ideas to improve their teaching. Each children’s seminar amazes us at the willingness to learn of the people.

Anna and I had the opportunity to visit the Bonga Kanisa la Kristo. Ahimidiwe and Gasper Julius joined us for this trip and it was fantastic. I taught Bible class and Ahimi preached. The goal was to go encourage and visit with the students who are now enrolled in ACSOP ; as well as, encourage other members wanting to join the school in the future. This congregation has produced SEVEN preaching students. Yes, seven. Pray that they are able to grow and withstand the devil.

As many of you know our teammates, the Gaines Family, returned home after fulfilling their three year commitment this month. We are so sad to see them go but happy for their new journey in the States. We are also happy we were given the opportunity to work with them and pray our paths cross many more times in the future of the Lord’s work.

We will be returning to the States August 25th. We have many speaking engagements lined up but will be calling (once we are home) to line up more. If you are interested in hearing about our work send me (Justin) an e-mail .

In Him,

Justin and Anna

To see their report with pictures, click

#tanzania #arusha #extensions

Posted on August 1, 2016 .

Ukrainian brethren press on despite hardships

Hello, dear brothers and sisters, friends.

This month has been special both for me and my family due to several trips, meeting new friends and visiting with old ones, and ministry in various places in Ukraine.

1. Ministry to Christians in Gorlovka.

The war in the Eastern part of our country still continues. The most numerous cases of shelling in this region remain to be in Gorlovka and its outskirts, Avdeevka and Mariupol direction. The Ukrainian army proceeds very slowly reclaiming a street after street in the occupied villages surrounding Gorlovka. But, as the witnesses say, after such intense battles these villages turned into ruins not suitable even to restore. Not only these villages suffer because of these battles but also the city, Gorlovka. I enclose several pictures of the latest ruins that happened after the shelling on July 10.

The daily losses among the Ukrainian soldiers were so numerous that in the middle of the month the government was ready to announce the war state in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions beginning at August 1. The passing of power into the hands of the military generals had to activate the number of battles, which in turn would make the trips to the occupied territories much more difficult. We are carefully following all the news concerning this situation. It seems, in the following weeks the war state will not be announced yet.

Every day I call the Christians who stay in Gorlovka as well as those who left it. I conduct Bible classes and worship services by phone. We are looking forward to the end of the war conflict, coming of peace and reestablishing of the legal government on the now occupied territories.

I am planning to visit Gorlovka in the beginning of August to be able to conduct Bible classes and worship services, meetings at homes and to do other work for the Lord there. I know you have been praying for my every trip there, and I am very grateful to you and our Lord for this. Please, keep me in your prayers this time also.

2. Ministry in the Kiev region.
This month I have been preaching both in Kiev and in Bila Tserkva on Sundays.

In Kiev together with the brothers from Shevchenko district Church of Christ we have been preaching in the streets, passing the Christian literature and invitations to the people.

In Bila Tserkva we continue to serve in the regional oncological hospital. Every time we tell the patients that they have to worry not only about their physical recovery but also about the salvation of their souls and eternal life. We are happy that these people appreciate our concern and care for them, and also the Word of God that we preach in every ward.

3. The Bear Valley Bible Institute.

It has been a great honor for me to work in the Bible institute. Now during the summer break together with Alexei Mitskutis I went to the Dnepr region with the purpose to find new students for the Institute and also to spiritually strengthen the local Christians. On July 22-24 Alexei and I visited the rehabilitation center in Pokrovka where men with various addictions are contained. We conducted several Bible classes there. On Sunday I preached in the Church in Nikopol and in the new congregation in Dnepr. During these several days we were able to meet new friends and make new contacts.

4. The family summer camp Amerikraine.

The wonderful event of this month for us was the participation in the Christian family camp Amerikraine. The organizers of the camp did a great job of planning every day of the camp activities. This time the camp lasted a week and hosted almost 300 people. During the camp 7 people obeyed the gospel in baptism. There were also quite a few families that came from the occupied territories. For them this time in the camp was a wonderful opportunity to forget all shocks and hardships when they heard Bible lessons, and wonderful fellowship helped them receive consolation and cheer up. I can say the same about me and my family. And we are very grateful to the organizers and sponsors of this wonderful activity.

