The New Year Already Sounds Forth Plans For Evangelism...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from the brethren here. The phrase Happy New Year is still sounding in the mouth of many here. We give it to you and we know this new year has come with lots of blessings and challenges along the line.

The Wotutu congregation is healthy as we entered the second Sunday in the new year. Our Christians are okay and expecting to do more in the Lord’s service this year. We today was great and our lesson today was the The Power of Determination.” We are making those in the worship hall and those that can hear us further away through our horn speakers to draw near and get the truth.

Over the weekend our students went to 4 locations for weekend evangelism. There was another mass evangelism in Tole village that involved some current students and some ex-students. It was amazing to see some of the brothers again and move around sharing from the word. The news in Tole is good.

Memories of my stay in Nigeria: This is very important for me as we look upon the history of the church this semester. I was in Nigeria in a village where the very first congregation of the church of Christ was established in Nigeria and the rest of west Africa.

The congregations in Nigeria are growing rapidly. One congregation is 12 years old, but they are growing in number and they are sound. I was asked to preach a sermon there. I saw love and they were eager to see if some of our students have the possibility of coming over to their community to evangelize and also see other brethren. That will surely be a welcome gesture, if the Lord wills.

Our current students and ex-students went to Tole village on house to house evangelism. The Lord added 4 souls to the church there.

The early Christians shared everything in common. Wow! It is just what we are practicing here, as we shared lunch all together. We are one in Christ. BVBIC-Wotutu has the spirit of sharing together and giving respect to whom respect is due.

A cross section of Wotutu congregation witnessed growth in number. Please keep our Christians in your prayers this 2016, for us to impact through the word, growth and more growth in all aspects of life. The population of children continues to increase as many enjoy the way they are taught in Brightland Christian Academy. Daily, the kids in Brightland continue to receive the truth into their young minds. Keep this school in your prayers as children are happy to be part, but most parents find it difficult to pay fees that help in the smooth running of the school.

Our students continue to grow as they have ample avenues that can help them grow. Our congregation is a good ground for them to put their training in class into practice where they are in front of many eyes that will give them correction if they slip off a little. Today, brother Abanda Edwin was teaching with his father in the pew who traveled all the way from their village to come and drop his application form. He told me in my office, “I am eager to study the word also, so that I will join with my son to reach out to many in our village.” It was amazing to me. Remember, brother Abanda is the young man who was sent packing from his uncle’s house because he obeyed the gospel. He said, “It is better for me to stop, even the circular education. My uncle was using it as a gift tied to a string, that if you failed to worship in my denomination, then you will go out of my house and I will not sponsor you again in school.” Edwin accepted to leave and not to study circular education because of Christ. Today, he is doing amazingly well in his Biblical studies. Our God has many ways He can call people to Himself.

God started with us. He added brother Ashu Leroy today as brother Lawson baptized him into Christ. The little brother is in Form 4 Secondary School and he said, “I am happy to have finally obeyed the truth.”

Brother Damasius baptized sister Elange Sylvia into Christ today in the Wotutu congregation. Keep her in your prayers. She is fortunate because the husband also obeyed the gospel today. I am saying that she is fortunate because most married women will always face persecution with their husband when they obey the truth and leave their husbands behind.

Brother Gladson baptized brother Elange Cyril into Christ today. They studied with us for the past three months and they also continue to benefit as they listen to the program, “Back To The Bible,” every morning. Keep them in your prayers to grow to maturity, so that many will come to know God through them. Our ideas for our new converts is “You have known Christ today, make him known to others in your life.”

1) Please pray for the following programs that will be our end-of-the-year program in Wotutu congregation and the Bible college: Third batch graduation, Fourth batch matriculation, Annual Bible Lectures of the Churches of Christ in Cameroon, and the 10th Anniversary of the Wotutu congregation. All of these will start on November 24th 2016, and go through November 27th. Please, if you desire, come show your interest. Let us know how we can fit you in one of the events. Pray and see how you can help us realize them. It is not going to be easy on us alone as we are expecting about six thousand people to be in Wotutu feeding. Accommodations and other logistics will be a target for us to make our guests all over Cameroon a bit comfortable.

2) We are finalizing our trip to Likomba for the establishment of a new congregation. We have many demands to come over and help. It is true that the field is ripe but laborers are few.

3) Lebialem mission is coming up in the months ahead. Last year we planted new congregations that started with 27 people in two congregations. This year, we deem it necessary to go back and nurture and spread the truth again. Our students go there on weekend evangelism, but not all weekends because of the cost to make it there from Wotutu.

God bless you. Thank you for all your help. If not of you we doubt this work would be possible. Please, as we plan for the future events, please, please, stand with us for the events to be successful for the glory to go back to the Author of all things.

I got a call from a village in Diongo regarding the tracts we sent to them. These tracts are helping them expose the truth about polygamy. Two polygamists came to the church of Christ in that village for proper explanation of the effects of what they did many years ago and what must they do now. Wow! It is great to see the power of God in the writing papers. They were told to go and assemble their wives and invite the leader there, who called me because he will not be able to handle the situation. He requested that I should either come or send a mature student to go there and help these families. This weekend we shall send students and we wait for the other part of the story in next week’s report. This is just the issue, as many congregations are dying because preachers are not there, people are not committed and devoted to serve in the capacity of a pulpit, and evangelize because there is no motivation. Pray for us here. 

Do your best to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 10, 2016 .

Beginning The New Year By Looking At The Past...

Students return to Denver this week to prepare for the beginning of a new quarter scheduled to kick off Monday, January 11th. This date also marks the start of a new class of students who begin their journey in preacher training. We continue to ask for your prayers on behalf of the new and returning class of students who begin their studies in a week.

Every week we highlight a number of great reports that share information about the progress of each school as they grow week to week and month to month. Next week’s report will provide information about the results for 2015 compiled by Keith Kasarjian regarding the work of students in each location of the extension training program. A couple of the reports below share some of the initial results, but reflecting on the whole is exciting. We look forward to sharing the incredible news.

After enjoying a little time off from the classroom, returning to a routine for the students helps keep everything focused on the purpose. Preparing for the work of sharing the gospel makes a difference in how they approach the future of their ministry in the kingdom. Their preparation enables them to go forth into the world proclaiming the greatest message ever entrusted to an individual. Reading about their progress makes the report worth sharing.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports

Preparing For Another Year, A Year Of Determination In Cameroon: The theme for 2016 in Wotutu, Cameroon is one of determination for the church and the school.

Praying For Military Actions In Ukraine To Cease In 2016: The country in Ukraine hopes for peace, while BVBIU and the church seek greater stability in sharing the gospel of peace.

The Church Grows In Togo As Students Reach Out With The Gospel: The recent outreach in Togo indicates God’s increase as a number of souls are brought to the Lord.

