A Truth That Cannot Be Changed...

God is Divine and no one can change that truth. He does a lot of work in our life and the school in Mbanga in Cameroon. Students returned safely from the campaign and started immediately with short-courses taught by brother Gary Fallis. We had two weeks of intensive studies on the “Schemes of Redemption” and the “Godhead.” Brother Gary was interpreted the first week by brother Norbert, an instructor from the school, and the second by the brother Ititi Benedict, the Director. We are proud to have such a visiting instructor who took His time to discern his notes through the life and the mind of the students. Even though our area is really hot, he took the class in a shade where there is no electricity in the hall. We were under a mango tree, but we enjoyed it because there was natural air condition, since as the tree could not withered like that of Jonah in Nineveh. May God keep on blessing this big family of His.

Due to too much fatigue, we dismissed the students for one week so to begin third quarter on the 5th of October, instead of the 28th of September.

Regarding the third quarter schedule, by His grace, we shall kick off powerfully next week on Monday and also prepare for our campaign as far as to the North Region, which might cost us a lot of money. We are also preparing to attend a lectureship at Tonga, in French speaking Cameroon and also the Annual Lectureship in November. This will give a very tight schedule this third quarter with weekend evangelism. Oh my beloved, “Evangelism is our Mission and our Mission is Evangelism.”

The students are now going to the prison for prison ministry, as one of the students and myself went there with brother Nicolas yesterday. Every time the prison ministry is programmed, the school is represented by one or two students, or the director. This will help the students learn how to prepare lessons to preach in prison and even to refugees, as some of them have been out in the hospital.

As we keep on working in the the Lord’s vineyard, so our blessings keep on flowing in abundance. 

Brother Ititi

Posted on October 4, 2015 .

Preparing For Campaigns...

After an incredible lectureship at Bear Valley, students in Denver near the end of the quarter. For the freshmen, they will close out their first quarter this week preparing for final assignments and exams. The remainder of the student body prepares for the same and all the students will travel to various places around the country for a campaign next week. We are encouraged by the opportunity students receive to put into practice their classroom training. Please pray for them as they head out this coming Friday and Saturday.

News from the various extension locations where we are privileged to work also brings encouragement. A few of the locations prepare for their campaigns, while others continue the classroom work of training. The excitement of seeing students in each country share the gospel with the lost and witnessing souls obey God’s word cannot help but warm the heart with the power God demonstrates.

Additionally, we are thrilled to finalize the last few details of two new locations where schools will begin in February, 2016. Crossing all the “t’s” and dotting all the “i’s” takes time. In a few locations the process is even longer, depending on the regulations of the government nationally and locally. We are glad to report that the process is in the final stages for schools in Fiji and Malawi. Again, we ask you to pray about these locations and the future of their work. We will share more news as we near the beginning in each location.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports

Students Are Out On Campaign, Focus Shifts To Brightland Academy: While the students at Wotutu are sharing the gospel, a focus on the Brightland Academy shows outreach opportunities.

Work In French-Speaking Cameroon Is Growing With The Fear Of The Lord: The school in Mbanga, Cameroon continues to make an impact on the training of men to preach.

Souls Added To The Kingdom And Your Prayers Are Needed: The report from Arusha is exciting as more souls obey the gospel. Important prayer requests are included. Please pray.

Quarter Ends And Short-Courses Begin At ACSOP, Tanzania: The Andrew Connally School of Preaching students complete another quarter and prepare for two short-courses.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for continuing to believe in and participate in the training of preachers. The work in Denver and around the world continues to prepare men for ministry work, sharing the gospel with the lost of the world. These efforts introduce countless souls to the power of the gospel, now and for the future. Your involvement in this program is immeasurable. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on September 27, 2015 .

Students Are Out On Campaign, Focus Shifts To Brightland Academy...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Wotutu. We do hope this report finds you well and sound in faith. By the grace of God we are doing great. The weather was better this past week and health is better for many of our Christians.

All our students are out to 21 different congregations in Cameroon teaching, preaching, evangelizing, and nurturing congregations. They ended their campaign today, and by next Sunday when they will return to Wotutu, I will share stories about their work. Keep praying for them as many now are on the road leaving areas where they went for campaign to their own villages.

I will use this opportunity to share with you the work of the Brightland Christian Academy, a school where we are struggling daily to have influence on the kids in our communities. This year we have kids leaving 5 different villages to attend the school. This is an open door for us to reach those communities with the gospel also as we transplant the truth daily to the kids. We know we can easily reach their parents.

One of our graduates, brother Nsong Nelson, taught Bible during devotionals, chapel, and in different classes daily to the kids in Brightland. His work is making an impact firsthand, as the kids sing to the glory of God without clapping their hands and dancing as their parents do in their denominations. Kids go back home with that and on Sunday, many around Wotutu come and study with our children in the church hall and worship with us. That is great as their parents don’t stop them from coming. Keep praying for more open doors for the gospel.

It is not very easy to teach these kids who are young and have empty minds. Teachers in lower classes make sure they hold the hands of these kids to teach them how to use the pencil on their books.

Thanks to sister Nancy that brought some good wall charts containing numbers and the alphabet. These very little kids can learn easily as they see the letters and numbers on the wall in bold. This is a great tool and it helps them a lot.

Some of our permanent wall charts contain Bible information, like one the books of the Bible. This helps our kids in the school to keep learning the 66 books of the Bible, not the number books found in some Bible versions which is 72 and 85.

Many thanks to Mission Printing and those who contributed funds to make sure these rich tracts made it to Cameroon. Many preachers and different congregations continue to come to Wotutu to make selections of tracts that help ease their evangelistic efforts in their area. God bless Mission Printing and we can only say, “thank you for your great help to the work here.”

We still plan mass evangelism in the Tiko likoumba area when our students will return from campaign. Keep praying for the success of our plans.

God bless you. Thank you very much for all that you do to make things happen here. God alone will bless you and keep you strong as you continue to work for Him.

Prayer Request
Please keep one of our instructors in your prayers. Brother Norbert Bekwike struggles with his prostate, and the doctor said the only solution will be surgery and it is an emergency. Please keep him in your prayers and also help financially as 300.000 frs is needed within these days to do that. We pray God touches your heart as usual to help this brother.

Do your best to share this report with others.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on September 27, 2015 .

Work In French-Speaking Cameroon Is Growing With The Fear Of The Lord...