We also thank brothers and sisters in Christ who donated money for my work in the occupied Gorlovka. This aid helped local brothers and sister survive the hard times and not starve. Every time the Christians in Gorlovka receive the support money from you they thank the Lord and you for your love and remembering them in their time of need. May God richly bless you in everything. You are always in our hearts and prayers.

In His service,


If you would like to see Andrew's report with pictures, click HERE. 

#extensions #ukraine

Posted on August 1, 2016 .

Continued growth in French Cameroon

Greetings from this part of the world, hope you all had a good and interested worship today. BothMbanga and her sister congregation in Sancho were blessed to add a soul into His Kingdom. Praise be to God. Our congregation welcome a lot of visitors today and most of them are paying interest to continued coming and subsequently becoming candidates for baptism. 

The students are doing their best with evangelism in and out of Mbanga. Some congregations are fully depending on our students for worship: some of them are made up only with sisters and some are a couple of old people. This is the church in French Cameroon and my cry is that we should have more students next take in

I am happy to inform you of our new born babies in the lord both physically and spiritually. Brother Ename Paul's wife was put to bed to give birth to a baby boy this morning. What a blessed child that is born on the first day of the week! On the same line, with great amount of joy, we are proud to inform you that God added to the Church another precious soul. What a great week! Please do not sleep without praying for these new born babies.

   Week end evangelism is still going on and some of our students are still out traveling many miles to Mbanga. We are still very comforted with evangelism which is a powerful tool in missions. We shall be preparing for our special trip to the prison.

Students are doing great in their studies with their end of quarter results. By the special grace of God we shall begin worship in Njombe preparation is going on. Keep this in your prayers.

Your brother,


#extensions #cameroon #mbanga

Posted on August 1, 2016 .

A good report from the Dean in Arusha

The past week has been so wonderful. The reason it has been is because dozens, maybe even hundreds, of people have heard the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. We had Jimmy Gee here in Kisongo helping on door to door evangelism and during the evening hours preached in the public gospel air meeting. Jimmy Gee has left and is on his way home. We thank God that 3 people were baptized and there are more promising souls to obey the gospel as a result of this great effort. 

Much work has been done and I believe we can expect greater things from this area as many plant and water the Gospel seed with God giving the increase. Please pray for those that have been studied with that they will continue in the Truth. 

This is not to sing people's praises, but to let you rejoice with us in the work here, and to give an account for our time. May GOD bless the work here, and your interest in spreading the gospel.

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching is still closed but the next Monday the first semester for the master’s program class will start. Jerry Bates will start it by teaching the introduction to the course and he will go through it for two weeks. And on the 6th of August the undergraduate students will come back to school from their holidays to continue with their studies on third quarter.  We hope and pray that all things will go well as they have been planned.

Finally we are so very appreciative for each of you as you make it possible for us to work here, and to work with such great people as Jimmy Gee and many others. May God bless you for the sacrifices you make for the sake of the Kingdom.

Losotwa Michael
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching 

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, TZ

#extensions #tanzania #arusha

Posted on July 30, 2016 .

Many activities in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus ,

Greetings from your fellow laborers in the vineyard of God. Our students are doing fine in the field. Below are the report so far gather together from the students who are in a month Teaching Practice and other news….

IJEBU-IGBO PROGRAM OF JULY 22 & 23,2016 : No one knew that our dear Brother Alphusos Diyaolu, the preacher of Ijebu-Igbo congregation would not be alive on January 4, 2016 when we (myself, Bro.Kayode Eniafe, Bro.Dele Shotola, Bro.Abraham Idu Yeje, and the two students' head) planned to assist the church at Ijebu -Igbo congregation in a two day mass evangelism of July 22-23,2016. Nevertheless, the death of the preacher now makes the schedule program to pool more crowded than ever. The two day program was attended by over 1,000 brethren, friends, and relations of our late brother. Bro.Kayode Eniafe and Bro.Adeola were the chief speakers on Friday while I, Bro.Matanmi, Bro.Olayisade ,Bro.Ayobami Ogunjimi spoke on the Saturday program.