One Great Year For The Work In Asunción, Paraguay: Troy and Andrea Spradlin look at 2015 and focus on the ways God blessed the work, while looking ahead to another year.

The Light Shines As The Tanzania Christian Camp Influences Young People: The report from Arusha regarding the TCC explains the difference made through teaching young people.

Starting 2016 With Great News In Arusha, Tanzania: Sean Hochdorf shares exciting news about the beginning of the year and a special prayer request for Cy and Stephanie Stafford.

The Maynard Report Shares News About Farming And Evangelism: The Maynard family continues to influence the development of the work in Tanzania.

Final Thoughts
We begin the new year as we closed the last by expressing our gratitude to you for supporting the work of training men to preach the gospel. Your dedication to the Lord’s work and trust in Bear Valley to continue the extension program is a blessing. We are encouraged daily by your generosity and appreciate your willingness to support our efforts to glorify our God.

God bless

Posted on January 3, 2016 .

One Great Year For The Work In Asunción, Paraguay...

The year 2015 has been an absolutely outstanding year and we give God the glory for all the things He has done here in Paraguay. Andrea and I feel so very privileged and honored to be able to live and serve in South America and we give thanks to our Lord for our many wonderful supporters who make it possible for us to be here. We have seen many amazing transformations taken place in people’s lives as they have opened their hearts to God’s Word. We’ve witnessed exceptional landmarks being reached and we have rejoiced in seeing the fruit of many years of labor by our former, fellow missionary teammates start to really bloom before our eyes. It is a marvelous time in Paraguay and we pray the Lord’s kingdom continues to flourish for many years to come. Thank you for the part you have in this work! May God bless you all

Developments at the Avenida Sacramento Iglesia de Cristo

There were eight baptisms! Javier Arce, Alan Suarez, David Salvionni, VictorSalvionni,Juanjo Salvionni, Sergio Jara, Cynthia Medina, and Mario Artetta

Two brethren were restored! Gustavo Aguero and Paulo Roshol

The Asuncion Bible Academy (ABA) graduated its first class of students! William Arzamendia, Ramon Paredes, and Karen Gimenez

The Beta class of ABA began classes with: Sebastian Garcia, Natty Osorio, Letty Riveros, Elvira Paredes, and Alex Valdez

We had six guest teachers for ABA: LuisCamacho, EnriqueMorales, Darvin Alvarez, Gary Fallis, Dan Owens, and Osvaldo Rodriguez

The Trent Kennedy Family served as missionary resident/interns for three months.

Pablo Yuri and Italo Rocha from AME Brazil arrived for a one year internship.

There were 12 new students for our “Study English Using the Bible” program.

There were two Men’s Retreat, a Ladies’ Retreat, eleven Ladies’ Teas, and a Congregational Camp.

We had two Short-Term Mission Trip Campaigns with Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ and Margaret Street church of Christ sending groups.

We had 10 visitors/guest speakers: Stan Crowley, Karen Bennett, Josh Blackmer, Phil Porter, Gary and Sarah Fallis, Preston Silcox, Ed Temple, Dwayne and Lance Spradlin.

There was one wedding!
This past month, December 19th, our missionary to Ñemby, Eliezer Perez, “tied the knot” with our sister in Christ, Raquel Franco. Ike Yegros led the spiritual ceremony.

Indeed, it has been a wonderful year with many things for which to rejoice! We ́re looking forward to seeing what God will do in 2016!

Personal Development and Activities
I don’t believe Andrea ever stops moving. I think she puts even the famed Energizer Bunny to shame! Why? Well, (1) she baked almost 1,500 cookies in less than two weeks time, (2) roasted a turkey and prepared all the trimmings for a traditional Christmas dinner, (3) organized events for the Las Amigas club, (4) she teaches English weekly to several students, and (5) works out regularly. What do you think?

I had a nice study with Juan and Natty Candia and hope to continue the study in the weeks to come. They want to know more about what the Bible says regarding baptism, worship, and many other doctrinal questions.

We have purchased our plane tickets for our 2016 Furlough Trip home! We will be in Denver, CO on March 21-25; in Austin, TX from April 1-7; Bossier City, LA on April 10; Poolville, TX on April 17; Valdosta, GA on April 24; in West Palm Beach on May 1; in Milton, FL from May 3-20; and Jay, FL on May 22. We are so excited to see everyone! We can’t wait!

Mother nature strikes again! Heavy rains, combined with years of intensive deforestation have created a dire situation in Paraguay. The river has risen to unprecedented levels, displacing thousands from their homes, destroying precious crops, and threatening to create an environmental disaster if it reaches a toxic waste, sludge pool along its banks. Andrea and I are blessed to live in one of the highest areas of Asuncion, so we are not directly affected by the flooding. Please pray for all the flood victims.

My recent reading has included:
Sacred Pathways: Discover Your Soul’s Path to God by Gary Thomas
Planting Churches Cross-Culturally in North America and Beyond by David Hesselgrave
La Expansión Espontanea de la Iglesia by Roland Allen.
Tiempo de Misión: América Latina Y La Misión Cristiana Hoy by Samuel Escobar.

Troy and Andrea Spradlin

To see the Spradlin’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on January 3, 2016 .

The Maynard Report Shares News About Farming And Evangelism...

First, I would just like to say that I am sorry you are just receiving our December report. Lots of great things have happened this month but,as a result, our days were slammed. Thank you for your patience.

December was the first month since we arrived that we could step back from the farming (a little) and focus heavily on other areas (such as evangelism). Our 1-acre plot that we planted the rows of beans in is growing nicely, thanks be to God and His provision.

We have continued with the laying hens and growing out broilers every month. This month we processed 180 chickens and had a buyer waiting. He, along with others, would like us to increase our numbers. We are working out all of the plans to be able to do that and add to the farm work here (pigs in particular).

It was nice to be able to step back and see those whom we have taught step up for the month and manage the farm well. Mungu nwema (God is good).

This month the Lord’s servants have been working hard for His kingdom as visitors from all over the U.S. came to serve here in Tanzania. Many souls have been added to the Kingdom. 

The first week of December visitors flooded in and we had a full home and school. The Storks family, who if the Lord wills, will be joining the TZ2000 team in August of this year came to survey and help. Neil Richey and his son Payton, from Atlanta, Georgia, came to do personal evangelism, the Future Preacher Training Camp, and help with the Tanzanian Christian Camp. Joseph Burns, Augusta, Georgia, came and helped with the Children’s Seminar and the camp. Ben Thompson’s family and John Rice also came in to help with the Tanzania Children's Camp. Jay and Renee Galloway spent several weeks here and returned home the first week of December. While they were here they were able to serve the Lord in so many different ways. A new sister was added to the body of Christ, Dorcas. After Renee spent several days studying the bible with her.

