Posts tagged #Sierra Leone

Souls Converted by Students and Staff in Sierra Leone


We have come again with exciting news regarding the spread of the Gospel and the training of men to spread the Gospel more! We are appreciative to God to have come your way again with our April 2024 report, our committed readers, partners, and supporters. We know that the successes that we are recording here all come from the prayers and the financial support you are giving us and we do not take that for granted. Our team here (the staff, students, graduates and evangelistic teams) are also not relenting in pursuing the cause of Christ. That is why in April 2024, our students excelled in their academics, evangelistic campaigns and lectureships were conducted, fifty four (54) souls were converted, and our Agricultural farm yielded some good fruits.


Our students (full time and part time) continued their classes and were very committed to their studies. Our full-time students progressed to their second quarter of their first year while our part-time students continued with their fourth quarter, which is anticipated to end by May. Apart from academics, you have always been informed from our reports (and for those who have visited us from firsthand knowledge) that our students are always going on the evangelistic field to demonstrate practically the skills they are learning in the classroom. To this cause, they have truly been committed and we truly covet your prayers for them.  


Truly, the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are very few! This is very true with the situation of the Churches of Christ in Sierra Leone. Souls are thirsty to hear the word, but there are not many committed brethren. So when you find few that truly love the Lord, they need to be prayed for and encouraged. By March of 2023, we sent you a report that we conducted an evangelistic campaign at Segbwema with six souls converted which led to the establishment of a local congregation. And you were also informed that we were going to nurture that congregation through our External Mission Program. You were given the description of the typical setting of Segbwema, how it is dominated by Muslims (though few denominations are there) but that there were many prospects there. Based on how we have been engaging this community with the Gospel since last year, we decided to launch a Gospel campaign there. Before the campaign, something interesting happened. We found a denomination, bearing the name “Church of Christ” but practicing error (instruments, tithe and everything that is erroneous) and started studying with her members. By December of 2023, many of her members were converted (though we did not report this, but our coordinator, Steve Ashcraft knows about it and he and brother Francis Musa, a long time Sierra Leonean Missionary to Guinea, even gave us some good guidance. Brother Mike Udam and his wife, upon their visit in December last year, were also taken to these new Christians for exhortation and encouragement). Therefore we brought those who accepted the truth together with our previous members and they made up a congregation. We have been going to build this congregation up consistently. In fact, one of our last year graduates, Epaphras A. Missailie has been assigned to this congregation as her preacher. Not only Missailie, but the school is involved with the congregation because many are people who are just coming from error, therefore they need a more mature and sound teacher to uphold them with the doctrine of Christ.  So it was an attempt to strengthen this congregation that we took a campaign there from April 10 to 15. During this time, evangelism was done vigorously and as the result, thirty one (31) souls were converted. This congregation, with the addition of the 31 brethren, has a big challenge of a place of worship. And as you will be praying for them, please remember to include that also in your prayers.


You are already aware of the active works of the evangelistic teams across the country. So training seminars were held in Freetown, Kenema, Kpayeh, and Kono Most of these programs actually go along with evangelism and not just sitting down in a church building to receive lectures. Therefore, as a result of the combined efforts of the teams and alumni, twenty three (23) souls were converted.


It was in February this year that we informed you that we received good and educational training from Healing Hands International through Dr. Udofia. We immediately went ahead to apply the skills we learnt and this has yielded us some good benefits. We are even very optimistic that it would help us greatly as we continue to embark on Agriculture as a school in order to augment your cherished finances you send to us to feed our students and staff. In April, we had an encouraging harvest of cucumbers, corn, beans and lettuce. This is truly good as preachers so that we can also be trained on how to find food for our families. We are on the Operation Feed Bear Valley Family, hence we will continue to pursue this cause.


As you went through this report, it was evident that the Lord is promoting His work here through the instrumentality of people like you. We are also making our efforts here. Therefore, we continue to be grateful to God and to you. We look forward again to updating you in our May report.

Peter Sahr Makundu

Director, Sierra Leone Bear Valley Bible Institute

Posted on June 5, 2024 .

Many conversions in Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs


As we march through the month of March, we want to begin this report by honoring God for His providential care. As a family (staff and the students of KBVBI), we keep on recognizing  you, our dear brethren, supporters, partners and readers for your continual demonstration of the love that you have for God thus seeking to save the lost through training.

In March, we went on a short 2 weeks break (full time program only) and resumed classes again; souls were converted, evangelistic training seminars were conducted; and the graduates kept on working harder on the field.  Here is more information on the highlighted activities:


At the end of February 2024, we informed you that our full-time students went on a break for two weeks. They were told to record all their activities with their respective congregations, so that upon resumption, they would turn in to the administration. They went on break indeed and resumed classes on March 15, 2024. Our students come from the various congregations and parts of Sierra Leone including, Kono, Tonkolili, Kenema, Kailahun, etc. Therefore during the break, they were greatly involved in evangelistic and congregational work. As a result, 10 souls were converted and some congregations were strengthened. Apart from the souls converted during the break, 3 others were converted by the staff in the month of March. This is especially important to the school administration because we do not want to train and graduate pulpit ministers who love to see themselves as administrators only and would be fighting for positions in local congregations. Rather, we want to train preachers and evangelists who see the growth of local congregations as the bedrock to intense evangelism. Our part-time students continued their classes and are also involved in evangelistic activities. We desire your prayers for all our students to continue to be committed to the course of Christ.


You are already aware of the active works of the evangelistic teams across the country. So training seminars were held in Freetown and Bo and before the end of the program for the stipulated period, 7 souls were converted and the evangelistic team members were strengthened again with more skills to continue promoting God’s evangelistic mission. Apart from the seminars at the above places, the Koindu team also cooperated with the brethren in Nongoa, Republic of Guinea and conducted an evangelistic campaign which led to the strengthening of the Nongoa Church of Christ and the conversions of 4 souls.


As we keep on informing you that our existence as a school is to train evangelists who would find interest in field work. With that background, you have been reading through our reports of the works of some of our graduates. For the past months that we didn’t share their update with you, they have been working tirelessly. Many of them are leading local congregations, are part of the evangelistic teams and are very recognized in the churches of Christ in Sierra Leone for their contributions. They have been able to convert 22 souls and restored 3 fallen congregations and 10 backslidden brethren. They are to be prayed for and also appreciated for their tireless efforts. 


As we marched through the end of March with fruitful activities, we anticipated that April would be more fruitful. Thank you for patiently reading through while noting all the details. May we get your response, suggestions and ideas on how we can improve as a school. We look forward to meeting in April 2024 again, if the Lord tarries to come!

Posted on April 5, 2024 .

A guest teacher in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs 


It always feels good to end a great year with appreciation and gratitude. Indeed the year 2023 was a great and a successful year for the KBVBI family. December ended the year with a leadership seminar at the school campus, with our new students (in the full time program) and our extended students continuing their classes, with new souls being added to the Church, and massive evangelistic efforts being doubled across the country. The wife (Patience) of the school Director gave birth to a baby girl. Beloved brethren, we encourage to keep on reading for more information on the highlighted activities.  


On December 17, a one full day leadership seminar was held at the school campus. This seminar was held in order to continue to teach and train leaders within Kenema for better service in the Lord’s vineyard. All our students also attended and benefited from the seminar greatly. We had the school director, Brother Peter Sahr Makundu as one of the speakers and our visiting lecturer, Mike Udam from Nigeria. All the Church leaders who were present appreciated the school for such an instructive program.


