First campaign in Zimbabwe is a success


True to our evangelical commitment, as Bear Valley Bible Institute Zimbabwe we held our first evangelical weekend outing on the dates referred above. It was really an awesome experience coming only two (2) months after opening the school.


This is situated about 30km outside Gweru City (Southern direction). It is a resettlement area and still developing with a catchment area within a radius of 6km which include part of Meadows Resettlement Area.

The approximate population of the area is between 400-500 people; with one (1) primary school; no secondary school and no clinic or any health facility. 

The area has a capability of developing as it falls under Gweru Rural and its proximity to the City promises positive growth. This then demands that we strategically position ourselves as the church for the future and continually work for church relevance in the area.


The church had her humble beginnings in 2014 started by some members who had relocated there under the leadership of Nashville church of Christ. The lack of sound manpower on the ground has continually stifled growth and currently the average attendance is 20.

The coming of BVBI-Z is a direct blessing to the congregation because our school evangelism plan dictates that we work with such congregations.


The work started well at 09:22hrs when the teams left the home were we had camped for the neighboring homes. We divided ourselves into three (3) teams with the teachers taking the leading role as we sought to set an example in lesson presentations. The primary purpose of the program is to fulfill God’s mission for the church through evangelism and edification; and the secondary purpose was/is to give the current students field experience.

During the duration of the program twenty-eight houses of non-christians and religious people were visited and fifty-three (53) people were taught different lessons including the Bible is our guide, baptism, the church, sin, God’s plan of salvation, etc. Five homes of Christians were visited. On Friday our visits started at 09:22 to 15:15hours and on Saturday we commenced at 10:20 to 16:00hours. Of note also is the distance between homes; the spacing of the houses is about one (1) kilometre apart.

We also had evening devotions with the church were the Word of God was taught. It is good to note that two (2) visitors came on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday for worship we also had two (2) men who visited. All the visitors were a direct result of the home visitations.

We were also privileged to listen to Donnie Estep who was the speaker for day and through his lesson titled Fully Pleasing God (Col. 1:10) we were all encouraged and corrected.


There is great need for holiday or field program in this area. The response and welcome that we got in the two days wevisited the homes was so touching. The people were so welcoming and receptive. It is my suggestion that we consider holiday preaching and/or field program as this will afford us more time and opportunity to make visits and follow-ups. 


My gratitude also goes to the church members in Julena who hosted us during this weekend evangelism program.

In Christ,

Howard Suwari

Posted on August 9, 2016 .