The first Sunday of December Justin preached to the congregation at Magi ya Chai and Anna taught the children’s bible class. We were surprised when Anna’s bible class had 22 children! 

The Future Preacher Training Camp geared up at the beginning of December and there were 45 young men who came to learn how to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Justin spoke to these young men twice. Once on obedience in the mind of a preacher and a second time on stewardship in the mind of a preacher. Please keep all of these young men in your prayers as they devote their lives to the Gospel.

While all of these December visitors kept us more than busy, we are grateful for their help and service. The Storks family joined us for our December Children’s seminar. This one was held
in Karatu, a very small village more than two hours away. We had been told to prepare for much smaller numbers but the Lord had other plans. While the children started wandering in that morning an mzee (old man) came and sat among the children. Desdery, one of the locals helping with the seminar, began talking to the man. He told Desdery he was there to study the Bible. Since the entire Storks family was with us (3 men and 2 women) the men took him aside to begin a Bible study. Soon there were more than 20 adults wanting to study with the Storks family. While Anna and Samantha taught the more than 120 children who showed up (wow!) the
Storks family evangelized to the adults. The result? 6 adults put the Lord on in baptism! We are thanking the Lord for these children’s seminars and the way they are touching lives every month. Thank you to all of you for sending supplies and helping us financially! They are a big endeavor but well worth the effort. We are looking forward to January’s seminar. Please let us know if you would like to help with the expenses. 

We also had the Tanzanian Christian Camp this month. Ben Thompson and his family and John Rice came in to help run this as they do every year. Every year they have held steady at around 80 campers. This year there were 135 campers! Samantha taught the youngest girls group (12-15 years), Joe Burns and Payton Richey taught the youngest boys group (12-15 years), Anna taught the middle girls group (15-18 years), Justin taught the middle boys group (15-18 years), and locals taught the two oldest groups (18-22 years). All of the Bible teacher’s classes were themed around having hearts on fire for God. We discussed why we were created, who we were created for, what He did for us, and why we should want to share what He did. By the end of the week 18 youth put on our Lord in baptism! 

This month has been overflowing with God’s goodness and riches. We are tired but filled. We want to personally thank every one of you for your prayers and help. Please keep it all coming! 

We have one last request, as many of you may already know, Cy Stafford left here at the beginning of December due to health problems. Last week he was diagnosed with leukemia. All of us here are heartbroken but we know that we serve a great God and that He is the Great Physician. Please keep Cy and his family in your prayers. It is thanks to him and the Lord God almighty that we are able to do what we love and serve the people here in Tanzania. Cy and Stephanie love this country and this country and its people love them. Pray that they are able to continue to serve the

Lord in this mission field.

Maynard Family

Posted on January 3, 2016 .

Starting 2016 With Great News In Arusha, Tanzania...

Let's start 2016 off with some great news! A few years ago we decided to make an attempt at gathering data from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching (ACSOP) Alumni concerning their work in the kingdom. From the graduates we could reach the results for 2015 are as follows: 

71 Congregations Established
1 Congregation Restored
71 Campaigns / Gospel Meetings
679 Baptisms
210 Correspondence Courses
156 Active Bible Studies

We praise the Lord that so many lost have come to Christ and that the kingdom is flourishing in East Africa. We also want to thank you for your continued support and we hope that these encouraging results confirm that your financial sacrifices have been well used.

Our dear friend and mentor Cy Stafford, 20 year missionary to Tanzania, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia. It was news that has shaken everyone that knows Cy and no doubt there has been innumerable prayers offered up on his behalf. It appears that the chemotherapy is doing what it should and killing the disease. It's a small step in the right direction and we'll take all the good news we can get right now. Cy still has a bone marrow transplant and all the other things that go along with his treatment so please, please, continue to pray for him. We also want to solicit your prayers on behalf of Stephanie, Cy's wife. Stephanie is juggling care for her mother and for Cy. If you know Stephanie, you know she is one of the most tenacious and capable people you have ever met. However, even the most tenacious person can only take so much. The stress and concern she is enduring is immense and we hope you will join us in praying on her behalf.

In the next few days Keith Kasarjian, the assistant director of Bear Valley's extension school program, will be releasing the end of year report for the BV extension schools. We look forward to sharing, what we believe will be, impressive results with you.

In addition to the extension school report we will be sharing our plans and goals for 2016. If we can accomplish everything that we have been asked to do we will definitely have an extremely taxing, but fulfilling, year.

Over the past few months we have lost a few supporters and we were recently informed that we are going to lose a couple more in February. We do our best to try and stay calm and prayerful during these times but when our budget is so tight we do get a little anxious. We ask that you would pray for us as we try to raise the rather large shortfall we are facing. If you know of a congregation or an individual that you think might be willing to support us in this work would you pass along their contact information to us? If you'd rather not send us the information could we ask that you forward this report or our information to them? We would really appreciate it.

We are very excited about the upcoming year and we are thrilled that we are able to labor for the Lord this way. We are so very grateful for your encouraging words, financial support and prayerful petitions to our Creator. On behalf of Anita and me we hope that 2016 will be a year where you enjoy good health and your most productive in the kingdom to date.

Until next time, take care and God bless.

Yours in Christ,
Sean & Anita

Posted on January 3, 2016 .

The Light Shines As The Tanzania Christian Camp Influences Young People...

“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

We all as Christians are commanded to live our lives in a way that many may come to know Christ. This is not optional, but rather a command. Through our actions and speech people will know us as those knew Peter in the days when Jesus was being persecuted.

This statement is true then and now. As we finished the year 2015 the Lord surprised us with great gifts of adding 19 new souls to us through the Tanzania Christian Camp. 

This is the Camp conducted by ACSOP with the collaboration of brothers from the States. In this camp, youth invite their fellow youth who are not Christians. Through the week of studying, playing, and showing Christ through our actions and speech to those who are non-Christians, then they will want to be like us, and that is possible only through the washing and the renewal of their souls by baptism. This past year, 2015, we had around 136 campers. 

The main target of this camp is to teach youth at their early age, so that they can have more time to serve God. If a person obeys at the age of 13-14 years, he or she has a better chance to teach more people in his/her life than the person who obeys when he/she is in his 60’s.

All these and many other things have been possible only through your prayers and support. May the Lord continue to bless you beyond measure in this new year.

Please keep praying for our fellow soldier and father of many in the faith, Cy Stafford, as he continues with his treatments for Leukemia. 


Your servant in His Kingdom,

Charles Mwanga
Andrew Connally School of Preaching
P.O. Box 14041
Arusha – Tanzania

Posted on January 3, 2016 .

The Church Grows In Togo As Students Reach Out With The Gospel...