REPORT SO FAR FROM THE STUDENTS: Reports reaching us so far from the students serving in Western and Eastern part of Nigeria shows that The Lord has added another 27 souls to His kingdom and 38 have been restored. Bro.Isaac Adeyiwolu, and Bro.God'spower Benjamin recorded the conversion of 7 souls each while Bro.Augustine Essien and Bro.Emmanuel Okpachui reported the conversion of 4 each. Bro.James Yayah Oseni,Godwin Ozoboh, Bro.Emmanuel Oluwatobi, and Bro.Johnson Godwin are those recorded the numbers will have on restoration.

REPORT FROM TWO OF OUR GRADUATES / WBSFUW: Bro.Ajiteru Olufemi and Bro. Matthew Adeyemi reported the conversion of three souls in their area.

VOICE OF TRUTH VOLUME88: Lord's willing,we shall be traveling on Tuesday or Wednesday, August 2 or 3, to attend this year Annual Bible Lectureship at West Nigerian Christian College & School of Biblical Studies, Abeokuta with 3.000 copies of VOTI vol.88 to be shared to preachers, WBSFUW & Bible teachers that will attend the WNCC & SBS, Abeokuta in Ogun state from Eastern and Western part of Nigeria. Also, I will post ten to fifteen package of forty each to brethren in the Northern part of the country before I embark in a two weeks journey to Accra ,Ghana on August 6,2016 with Bro.Isaac Olaniyan.

OTHER ACTIVITIES : We evangelized Aronfolu village of Lagelu L.G.A on July 16&17 with one of our students serving for a month at Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation, Ibadan . On July 10&17, I taught on The Graces of God's compassion & kindness (Psalm 86) at Onikokoro /Gbongudu congregation while our student (Bro.Moses Bamidele ) admonished the church on The Life of a Faithful Christian . On July 24,Bro.Moses Bamidele taught on Church responsibilities to the men of God.

Lord's willing, I will be teaching on The Three Pillars of a Successful Home ( Gen.2:24) at a marriage feast that is coming up at Oniyere congregation, Ibadan on July 30, 2016.

IN CONCLUSION : We thank you all for your love and cares and partnership. May The Lord of blessing continue to bless all our joint efforts is our fervent prayer.

Sincerely His & yours,

Makinde Ebens Olufemi (Director of Studies)

BVBIN & SWSE,Ibadan,Oyo state ,Nigeria

#extensions #nigeria #ibadan

Posted on July 30, 2016 .

Our weekly encouragement from Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

         Greetings from this part of the globe. We are doing great and we thank God. We do hope you are doing great also. God is still sitting on the throne and He takes dominion over all that He has entrusted into our hands .

        The work here is still very intensive, accurate, and sound. The students are moving on well as they prepare to round up their studies in few months.

   Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu, despite the rains, instructors still make their way to Wotutu to teach the students.

     Health-wise, many of us are stable in health, except for brother Oponde Daniel who came back to school today after staying with the doctor in Buea. From my observation, I will still send him to another doctor in Limbe tomorrow to check on his blood sugar level. Keep all of us in your prayers as the climatic condition is making many sick.

    Let me share some pictures with you.

Students have started their senior sermon in school. This is done only in the Wotutu congregation as the members of Wotutu assess them and make an evaluation at the end of their studies, while I supervise as the preacher of the congregation. Keep them in your prayers.