With the Lord, everything is possible. People are dying every day, companies are being closed down day by day, businesses of men run short of capital income, but the Word of the Lord will never die down and will continue to save men every day in this world. The work in Cameroon is growing with the fear of the Lord and especially in the French speaking part of the country.

Students returned to campus on the 11th of September. Brother Gary Fallis arrived on the soils of Cameroon the same day and was taking directly to his hotel room with the company of the coordinator, David Ballard, and the director of the school in Wotutu.

Brother Gary finished his first week of teaching on “The Scheme of Redemption” and was interpreted by one of our instructors, and all seven of our students validated it and will begin today with the “Godhead.” He is a very good teacher, even in his approach of this particular course. We pray for him to still have more strength so as to give us a powerful approach on the next course.

We spent several days last week going up and down with the David Ballard and Steve doing evangelism to some villages around Mbanga, and the Lord added some souls into His vineyard who are worshiping God today with all amount of authority. We should keep on praying for these precious souls.

Our second quarter will end this weekend. Students went for field work and restored many souls in Nbangante, Abang, Mabanda, Douala, Nsanke, and Mujuka. We are still doing follow up with prospects and backsliders, as we sent students back to these congregations for weekend evangelism. The field is really vast and the students are few, but we shall still do our best to see that the work penetrates the French world in Cameroon and other parts of the world, like in Tchad and Central African Republic.

We shall immediately kick off with the third quarter on the 28th of this month and students might go for campaign as far as the Northern part of Cameroon.

May our good God give us long life, and as young as I am I will use my strength to do the work of God. “Evangelism is our Mission and our Mission is Evangelism.” 

Brother Ititi

Posted on September 27, 2015 .

Souls Added To The Kingdom And Your Prayers Are Needed...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

We greet you once again as I prepare to return to Tanzania on Monday. It has been a great couple of months sharing with many the good our Great God is doing In Tanzania. We could not be more joyful for the good done and being done. The next few days and weeks will be packed with much good on many fronts. 

We would like to introduce you to our newest team members. Justin, Anna Maynard and Anna’s sister, Samantha Corners. Justin will be working with the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, including the student body with the farming project. We know how important it is to not only strengthen our students in the Word of God, but also strengthening them in their ability to provide for the physical needs of their families. Anna and Samantha will be working with Jane Massawe and other Christian ladies teaching them to teach ladies and children in God’s Word. 

Welcome Justin, Anna, and Samantha. May your journey be all you have hoped it would be and may our God bless you with much success to His glory and to the saving of countless souls. 

In two weeks we will host our annual Tanzania Leadership Conference. We will be blessed with several speakers from America, one from Malawi, another from Cambodia, and several from East Africa, including many from Tanzania. Strong, spiritual, and courageous leaders are needed in the Lord’s church in East Africa and throughout the world. We are in the process of expanding our leadership training (more to follow). 

Great News: (Yusuph Mdaki) “The work of evangelism continues very well at many congregations in this region. At Kazibiyo 6 souls have obeyed and 4 others have been restored. At Ushirombo, 2 souls have been added to the Kingdom. At Mganza 1 soul has been saved from the power of darkness”. (Godfrey Mngoma) “We thank God that through our visitation program at Arusha, sister Olimpiy has obeyed the gospel.” (Isaac Kasupa) “Two sisters have been restored at Ilkiure this week.” Thanks be to God for these amazing increases! “

Prayer Request: Our good friend, bother and sister in Christ and great supporters of missions, Dupree and Soneia Galloway have a 16 month old grandson by the name of Quin. Quin’s parents are Paul and Tara Merryman. A few days ago they discovered a tumor at the base of Quin’s brain stem. They will operate first thing Monday morning. Please pray for this little one and his family. Please have your congregation offer up prayers for this young boy and his family. Our God is able. We fully trust in the prayers of the righteous and the power of God. 

Two other prayer request; Stephanie had a check up this past week and a spot was seen on her lung. They will follow up this coming week with a CT scan. Also, during my regular annual physical my PSA levels were found to be elevated. An ultrasound was done, showing a nodule on my prostate. I will return from TZ to have a biopsy on the 12th of November. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we move forward. 

We thank you all for all you mean to God’s Kingdom work where you are and throughout the world. We thank you for all you do, making God’s work possible in TZ. We thank our great God for all He has done, is doing, and for what He has yet to do in the saving of the lost of this world. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on September 27, 2015 .

Quarter Ends And Short-Courses Begin At ACSOP, Tanzania...

Greetings from East Africa, particularly the ACSOP. The faculty and staff here are doing great things here for the sake of the Lord and His church. The rotating spiritual discipline program went well with me last month. As a part of it, I went to Manyire in the eastern part of Arusha to teach in the Bible classes as well as in the worship. The topic was Journaling for the Purpose of Godliness. I was encouraged to see about 26 men and women plus children in worship there listening to me teach that topic. I real enjoyed visiting that congregation for my first time.

This week ends our third quarter of studies, which will be followed by three short courses that will be taught by two guest brothers from USA. Bruce Ligon will be teaching Counseling and Christian Evidences, and Jonathan K. Page will be teaching Prison Epistles. 

Beside the above, on October 19th – November 20th, 2015 the ACSOP will be in the 4th quarter for the first year students. While on October 12th - November 13th 2015 the second year class will begin their final quarter. All of the second year students are expecting to graduate on the 28th of November this year. Let’s remember these faithful fellows in our daily prayers, giving thanks to God for the great heart of loving the Lord for coming here to study the Word so that they can go back to their homes to teach others. 

Also the Tanzania Leadership Conference is almost at hand. It will start on Thursday 8th – 11th October, 2015. This conference will involve all the East Africa church leaders. More than 80 men and women are expected to attend. We also request to remember this conference in your daily prayers for the effort which is being done by the ACSOP faculty to ensure that it happens. 

Let me end by quoting the word of the apostle Paul, “Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him” (Eph. 1:15).

Losotwa Michael
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, TZ

Posted on September 27, 2015 .

Majoring In The Minor Prophets...

Bear Valley’s Annual Lectureship was the highlight of the weekend. The focus of this year’s lectureship was the second half of the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament. The speakers taught incredible lessons that demonstrated a depth of their study with an application for the church today. Additionally, the fellowship among the hundreds of Christians who attended the lectureship furnished a small taste of what we anticipate in heaven. If you would like to listen to the lectures, please visit the following link: http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/2014-lectureship/.

The lectureship banquet is a special time that has become a traditional part of the lectureship each year. During the banquet, time is dedicated to discussing the current work in Denver and within the extension program. The opportunity to learn about the growth and development of the program is exciting for everyone present. 