Five Converted In Aveho Church Planting Exercise
Tubli Aveho is a small community in the Kloto Region a few kilometers from Kpalime. Our church planting exercise yielded much fruit with five people responding to the gospel message. The preacher here is Clement, a graduate of BVBI-Togo. Activities during the campaign included: tract distribution in the high school, Bible study, and open air preaching at night. 

BVBI-Togo In Class With Rodrigue
Rodrigue has been one of the instructors of the school since the inception of the school in 2005. He used to preach for the Avetonu Church of Christ about 30 minutes drive from Kpalime. Though he moved to Lome, about an hour and half drive from Kpalime, he has remained committed to BVBI-Togo. 

Eleven (11) Baptized In Kpalime
Our tract distribution exercises, radio program , daily community outreach with the evangelism van, and personal house to house evangelism are making impact. Our newly constructed baptistry is facilitating baptism, even at night when prospects request to be baptized. 

Two Involved In Accident
An instructor and a student were involved in an accident while returning from Tugbli Aveho on a preaching assignment. The motor bike they were riding ran into a sheep that jumped from a nearby bush into their path. The accident victims were rushed to the Kpalime Hospital with minor injuries where they were treated and discharged. They later went in for an x-ray to be sure no bones were broken. The two have since resumed their normal duties and the bike has also been repaired. 

BVBI-Togo Vegetable Farm Project
BVBI-Togo plans to go into commercial vegetable production. In view of this plan, we appealed to Healing Hands for funds to put fence wire around the farm for protection. As soon as we complete the fencing project, we plan to hire a farm manager for the day to day management of the farm. Some of the harvested crops will be given to the students and the excess will be sold to the public. 

Report by:
H.Willie Gley

Posted on January 3, 2016 .

Praying For Military Actions In Ukraine To Cease In 2016...

Dear brothers and families,

Usually in December people summarize the passing year and make plans for the year to come. All people in Ukraine hope that in the next year the military actions in the east of the country will finally cease. The military actions look like a swing for kids: it gets silent, and then suddenly they come shooting from both sides. No one can guarantee that the trip to DNR will be safe for sure. 

With God’s help in the middle of December, a preacher from Bila Tserkva and I visited the towns close to the frontline to help those who are need with humanitarian aid. We finally got an opportunity to transport wheelchairs into Donetsk area to people who are need of help. It helps building contacts with local congregations and gives an opportunity to minister to the people who were left on their own. We had an arrangement with local preachers who will help distributing the wheelchairs and will have Bible studies with those people. Also it helps the Institute to have closer relationships with the ministers of the local congregations. During this trip we brought a wheelchair to Gorlovka for our sister in Christ Raisa Fadeevna. We went to Artyomovsk and Kramatorsk. In Artyomovsk together with a local preacher who is also a BVBIU graduate, Alexander Seliverstov, we visited a family that had attended the church before. They have a problem; their child has cerebral palsy and can’t move. We already sent them the wheelchair. The last Sunday their family came to church. 

Ministry at the Institute
In December the students had the following courses: the first-year class studied Pentateuch and Matthew, and the second-year class had Denominational Teachings and 1-2 Corinthians. Each time I teach 1-2 Corinthians I see what problems the early church had. Together with the students we try to find lots of lessons for us in order to avoid such problems in our period. There are six students in the program and one person auditing classes. There are two students in the first-year class and four in the second-year class. In December another student joined our program, Sergey Kurinskiy. He is 54 years old. He is from Zugress. He was baptized 8 years ago. His life before coming to Christ was very unlucky. However, recently he has been very active in God’s field. Teaching at the Institute gets back to normal gradually. Many of the teachers come to teach classes in person, thus, showing their respect to the Institute and the students. At the end of the school year, we had a fellowship meal to end the semester, which has become a tradition. Students and some teachers get together. We prayed for the peace in the country and thanked God for all the blessings and the churches that support our ministry. 

We keep actively looking for the new students. In this month Alexey Mitskutis made two trips to Poltava and Dniprodzerzhinsk. We want to show that we try to be stable, and the school is looking for new students. We made good contacts with preachers and the church members in these towns. Unfortunately, it’s still early to say who will be able to start a new school year with us. However, we try to be active to the most of our abilities in this area even now. 

Also in December I organized a meeting of the preachers from Central Ukraine. There were representatives of 8 churches of Christ at that meeting. We discussed the topic: “Unity Based on God's Word.” We plan to have such meetings regularly. I think it's a good opportunity to support churches in the spirit of soundness and truth. 

Ministry in the Church
Every Wednesday the students and I go out on the streets of the town to evangelize. As I mentioned before, the major objective for this ministry is to spread the true doctrine about Jesus and to teach students practical activity. During the last time of our joint effort we used a tent made especially for the evangelizing activities. I was surprised to see how people were eager to come to the tent and get the information they needed about the church, Bibles, and Christian literature. There were more than 100 people who visited our tent, based on our count. It might be because salespeople often use similar tents, and others got interested may explain why there were so many people there. The very same day a young man came to an evening Bible class, but unfortunately, nobody came on Sunday. Yet despite the result we’ll continue fulfilling God’s commandment. 

In the Bible school for kids that my wife teaches there is distinct growth. Now we have about 6 to 10 kids coming to Bible classes regularly. As we can see, the kids are more open to the word of God. On the last Sunday, we organized a celebration for kids after the church service. And that was a wonderful time for the whole church.

We greet you with the coming new year. God bless you and your families and the churches where you serve Him. Thank you for your prayers and support of our ministry.

Your brother and coworker,
Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on January 3, 2016 .

Preparing For Another Year, A Year Of Determination In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

It is our joy to say Happy New Year from Cameroon. We do believe you all entered into the new year with joy, by His grace. We are doing fine and God is faithful. He is still very faithful to us here. Our congregation in Wotutu is healthy.

Last year came and went, and we are starting the training of men to preach the saving message from tomorrow till the end of the year, where we will be sending our third batch of students off, the Gamma batch.

As I type this letter all the students who were out for mission work made it safe to Wotutu, looking strong and ready to start the last lapse of their studies in BVBIC-Wotutu.

We thank you for all that you did to make sure things happen in Wotutu, Cameroon the way they happened. We give glory to God for all of that and we pray that you will stand by us in 2016 to do even more for the glory of our God.

Students came back from mission work with great reports of having the highest number of baptisms throughout their first year of stay in Wotutu.

My trip to Nigeria was also great as I had opportunity to visit more than 10 congregations. I was a guest at the Obong Christian youth forum, where the Lord added 31 souls at one time during a morning devotions.

2016 My Year Of Determination: This is the general theme we are going to work with. We pray every member of our congregation to be determine to meet up with our plans and goals.

Our students were in 21 different locations in many villages serving the Lord with joy and serving Christians with smiles. It is always good for us to get pleasant reports from congregations about the growth of our students having the servanthood spirit. Brother Edube baptized a soul in his mission work. Brother Mendel spent time in house to house evangelism.