We are dreaming about the establishment of the secondary department of our elementary school, BRIGHTLAND CHRISTIAN COMPREHENSIVE COLLEGE WOTUTU, is a dream which is coming along. We have started building the foundation and we are anticipating the commencement of the school this September if God open doors for us. This college will help bring the gospel of Jesuscloser to more mature minds. This will also be an opportunity for girls and young women to be go back to school. We have the believe THAT IF YOU EDUCATE A WOMAN , YOU ARE EDUCATING THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY. We open doors for underprivileged girls who have never had opportunity to go to school. We will be preaching the gospel through secular education and education in the long run will help make the ministries here sustainable in the future.

Brother Kingsly , was very happy as another member of his family obeyed the gospel. It is always a blessing to see members of your family and close friends being snatch from the hands of the devil.

Please join my family to thank God as our third son Ndingi Stevemarx Elangwe is one month now. Keep him in your prayers and keep us in your prayers to nurture him to be a strong Christian when he is raised to impact his generation. My wife is getting much better, but continue to pray for my father who is still having some epigastric pains.


      Evangelism is top on our agenda. We plan evangelism in many locations, while not neglecting our young congregations, so that the students need to go there on weekly basis to preach and teach.


        Our hearts are fill with joy for all that you are doing for the work here, we say thank you and God bless you and replenish from where you took to make this work possible.


Elangwe and family

By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

#extensions #cameroon #wotutu

Posted on July 24, 2016 .

More good news from Arusha

The past week has been so wonderful. The reason it has been is because dozens, maybe even hundreds, of people have heard the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. We had Jimmy Gee here in Kisongo helping on door to door evangelism and during the evening hours preached in the public gospel air meeting. Jimmy Gee has left and is on his way home. We thank God that 3 people were baptized and there are more promising souls to obey the gospel as a result of this great effort. 

Much work has been done and I believe we can expect greater things from this area as many plant and water the Gospel seed with God giving the increase. Please pray for those that have been studied with that they will continue in the Truth. 

This is not to sing people's praises, but to let you rejoice with us in the work here, and to give an account for our time. May GOD bless the work here, and your interest in spreading the gospel.

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching is still closed but the next Monday the first semester for the master’s program class will start. Jerry Bates will start it by teaching the introduction to the course and he will go through it for two weeks. And on the 6th of August the undergraduate students will come back to school from their holidays to continue with their studies for the third quarter.  We hope and pray that all things will go well as they have been planned.

Finally we are so very appreciative for each of you as you make it possible for us to work here, and to work with such great people as Jimmy Gee and many others. May God bless you for the sacrifices you make for the sake of the Kingdom.

Losotwa Michael
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching 

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, TZ

#extensions #tanzania #arusha

Posted on July 24, 2016 .

Weekend work is bearing fruit in Cameroon

Greetings from Cameroon and from Mbanga in particular. I hope this message meets you in good health, both physically and spiritually. Special greetings to that one big family across the seas and the oceans; I hope you have a nice week just as some of us here are doing pretty good.

      Beloved in the Lord we are happy to share our report to you again this week end with a lot of enthusiasm because the Lord is doing great things in our lives and in His church. Thanks to you for prayers that come from all over the world. When I begin to see some changes, I always remember one of my famous topic "prayers changes things".

      Our worship today in Mbanga was really good with a powerful sermon from one of our students who presented all the various parts of homiletic with the text been drawn from Matt. 11:28-30.  Some of the invitees who have been having follow up during week end evangelism were present. By His grace some of them will be added to the church some day due to the discussion we had after worship in my office. Paul planted, Apollos watered, and God gives the increase.

       Weekend evangelism is improving both in and out of Mbanga and we are still having lots and lots of congregations that are calling on us to come and we have to attend to the Macedonian call. Our young congregation in Sancho is growing with young converts and prospects, as you can see from the photograph.

            The school is going on and the students are picking up with their preparation for their graduation. Our students are doing great work in the congregations during their field work and week end evangelism. The congregations in Cameroon have started enjoying the fruits of the school of preaching in French speaking Cameroon just like in the English speaking. Glory be to God. We really pray to have more students by next batch.