Brother Mike Udam, one of the regular and knowledgeable instructors from Nigeria visited and taught our full time students “Personal Evangelism.” Our students in both programs continued their classes. On December 20, the school went on a Festive break and was scheduled to resume classes on January 6, 2024.


During the month of December, the school continued with her evangelistic efforts, and 8 souls were converted as a result. Apart from that, the evangelistic teams that have been set up throughout the country have been making a lot of efforts. With their persistent efforts, one new congregation was planted at Kono and another restored at Mende Buima. May God be glorified for the increase. Please continue to pray for those congregations to be sustained as we map out plans for that.


1.     Number of Present Full Time Students ---21

2.     Number of Current Part Time Students--13

3.     Number of Graduates 2023----------------- 17

4.     Number of Campaigns 2023----------------- 4

5.     Number of Lectureships---------------------  4

6.     Number of Baptisms--------------------------195

7.     Number of Christians Restored------------ 30

8.     Number of Congregations Restored------- 2

9.     Number of Congregations Planted--------- 2


Samuel T. Fayia is one of our new students in the full time program who was born in 1987 in Buedu town, Kissi Tongi Chiefdom, Kailahun District, Eastern Sierra Leone. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fayia Borbor are late and were non-Christians before their demise. Tamba is the second child of the five children of the Borbors. He grew up in Pentecostalism and became obedient to the faith in 2012 in Guinea through the preaching of one of Philip Sakilla, one of the converts of Brother Francis Musa. Three months later, he left Guinea for his home town, Buedu, Sierra Leone. Upon his arrival, he couldn’t trace the Lord’s church there since there was none in existence then, hence resolved to return back to the denomination where he was converted. In 2022, KBVBI decided to direct her campaign to Buedu town. Around that time, Brother Samuel was restored back to the Church. Since then he has been so much committed to worshipping the Lord, helping others to love God and has been involved in some evangelistic activities, teaching, and handling some other Church activities. There was no doubt that Brother Tamba wanted to be enrolled in the school at that time but there was no space anymore for him. So he kept being patient and committed to the Church activities till now that he is being enrolled. He is going to do a lot for the Lord. This has been proven over the years in his contribution to the Lord’s Church at Buedu. We are excited to have a student like Tamba in our institution. We pray that his zeal continues.


You would remember that on December 2022, Brother Peter Sahr Makundu tied a knot to Sister Patience. Therefore, through God’s providence, Sister Patience gave birth to a baby girl on December 26, 2023. Your prayers have been very helpful, so please keep on pleading on our behalves. We thank God for the gift.


If 2023 has been successful for us, then there are higher hopes that 2024 is going to be more successful. We pray that the Lord keeps us all to witness what will unfold in 2024. Thank you, our patient readers!

Posted on February 10, 2024 .

Graduation in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs



As we said in the conclusion of our October 2023 report, we were anticipating to share with you the November 2023 report of what is going on here at KBVBI. And now we can thankfully write and appreciate God because He has kept us alive and strong to share with you the good news of what is happening here. We hope that you would be very patient to go through this report and as you do that, we pray that the good Lord will be with you always as He has been with us.   The following activities took place in November 2023: a lectureship and the graduation programs were held the new class began, one of the instructors got married, the Bear Valley International Director visited the school for the first time, and souls were converted. Beloved brethren, we encourage to keep on reading for more information on the highlighted activities.  


In the report for September 2023, we informed you that our 3rd graduation and the 2nd Biennial Lectureship were scheduled to be held from November 16-18, 2023. And by the grace of God, the program came and passed successfully. The lectureship was held on the first two days (16th and 17th November, 2023), and the theme for the lectureship was, “In Times Like These….” Under this theme, various topics were handled by various speakers. We were blessed by seasoned speakers both in Sierra Leone here and other parts of the world. Three of our external speakers included Brother Keith Kasarjian (The International Director) Arthur David and Brother Borton Pyee Jr., all from Monrovia, Liberia.  The program brought together many attendees from various congregations of Churches of Christ in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. Some of the Alumni were present and took active part in all the activities. We invited some non-Christians too and they came. One of them got converted after the whole program. Brother Dave Arthur together with his wife, Sister Enora Arthur and the team of 4 more that he brought from Monrovia. Sister Anora took ladies class and it was insightful.  The symposium was held and many issues were handled. 

The lectureship was followed by a football match between the Bear Valley staff and the graduating students. The match ended 1:1. We believe that if our International Director, Brother Keith had played, maybe the staff should have won. While the match was going on, spectators came and some of the brethren who were not playing were engaged in sharing tracts and preaching to them individually. We thank God that a social occasion like that could as well be used to share the Gospel with the perishing souls. After the whole lectureship and the other activities, on the 18th November, the graduation exercise was held. As we informed you in our October report, twenty (20) students were enrolled in 2021 for the program. However, in the course of time, three (3) couldn’t continue. Therefore, the school graduated seventeen (17) preachers and evangelists. Brother Keith Kasarjian charged them and were sent out to turn the world upside down with the Gospel. We thank God for the successful program.


In our October 2023 report, we informed you that on October 6, 2023, an entrance exam and an interview were conducted for a new set of students in the full time program. After going through the due process, all of them were admitted and were told to go home and prepare to start classes on November 6, 2023. Therefore on November 6, 2023, seventeen (17) of them came and started classes. We are yet to see the 6 more students. The administration continues to check on them to see what is still holding them back. Though some of them said they are still looking for money to buy some of the things that they would be using in the school like the school attire, shoes, etc. There are even other brethren that are indicating interests to be enrolled, therefore, we are hopeful that the number will increase. Please keep on praying for them and for us also.


One of our instructors, Michael Sahr Triyoh who also functions as our Dean got married on November 11, 2023 to his sweetheart, Edith Trioh. We know that we requested for your prayers for the success of that marriage and truly the Lord answered those prayers. Thank you all for your concerns. Thank you to our coordinator who was also very supportive in the process. Please keep on pray for the Triyohs as they have come together to form a godly family.


There have been plans for the International Director of Bear Valley Schools worldwide to visit the Sierra Leone Bear Valley Bible Institute, but because of other demands and engagements, he was not able to until on November 16, 2023 when he landed here. His coming was very impactful and rewarding. During his visit, he taught a Bible lesson at our lectureship and also charged the graduates. He met and encouraged the new students; he also watched them use the E-Library that was set up by our hard working coordinator, Steve Ashcraft. Moreover, he held meetings with Bear Valley staff from Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. He was as well encouraged by what he saw happening in the school and appreciated the coordinator and the staff here. We had a great fellowship indeed. We appreciate his coming and we are hopeful that he keeps on visiting us.


As evangelism continues, souls are being won to Christ on a daily basis. We are grateful to God that He was able to add twelve (12) souls to the Church in this month of November. Please brethren, let us keep on praying for them as we have always done.


The entire one body family of Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema Sierra Leone continues to express her deepest appreciation to her supporters, sponsors and all our well-wishers for your financial and the spiritual support you continue to demonstrate toward her. We remember very well that a year ago, we were asked to submit our prayer requests so you could pray for us. Your involvement in the work here is truly acknowledged. Brethren, we are really appreciative. May the Lord bless and uphold you and may your works follow you. May God bless all of you!