Many of our congregations still struggle with worship halls. Many find it difficult to motivate their preachers to serve with love, but most preachers serve with tears because they are unable to meet up with the needs of their families from preaching.

House to house evangelism is our mission, reaching out to souls is our sole business at BVBIC-Wotutu.

Doing house to house exposes our students to many kinds of doctrines. They stand firm with the truth as they see many getting lost with their errors. Brother Hilary baptized a soul in Kombene village.

Let me give you a summary of the year 2015
Total number of students - 21
Congregations established - 6 (2 new congregations on this last campaign)
Total restorations - 125
Congregations restored - 4
Number of baptisms - 245 Souls
Campaigns - 6
Lectureships monthly - 12
Seminars - 3
Weekend evangelism / Weekly Tract Distribution - Millions of tracts were distributed from Mission Printing. Most of the converts in Wotutu and that of many other congregations are a result of the distribution of tracts and follow up. Many thanks to all who help us get the tracts through Mission Printing.

The external work resulted in 31 souls in Nigeria from my three-week visit.

God bless you. Thank you for all your help. Your kind heart has made us realize all of this. God alone will bless you. Please, please continue with us as we still have this year to train these men to preach.

Plans for 2016
1) More evangelism to new virgin lands.

2) Recruiting more students for 2017 -2018.

3) Graduation will come up either ending November or early December 2016.

4) We have annual Bible lectureship of the churches of Christ in Cameroon in Wotutu, November ending or early December.

5) We shall celebrate our 10th anniversary. Come join us, as the Wotutu congregation will be 10 years old by this June. We shall join all in the celebration in either November ending or early December. Keep all of these in your prayers and also see how you can make your presence in Wotutu for these events. Please pray and think on how you can support us get it done.

6) The Lebialem mission is coming up again in February. Last year God blessed us to penetrate the heart of the Roman Catholic influence with the truth, and God added 27 souls. We sent students to nurture all this. We are planning another mass evangelism in the area with both current students and ex-students to explore more and sow more seeds. Please pray for us.

Do your best to share our reports with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 3, 2016 .

Saying Farewell To Another Year In Extension Training...

This report concludes a year of reports for 2015. What a great year this was for extension training. While this was a shorter week for reports due to the end-of-the-year holidays and planning for 2016, the power behind these reports exists nonetheless. Students in Denver are enjoying a short break from classes, but plans for January include new courses and a new class of students. Please pray for the year ahead and all it holds for the work of training preachers.

As we close out 2015, we look forward to the potential of what the new year brings for the work of training preachers. One of the primary areas we anticipate in the year ahead involves the simple concept of growth.

We plan to help bring about personal growth for all the students who participate in the program. Looking into the potential of improving curriculum development, we are excited about preparing a stronger, culturally adaptive, and more in-depth approach to curriculum for each location. This approach will provide students with greater opportunities to learn in ways that will lead to the next area of growth.

We want to assist local congregations in numerical and spiritual growth in moving towards the biblical design set forth by God. As students complete training in each location, they will be equipped in a knowledge and application of God’s word in ways that enable them to help local congregations where they serve to grow in ways that model the plan God established. 

We also desire to see the overall program grow by adding new schools. The direction of the future is exciting as we plan and develop new schools in locations around the world that provide the type of training that continues the cycle above. We ask you to pray with us that God will continue to bless the direction of the program, all to His glory.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Chad Wagner can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

A Year-End Greeting To Everyone From BVBIN-Ibadan: Brother Makinde and his wife send holiday greetings and express gratitude to everyone from the work in Nigeria.

The Year Ahead Holds A Few Changes For The Work At CBI: With repairs to buildings on the Chimala Mission, a few staff changes for the year ahead ensure continued growth for the work.

Final Thoughts
Closing out the final report for 2015 provides us another reminder of how much we appreciate all you continue to do for extension training. Thank you for blessing this work with your support, time, and abilities, all bathed in prayer to our Father. We know that the opportunity we have to continue working together will produce fruit with eternal benefits.

God bless

Posted on December 27, 2015 .

Wagner Report - December 2016

Wagner Family Settling In
On October 14, 2015, we boarded a plane in Memphis, TN and headed toward Tanzania. In fact, this is the 2nd time during October that my wife and I flew to Tanzania. We left the first week of October to fly to Dar es Salaam to go and help Cheryl Bode. She is a fellow missionary at Chimala. She fell at her home in Chimala and fractured her L1 vertebrae. So, we flew to Dar es Salaam to help her. We took her to a special hospital in Kijabe, Kenya before returning back to the US. We then turned around a few days later and flew back to Tanzania, this time along with the family.  

After returning, we have been quite busy getting settled back into life in Tanzania. We quickly had to buy some food for the house, clean up/air out the house from being shut up for so long, and repair some issues regarding the house that occurred while we were away.  

The kids have already started in their studies for the new school year. Rena is spending a lot of time studying with the kids in their home-school material.  

Of course, being away for so long, many people wanted to come and greet us upon our return to Chimala. One of those was Situmai. If you remember, she was the girl who escaped forced labor and we were able to help her get into our school. 

Situmai continues to need help. She will start back to school in January and will need $600 for the entire year of school fees.

We will also need assistance with Amani's school fees. Amani is an orphan child that we have been helping with your support for the past two years, as both of his parents are dead. His sister is helping all she can but can barely provide for herself. Amani will be starting back to school in January and needs $800 for the year. If you can help any of these, please let me know. We thank you for helping Isaiah the last few years with student support. He has now graduated. He wants to attend medical school and is now awaiting his test results. Thank you for all of you who contributed towards his education.

Visiting the Church At Mengele
We were able to visit the small church near a corn field in western Chimala called the Mengele Church of Christ. We were able to help the congregation with windows and a door for the building to provide some security. It was good to see that the church has finished the windows and door.

CBI 2015 Graduation Ceremony
On November 6, 2015, the Chimala Bible Institute celebrated it's 2015 graduation ceremony with seven graduates. We are grateful for this hard work at the school and pray for their future success working and serving the Lord's church.

Starting in January 2016, we are going to have around 35+ students at the preacher school. We are busy doing some clean-up work around the school in preparation for the upcoming school year.  

Starting in the new school year, I will be teaching Jeremiah and Lamentations. It is shaping up to be a great year as we train me to teach other also (2 Timothy 2:2).

Thank You
We are grateful to God for allowing us to live and serve at the Chimala Mission in Tanzania. We have lived here since 2012 and we could not be here without your prayers and financial support. I echo the words of Paul in Phlippians 1:8-11: "For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

Our goals for this next year are to visit and encourage more congregations and reaching out to a much wider area. The Chimala Mission works with over 100 churches of Christ in SW Tanzania and we will do our level best to visit and encourage as many of those as we can.