           Up coming events: We are planing to begin worship by next month in Njombe, which is a town next to Mbanga. We are also planning to attend the summer youths retreat early next month with the students and also the marriage enrichment seminar with the marriedstudents and their wives. The campaign is also coming up early September. Please commit these activities in your prayers.


Ititi Benedict Nimending

#extensions #cameroon #mbanga

Posted on July 24, 2016 .

More good news from Tanzania

Wesley Storks continues to work hard in northern Tanzania and has good news to report.

If you would like to see his impressive report, with some very nice pictures, please click here 


Posted on July 22, 2016 .

The preachers in Togo have been busy!

The first Monday of each month is Kpalimearea preachers meeting. I have always tried to be in their midst during these meetings. They meet to discuss pertinent issues confronting the churches they lead and find solutions for them. This particular meeting was to discuss the annual bible camp in December and how to call all the congregations to cultivate corn to be used to feed the members during the camp. The occasion was used to find a general theme, topics, speakers and venue. Such meetings are used to draw strength from each other. The team spirit among the preachers accounts for the rapid growth of the church in the Kloto region.

Cephas is the Principal of BVBI in Kpalime and assists me with the day to day running of the school. We have been working with the school since its inception in 2005.


David preaches for the Church of Christ that meets at Kpodzi. Apart from his preaching responsibilities, he is also the farm manager for BVBI vegetable farm project. The crops are doing well but the water is rather too much for them. We needed water but now have more than the crops need. 


Our biggest challenge since the inception of the school in 2005 has been how to support our preacher’s after they have left school. This continued until recently we decided to introduce ICT into our training program. All the eleven students are taking advantage of this program in order to be self- supporting preachers in the future. In view of this innovation, we have extended the school calendar to two and half years instead of the usual two years. The extension will help to complete both the bible and Ict programs before graduation.

Willie Gley

To see the full report, with pictures, please click here

#extensions #togo #kpalime

Posted on July 22, 2016 .

Exciting happenings from one of the newest schools

We started the new academic year at the beginning of February 2016; 22 students for the new Bear Valley Bible Institute study programme and 40 students with the Mzuzu School of Preaching programme. The first three months of the academic programme was focused on classroom teaching for the new students this involved laying a solid biblical foundation and equipping them for the coming campaign work.

We were also blessed with the visit of a number of brethren from the US: At the start of the term Donnie Estep and Jim Kerns Donnie is the coordinator for Bear Valley extension schools in Africa and Jim Kerns is a deacon for a congregation in Virginia.These brethren spent two weeks with us, Donnie used all of his time to teach Bible, while Jim provided a massive help in getting some of our vocational training programme moving forward.

During April, Mike Linkous one of the elders at Thomaston Road church of
Christ (sponsors of this work) also visited us
helping us with teaching, visiting, advice and encouragement. All the staff and students were greatly encouraged and strengthened by the visit of these brethren.

Evangelism Work

May saw the beginning of campaign work something I was very pleased to be back doing. The school was involved in two campaigns during the last week of May the students and teachers being divided into two groups. 

The first location was a new congregation about 20 minutes’ walk from the College. The congregation was started at the end of 2015 by one of the workers at the College. This brother informed us that he wanted to start a new congregation in the area where he lived and we readily agreed to help him we provided communion trays, cups, song books, some Bibles and a number of us committed to attend worship on a regular basis (helping with the preaching and teaching). We also scheduled a gospel preaching campaign for May 2016 during which five people were saved and another three restored (folks who had been attending a congregation, but had forsaken worshipping). Christine, myself, two teachers and a number of the students continue to attend this congregation.

Katili church of Christ

The second campaign was with a congregation which has an interesting story. The congregation was started a while back, but because there was no one able to nurture and teach the congregation it ceased. In the meantime, a young man (who formerly had been a drunk) was converted and went through the MSOP programme graduating last year (2015). During his time of
study at College, he returned to his home village (Katili) but
found no church, and was told the story that there was a
congregation at one time, which was no longer meeting.