The present work and future plans for the extension program continue to highlight the work at Bear Valley. Two new schools started this year and two new schools are set to begin right after the first of the year. Additionally, a number of locations are under consideration for new schools during 2016. News about the development of the extension program is getting out and contacts continue to come through the office. We look forward to the future.

The reports this week share news about the present nature of the work. We pray you are encouraged about the growth God continues to give in the work. Please remember to pray for each location and the progress of the overall development of the program.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports

Campaigns, Mission Printing, And Growth In The Family At Wotutu: Students in Cameroon unloaded tracts from Mission Printing and began campaigns, while God gave the increase.

Details On FPC At ITL In Guatemala: The news from Guatemala about a recent Future Preacher’s Camp is exciting as young men prepare for the future of the church.

Nine Souls Added To The Kingdom In Togo: The outreach of students at the Center for Biblical Studies in Kpalime, Togo sees the fruit of God’s increase.

On Schedule, Students Abysmal Performance, And Property: Teachers and students continue to move forward in their studies and there is discussion over the future of the property. 

ACSOP Serves The Lord Through Evangelism: Souls are added in Tanzania as students at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching share the gospel with others.

Spiritual Discipline Seminar Continues To Grow In Tanzania: Conducting the Spiritual Disciplines Seminar makes a powerful impact on the church in Tanzania.

Final Thoughts
We close the report by thanking each of you for your involvement in the Bear Valley program of training. We know this work is only possible because of your help. Thank you for helping us fulfill God’s saving mission in training those who are faithful to teach others. You are a blessing to the work at Bear Valley.

God bless

Posted on September 20, 2015 .

Details On FPC At ITL In Guatmala...

As we are rapidly bringing the 2015 summer to a close, we pray that you and those you love are doing well. We are doing fine here. As always, we feel the blessings of God being showered upon us. However, at the same time, and in so many ways, we also see how Satan works so hard to blind us to the blessings that are so abundant. 

In our Third Quarter Newsletter our plans are to recap some of the major events for June, July and August. However, to avoid making this letter into a book, we are going to divide it into Part One and Part Two. This will allow us to give you a little more details, make you wish you were here during the events, and, perhaps, encourage you to visit us for one of our events or teams next year. ☺ However, please keep in mind as you read about the major events, that during those times we were also teaching in both the full-time and Saturday programs at ITL, traveling and speaking at a couple of lectureships in the US, and teaching and preaching at the Linda Vista congregation, etc. 

Even though the work load seems immense, we desire to do no other than continue in full-time ministry for our Lord. And, we thank you for your support that allows us to do it. Now, let’s talk about the first major events for the last quarter. 

The Lord blessed us to be able to host our second annual Future Preacher’s Camp (FPC). We believe God was glorified through our efforts. And, we also believe that the church here and our preacher’s school Instituto Teológico Latinoamericano (ITL) will receive benefit for the efforts that were put forth. Our team here, under the direction of camp director Kirk Brothers from Freed-Hardeman, did a great job in making it all happen. 

Just as a reminder, let us quickly explain what an FPC is. We gave you a brief description in our last update. An FPC takes boys 13 – 19 (ages vary) and introduces them to the life of a preacher. The campers learn a little about many aspects of being a preacher, as well as serving in various capacities in the church, such as singing, praying, presiding over the Lord’s Supper, etc. One of the main aspects they learn is how to prepare a sermon and deliver it. In short, the primary purpose is to encourage them to become future preachers, thus its name. An added benefit, as noted by some of the Guatemalan preachers, is that many of these campers return to their congregations with a renewed zeal to serve. 

Last year for our 1st camp, we did it all in two and half days and all at the ITL campus. Even though things went well, for the most part, we went beyond the capacity that the ITL campus can hold for an event such as this. Once we decided to have another FPC we also quickly decided we would have to find another place for it and that the next camp would be a full week like the camps in the US. So, the search began! 

The Lord blessed us to find an adequate and very beautiful camp ground named Campamento Caleb that was perfect for our needs. We looked into several camps but this one was the only one that would allow us to bring our own cooks and food. Needless to say, this reduced our cost significantly, not to mention it gave us confidence in the food we would have to eat for a week. ☺ The camp site offered plenty of rooms and beds for sleeping (everyone had to bring their own linen or sleeping bag), plenty of places for showers, a great kitchen area with a private area for the cooks to sleep, two large rooms for devotionals, meals and classes, and a large open area for various outdoor sports and activities. 

We had a total of 32 campers, 4 cooks, 4 teachers, 1 translator, and 7 counselors. Darvin, Hawatthia and Byron served as teachers, together with Kirk. Benjamin Montejo was Kirk’s translator. Snezana worked in the kitchen with our other cooks. A majority of the campers arrived on a Sunday afternoon and most would stay until the following Sunday for the conclusion of the camp. A few of them had to arrive on Wednesday. Four of them left because they were ill and two because they were homesick. 

This year’s theme was “Haciendo una diferencia” (Making a Difference) with a focus on character studies from the books of Luke and Acts. Amongst other things, each participant prepared a sermon eight minutes in length using the character assigned to him. 

that would allow us to bring our own cooks and food. Needless to say, this reduced our cost significantly, not to mention it gave us confidence in the food we would have to eat for a week. ☺ The camp site offered plenty of rooms and beds for sleeping (everyone had to bring their own linen or sleeping bag), plenty of places for showers, a great kitchen area with a private area for the cooks to sleep, two large rooms for devotionals, meals and classes, and a large open area for various outdoor sports and activities. 

We had a total of 32 campers, 4 cooks, 4 teachers, 1 translator, and 7 counselors. Darvin, Hawatthia and Byron served as teachers, together with Kirk. Benjamin Montejo was Kirk’s translator. Snezana worked in the kitchen with our other cooks. A majority of the campers arrived on a Sunday afternoon and most would stay until the following Sunday for the conclusion of the camp. A few of them had to arrive on Wednesday. Four of them left because they were ill and two because they were homesick. 

This year’s theme was “Haciendo una diferencia” (Making a Difference) with a focus on character studies from the books of Luke and Acts. Amongst other things, each participant prepared a sermon eight minutes in length using the character assigned to him. 