In summation, we pray that the Lord keeps us all to witness what will unfold in the last month of the year, December. Thank you, our patient readers!


Peter Sahr Makundu,


Sierra Leone Bear Valley Bible Institute

Posted on December 12, 2023 .

More souls saved in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs



We bring you greetings again from the Bear Valley Bible Institute Kenema. As our 3rd Graduation exercise comes closer, we become busier day by day. We have been enjoying God’s favour in our efforts to train men and women to proclaim Christ in this Muslim-dominated country. Evangelistically, the school has been so engaged. Our students have been helping many congregations to also nurture them to maturity. Please keep on reading for the details of this report.


As we write this report, our students in all the two programs are committed to their studies. Classes went on successfully and all our staff are also intact. We are grateful to God.


As we have always informed you, the school’s existence here primarily is for bringing souls to Christ, therefore, everyone in the school here understands this. And with our conviction, we have been cooperating with local congregations to evangelize the entire Sierra Leone and other countries like Guinea and Liberia. In this effort, for the past September, 14 souls were converted. Apart from this, 3 new congregations were established at Dangbaidu, Sandemande, and Kpalahun and a local congregation at Kangama was strengthened.


It was in August of this year that our coordinator, Steve Ashcraft, for the first time set up a digital Library for us. This library has been so helpful and useful to us, the staff and the students alike. Moreover, through the support of our Bear Valley Family in the USA, we got additional computers that are working very effectively; we want to appreciate you all, dear brethren for your love for the souls here.


We continue to appreciate your partnership in all aspects. May the Lord keep us till we could meet to share the good news of another report!

Peter Sahr Makundu,


The Bear Valley Bible Institute, Kenema Sierra Leone

Posted on November 6, 2023 .

Good things in Sierra Leone

Bear Valley - Kenema, Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs



We are here again with the exciting news of the spread of the Gospel in Sierra Leone through the impact of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute. As mentioned in our previous report, we are in a challenging period to share the Gospel as it rains almost every time. But the good news is that the good work of the Lord continues.  In the month of July, our full time and extended students continued their classes, souls were converted, and an evangelistic campaign was conducted. Below are the details of the highlighted activities.


On July 1, our full time students resumed their classes and joined the extended students. All of them resumed and brought exciting reports from their various congregations. Please we continue to covet your prayers for our students as they will soon, by the special grace of God complete their studies here, so that they will continue to serve the Lord in many parts of Sierra Leone. Our staff are committed to their work so much that they give their very best in taking the students through the courses. Apart from being active in the classroom, they are so much engaged in our evangelistic vision. Please continue to pray for them.


The school directed her one week evangelistic campaign at Giehun town. Giehun is a town in Kailahun District that is occupied by mostly Muslims. It covers 92 miles away from Kenema where the school is. Our decision to direct the campaign to Giehun sprang up from the love of the many souls there who are perishing on a daily basis. Moreover, we have a small congregation there that needed to be strengthened, hence decided to go there. As stated above, in the midst of a bunch of unbelievers, especially fanatic Muslims, the Lord’s church was established in Giehun. This congregation was established by the brethren in Kailahun town (Kailahun is the District head quarter town) together with Brother Jonathan Joseph, a native of Bonthe Island, far in the northern part of the country. He migrated to the Kailahun District and settled in Giehun. He has been making requests to come over and help with the evangelistic efforts. We finally stormed the Giehun community from July 25 to July 30.  We were joined by brethren from the host congregation and also those from Kailahun, led by their evangelistic team leader, Alfred Tengbeh. For the 6 days we spent there, 6 souls were converted and 4 brethren were restored. We have included Giehun as part of our mission territory where our students and staff will be going to help nurture that young congregation and to continue to evangelize the area. We will not rest until, “All have heard.”


In an effort to continue to enhance team work and fellowship, the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Ganta in Liberia sent an invitation for me to go and teach their students a course, The Book of Revelation. Through the prayers and support of our coordinator, Brother Steve Ashcraft, the staff in Ganta, and the Bear Valley family in Kenema here, I was able to make the trip there and returned back safely. It was a lovely and wonderful experience with our students in that country. Apart from the lecture which I was originally scheduled for, I was also involved administratively in some discussions for the smooth running of that school in Ganta. God indeed is to be glorified for everything!  


Jacob James is one of our soon-to-graduate students who is doing very well academically and evangelistically. He was born on May 5, 1999 to Mr. and Mrs. Sahr James, in Dia Village, Kissi Kama Chiefdom, Kailahun District, Eastern Region of Sierra Leone.  Jacob comes from a polygamous home. Religiously, he grew up as a member of a denomination where he met his parents. But on one beautiful day in September of 2019, Brother Jacob was confronted with the true Gospel by one of our first graduates, Victor Sahr Moroe, who is now the preacher at the local congregation in Kangama town. Through the power of the Gospel, Brother Jacob was converted to the Lord’s church in Dia. Upon his conversion, he began to express zeal in the things of God, and soon he began to be taught on how to lead the Lord’s Supper, giving, etc. He showed good Christian qualities over time and finally in 2021, he immediately expressed a desire to be enrolled at the Bear Valley in Kenema. From his influence and through God’s favour, we already have two other prospective students from his congregation that shall be coming for our entrance examination soon, Lord willing. We are very hopeful that Jacob is going to be a vessel unto honour after his graduation as he continues to show that while with us here.



Thank you dear brethren for patiently going through this report. We continue to appreciate your partnership in all aspects. May the Lord keep us till we could meet to share the good news of another report!

Posted on September 8, 2023 .

Students Gaining Experience in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs



It is the time of the year in Sierra Leone that it rains almost every day. However, the Gospel is to be preached “in season and out of season.” Politically, our country has gone through general elections and we pray that everything gets back to normality so we could continue with the good work of the Lord (though the work has not stopped). The family of the KBVBI sends you greetings and hopes that this report finds you doing well. In the month of June, our extended program continued, our full time students went on a break, and our evangelistic efforts continue. As we give you more details, we please encourage you to keep on reading.   


While our full time students went on a month long break (June 1-30), the extended students continued with their classes. While students sometimes have holidays, our staff hardly go on holiday. There is much to do.  Please continue to pray for all of us for strength to continue in the ministry.


In an effort to gain more experience with leading local congregations and strengthening them, some students were sent to lead local congregations outside their localities. The administration has been assigning them to local congregations, but this is the first time they spent one full month at the assigned congregations. The assigned congregations were Swegbwema C of C, Panguma C of C, Borma III, Hangha, Rokel C of C, and Shengema. For the period they stayed with the local congregations, 8 souls were converted combined. To God be the glory! This is a great sacrifice for the Lord on their paths as they were expected to stay till resumption. This helps bolster the congregations and creates an avenue for more conversions.



The Koindu Team continues to remain focused on its evangelistic activities. From the 1st – 6th June, 2023, the team conducted an Evangelism Seminar to strengthen the new congregation. Some of the topics covered in this training were: (1) What must I do to be saved? (2) After baptism, what next? (3) Restoring the New Testament church (4) The Work of every Christian. This seminar adds more strength to the congregation. In fact, the new congregation is gradually producing young men who will be able to continue nurturing and edifying the members. The congregation has over the past months been worshipping in the Town court Barry; because of the inconvenience of the place, the church members are planning on building their own booth to be worshipping there. Even though this is a farming season for most people in villages, yet the new congregation continues to grow numerically and spiritually.