Determined to see the Lord’s church in his area, our brother (Robert Kumwenda) asked us if we would come and help him once he had graduated something we were more than willing to do. During the campaign, six souls were saved and seven restored. A final encouraging note from this campaign: One afternoon one of the teaching staff and myself were pulled aside by a man who wanted to talk to us. His problem was that he had three wives. We discussed this with him and what he needed to do to repent of this situation, at the end I explained to the man that this was not going to be an easy road for him, but that he should not pull back from what he knows to be the right thing to do. His answer to me was this: “I have seen the change in Kumwenda; if he can do it, so can I.” Since the campaign a number of people have been added to the Lord’s church in this area.

Reaching out Wherever

Wherever we go, we always try to reach out to the lost with the gospel of Christ. Over the past few months, Christine has been visiting a little nursery school to teach Bible to the little children. While doing so, she reached out with the gospel to the nursery school teacher last week the nursery teacher was baptised into Christ. Praise the Lord!

New Congregations for July

At the end of this July (2016) we will again be dividing into two groups and heading out on more gospel preaching work. Indeed, we are going to be establishing two new congregations: one of the new congregations will be in an area called Chankhombo - about 2 miles from the College. We scouted the area and found there are a lot of people but no church. The chiefs (one of whom is a lapsed Christian) have also welcomed us. The other new congregation is in an area we have been working in for the past few years and will be the fifth congregation we will have planted in that area.

Looking Ahead

Our academic year ends at the end of October (2016), before then we have scheduled another two gospel preaching campaigns, during which a further two new congregations will be established. And for 2017, the campaign calendar is already full with still more new congregations to be planted.

Evangelism Plan - Five Year Ideal

Christine and I came to Malawi to preach the gospel and establish new congregations of the Lord’s church; we are thrilled to be continuing this work through the Bible College. We aim at trying to support a preacher to work with a new congregation for 5 years. The congregation is encouraged to seek to send one or two men to the College by the third year, with a view to them returning and helping the congregation once they complete their studies. During the fifth year, we intend that the supported preacher will mentor the graduated student(s) to continue the work. The ideal is that a congregation can stand on its own after five years, freeing the preacher to start again with another new congregation.

Maize mills

Recently, the College was gifted with some funds for the purpose of building a maize mill at the campus. The maize mill has been built and is now running. There are a number of benefits to having a maize mill: 1) previously, the College spent about $25.00 (£19.00) per week on milling Maize Maize being the main starch food for Malawians, 2) we use the maize mill as part of our vocational training programme. Over the past few years, I have planted a two maize mills funnelling the profits into supporting preachers for new congregations. Currently, these maize mills support five preachers. I have been gifted with further funding for another maize mill, which I will be planting this year in one of the areas where we will be establishing a new congregation (an area called Chisangano). The profits of this maize mill will support the preacher for the Chisangano congregation, and further new congregations in that area that we plan to establish over the next few years.

Evangelism cannot continue... this without the support and prayers that all of you provide. We are really thankful to all of you for all the help that you give to this work. There is still much to do. There are large areas of Malawi (particularly in the Northern Region) where one can travel for 2 hours and not find a congregation of the Lord’s church, yet many denominational churches are seen! This always troubles me. Please continue to help this work: one off gifts, regular support (whatever amount). Maybe you could consider a one-off gift to build a maize mill? All will help us in the preaching of the gospel, establishing new congregations, and committing sound doctrine to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2). May the Lord continue to bless all of you.  

In Him,

Marc Veary

Mzuzu, Malawi

If you would like to see Marc's report with pictures, please click here

#extensions #malawi #mzuzu

Posted on July 22, 2016 .

A time of transition in Tanzania

Meru church Building: 
As you know, the Meru church building was destroyed. Although the members are not able to financially support the reconstruction of their own building, they are able to rent a building for around $25 a month. The owner of the building gave them the price of 3 rooms for 1. Thus, they are very grateful. The building turned out very nice. 