Thank you for partnering with us in this work.

Chad Wagner

Posted on December 27, 2015 .

A Year-End Greeting To Everyone From BVBIN-Ibadan...

Beloved in Christ,

Good morning from Nigeria! Our end of the year program that commenced on December 12 resulted in the conversion of fifteen souls and restoration of twelve so far. To God be the glory!

Brethren, all year long you inspired me, my ministries, and co-workers in Nigeria to stay ahead because you believed in us. Now, we wish you the the very best this season and always. Thanks and God bless!

May the good Lord, Jesus Christ, continue to strengthen you and your associates with wisdom to lead, knowledge to teach, and good health to live a fulfilled life.

Compliments of the season and a prosperous New Year in advance. Our regards to all the saints there.

Brother Makinde Ebenezer & family

Posted on December 27, 2015 .

The Year Ahead Holds A Few Changes For The Work At CBI...

Classroom Roof Repair
Due to the generosity of brethren in America, we have been able to do some much needed roof repair to our buildings at CBI. We had several problems with leaky roofs which was causing our ceilings to fall in. However, now we have been able to patch up our tin roof, fix the ceilings inside the classrooms and get the tin painted which will not only help it look better, but help to seal any other holes in the tin. 

Staff Changes
CBI will be going through some staff changes for the 2016 school year. For several years, Remmy Mfaume has faithfully served as the director of the English program at CBI. He has also been preaching for a growing congregation at Chang’ombe. He will be shifting to our Herring Christian Secondary School in January to head up the Bible Knowledge program. In Tanzania, we are blessed with the opportunity to teach the Bible in high schools. Students at this age are very receptive to the Gospel and we are hoping to capitalize on this opportunity. He will be replacing Ezekiel Mwambogolo who will be moving back to CBI in January. Ezekiel will become Dean of Students at CBI. Both men are very eager for their new positions as they both strive to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Large Class in 2016
Classes start on January 18 and we are looking forward to a great year. We have a large incoming Swahili class this year. In fact, we are going to have a total of 30 students. We had to put a limit on our number of students due to a lack of student support. 

We are blessed to have the ability to purchase new mattresses and mosquito nets for our students. It is due to the generous Christian spirit of people like you that we have these abilities. May God continue to bless you in 2016.

World Bible School
Lord Willing, we will be blessed with a visit from Philip Palmer of World Bible School. He will be coming to tour Tanzania promoting and launching WBS’s new program called “God Bless East Africa.” He will be visiting several churches throughout Tanzania. We are excited about partnering with WBS in this new program.

We will also be launching a new program alongside WBS’s “God Bless East Africa” where we will be inviting new students to study through WBS lessons starting in the larger cities of Tanzania. In many of these larger cities, we have little to no presence of New Testament Christianity. We find that starting with WBS lessons, we will be able to build a student base in these cities. Then, later, we will be able to hold seminars to reach these students. God is doing great things in Tanzania!

Chad Wagner

Posted on December 27, 2015 .

Preparing For The End Of The Year...

Students in Denver completed a week of finals and now enjoy a break from their studies to enjoy the holidays. Most of the students travel home to be with family for the next few weeks before returning to Denver to begin the third quarter of studies. Additionally, when everyone returns to Denver a new class of students will begin their two-year journey. Please pray for the upcoming new class and the returning students.

Most of the schools in the extension program also enjoy an end-of-the-year break. As you read through the reports below, we pray you continue to be encouraged with the great news of all that happened over the last week. Over the next few days the compilation of year-end results come together to make for a powerful report. We look forward to sharing the news of what God has done through these men over the last twelve months.

This Friday is a time celebrated by most of the world as Christmas. We always enjoy this time with family and friends. Our prayer for you as we near the end of this year is that you reflect on the ways God blessed this year for you and that you consider the incredible ways He will work through you in the year ahead. As long as we allow God to fill our lives with the purpose of His will, we become a tool for advancing the greatness of His Kingdom.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Steven Ashcraft can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

Year-End Results From Mbanga, And Prison Ministry Grows: The report speaks for itself as to the increase God gave in 2015, and the prison ministry in Mbanga continues to grow.

Preparing For The Upcoming Year And Preaching About Man’s Journey: The local school closes until the first of the year and the staff at BVBI-Nigeria focuses on eternity.

Reflecting On The Success Of 2015 And Looking To A Great Year Ahead: The work in India demonstrates proven success over the past year and the future looks to be fruitful.

TCC And FPTC At The ACSOP In Arusha, Tanzania: If these initials do not strike a cord with you, we suggest taking a moment to read about the success of these programs in Tanzania.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for reading the report each week and for all you do to help this program continue. The success God provides in this work is directly related to the generosity you demonstrate. Our appreciation cannot be overstated. You are a blessing to all of us. Thank you. We pray God’s richest blessing for your 2016.

God bless

Posted on December 20, 2015 .

Year-End Results From Mbanga, And Prison Ministry Grows...

Dearest beloved, accept our warm salutation as we round out the school activities for the year 2015. The grace of God has been with us throughout 2015, but in some a days to come, we shall close up the doors of this year by His love and mercy upon us.

Truly this year has been a wonderful one with the young dynamic school that opened her doors last April 4th (Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon - Mbanga). The institution is just 8 months old and has as record the following:

1) The school started with about 10 students (6 married and 4 single), but we are left today with 5 married and 1 single, making all together 6 that are on field work or third quarter campaign and we pray for their return on January 3rd.

2) Our staff is made up of 5 permanent (local) instructors, including the Director. The coordinator and many others that come are responsible for the short courses, if need be.

3) The students are still on the field for their third quarter campaign that ends on the 20th. With the students, we have attended 1 annual lectureship were we had 9 baptisms and 2 restorations, two gospel meetings where we recorded 5 baptisms and 3 restorations, one youth retreat with 14 baptisms.

4) So far my beloved, with the students during field work and weekend evangelism, we recorded 22 baptisms so far and about 30 restorations with what was started above.

5) One new congregation was created and permanently worships at Peage Mujuka, with another one in the making at Sancho where we have studies with 2 other instructors. Presently, 2 students are there for the campaign and one soul has already been added to the Lord, but still they have nowhere to worship for now, so they still move up to Dschang. No congregation was restored for now, but we visited an area where we have a few Christians who were worshiping. They closed their doors because they do not have a place to worship, so we are still working on that come 2016, by His grace.

May the grace of God be with all our support team congregations (Frisco, Pattonville, Bear Valley, etc.). Never to give up. We pray for you and we love you. Have a splendid 2016. Please, if something is missing just let me know.

Brother Ititi

Christian greetings to you all. 

I wish you a Merry Christmas (as you people look forward to share gifts), and a Happy New Year in advance. Within the last week the Lord added 9 souls in Mbanga Principal Prison. Keep these brethren in your prayers. Brother Brandon Watson donated 26 New Testaments to the brethren in Mbanga prison. 