The team continues to strengthen and nurture the new congregation that was established in May.  To further equip this new congregation with sound teaching/doctrine of the New Testament church, the Team has scheduled a six days Evangelistic Training Seminar to be conducted from the 11th – 16th July, 2023. This seminar will incorporate the other sister congregations in the Western Area of Freetown and some denominations with the aim of converting them to the church of Christ.


Though has not established a congregation yet, the Magburaka team in the far northern region, led by our graduate, Dodoo Larkoh, conducted an internal seminar for the congregations around the city in order to encourage more brethren to be more involved in the big vision of God to bring more souls to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. This two-day seminar was attended by some of the staff from the school and the Magburaka brethren. The presence of the staff makes more brethren to be zealous for the work of God. We are very thankful to God to be in His service.


Thank you dear brethren for patiently going through this report. We continue to appreciate your partnership in all aspects. May the Lord keep us till we meet to share the good news of another report!

Peter Sahr Makundu,



Posted on August 7, 2023 .

More conversions in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs



It is true that life goes along with challenges and it was those challenges (sicknesses) that made us not to have sent our April report till now. However, in the midst of all, God has been at the center. If not an overstatement, then we will say that the month of April 2023 has been the most successful month for us since the establishment of Bear Valley in Sierra Leone. The month of April captures the conversion of so many souls, evangelistic seminars, campaigns, appointment of a preacher, and the continuation of academic activities. Please may you keep on reading for the details of the highlighted activities we do this under the following subheadings:


Academically, our 18 full time students continued their classes successfully. On the other hand, the second semester of the first year of our extended students came to an end at the end of March. Therefore, they were given a two-week break from the 1st to the 8th April, 2023. They resumed their third semester on the 15th April, 2023. Please keep on praying for our students as they have committed their lives to studying in order to minister for the Lord.


In our January report, early this year, we informed you that we established a local congregation at Panguma, a predominantly Muslim territory. And that 5 Muslims were converted which made up the 13 converts during our one week campaign. Moreover, we informed you that there are still more people there that will come to the Lord if another campaign is being directed there. So in April (17-23), we went for another campaign at Panguma. During this one extensive work, 9 souls became obedient to the faith. We even pray for more people to come to Christ in Panguma as we send our students and staff there week in and out.


As you know, our graduates are busy working in the field. They are serving as preachers and evangelists in some congregations in Sierra Leone. In the month of April, our graduates from the various parts of Sierra Leone converted a total number of 12 souls and restored 15 brethren.  They continue to share their challenges with us such as financial constraints, lack of mobility, etc. If the Lord blesses anyone and wants to support some of them that have totally given themselves to the ministry, it would be greatly appreciated. Again, as you know, our students and staff are always sent on the field to practicalize what is being taught in the classroom. Thus for April, from our weekend evangelism, 8 souls were converted.


Since the existence of the school is to purely impact local congregations and to bring many people to Christ, we organized evangelistic seminars in Kenema, Kailahun, and Koindu. These seminars were purely conducted in order to motivate brethren to be more involved in the work of evangelism. Again, these seminars were geared toward empowering our evangelistic team members with better skills on evangelism. The seminars took place from April 27-30, and they carried training and door-to-door evangelism engagements. In order to augment our efforts, our coordinator brother Steve, who is so evangelistic offered us some financial aid. Moreover, he had some of our brethren from Nigeria (Eric Okomado, Ikenna Princewill, Chidi John, Blessing Onoura, and Osita Onoura) who came and joined us to do this marvelous work. The work was so successful that we had 47 converts in all of the places that the seminars were conducted. This is amazing, isn’t it?

So for the month of April, when we combine the total number of converts from the school weekend evangelism and campaign, alumni efforts, evangelistic seminars, it sums up to 76 and 15 restorations, apart from the evangelistic teams efforts which take the next section. Please brethren, let us continue to pray for all of these souls so that they can remain true to their calling.

As you know, apart from the evangelism that is done by the school exclusively, we have also set up evangelistic teams. For the month of April, the Evangelism Teams were able to carry on the following activities:


As reported earlier in the month of March, the Koindu Team was not able to conduct its first Gospel Campaign due to the painful demise of its leader, Emmanuel Focko. However, a new leader has now been appointed and by God’s grace, the Koindu Team has now successfully conducted their first Evangelistic Gospel Campaign in Yengema Community from the 11th -16th April 2023. During this campaign, the Team members led by Brother Omoru Sahr Focko converted nine souls which marked the establishment of a new congregation. Since then, the team continues to conduct weekly evangelism to nurture these new converts and add more souls to the church. The team usually goes on Saturday to conduct evangelism and worship on Sunday. The Team is grateful to the School Administration for supporting the work by providing the PA system. However, the Team continues to plead with the School Coordinator Steven Ashcraft to also help in providing Motor Bike to aid the work in terms of mobility to be regularly visiting the new converts, mission trips, and effective gospel campaigns.


The Kailahun Team continues to be actively involved in evangelism. As reported earlier, they conducted their first Gospel Campaign at the Kossiala Community. Also, they conducted their first Gospel Seminar at Kossiala from the 26th – 30th April, 2023. At this spiritual exercise, nine souls were added to the church. Michael Sahr Triyoh taught on “Understanding the New Testament Church” while the team Leader Brother Alfred B.N. Tengbeh taught on “How can one be added to the New Testament Church.” On the 30th of April, the number of congregants was 62. This new congregation has eighteen converts altogether (8 males and 10 females). The team continues to nurture and strengthen this new congregation by conducting daily weekly evangelism and worshipping with them on every first day of the week. The team continues to appreciate Brother Steven Ashcraft for his financial support and most importantly, for providing the team with a PA system. This PA system was effectively used during this seminar and will be effectively used during the subsequent campaigns and seminars. In fact, the availability of the PA system has encouraged us to continue to work for the Lord since we were desperately in need of it. May God continue to bless you richly with our dearly beloved brother Steve. However, we are still not without challenges in terms of mobility. We pray that may God bless you in no time for you to provide us with at least a new Motor Bike to ease mobility cost. Also, as the new congregation continues to grow, we are facing challenges in terms of worship structure. However, we are putting plans together to see that we erect a structure by early next year. Your support in whatever little way it may be will be greatly appreciated.


The Kenema Team, headed by Brother James Borniea also continues to carry out its Evangelistic activities. Since the establishment of the new congregation at Hanga, they have continued nurturing and strengthening it by daily Wednesday Bible Study and weekly evangelism. They usually go to Hanga on Saturdays for evangelism and worship with them on Sundays.  Even though Hanga is a completely Muslim dominated community, yet the Lord has called out some from among them to be added to the church. The school administration together with the team members has observed that another massive Evangelism Gospel Seminar Campaign should be held in Hanga to strengthen the new congregation.  The team is grateful to the school coordinator for providing them with the PA system to aid the work.