At noon we stopped for lunch. Wow, these guys could sure eat! ☺ After lunch and clean-up, 1:00 p.m. was dedicated each day as a time for the campers to work on their sermon with the help of their counselors, putting into practice some of what had been learned in the morning. At 2:00 p.m. they learned some of the practical aspects of ministry (i.e. conducting a personal Bible study, leading singing, 

answering questions after a sermon, etc.). So, when 3:00 p.m. rolled around they were ready for their free time. Some of them participated in basketball and/or, soccer others in table games or a time of relaxation and, believe it or not, some of them worked on their sermons. 

After around three hours of free time, dinner was served. Following dinner, various activities took place, some of which taught more practical things while others gave the campers, counselors and teachers an opportunity to stand before the group to talk about different things. At 9:45 p.m. they had free time again with lights out at 11:00 p.m. 

The last three days were very exciting. On Friday afternoon the entire group traveled by bus to Guatemala City to bowl, most of them for their first time. We found that we had some good bowlers in the group. However, we also found that a lot of them did not need to consider it as a profession.☺ On Saturday the campers presented their week-long work in front of their peers, counselors and teachers. Two of them were selected to preach for the Sunday morning service.
On Sunday we had a full house. A bus was rented for members of Linda Vista to attend. Several parents of the campers and other members for their congregation were also in attendance. A graduation followed the morning worship during which trophies were presented to the outstanding campers and to the most improved camper. 

We are sorry to report that Brother Kirk was not able to stay for the entire camp due to the death of his sister-in-law, Angie Osmon, his wife’s sister. Thankfully, she was a faithful Christian who has gone on to her reward. Kirk left very early on Saturday to be with his family and to preach the funeral service. Our love, sympathy and prayers continue to go out to Kirk, his wife Cindy and their family. 

Please allow us to close the FPC section telling you of the highlight of the camp. Six campers put their Lord on in baptism. This was the most joyous moment of the entire week. Please keep the new walk of these young Christians in your prayers. You received more information earlier about their baptisms. 

Without doubt we believe the camp was a tremendous success and brought much glory to the Lord’s cause here in Guatemala. Lord willing, we plan to have FPC 2016. Please join us in praying that this will happen. 

Thank you for taking the time to read part one of our September-Third Quarter Newsletter. We hope you enjoyed what we shared. God bless you! 

Serving the Master, 
Hawatthia “Hi” Jones Byron & Snezana Benitez Missionary Missionaries 


Posted on September 20, 2015 .

Nine Souls Added To The Kingdom In Togo...

Five Baptized in Kpadape Campaign
Kpadape is about seven kilometers from Kpalime, and the minister is David Wama. The Chariot spent the weekend of August 27-30. Preachers and students from the CBS and Kpalime area were present to assist members of the Kpadape congregation with the campaign. Activities included tract distribution, house to house Bible studies, Chariot booth display, open air preaching and a film show. 

Willie Preaches at Kpadafe Church of Christ
The Kpadafe campaign was climaxed with a worship service. I had the opportunity to preach on the topic “Use Your Talent or Loose It,” Matt. 25:14-30. I used the lesson to encourage our brethren and new Christians to find out what their talents are, if they already did not know, develop them, and use them to the glory of God. We took a group picture after the worship service. At the close of the three day campaign, five people put on Christ in Baptism. 

Three Souls Added
The Nyiveme Church of Christ in Kpalime continues to make progress. This is because members are involved in the work. They continue home Bible studies, distribution of tracts, radio program and inviting neighbors, friends and family members to their worship services. Three ladies were recently baptized and added to the church. 

Assiki’s Wife Baptized
Joseph Assiki was one of the students who graduated on September 5. His wife was also recently buried with Christ. Joseph came to us from a denomination as a “Pastor,” but was converted while in school. He stood with his wife just after the baptism. 

CBS is now BVBI
Since 2005 we have used the name Center for Biblical Studies. Recently, the authorities of Bear Valley Bible Institute International in Colorado suggested that all schools under Bear Valley could use the name Bear Valley Bible Institute. We thought it wise to use it to reflect the relationship between us. I would therefore like to inform all my cherished readers that henceforth we shall be using the name Bear Valley Bible Institute - Togo. 

Literature Center Now Open
We recently opened a resource center in Zomayi, a suburb of Kpalime. Preacher Asuka is the one managing the center. The center is going to be used as a training ground for students. Each week two students will be assigned to work at the center for two hours each day. This practical training will help them to learn how to share literature and to share the gospel message with the public. 

Report by
Willie Gley

Posted on September 20, 2015 .

On Schedule, Students Abysmal Performance, And Property...

Almost all of the instructors at SIBS are full-time workers serving in various congregations around here. Some even work with more than one congregation – that means they also work with other congregations to mature them through teaching and preaching, including periodic leadership training. These instructors almost have to travel a considerable distance to teach at SIBS. Such a tight schedule puts additional strain on these preachers who teach classes at SIBS.

However, it is gratifying to note that, although it has been very challenging in some quarters, during this period the instructors were on schedule and completed their classes on time.

A notable instance is the case of Charles Arthur, an instructor from West Coast who travels about 225 kilometers from Takoradi in the extreme western point of the country, to teach classes at SIBS.  Also Kojo Acquah Beenyi, who travels from the Swedru in the Central region to teach classes at SIBS. This is commendable of our instructors.

Students Abysmal Performance
Although the students’ performance had been impressive, a couple of them were not punctual and did not complete the quarterly schedule this time.

Property For [SIBS] Campus
SIBS is now operating from a temporary rented house. We are almost in our second year, and have two more years remaining to stay in this house. What we are not sure of is whether we would still have the opportunity to continue renting the facility for the next two years. It has therefore been necessary to consider possible alternatives before it is too late. We had the opportunity therefore to look at a piece of plot being offered for sale. However, since our school had not been registered by then, not much could be done to pursue the land. [SIBS] now has received the government’s registration and, therefore, the quest to acquire a piece of property for a permanent campus need to be vigorously pursued. This is important to guarantee the security and future of the school.

Please continue to keep us always in your thoughts and prayers.

Seth Osae-Larb

Posted on September 20, 2015 .

ACSOP Serves The Lord Through Evangelism...