Last week, while we were in Bible study, one corner of the house where we meet in worship collapsed. Keep praying for the church in Kombe village. The difficulties we face involve locating permanent land and a building, so that we will come together and serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. 

God bless you.
​Brother Nicholas

Posted on December 20, 2015 .

Preparing For The Upcoming Year And Preaching About Man's Journey...

Beloved in Christ,

Greetings from the students and staff of Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria-Ibadan, the staff of the Southwest Institute, and my fellow WBSFUW in Oyo, Ogun, Oshun, and Lagos state.

Southwest Kiddies Academy Butubutu-Ibadan closed for the remember of the year on December 18 and will reopen, Lord willing, on January 11, 2016 for second term classes.

Twenty-six students are enrolled from Kindergarten 1 to Basic 4. Most of these students are a ward/child of less privileged people in Butubutu, Akinwande, Elesu, Panu, and Eletu villages.

Our school and exam fees for Kindergarten and Nursery are N2,500, while that of Basic class is N3,500 per term. My primary aim is to give hope to the hopeless and to catch them young for the Lord.

Registration of the Kiddies Academy just commenced and will hopefully complete before June 2016 due to the sum of Naira involved.

I taught on “Man's Journey from Earth to Heaven” (Ex. 25-30) on December 6 at the Onikokoro /Gbongudu congregation and at Bale Ayo, Asejire in Osun state on December 13 and Sunday evening, December 20, at the Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation-Ibadan.

The students and staff of BVBIN and my co-WBSFUW in the Western state of Nigeria and staff of SWI teamed up with brother Dele Shotola, and these few brethren evangelized Parainuewe near the Ibadan airport on December 6. The Felele  brethren evangelized Felele area of Ibadan yesterday. I also served as one of the guest speakers in Saturday evenings Open-Air Bible lectureship, while brother Kayode Eniafe was the second speaker, and two souls were reported to be converted to the Lord’s church by brother Dele Shotola as the result of the mass evangelism at the Felele area of Ibadan on December 20.

Brethren, success is to be measured not by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he overcomes while trying to succeed! When our school van broke down several months ago, we taught that is the end of our evangelism trip for year 2015, but as the Lord will have His way, as the old truck is back to the road for the Lord’s use!

A few students were recruited for WBS correspondences courses. Those willing to speed the truth through the WBS correspondence course should please contact brother Joel Coppinger of WBSTC, California or brother Ron Pottberg of WBS Texas, USA.

Brother Abiola Joseph Olusoji just reported the conversion of four souls at the Oke-Odo area of Lagos state as the result of the efforts of students and staff of our Lagos campus together with that of Lagos WBSFUW team and brethren in the Saturday mass evangelism.

Brethren, we thank you all for your partnership and great contribution toward the spread of the gospel of Christ in Africa. May the Lord of blessing continue to bless all our joint effort in Christ’s name, Amen.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Yours in His grace as a servant,
Brother Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi ( Minister)

Posted on December 20, 2015 .

Reflecting On The Success Of 2015 And Looking To A Great Year Ahead...

Dear Brethren in Christ,

We bring greetings to you in the name of Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. This has been another busy year as the Lord’s work continues to increase. We went to several remote places and hill areas where our graduates recently began preaching. It is very encouraging to see most of our students working at various places preaching the word of God.

Preacher Training work is keeping us so busy...this is 9:42 pm and I just got to the school campus in Visakha after attending the Preacher’s Fellowship Meeting at one of our graduate’s village. His name is ‘Hebel.’ We were able to take him Bibles. He was a denominational pastor when he heard about the true church and being converted to the true doctrine faced a lot of problems in the community. However, with the help of our Lord he began to teach the truth to his villagers. They are about 20 people gathering every Sunday. So, our meeting today was to help the congregation understand the New Testament church and its pattern. Our time was well, spent around six preachers who preached from morning until evening. Three people came forward to obey the truth. We were uplifted by the encouragement of his batch of mates in holding this meeting and also helping him time to time in sharing the Gospel in this year. Through this meeting we had the opportunity not only to meet some denominational pastors, but also to teach them from the Bible about the New Testament church.  

We thank the Bear Valley Bible Institute for the mission and vision of establishing extension schools across the world. We appreciate the elders at Bear Valley who make this possible. We are privileged to be called aa Bear Valley Bible Institute International school. Thank you for keeping our reports on the website up to date. We appreciate the concern.  

Year 2015: It started with great enthusiasm and a plan to reach out more than usual. Through the blessing of God we were able to complete this year with great results. Results included the establishing of churches in the remotest places of our state. We were blessed to have new curriculum and printed material, a building expansion, campaign week program, gospel meetings, and preacher’s fellowship meetings.  

We praise God who enabled us to spread the wings of His ministry through various programs such as gospel meetings, Bible classes, campaign week program, preacher’s fellowship meetings, and preacher’s seminars. Our students received hands-on experience about how to hold and organize the above programs. By attending these programs they are understanding the great need of doing such programs to carry out the gospel to the lost millions in our nation. An earlier batch of students learned the same evangelical concept and now they are implementing it, which has given us an opportunity to participate and encourage them.

Another blessing this year was that our faculty and students: Yeah, new curriculum that was introduced this year has brought a phenomenal change in our teaching system. Both students and faculty are enjoying the new material that was supplied to us on various subjects. It is also a great opportunity to enhance our biblical knowledge. So, this year can be said as a year of blessing.

New Projector: This has provided a great opportunity for our students to learn so many other subjects and topics that was provided by our brethren from World Video Bible School and  Apologetics Press.

Air Conditioning Library Extension: This was another blessing to help preserve the books in the library and also to have more books in our library. Our guest room is ready with air condition for visiting brethren, this will help them relax in-between classes. They certainly need that break in a hot weather country like India.

Brethren, we are thoroughly blessed with the great encouragement we received from the Lake Houston Church of Christ and Strickland Church of Christ. We are grateful to God for their continued trust and confidence, which is a great blessing. Thank you brethren for being part of these results. We convey our heartfelt gratitude on behalf of our students, faculty, staff and preachers working in Visakhapatnam area. They were encouraged by our school program so much, we pray that our Lord will bless us to do more continually. As we continue to spread the word there are some results we witness, but some we may not. When we do hear about them we praise God for such results of saving souls.

Here are Some Results of our efforts:

Number of Graduates sent out this year - 12
Villages visited – 127
Bible Classes & Gospel Meetings conducted – 148
Preachers Seminars – 2
Leadership Workshop – 1
Preachers Fellowship Meetings Conducted – 28
People obeyed the Gospel – 452
New congregations Established – 8
​Church Meeting Places Dedicated – 6

In Christ & His service,

Samuel Raju & John Dean Muppidi
Visakha Valley Bible College
Church of Christ
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA

Posted on December 20, 2015 .

