Student Evangelism Program In Tanzania Reaches Out...

I would like to give an update of ACSOP’s student evangelism program. You can see from previous statistics below concerning this outreach program. Just for the past few months when our students were on break, the congregations where our students worked were busy with the follow up on Bible classes started by the students. Many Bible classes were established while students were here, and now preachers and evangelistic teams of these congregations make sure nobody is left behind. As I followed accomplishments so far, I charted the results. 

The program started again this quarter. Our wish and prayer is that the Lord will give much increase in His church. We expect to register many students in Bible correspondence courses. Let us continue to pray for this outreach program and for our students as they go and join congregational teams in preaching the saving gospel of Christ to lost souls.

To see a chart of the progress in the various locations where the evangelism program works, please click here.

Posted on September 13, 2015 .