Beginning The New Year By Looking At The Past...

Students return to Denver this week to prepare for the beginning of a new quarter scheduled to kick off Monday, January 11th. This date also marks the start of a new class of students who begin their journey in preacher training. We continue to ask for your prayers on behalf of the new and returning class of students who begin their studies in a week.

Every week we highlight a number of great reports that share information about the progress of each school as they grow week to week and month to month. Next week’s report will provide information about the results for 2015 compiled by Keith Kasarjian regarding the work of students in each location of the extension training program. A couple of the reports below share some of the initial results, but reflecting on the whole is exciting. We look forward to sharing the incredible news.

After enjoying a little time off from the classroom, returning to a routine for the students helps keep everything focused on the purpose. Preparing for the work of sharing the gospel makes a difference in how they approach the future of their ministry in the kingdom. Their preparation enables them to go forth into the world proclaiming the greatest message ever entrusted to an individual. Reading about their progress makes the report worth sharing.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports

Preparing For Another Year, A Year Of Determination In Cameroon: The theme for 2016 in Wotutu, Cameroon is one of determination for the church and the school.

Praying For Military Actions In Ukraine To Cease In 2016: The country in Ukraine hopes for peace, while BVBIU and the church seek greater stability in sharing the gospel of peace.

The Church Grows In Togo As Students Reach Out With The Gospel: The recent outreach in Togo indicates God’s increase as a number of souls are brought to the Lord.

One Great Year For The Work In Asunción, Paraguay: Troy and Andrea Spradlin look at 2015 and focus on the ways God blessed the work, while looking ahead to another year.

The Light Shines As The Tanzania Christian Camp Influences Young People: The report from Arusha regarding the TCC explains the difference made through teaching young people.

Starting 2016 With Great News In Arusha, Tanzania: Sean Hochdorf shares exciting news about the beginning of the year and a special prayer request for Cy and Stephanie Stafford.

The Maynard Report Shares News About Farming And Evangelism: The Maynard family continues to influence the development of the work in Tanzania.

Final Thoughts
We begin the new year as we closed the last by expressing our gratitude to you for supporting the work of training men to preach the gospel. Your dedication to the Lord’s work and trust in Bear Valley to continue the extension program is a blessing. We are encouraged daily by your generosity and appreciate your willingness to support our efforts to glorify our God.

God bless

Posted on January 3, 2016 .