The School Administration has now been able to have a formidable team in Freetown headed by Brother David Thoronka. Having a Team in Freetown has been a challenge. As it is common with metropolitan cities, many people there are always busy. However, there are always those that are committed to the cause of Christ. The Freetown team comprises six members. The team is scheduled to launch its first Gospel Campaign from the 23th -28th May, 2023 at Songo Town. The Theme of their first campaign is: “Launch Out into the Deep” (Luke 5:4)


The Kono Team also continues to carry out its evangelistic activities. As reported earlier, their first gospel campaign was launched at Kuyor where they started a new congregation. They continue to be involved in weekly evangelism, visitation, and restoration. In April, the Team converted four souls. The team is grateful to the school coordinator for providing a PA system to aid the work. The PA system will be used effectively for the work of evangelism. The team is still not able to provide pictorial evidence since none of the team members has any smartphone. However, the field work continues to be done.    


As for the Bo and Magburaka teams, their activities will be reported as we continue in this year. They did not conduct any evangelistic campaign so that they could establish congregations like the other teams, but they were also able to engage in personal and door-to-door evangelism. They are also working harder.


Sometimes ago, we informed you that the influence of the school in the affairs of the local congregations all over Sierra Leone is worth noting. Since God wants the Church of His Son to be led in a manner prescribed by Him in His holy writ, we encouraged one of the local congregations here in Kenema, Kamanda Street Church of Christ to take this concern seriously. The congregation appointed Brother Benjamin Tamba Thomas, one of our students in the extended program and our computer instructor as their preacher. The event was officiated by some of our staff and it ended very successfully. May we put Brother Benjamin in our prayers so that we will always have the grace to carry out the Master’s mandate.


Thank you dear brethren for patiently going through this report. We continue to appreciate your partnership in all aspects. May the Lord keep us till we could meet to share the good news of another report.


 Thank you very much.

Peter Sahr Makundu


Posted on June 9, 2023 .

Evangelism is the priority in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs


There is nothing in this world that is worth celebrating like when the Gospel is being preached and people respond to it by embracing Christ. That is why we are not ashamed to share the Gospel because it is the power of God to salvation. The family of Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute is excitedly reporting to you the activities that transpired over the past month of March. Many good things happened during the month of March, 2023. For instance, evangelistic campaigns were conducted, souls were converted and 4 congregations were established, the academic activities continued favorably, the school acquired an evangelistic Bus, etc. However, it is true that life goes along with challenges. It is with this understanding that we lost one of our committed staff, Emmanuel Focko to death. But for the details of the above activities, you are being encouraged to keep on reading as we do this under the following subheadings:


In the February report, we informed you that we were in our final year, and that the first quarter of the final year came to an end at the end of February for our full-time students. Therefore, our students were on a short break till the 5th March, 2023 when they resumed classes for their second quarter. All our 19 students in the full-time program resumed except one (Ephinatus A.S Conteh) who lost his mother at Tonkolili, the Northern part of Sierra Leone, and traveled there for the burial but couldn’t return. The school has been making so many attempts to get to him but to no avail yet. Meanwhile, all the 18 students resumed and continued with their classes.


As usual, the school directed her one week evangelistic campaign at Segbwema town. Segwema is one of those many towns in Sierra Leone that is dominated by staunch and fanatic Muslims who do not even see beyond beliefs. The town has many people that are so lost. It is located in the eastern part of Sierra Leone. Some time ago, some missionaries from Indiana, USA through the Pricilla Street Church of Christ in Freetown attempted to establish a congregation in Segbwema but could not succeed. So we decided to also carry the Gospel to those lost souls there. For the one week we spent there (March 20-26), six souls were converted. We started congregational worship there on the 26th March with an attendance of 31. We will by the special grace of God through personal evangelism and mission work nurture this congregation and many will come to Christ.

As you know, apart from the evangelism that is done by the school exclusively, we have also set up evangelistic teams. And we told you all that we target this year. Please read below what the Lord did evangelistically for the month of March. For the month of March, the Evangelism Teams were able to carry on the following activities.


The Kenema Team conducted their first gospel campaign from the 14th to the 19th of March, 2023 at Hanga community. During these six days of intensive campaign, 12 souls were converted and by the grace of God, a new congregation is now established in that community. The new congregation had its first worship on the 19th March, 2023 with 28 congregants. The team members together with the staff are now nurturing the new congregation. Continuous daily visits, Wednesday Bible Study, and weekly evangelism are done by the team members daily to better equip the new believers. The team is confident that the new congregation at Hanga has much potential for growth not only spiritually but numerically.  However, the team is still facing some challenges such as mobility, sitting accommodation for the congregants and lack of worship structure. The church is currently worshipping at a rented place owned by a Muslim. We trust God that mechanisms will be put together to erect our own worship hall.


The Kailahun Team has also effectively kick started their massive gospel campaign. The main team members currently are Alfred B.N. Tengbeh, Johnathan Joseph, Borborbelay Tengbeh, Michael Focko, and Mariam Fomba. However, during this first gospel Campaign, they were able to encourage some church members to join them in the work. The Kailahun Team conducted their first campaign from the 20th-26th March 2023 at Kossiala community. During these seven days, they were able to do door-to-door and open air preaching within the Kossiala community and the surrounding villages including Jaama, and Fullawahun. The campaign was accompanied by a film show and intensive preaching. By the special grace of God 9 souls were added to the church leading to the establishing of a new congregation. The new congregation has much potential for growth both spiritually and numerically. The team continues to nurture the new congregation and hope to convert more souls. The team has also planed of conducting a training Bible Seminar with the new congregation from 25th – 30th April, 2023, while having plans for May’s campaign at another locality.


The Evangelistic Team in Kono has also been working harder. For the month of March, the team conducted an evangelistic campaign through which a new congregation was established at Kuyor. The campaign took place from March 20-26, 2023.  During this period, 6 souls were converted. As we have been saying, Sierra Leone is highly dominated by Muslims, so to preach the Gospel here is very challenging. However, we are thankful for those that the Lord is adding to His Church. The team is currently making a follow-up to those prospects they preached to during the campaign.


The Koindu team is also alive and working hard. However, the team was hindered by the death of its vibrant Leader Emmanuel Focko. The death of Emmanuel Focko is a big blow to the team. However, a new team leader has been appointed. The team has scheduled to have its first gospel campaign on the 11th -16th April, 2023. With further encouragement and exhortation, the team members will work hard in the ministry of reconciliation.


As for the Bo, Magburaka and Freetown teams, their activities will be reported as we continue in this year. They did not conduct any evangelistic campaign so that they could establish congregations like the other teams, but they were also been able to engage in personal and door-to-door evangelism. They are also working harder.


One of my Bible teachers once stated that “The reward for hard work is more work.” I believe this statement to be true especially when I apply it to the ministry work. When one wants to sincerely work for the Lord, He creates more opportunities to be more involved in the work. There is a strong conviction in us here that the provision of the school bus for us last month is a continual indication that more work will be done. The Lord saw the pains we used to go through in seeking for a bus when we want to go for our campaigns and He saw the dire need we had of a bus, hence provided one for us through our supporters. With the daily increase of prices in Sierra Leone currently, we are joyfully writing to let you know that we have been able to acquire a Mercedes Benz Manual Sprinter that has a capacity of 18 persons. We continue to appreciate everyone that has been supporting the Lord’s work here; your generosity is duly acknowledged and the Lord knows that. May you be blessed abundantly in all aspects.