It’s my hope this finds you well in the Lord’s work. I am happy for the Lord’s work which is entrusted to us in this area. Also, I am happy for your position to make the ACSOP the best school in this area. It has been a blessing to see students performing well in their studies and working hard on their evangelism efforts. As I am writing this report the students just finished baptizing one person that they reached this week. This is exactly what the Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:2, The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 

Now the students have the great privilege of serving the Lord by evangelizing in local congregations every weekend. Next week will be the last week for the long quarter which will be followed by two short-courses in each class. As part of the students training, we are able to listen to students preaching every Thursday at the Kisongo church, which is closer to the school. On the second Thursday of this month we were able to listen to brother Emanuel Dagati from the second year, who is among the best students on preparing and delivering sermons. He preached the sermon on “Who can Escape the Terrifying Hand of God?” Hebrews 10:31. He preached out of confidence which led everyone to have the feelings of what will happen to those still living in sin. This encouraged teachers and all those who are making this work to be possible. By training these men, God has been glorified in all East Africa and Central Africa. Too many churches are being established through these efforts.

Back to the Kisongo church, God is still in control. In August and September six peoplereceived the gospel by being added to the church and four were restored to Christ. The church is working hard, as much as possible, to make sure the gospel is being taken serious regardless of the challenges she is facing. We are now encouraging members to do their part by preparing as many Bible classes as they can. 

Please, in your prayers remember to pray for our good brother, Loishiye, who has been passing difficulties due the conflicts between him and his wife. This is causing him to draw back from the church. There are worldly friends trying to interfere in their relationship by encouraging the wife to divorce him. He has been suffering in this problem for almost a year now.  

Thank all for your time.

In His Work

Ahimidiwe Kimaro
Assistant Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International Extension School
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on September 20, 2015 .

Spiritual Discipline Seminar Continues To Grow In Tanzania...

The Spiritual Disciplines seminar that has been traveling around the area has now come to the Njiro Chini congregation. My "Timothy," Ayubu, and I were privileged to bring the introductory lessons. Over the coming weeks area evangelists will be visiting Njiro Chini to teach about important spiritual disciplines that will help the members there to grow. I'm excited to see what will happen for the congregation as they apply these practices.  

Our students are beginning the last week of the 3rd quarter. I'm sure they would appreciate your prayers as they prepare for final exams and finish up their papers and projects. This quarter I taught the course on “Job.” It was a rich and rewarding study of placing unconditional trust in God. I hope it blessed the students as it blessed me.

Elly hosted a gathering at his home to honor and appreciate the workers at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. It was a warm gesture and seemed to be well received by the staff and faculty. He asked me to give a speech at the gathering. I gladly took the opportunity to remind the workers of the valuable role that each of them play in the overall work of the school and the souls that are saved as a result. I am immensely thankful for the brothers and sisters that work so hard in cooking, cleaning, security, maintenance, gardening, in the office, translating, and other necessary tasks that contribute to the operation of the school. In whatever capacity you serve Christ and His church, fill your role to the best of your ability.  

Would you like a visit?  I have openings available in December and early January. If you would like for me to visit with your congregation to discuss the work here, then contact me so we can get you on the schedule.

Daniel Gaines

To see Daniel’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on September 20, 2015 .

Campaigns, Mission Printing, And Growth In The Family At Wotutu...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. We do hope you are doing great in all that you do. We are doing better here in health and the rainy season is still on, as today during our worship there was a heavy down pour of rain.

Last week went on well in BVBIC-Wotutu. We were off from classes because all the short courses were over and our students were supposed to be out for campaign, but we delayed their trips because we were expecting the Mission Printing container to Wotutu, so they were supposed to stay by to help offload the ocean container.

September is always a period in Cameroon where schools, after three months vacation, resume classes. Brightland Christian Academy resumed well and God blessed the school. We can see from the increase in population that many people have started seeing the importance of Christian education. We pray God to be in more things that will continue to attract the population. This year the population is moving up from 140 kids, from last year to now. For the past two weeks, 170 kids, with many female children, have the opportunity to go to school as we make it affordable .

My child, Rita, studied the Bible at home with brother Steve, who was around our home for one week teaching a short course, “The Prison Epistles.”

My child, Rosaline, also benefitted from that opportunity to study with my friend and partner in the things of God in Cameroon.

Rosaline obeyed the gospel. Keep her in your prayers to keep growing. sShe is very smart and can do more things for her generation.

Rita also obeyed the gospel. It is awesome to see your children being focused, as they see you putting hours upon hours in what matters. Keep them in your prayers.

Cameroon was blessed again with another ocean container from Mission Printing that carried thousands of boxes of tracts. It arrived in Cameroon safe, and made it to Wotutu without much trouble on the way. We have millions of tracts to touch the lives of many as we go out preaching and teaching the truth.

They were placed in our church hall in their label ready for distribution. We placed them for easy identification and selection. We have tracts of different subject matters carefully selected by me to meet up with the questions many will ask us as we go on evangelism. This is a great tool and I pray that through our reaching out God will add many souls to His kingdom.

The arrival of the container to Wotutu, which took us hours upon hours to offload, provoked smiles and happiness as our students, 21 in number, were the first to benefit from a special box labeled “Preacher’s Box.” These boxes contain assorted books and special tracts with other things our students were so happy to benefit from. They continue to send words of appreciation to Mission Printing and partners for such a good thoughts about them. The boxes will help them start building their library. God bless you Mission Printing.

After the offloading, the same day students were ready to move for evangelism to 21 different locations. Many congregations called to get students to come and help with the work. Brother Cyprine was ready to go. Some will go to villages where the roads are bad. Cars or motor bikes cannot go there during this period because of the rains, so they will be forced to carry their boxes of tracts and their bags in different ways to make it through. Keep them in your prayers. As of now all of them made it through.

Brother Hilary was set to go. One thing I like about our students is that they are very happy whenever the time comes for mission work in different places. It is time of personal prayer and meditation because everyone is eager to make an impact in the lives of people in the community where he will serve. Keep praying for them.

Cameroon this time around had double blessings because we are both English and French. Brother Ititi Benedict is one of our graduates, and he is preaching with the congregation in Mbanga where the French school is located. He was in Wotutu to get French tracts, which will also help the work in the French part of Cameroon.

The news about the arrival of tracts in Wotutu spread like wild fire, as many preachers in different congregations all over the nation of Cameroon came down to Wotutu to get tracts for their congregations. One of these men selected his own and wrote his name on it, so that when he comes to Wotutu he will get the tracts to their destinations little by little. The rush is too much to get and from looking at things, the tracts will be in different locations in a very short while. Writing of name on a box is a sign of ownership.

We thank God that brother David Ballard and wife and brother Steve, who were here for different assignments, left our country safe without any problem. While here, cars were unable to take us, and when we had a delay in one way or the other we jumped on a motor bike and moved because time is short and souls are perishing. We have the saving message in our hands which can soften the hard hearted and bring lasting peace in the souls of many. Peace talks, after bombs and gun firing, are always short lived, but the peace we succeed to transplant in the hearts of men lasts forever. If God continues to bless us with motor bikes for most of our preachers, the work in Cameroon will take a very different dimension.