Elly Retires: 
On Sunday, the team was able to celebrate Elly’s retirement from ACSOP. He has been working with Cy since around 2000. Elly works a lot with the governmental regulations for the school, the missionaries, the visitors, etc. Elly has quickly become one of our best friends in Africa. Elly owns a furniture business and is planning to begin a meat business in the future. He will continue to help with our work permits and other important governmental paperwork, etc. 

Gaines Family Leaves
On Monday, we all gathered at ACSOP to have a final luncheon for the Gaines family. They have served the great people of  East Africa for 3 years and will be missed by all. 

In Him,

Mason and Haley Norman

Arusha, Tanzania

If you would like to view the Norman's latest report, including pictures, in PDF please click HERE

For a slideshow of pictures, click HERE

#extensions #tanzania #arusha

Posted on July 17, 2016 .

Graduation is quickly approaching in Nigeria!

Beloved in Christ ,

Greetings from students and staff of Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria & Southwest School of Evangelism, Ibadan, Oyo State and my fellow WBSFUW in Western State of Nigeria .

After a busy week, our students was sent forth on a month Teaching Practice from Butubutu -Ibadan main campus, Agege-Lagos, and Ikorodu-Lagos campus.

They were committed to The Lord 's hand by Paul words of encouragement to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:1-5 by the chief servant of BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan, myself-Makinde Ebens, while Bro.Kayode Solomon Eniafe led in songs and our campus minister, Bro.Abraham Idu Yeje moderated the fifty minutes exercise.

Seven students to the Northern part of Nigeria and seven to the East and the remaining twenty-five in the Western part of Nigeria. This cost the school the sum of Ninety-thousand Naira('$500).

MATERIALS USED FOR THIS MONTH: Mission Printing booklets on What must I do to be saved,The church of Christ , Worship, etc, WBS lessons and booklets and our local tracts were shared yesterday evening in large quantity to students for their house-to-house evangelism and Bible classes. 

SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS FOR AUGUST 26,2016 GRADUATION: After the fourth semester Examination below are the successful students.CERTIFICATE / SWSE DIPLOMA IN THEOLOGY: Alexander Sunday Udon, Emmanuel Okpachui, God'spower Benjamin Ikon, Ikape Matthew, Samuel Ishukwu Chukwunikwe (Certificate ), Samuel Peter (Certificate ), Makinde John Oluwatimilehin , Moses Abidemi Bamidele, and Victor Dominic Edet. From Lagos campus: Bola Jarikay, Eno Hensaw Edet, Inemesit Usanga, Isaac Adebayo Adeyiwolu, and Olajumoke Akerele.

ADVANCE BVBI CERTIFICATE IN THEOLOGY : Augustine Okon Essien, Dada Lawrence Olawale, Destiny Elijah Sunday, Edwin Kehinde Eire, Eze Ikechukwu Collins, God'spower Ossai, Godwin Ede, James Yaya Oseni, Lucky Meya,  Lucky Daniel Ishidaomen, Momoh Ozavehe Onipe, Nnamdi Blessing Eze, Olorode Samuel Oluwafemi, Ozoboh Godwin, Omotayo Samuel Babatunde, and Shotola Emmanuel Oluwasegun.

IN CONCLUSION : We deeply appreciate you all for your wonderful contribution toward the success of this set, 2015 / 2016 session. Most especially ,we appreciates the vital roles played by the following: Bro.Joel Coppinger & his WBS team, Bro.Doug M.Wheeler & associates, Bro.Steven Ashcraft & associates, Bro.& Sister Bill Pennell, Bro.Ken Heflin& West Olive congregation, Sister Kathleen Withers & associates, Bro.John Branard & Oceanside congregation,Choctaw congregation in Oklahoma, Bro.Jerry Bates & VOTI group, Dorma & Donna Lough and Bro.& Sister David Ballard. Without you,we could do little! May The Lord continue to blessed all our joint effort in Christ name, amen.

I remain yours in His grace as a servant ,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Studies )

BVBIN & SWSE,Ibadan , Oyo State,Nigeria.

#extensions #nigeria #ibadan

Posted on July 17, 2016 .