It was in our last February report that we informed you of the critical illness of one of our committed staff, church leader, and one of the evangelistic team leaders, Emmanuel Focko. You were informed that he was diagnosed of hepatitis B and Liver Cirrhosis. Sadly, on March 1, Emmanuel passed on to be with the Lord. Upon hearing the news of Emmanuel’s demise, the brethren in Guinea including Brother Francis Musa and the Bear Valley administration sympathized with us. At that time, our coordinator, Brother Steve was also here with us and showed much concerns and support. Bear Valley also wrote us through our compassionate African Director, Brother Keith.  We plead with you to keep on praying for the two surviving sons of Emmanuel and the congregation (Weima Church of Christ) where he was serving as a preacher.


We thank you so much for taking your time to read our report. Your prayers for the work here are so badly needed at this crucial time when many people do not care about God anymore. Thank you for your financial supports also, for they are really acknowledged.

Posted on May 4, 2023 .

Sierra Leone school baptizes 9 during campaign


Full Time and the Extended Programs


We bring you salutation from Kenema, Eastern Sierra Leone. We are thankful to God for keeping all of us alive till now to share in the report of the work of the ministry here in Sierra Leone. As we informed you in our January report, the year 2023 has started favorably for us here at KBVBI. The month of February was not an exception. In February, our fifth quarter for the full-time students ended, souls were converted, the evangelistic teams continued their good work of evangelism, our coordinator, Steve Ashcraft visited and taught a class, and one of our committed and young staff, Emmanuel Focko became critically sick.  As we go further, please we employ you to keep on reading for the details of the above activities.


It continues to excite us as our students are doing well academically, evangelistically as well as morally. On the academic background, we are in our final year. The first quarter of the final year came to an end at the end of February. In that quarter, 8 courses were covered; these courses included: Life of Christ IV: The Gospel of John, Old Testament IV: Major Prophets, Church History, Pastoral Epistles, Historical Bible Geography, Intertestmental Period, Computer Studies V, and Basic English Grammar V.  All of these courses were handled by local teachers (5) and international or foreign teachers (2)


The Gospel needs to be preached now more than ever as the world is turning into something else. Because of this need, the KBVBI were evangelistically engaged in the month of February. Therefore for the month of February, our evangelism resulted in 9 converts.


Just like Paul who could guide some local congregations when he was not present with them but through his writings and messages, our coordinator, Steve Ashcraft has been hugely involved in the work here. In fact he spends hours sometimes holding meetings with us online. So on the 7th February 2023, we were privileged once again to have him here in person.  He spent a week teaching the full time students Historical Bible Geography. This class was so educative, informative and transformative that some staff also attended. Brother Steve is so much appreciated for his encouragement and mastery of the subject matter.  He also met with the part-time students for the first time since their admission on January 15, 2022. He encouraged them to remain true and committed to their studies especially as the studies are meant to equip them to evangelize Sierra Leone. Brother Steve’s love and passion for evangelism is worth coveting and commending! If I look at his age (I am currently half of his age) and I see the zeal he portrays for evangelism, I am challenged and motivated to do more and to be more involved in the work of evangelism. During his time with us, we spent hours strategizing for effective evangelization of the entire Sierra Leone, apart from the effort of the school. We are very grateful for having such a coordinator who is not only concerned with administration but also evangelism. With him as our coordinator, I know through God’s help we will do a lot in the next few years as you shall be reading our reports. We are so deeply grateful to Bear Valley through Brother Keith for all they are doing for the lost souls here.  


We have been informing you that through Brother Steve’s help and brilliant ideas,  evangelistic teams have been formed in various parts of Sierra Leone in order “to turn Sierra Leone upside down for the Lord.” Those teams have been working really hard as it is really a huge task to turn people to Christ in this Islamic-dominated territory. The targets of those teams are: to win more souls unto Christ, to establish and sustain at least 25 congregations this year, to restore dying congregations, to strengthen members in various congregations, to train church leaders to be effective in leading the newly established local congregations and the existing ones, to organize lectureships that will be aimed at teaching the members to grow in faith so that they can at all times contend earnestly for the faith as there are so much false teachings that have permeated our society. As the year unfolds, will be getting the exciting reports of this great evangelistic movement by the special grace of God. We appreciate all those that are supporting this evangelistic teams' vision and dream.


In our June 2022 report, we gave a profile and the works of Emmanuel Focko vividly. He is one of our trusted and committed staff, one of the evangelistic team leaders, the preacher of the Lord’s Church at Weima which he established upon graduation, and an Alumni of KBVBI. Emmanuel had hepatitis B long ago but he never knew. So in late January, his stomach started projecting and his eyes were turning yellow. With these symptoms, he was taken to the hospital in early February. After conducting the tests, the doctor alerted us that Emmanuel has hepatitis B and Liver Cirrhosis, and that he be transferred to Freetown for better medication. Some brethren here contributed money and some of his family members assisted also. But there was still more need for more money to assist in his treatment. Fortunately Brother Steve was still here with us, so he assisted with some funds for his treatment.


We thank you so much for taking your time to read our report. Your prayers for the work here are so badly needed at this crucial time when many people do not care about God anymore. Thank you for your financial support also, for they are really acknowledged.

Posted on April 5, 2023 .

Sierra Leone students and staff "turn their world upside down" with the gospel

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs


Happy New Year to you all our brethren and avid readers! This is the beginning of 2023 and we have greater hopes that it is going to be a more fruitful year as far as God’s work is concerned. We are so excited with the way 2023 has started with us. In January, a new congregation was planted through our campaign efforts, souls were converted and restored by our evangelistic teams, and our academic activities continued.  For more details on the above activities, please we encourage you to keep on reading.


Clearly, in our December report, we informed you that our full time students were to go on a 2 weeks festival break from the 22nd December, and were expected to resume on the 5th January, 2023. Moreover, the extended students were also expected to resume on the 7th January, 2023. Therefore, we are thankful to God that all our students resumed and continued fervently with all the activities of the school.


The need to save souls in our contemporary times is so evident and pertinent as if it has never been before. One of the reasons is that many people are lost in sin to the point that if one doesn’t preach to them, they are heading for destruction. We know (KBVBI) that it is for this reason that the Bear Valley Bible Institute International benevolently brought the opportunity to us here in Sierra Leone to further carry the message of salvation to those dying souls. In light of this, the school administration, in the month of January, directed its campaign efforts to Panguma town. Panguma is one of those towns inhabited by the majority Muslims (As it is the case with the whole of the Sierra Leonean society). On the minority level, religiously speaking, the town has a good number of denominations. With this background, we decided to take the true Gospel there as many are lost. The team that went for the campaign was composed of the staff, the full time and extended students and some members of the evangelistic teams that we have organized through the help of our dearly beloved coordinator, Steve Ashcraft. For the past one week (6th -12th February, 2023) we spent there, the Lord opened the heart of 13 people, among whom were Muslims (5). Since it is a new environment entirely, we faced some challenges of accommodation and others. But with God being on our side, and with all long suffering and perseverance, we were able to start a new congregation there. The zeal that is seen in those new converts is something that is worth commending! They confessed that they had never heard the preaching of the true Gospel as they were taught; all they knew about Christianity was on a denominational basis. There are many in that town that have the potentiality of turning to Christ; our external mission has immediately been extended to them. As of now, they are worshipping in a rented town’s building Let us please continue to remember them in our prayers so that they can remain true to their calling, especially as they are being surrounded by Muslims and denominations. As usual, our regular weekend evangelism also yielded fruits so that 4 souls were converted within the month of January. So all together, for the month of January, 17 souls were converted.