We have plans for two different locations when our children return from mission work in Likomba. We plan to join evangelism with the French school in Mbanga where we shall storm the community of Mujuka with the word of God. Keep the plans in your prayers.

God bless you for all that you do for the work here. If it were not you we doubt how far we would have gone now. God bless you and keep you strong. Share this with others. God will reward you in due season.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on September 20, 2015 .

Heading Into Bear Valley's Annual Lectureship...

Students in Denver returned to the classroom after a few days for research and preparation for midterm exams. We continue to be encouraged by the progress of the new class as they move through their first quarter of studies. 

The week ahead brings the excitement of Bear Valley’s annual lectureship. Finishing up the second half of the Minor Prophets, speakers from across the country will travel to Denver this week to present exegetical, expository, and topical lessons gleaned from the last six books of the Old Testament. Each lesson will be uploaded to the website. Please visit Bear Valley’s website to learn more about this year’s lectureship at http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/2014-lectureship/.

Along with the lectureship this week, everyone is invited to the lectureship banquet Friday night. This special evening provides an opportunity to enjoy a wonderful meal, share in the best of Christian fellowship, and learn about the progress of the Bear Valley Bible Institute International in Denver and the extensions around the world.

Speaking of extensions, this week’s report shares news from several locations. As you read through the news from each reporting location, we pray you are encouraged and excited about the progress. God continues to bless the work and we are thankful for the opportunity to partner with you in this effort.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports

Blossoming Into The Life Of Christ: Although this is the theme of a recent ladies day in Cameroon, it characterizes the development of the work for every Christian.

Delivering Physical And Spiritual Encouragement In Nepal: Students and other local Christians in Nepal reach out with physical and spiritual help to several villages.

Our God Continues To Give The Increase In Guatemala: News from the Linda Vista congregation and church plants from ITL indicate God’s power as souls obey the gospel.

BVBIU Is Settling Into The City Of Bila Tserkva, Ukraine: Although BVBIU is making a second move in two years, the opportunities in a new location are encouraging.

You Are Part Of The BIG Picture In Arusha, Tanzania: When staff members in Arusha, Tanzania recognize the results of a great partnership, the gratitude is encouraging.

Student Evangelism Program In Tanzania Reaches Out: At times, the statistics are worth the time it takes to read them, and the results from the outreach program at ACSOP is exciting.

Baboons, Fighter Jets, And Mariah Carey: A missionaries perspective can be enlightening, and today’s post from Daniel Gaines in Tanzania is a perspective worth reading.

Final Thoughts
We leave you this week with a word of thanks. We know that of all the great work being done in the kingdom of our God, you made the choice to support Bear Valley. Your prayers, ability, financial support, and more requires a sacrifice on your part. Thank you for your love for the Lord, His church, and the lost who need a Savior.

God bless

Posted on September 13, 2015 .

Baboons, Fighter Jets, And Mariah Carey...

Today I sat on a bucket under a tree located between a small shack and a thirsting garden, and shared the gospel with a man living outside of Christ. As we sat there discussing the Bible, a troop of baboons looked on from a short distance. Meanwhile, the voices of Mariah Carey and Celine Dion drifted from a radio in a nearby hut. Then the entire Tanzanian air force (2 jets) flew overhead in what I am told was a show of military strength meant to impress the voters of the upcoming election. 

It struck me that this was a very bizarre scene of juxtaposed images and sounds. Then I began to wax philosophical about the situation. The scene was representative of life in so many ways. Here are my observations:

•Our purpose in talking was to focus on God and to come to an understanding of His will. This, of course, is also the primary purpose for our very lives on this earth. 

•Our location between the hut and the garden made me think of the tension that people feel as they search for the balance between home and work. Yet in the middle of it all we were currently focused on our spirituality.

•Situated in the shade of a tree, we were attempting to escape the heat of the sun. Likewise, there is refreshing coolness for the soul to be found in the Word of God. Also people do go to study the Bible to escape the heat… of the next life. 

•The radio reminded me of the ever-present distraction that entertainment poses. While wholesome entertainment is not a bad thing, how many times does it distract us from more important or productive things? A little diversion is good for the heart, but there’s a balance to find.

•The jets reminded me of the world of politics and current events. While important, it too can distract us from our true purpose of conforming to a Christ-like image more and more each day. As we look at politics, we might be tempted to influence them in worldly ways rather than godly ones. World events may tempt us to rely on governments rather than God. Just something to consider.

•But what about the baboons? What did they contribute to the scene? Maybe they can just remind us of the people who try to monkey around with us. That can certainly be a distraction as we’re trying to focus on God.

Well that was just a glimpse into how my mind works. I hope you found it thought provoking and a little amusing. I guess the point is that there are always plenty of things vying for our attention. Let's make sure that God get's it first.

Daniel Gaines

By way of update, Daniel’s report was followed up today with news of the man mentioned above being baptized. To see Daniel’s report with pictures and information about the baptism, please click here.

Posted on September 13, 2015 .

Student Evangelism Program In Tanzania Reaches Out...

I would like to give an update of ACSOP’s student evangelism program. You can see from previous statistics below concerning this outreach program. Just for the past few months when our students were on break, the congregations where our students worked were busy with the follow up on Bible classes started by the students. Many Bible classes were established while students were here, and now preachers and evangelistic teams of these congregations make sure nobody is left behind. As I followed accomplishments so far, I charted the results. 

The program started again this quarter. Our wish and prayer is that the Lord will give much increase in His church. We expect to register many students in Bible correspondence courses. Let us continue to pray for this outreach program and for our students as they go and join congregational teams in preaching the saving gospel of Christ to lost souls.

To see a chart of the progress in the various locations where the evangelism program works, please click here.

Posted on September 13, 2015 .

You Are Part Of The BIG Picture In Arusha, Tanzania...

Just last week, I decided to take a few minutes to look on the map of East Africa and see how much God has accomplished. Many places in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda have had an opportunity to hear the true gospel of Christ. Thereafter, the one true church of our Lord was planted in their areas through the Andrew Connally School of Preaching (An extension of Bear Valley Bible Institute International). The truth of the matter is many of our graduates are doing an amazing job preaching and teaching to the lost souls.  For the past few years there have been many new congregations of the Lord’s church and a large number of faithful Christians because of the effort of the school here. 