TCC And FPTC At The ACSOP In Arusha, Tanzania...

It has been a great pleasure to write to you about the great things that God did in His kingdom here in this part of the world. There are a lot of them, but just to highlight a few: Tanzania Christian Camp started immediately after Future Preacher Training Camp ends. 

One reason for putting FPTC ahead of TCC is to increase the number of young men attending this second camp. When FPTC is over, the young men can stay at their Christian friend’s homes (without going home for the weekend, since many came from far away) and have another great week of "spiritual training."  

We eagerly anticipated the arrival of John Rice, sister Bethany McGill and her two children. They, along with Ben Thompson, his family, and others, conducted Tanzania Christian Camp (TCC). This is a "much-looked-forward-to" yearly event where young folks are saturated with Bible teaching, inspired by spiritual songs, and greatly encouraged by the fellowship of other Christians.

This year a total number of 136 boys and girls attended the camp leading to an addition of 18 more souls into Christ through baptism. God made it possible, the glory is to Him. Amen. Thanks for making all this possible!

Every child of God is very important in the kingdom, but there are some who really need to be appreciated, for they sacrificed their whole life in service to the Lord. One who can be mentioned is Cy Stafford and his family. Please remember this fellow in your daily prayers as he is now undergoing various treatments for the sake of his physical health.        

We wish you a wonderful holiday season in which to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends. Time spent with family is worth more than all the gifts money can buy.

With love from East Africa,

Losotwa Michael
ACSOP Dean of Academics

Posted on December 20, 2015 .

Preparing For The New Year...

Students in Denver focus on finals in the week ahead. This is the last week of classes in the second quarter. After finals, students enjoy a short, but well deserved, break. Reflecting on the the last two quarters of studies brings a light of encouragement for these men who diligently worked to complete all their assignments while balancing family and personal obligations. 

Once the Christmas break is behind us, a new group of students will begin their journey at Bear Valley the first week of January. Although the number of students beginning in January is usually a lower number than the August intake, they are quality men all the same. We are encouraged by men who leave their jobs and the “normal” way of life to prepare themselves for a greater task - preaching the gospel.

The same is true for each of the men who train throughout the world. The extension program continues to be a beacon in eighteen locations where we work alongside the greatest people on earth. The year ahead promises to be an exciting and encouraging year as two new schools begin in February. Additionally, the potential exists for starting several more schools before the end of 2016. Please join us in praying about these opportunities.

We are only a few weeks away from seeing the year-end numbers provided by each school in the extension program. The work completed by staff and students in these locations provides a strong boost to the morale of everyone involved in this work. We eagerly anticipate sharing the information with you.

Prayer Request: We ask each of you to take time to pray for Cy Stafford. Cy returned to the states from Tanzania suffering with an illness that is still unidentified. Doctors are running tests to determine what exactly is wrong and the cause. Cy is currently in the hospital and the latest update points out there are tests still pending. We all, especially Cy and Stephanie, appreciate your prayers on his behalf.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Jerry Bates can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports

10,000 WBS Lessons And Tracts Used In Nigeria: In addition to the ways God gave the increase in Nigeria, the word is planted through the use of WBS lessons and tracts.

All That Is Done By The Mighty Hand Of God: True to his character, Cy Stafford focuses on the powerful ways God continues to bless the work in Tanzania.

Registering New Students For The Swahili Intake In 2016: After a successful graduation at the ACSOP, the staff prepare for a strong intake of students for the next class to begin in 2016.

Final Thoughts
As we close out another weekly report, please know how much we appreciate each of you. All you do to make this program successful cannot be overstated. You are a blessing to the lives of thousands, if not millions, of people around the world. We value your love for God, His church, the lost, and the trust you place in us to train preachers.

God bless

Posted on December 13, 2015 .

All That Is Done By The Mighty Hand Of God...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

It is our hope and prayer that our great God is blessing you all in all the right ways. The good that has been done, is being done, and that will continue to be done is by the mighty hand of God and through your prayers and support. Thank you!

So many good things are currently going on in East Africa. It thrills the soul to see God working through His faithful to the saving of countless souls. Examples:

Presently we have the Storks family: Todd, Susan, their son Wesley, daughter Haley and her fiancé Mason. They are on a survey trip, hopefully to return in 2016 as missionaries to Tanzania.

Ben and Elizabeth Thompson and their 2 children are in Tanzania to conduct the Tanzania Christian camp, along with their friend Bethany and her children.

Neil Richey and his son Peyton have been in Tanzania helping with the Future Preacher’s Training camp where 40 plus young men gathered to sharpen their skills in preaching and leading in the worship service.

A great success this past weekend at the second Children & Ladies Seminar held in Karatu  being conducted by Desdery and Jane, along with Justin, Anna and Samantha. They were pleasantly surprised to have 120 children and 6 baptisms among the adults that were studied with.

Charles Ogutu and David Wasonga traveled to the costal city of Mombasa to follow up on some Bibles that were requested and delivered earlier in the year. Here is his short note: “I and David Wasonga are in Mombasa to visit the Christians there and conduct Bible studies. We thank God for the four souls who obeyed the gospel. We still hope for more souls as we continue to study. Thanks for the trust and confidence you have in me to preach the gospel to the lost souls and edify the saved. Thanks for supporting our trip fully. Blessings to you and your family. His servant Charles.” 

David Bayi reports: “The following is a short report for the Kioga Church of Christ: Baptisms this month are three, two last Sunday and one mid-week, so God is working within and we have to return glory to Him. Attendance last Sunday was 105 includingkids. The class was 40 women and girls were 45, men were 20. Your Faithful Brother in Christ, David Bayi.”

Yusuph Mdaki reports: “Hello we are doing well. The Bible tracts were spread throughout the month of November with amazing results. Sixteen souls obeyed the gospel; seven at Ibambula and nine at Kazibizyo. Yesterday my wife and I spread 300 tracts at the Kahama hospital and bus station. Many workers of the hospital received tracts. In His service, Yusuph.”

Prayer requests: Please remember the Michael Whitworth family, minister at the Keller congregation, Keller, TX. They lost their two year old son, Daniel, this past week. We express our love and send our prayers for them during this most trying time.  

Please continue to remember little Quin who continues with his chemo treatments. His parents, Paul and Tara Merryman are in need of our love, prayers, and support. 

Cy’s update: First of all, if you have written me in the last week or so and have not received a reply, I apologize. Stephanie and I left Tanzania early due to some health issues I am experiencing. I have been in the hospital for almost a week now and we have more questions than answers. We hope to see the doctors tomorrow and prayerful get some answers. As soon as I can I will reply to your emails, notes, etc. Your prayers are most welcomed. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on December 13, 2015 .