You will remember that in our November 2022 report, we informed you that through our coordinator’s brilliant ideas and support, we have organized evangelistic teams to various parts of Sierra Leone which include Freetown, Bo, Magburaka, Kailahun, Koindu, Kenema, and Kono. These teams have been working harder to carry the Gospel to the lost souls and in helping to restore erring brethren and dying congregations. This great evangelistic movement and the effort of the school is going to turn Sierra Leone upside down for the Lord in the very near future. We are very grateful again to Brother Steve for this brilliant idea. Sierra Leone is a Muslim-dominated country, as you know, therefore to convert people here is a very great challenge. It requires dedicated men and concerted effort. With the efforts of these men, 10 souls were converted, one congregation (Grafton in Freetown) and 22 brethren were restored in January. Some of the teams lack android phones for pictorial evidence. However, though it is a challenge as there are others like transportation and movement, yet the work continues. The target for these teams this year is to establish congregations, retain them, restore dying congregations and backsliding brethren and equip local congregations. Please brethren, let us remember these servants of the Lord in our prayers.


Peter was born on May 2, 1998, to Mr. and Mrs. James Tamba Fock.  He hails and lives in Kusedu Village, Kundu Section, Kailahun District. His family members are all members of the Lord’s Church except his mother whom he has been preaching to personally. Brother Peter worships with Kusedu Church of Christ where he serves as the song leader. He was added to the Lord’s Church in 2018. Since then, he has been actively involved in the activities of the Church. At the congregational level, he has proven to be a very evangelistic and truth-loving brother. Peter has been yearning for so long to be a preacher of the Gospel. Therefore, his enrollment into the Bear Valley program here is an answer to his prayer. In the school here, he is studious and committed to his studies. He is expected to graduate in November this year, Lord willing and go to the field to win souls for the Lord. At the end of this report, Peter’s picture will be attached.


We want to continually be grateful to you all for reading through, praying for us, supporting us financially and for guiding us with ideas. 2023 is indeed promising; we look forward to making more impacts as it unfolds as the Gospel will continue to be preached until “All have heard.”

Posted on March 1, 2023 .

Nine souls added to the Lord in Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone

Full Time and the Extended Programs


Wow! So just like that 2022 came to an end? Well, the good news is that when we analyzed all the activities we undertook at KBVBI in 2022, and we couldn’t think of anything else but to express our gratitude to God Almighty who made everything possible. In addition, we continue to mention and register our appreciation to our beloved brethren who are directly or indirectly supporting our work here. We are so thrilled to bring you this end of year report for the month of December 2022. We are even hopeful that more will be done for the Lord in 2023.  In December, classes continued, a Bible Lectureship was held, our students went on a 2 weeks festival break, some souls were converted while some erring brethren were restored, and the marriage ceremony of one of the staff was conducted. For more details on the above activities, we encourage you to keep on reading.


In the month of December, our students (full time and extended) continued with their classes. We were also privileged to host Brother Emmanuel Abiodun Adegoroye, one of the Bear Valley instructors at Abuja center, Nigeria. He taught our full-time students for 9 days (5th-9th and 12th-15th December, 2022). He handled the course, “Intertestamental Period.” Brother Emmanuel’s vast experience and knowledge (he taught Greek and leadership classes at the School of Biblical Studies, Jos: An Affiliate of the University of Jos, Nigeria for 18 years and presently preaches at Kado Church of Christ in Abuja) helped to shape the understanding of our students so much.  We are grateful for all the sacrifices he made to come over and impact our students.


Our full-time students were given a 2-week festival break (22nd December-5thJanuary, 2023). Moreover, the extended students were expected to resume on the 7th January, 2023. We are thankful to God for the committed students He has given us; every one of them is always eager to resume back to school. We continue to covet your prayers for them to remain steadfast and diligent.


As the Gospel continues to spread, more souls are waiting to respond to it. Therefore, for the past December, the Lord added 9 souls to His church here and 2 brethren were restored. We plead with you to continue to pray for these new babies in Christ.


On the 16th December, 2022 a Bible seminar was held at the Bear Valley campus. This seminar was organized by the school in an effort to continue to teach local congregations the importance of embracing the effective practice of leadership in local congregational levels. Great leadership lessons were taught and we were once again blessed with the effort of Brother Emmanuel Adegoroye who was one of the speakers. Seventy church leaders and brethren from various congregations attended the program. The attendance got affected because it rained heavily here on that day and some who had planned to attend couldn’t come. However, we remain grateful for those who came.


You would recall that in one of our recent reports, we invited you for the wedding of the Director of the school, Brother Peter Sahr Makundu which was scheduled to be held on the 2nd and 3rd December, 2022. By the Lord’s will, the wedding successfully came to pass; Brother Peter got married to sister Patience Admire Makundu who worships at one of the congregations here in Kenema, Kamanda Street Church of Christ. The Makundus wish to thank God Almighty who, in His providential care made everything happen. We are grateful also to the whole Bear Valley family for your contributions to the success of this marriage. Brother Steve Ashcraft is being acknowledged also for supporting us prayerfully and financially.


Patrick Manga is one of our committed and serious minded students. He was born on September 23rd, 1998, to Mr. and Mrs. Momoh Bockarie.  He hails and lives in Koidu city, the headquarter of the Kono District in Eastern Sierra Leone. Brother Patrick worships with the Ndomaina Street Church of Christ in Koidu, a congregation where his father serves as a preacher.  He was added to the Lord’s Church in 2018. Since then, he has been actively involved in the activities of the church. At the congregational level, he has proven to be a very evangelistic and truth-loving brother. Upon his conversion, he was enrolled into the WBS Correspondence Course and completed successfully. After this, Patrick longed to further his studies in the Bible, hence the opportunity to enroll at Bear Valley emerged. At the school, Brother Patrick, together with the other four students from Koidu made a request to the Kenema Bear Valley administration for the campaign to be taken to their territory. And this request was granted last year in August.  Not only that, Patrick serves as the secretary for the current congregation that was established at the Bear Valley Campus in 2021. At the end of this report, Patrick’s picture will be attached.


We want to also inform you of some of the challenges we are facing in doing this work of the Lord; one of those numerous challenges is road accidents. On the 5th and 9th December, 2022, two of our staff- Academic Dean (Michael S. Triyoh) and the Students’ Dean (Joseph Missailie Jr) were involved in terrible motorcycle accidents. This happened while the both of them were going for congregational visitations as it is part of our programs to be involved in external missions. Michael’s left eye was so badly hit that he needed to undergo surgery while Joseph’s hands were also bruised. However, they are responding to treatments and we plead with you that you join us to pray for their complete rehabilitation.


December 2022 as the closure of the year 2022 was not a bad month for us at all. We remain grateful to God for all that was achieved for the Master. Moreover, we continue to appreciate you and pray also for you daily, our dearly beloved brethren. We look forward to meeting in the New Year, Lord willing.

Posted on January 27, 2023 .

Sierra Leone schools organize evangelism teams

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone


Full-Time and the Extended Programs


We are delighted again as the family of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute, Sierra Leone to come your way with our November report, our dearly beloved brethren. We are hopeful that God has been taking care of you all, just as He has been doing for us here. This is another opportunity we have to share with you our exciting and successful October report. In November, our full-time program resumed its classes. Brother Steve Ashcraft held a meeting with our proposed evangelistic team leaders and ten souls were converted and four brethren were restored to their usefulness before the Lord. For more details on the above activities, please we encourage you to keep on reading. 