For the last two months I traveled around the country visiting and recruiting new students for the next class. I realized that the school, as a tool, is doing much good in preparing faithful men who will eventually go back to their native lands, some of which do not have any congregations of the Lord’s church, and plant the one true church. I want to assure you that though you are far in distance and we can’t see each other by our physical eyes, you are part of the BIG team which is making sure the BIG picture of discipleship is fully achieved before the Lord comes back in His second coming. “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2). Your prayers and financial support towards what is being accomplished here are very important, and we want to let you know that we fully appreciate you for all that you do for the Kingdom.

Our student’s outreach program with the congregations around the area has fully begun this quarter. And one of our top priorities this time is to register as many new Bible correspondence students as we can for the glory of the Lord. This has been one of the powerful methods of reaching many with the gospel of Christ here in Arusha. Making these congregations mature and fruitful is something that pleases the Lord most. Our students have established many good Bible classes in the last quarter and as a result have converted many souls to these congregations. Together, with this program we are encouraging our students and preachers to make sure the converted souls are intact. All these congregations confess a totally positive change and spiritual uplifting through this program. To God be the glory, Amen.

Thank you again for your support and prayers as we all continue working for Him and the Kingdom.

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students, 
Andrew Connally School of Preaching
An extension of Bear Valley Bible Institute International
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on September 13, 2015 .

BVBIU Is Settling Into The City Of Bila Tserkva, Ukraine...

Hello dear brothers, families and churches. 

Last month was busy with preparations to the new school year. My family and I moved to Bila Tserkva. In August we were able to find apartments for my family, for BVBIU students, and staff. Also, we had to prepare the building, put the books in the library, get tables for classrooms, put up whiteboards etc. Unfortunately, it’s the second major move for the Institute in the past 2 years. 

During this short period of our stay in Bila Tserkva, we managed to get to know the congregation. My wife, Vera, has already taught several Sunday Bible classes for kids and I got to preach last Sunday. I tried to encourage the church to start working in the Lord’s field. It all shows that this congregation accepted us and is willing to work with us. I hope there will be no pitfalls uncovered when we stay there. I try to coordinate all of my actions with the preacher of this congregation, Konstantin Kisilenko. He is a very good brother and helper who helped many families from eastern Ukraine. 

In this year, we decided to start classes on September 7. Denton Landon came to teach Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. Also, we have a teacher from Ukrainian side, Stas Kuropyatnikov, who teaches Homiletics. 

We don’t have any new students. Maybe it’s influenced by the fact that the school moves often and people don’t see stability in our actions. Maybe it’s due to people looking for better financial income. I urge you to pray for Ukrainians willing to study the sound doctrine and for the men in Ukraine who desire to become preachers. 

We have 5 students in the second-year class and 2 students catching up on the first-year classes. There are 7 students in the BVBIU program now. We are expecting two students to join the first-year class in September. 

Also, we decided to make some changes in BVBIU administration. Our secretary, Oksana, has been dealing with some health issues. Unfortunately, it’s difficult for her to move from her hometown, Ternopil, to a different place. She tried to come to Bila Tserkva, but she had to return home due to her health deterioration. We are looking for somebody to substitute for her on the same level. I admit it’s very difficult to find a good quality interpreter and a secretary. I would want for Oksana to do translations from home and help with the BVBIU Master’s program. We’ll discuss all of the details with Denton Landon. Please pray for her health. 

Church of Christ in Bila Tserkva was founded about 20 years ago. Right now they have about 20 Christians who are regular attendees. They own a building in a nice part of the town. The church is involved in work with handicapped people with cerebral palsy. They are active mentally, but unfortunately they have trouble with movements. Bila Tserkva is a 1 hour drive from Kiev and 1 1 1/2 hour drive from the international airport. Staying in Bila Tserkva, we want to participate in the life of the church and spread the gospel. 

We are grateful for all the churches that support the work of the Institute and my family. BVBIU students and staff send you their greetings and gratitude for helping them implementing their desire to study the Bible and get ready for the ministry. 

Your brother and coworker for the Lord's cause.
Denis Sopelnik

To see Denis’ report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on September 13, 2015 .

Our God Continues To Give The Increase In Guatemala...

¡Hola Hermanos y Amigos! (Hello Brethren and Friends!) 

There is nothing more horrible than the grip that Satan has on so many in our world today. Sadly, due to this fact, many will spend an eternity with him in hell’s fire. What a terrible thought! On the other hand, there is nothing more exciting than seeing Satan lose his grip when people turn their lives over to a much more powerful Master, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is WONDERFUL to see Satan lose his grip and to see sincere and honest souls now gripping Jesus’ hand. Thankfully, we have been able to see, many times first hand, this happen several times here in Guatemala. 

In a recent update and newsletter we mentioned some conversions and said we would send more information later. Time has slipped by and the later became even later. So, in this message we are going to update you on some of the growth in the Lord’s church. We say some because our update only covers those which are in some way affiliated with our work. We know of other congregations who have seen additions as well. We thank the Lord for his overall additions to His Kingdom. 

Linda Vista
We have been blessed to see several added to the church and specifically to our family at Linda Vista. We’ll start with the most recent and work our way back. 

A couple of Sunday’s ago Oneida Martinez was baptized into Christ. Oneida is the girlfriend of Jonathan, the kid (now adult) that we and other members took in off the street several years ago. As a result of the sin of fornication, she is now expecting a child in the upcoming weeks. We are thankful that Jonathan repented and has every desire to do what is right in God’s eyes. Oneida, even though she was not a Christian, thankfully, had the same desire. So, we began studying with her and with her mother. So, it was a joy to see her die to herself and to be washed clean by the blood of Christ. Lord willing, Jonathan and Oneida will marry in the near future. 

A few Sundays back, Oneida’s mother, Milvia Velasquez, made the decision to become a Christian. We were a little surprised that she made this decision before Oneida but nonetheless we were very glad. She is a very quiet lady and appears to be very serious minded. We are thankful that she’s now a child of God and pray that she can be an example that will lead her other family members to the Lord. We ask that you pray that also. 

We were also privileged to see Rodrigo Aguilar obey the gospel. Rodrigo’s mother and grandmother are faithful members at Linda Vista. It kind of reminds you of Timothy’s situation that Paul mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:5. How powerful the influence of a mother and grandmother can be. Byron had the honor of baptizing Rodrigo. This was very special for him as we have watched Rodrigo grow from a baby to where he is now. 

Please do not forget to say a special prayer for the congregation at Linda Vista and for all these new Christians.

2015 Future Preacher’s Camp (FPC)
This year we hosted our 2nd Annual FPC. For those who may not be familiar with an FPC, let us quickly explain what it is. An FPC takes boys 13 – 19 (ages vary) and introduces them to the life of a preacher. Hopefully, this is just enough information to make you look forward to more information about the camp that will follow within the next few days. We promise that a few days will not turn into a few months.

In this message our focus is the highlight of the camp when six campers put their Lord on in baptism. This was the most joyous moment of the entire week because we think we all would admit that a very important step to becoming a good preacher is first of all to obey the
Lord yourself. The campers who were baptized came from different congregations. One of
them, Alejandro Diaz, came from the Linda Vista congregation. Three of them, Alex Cahuec,
Juan Choc and Cesar Choc came from the ITL church plant in San Cristobal, Alta Verapaz. The fifth one, Bryan Kelvin Lopez, came from the church in Playa Grande Ixcan, Quiché, eight hours north of the capital city. The sixth baptism was Christian Gonzalez, from the church in Carolingia in Mixco, near the capital city. 

Words can never really express the emotion of seeing a soul come to the Lord. The emotion of seeing six come at the same time is even harder to express. We ask you to keep all six of these young men in your prayers. Please pray that God will use them and that the enemy will stay away from them. We pray that they represent six future preachers for the Kingdom in Guatemala. 

2015 Lectureship and Graduation
The Lord blessed us with a great 2015 Lectureship and Graduation. You may remember reading about it in a report sent a few months back. However, the highlight of these events was to see several respond to the Lord’s invitation on that Sunday morning after Eric Owens from Decatur, Georgia, preached an excellent lesson. Of these responses, two came forward with the request to be baptized into Christ. 

Vivian Santizo Ovalle, who was visiting with a group from Salcajá, Quetzaltenango, was one of those individuals. She had been studying previously with the preacher from that congregation, Alfredo Guillermo Poz. It was a joy to see Eric immerse Vivian for the remission of her sins. Just recently, we received word from Salcajá that she is still faithful to the commitment that she made at her baptism. 

The other individual is a young boy by the name of Daniel Fulwood. He and his mother, Opal Fulwood, came to be with us from the Plaza church of Christ in Sumter, South Carolina. He had previously been studying God’s word with some of the brethren in Sumter and was touched by the Word and made his decision in Guatemala. His mother was so excited and everyone present was excited with her. We hear that Daniel went home on fire ready to serve the Lord. 

Another precious soul that was added to the Book of Life during the lectureship is Dulce Ixcol. As a small child, Dulce, her mother Ana Judith, and her brothers attended the services at Linda Vista a few years back. The family fell away with a major stumbling block being Dulce’s father, who is an alcoholic and also unfaithful to Ana Judith. Thankfully, Ana Judith was restored to the Lord’s church. Shortly afterwards, during the first day of the lectureship, Dulce became a Christian. What a joy to see the little girl that we once knew now turning into a beautiful young lady and more importantly a child of the King. 

Las Pacayas
Our first ITL graduating class planted a new work in San Cristobal, Alta Verapaz, about 3 1⁄2 hours from Guatemala City. Since then, we have seen two other congregations established as a result of the San Cristobal work, one in Las Pacayas and the most recent one in Santa Cruz. 

The church in Las Pacayas has seen three conversions that we will share with you in this report. The information was shared with us by brother Abner Ramos, one of our graduates, who is now the full-time minister for the church there. 

Several months back Abner reported the baptism of Vilma Esperanza Cal and Gladis Cal. The family at Las Pacayas welcomed these new sisters with open arms. We know the angels in heaven rejoiced and welcomed them also. 

More recently, we received news about the immersion of Anibal Cis. He is the husband of one of the sisters, Carmela Cal, who is already a member of the Lord’s body there. How exciting it is to see families being united in their walk with Christ. 

Please keep Abner and his new bride Mercedes in your prayers as they work with these new babes in Las Pacayas. As in every one of these occasions, we solicit your prayers for strength and growth for the Lord’s work in that part of Guatemala. 

We will close this report by saying THANK YOU for your love and interest in God’s work here. We know you are praying for us and for this we are eternally grateful. Please continue to lift the work in Guatemala before the Father’s throne. Lord willing, you will be hearing very soon about some of the other major events that have happened over the past quarter. 

We have included pictures of each event so that you can put faces with names as you pray for us here. Please let us know if you have any difficulty viewing it. 

¡Los amamos con el amor de Jesús! (We love you with the love of the Lord!) 

Byron and Snezana 


To see the report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on September 13, 2015 .

Delivering Physical and Spiritual Encouragement In Nepal...

Dear respected one,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the grace of God, love, and peace always be with you.

Nepal Center for Biblical Studies, including all our Christian brothers and sisters at Kathmandu Valley, made a one week Bible study program for spiritual encouragement and money was delivered for zinc roof sheets at Rasuwa and Dhading for 324 Christian families.

We held three days of Bible studies from the books of Philippines and James. There were separate men’s and women's classes after lunch hours. There were participants from 11 different local congregations from Rasuwa and Dhading districts. 350 people were in our three days of classes. After the Bible study program, two different groups of Christians visited five different local congregations by hiking 6 - 7 hours each day for three days. People were spiritually and physical encouraged by these classes. Six new souls were added in the Lord's Church.

Thank you all of your regular prayer and support for God's work in Nepal.

Brother in Christ,

Gajendra Deshar
Nepal Center for Biblical Study
athmandu, Nepal

Greetings ............ Just a couple of additions to Gajendra's words.

Over 30 Christians went from Kathmandu on the bus to the meeting place in the mountains.
Each day the program was to begin at 8:00 AM ....... the 300+ audience began to sing at 7:00.
Every evening the program was to end at 9:00 PM ....... the singing ended about 10:30.
The last night ..... Monday ...... the singing ended at 2:00 AM on Tuesday morning.

Two groups began hiking in separate directions on Tuesday. I was scheduled to go with one of the groups. However, it was decided that my job was finished and I [due to age] should return to Kathmandu with some others. The group I was to hike with began on a road that was closed to motor traffic due to past avalanches. They had been walking about an hour when they heard a terrific noise behind them. An avalanche happened where they had been about 3-5 minutes earlier. 3-5 minutes separated them between safety or serious injury and possible death. They continued their 3 days of trekking, teaching, and encouraging.  

Thanks to our gracious God.


Posted on September 13, 2015 .