In our October report, we informed you that our 19 full-time students completed their first-year session and were going on a month's break to resume on November 19. Through God’s providence, all of them resumed and joined the extended students to continue steadfastly with all the activities of the school, be it academic or evangelistic. We thank you all for your prayers and your financial aid brethren. 


The task of saving souls is a task that is not limited to only an individual; it is every Christian’s duty. It is on this note that we want to commend our graduates over the years who are actively involved in the ministry work in their various communities. Just as we informed you in our previous reports, our graduates are constantly in touch with us and we visit them to see the work they are doing. Not only that, they send us reports from time to time which we put together to share with you. Therefore, for the past November, their evangelistic efforts resulted in 7 souls, coupled with the school’s weekend evangelistic program that resulted in 3 conversions and 4 restorations. So in brief, 10 souls were converted and 4 brethren were restored in November. Please we plead with you to continue to pray for these new babies in Christ. 


We continue to be very thankful to God for having a brother like Steve in the church. His love for the dying sinners and the lost souls is worth commending. For some months he has been sharing the vision he has with us; this vision is to maximize our efforts in converting more souls, establishing and sustaining more congregations, and strengthening more congregations that are on the verge of dying as a result of many factors, etc. Since it is for this reason that we are also involved in the work of the ministry, we quickly embraced his vision, and we quickly put the vision into action. We began to organize evangelistic teams in various places in Sierra Leone. It was the leaders of those various teams that Steve had a meeting with at the Bear Valley campus on November 2. The meeting was a very successful one especially as all the attendees were very grateful to Steve and every Christian that is supporting the work of God in Sierra Leone. It was echoed during the meeting that many successes will be recorded with the efforts of these teams in 2023 by the special grace of God. During the meeting, we had representatives from Freetown, Bo, Kono, Kenema, Kailahun, and Koindu.  


In every aspect, we are very grateful to God for making us useful in His vineyard. Moreover, we continue to appreciate you and pray also for you daily, our dearly beloved brethren. Till we meet again in December, Lord willing, may you remain blessed in the Lord.

Posted on January 3, 2023 .

Sierra Leone students conduct campaign


Full-Time and the Extended Programs


The family of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute, Sierra Leone brings you greetings. We are hopeful that God has been taking care of you all, just as He has been doing for us here. This is another opportunity we have to share with you our exciting and successful October report.  In October, our full-time students completed year one and went on a month's break. Our extended program continued. We also held one Bible Lectureship at the school campus. Moreover, our coordinator, Brother Steve Ashcraft visited us; three souls were converted, and we attended the Bear Valley graduation in the Republic of Guinea.

END OF YEAR ONE (Full-Time Program)

Our full-time students successfully ended their first year by completing all the fourth quarter courses on October 25, 2022. In that quarter, eight (8) courses were covered: Old Testament 3: Wisdom Literature, Life of Christ 3 (Luke), New Testament Church 2 (Worship), Homiletics 2, 2 Corinthians, Personal Evangelism 2,  Computer Studies 4, and Basic English Grammar 4. All the courses were completely taught and our staff was committed to their tasks. As you know, while our full-time students went on break, our extended students continued with their classes. You can see that our staff barely have time here to rest.


As we informed you before, our students (full-time), some members of the churches of Christ in Kenema, and some staff go for evangelism every weekend and the month of October was no exception. The month of October was not so fruitful for us with respect to conversions because we recorded only three baptisms. However, we are grateful to the Lord for the three souls He added to His Church. 


As far as we remember, we requested your prayers in our September report regarding the lectureship that had been scheduled to take place on 7th to 9th October, 2022. We thank you for your prayers; the lectureship was successfully held and many people attended the program. The caption for the lectureship was, “FACTORS AFFECTING MARRIAGE AMONG CHRISTIANS IN CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN KENEMA DISTRICT.” The rationale behind this topic is that a home is a very important unit that contributes greatly toward the growth of every local congregation. If Christian homes are not built on the foundation of Jesus Christ, then there is no way we can have a church that pleases God.  


We are very thankful to God for the visit of our dear brother, Steve Ashcraft, from the U.S.A. Brother Steve had some health challenges prior to his visitation; we prayed and even though he had not completely recovered, he came down to Africa. We were so encouraged by his arrival. Upon his visitation, he benevolently encouraged our students to remain focused and dedicated to the cause of Christ and their studies. Not only that, but he also shared some gifts with our students and staff. Moreover, he held a very successful meeting with the staff of KBVBI. Brother Steve indeed is a lover of God and a leader to follow. This is so because he is very committed to the work of God. We are very privileged to have him as our coordinator. 


Our administration was invited to the Gueckedou, Guinea graduation exercise which took place from the 28th-29th of October 2022. Nine of us as staff attended the program, and in the end, it was very successful. We are very grateful for the privilege to serve through Bear Valley.


As we are all serving our Master, may He say to us on the last day, “Well done my humble servants…”  

Posted on December 1, 2022 .

13 more baptisms in Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone

(An Extension of the)

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, Colorado, USA


Full Time and the Extended Programs 


Greetings to you beloved in the Lord! On behalf of the administration and the students of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone, I want to open this write up by giving thanks and acknowledgement to God Almighty for His love that He continues to bestow upon us. We are grateful to Him for this opportunity again to share with you the continuous outcome of the work that is going on in Sierra Leone here. The month of September served as another remarkable month for us; it was so because some exciting activities took place here. Some of these activities included an evangelistic campaign, conversion of souls and the restorations of some brethren, lectureship, and the continuation of academic activities. Please may you keep on reading for the details as they are arranged under the following subheadings:


The motive of Bear Valley worldwide, that is, to take the gospel to every soul “Until all have heard” and are saved is really commendable. It is God’s desire truly that no one should perish but come to repentance (2 Peter 3.9), and it was in light of this that we embarked on another successful evangelistic campaign in September. This time around, we directed our campaign to Pujehun, the southern part of Sierra Leone. Pujehun is 102 Miles away from Kenema. It is the headquarter town of Pujehun District. We decided to go to Pujehun because the brethren at the congregation there requested that we go there to help strengthen the congregation and help to evangelize the area. The Pujehun congregation was established in 2009 through the WBS correspondence which is handled by Brother Jacob Sesay till date. When the congregation was established, there was no preacher that would lead those converts. They made a request to Brother Jacob to be going there to be teaching them, but he informed them that he is unable to do that, but that he would seek for someone to send there. He sought for one Liberian brother, Martin Gashua (around 73 years now), who resides at Bandajuma around the territory of Pujehun. Brother Martin has been the preacher there since then till now. Since the time that the congregation was established till now, they have a membership of 12 brethren, who do not even all come regularly. During the one week spent, we engaged the congregation and held a meeting. They told us a lot of factors that have been contributing to poor growth of the Lord’s Church there. These factors range from ineffective leadership, lack of interest in evangelism, lack of effective preacher who is committed to the work that can motivate others, lack of sound biblical teachers, etc. With all of these, we decided to encourage one brother among them who stays in Pujehun there, Brother Vincent, who is a graduate of the 21st Century Global Mission, to be serving as an assistant preacher to Brother Martin who stays somehow far. Brother Vincent accepted but also alerted us that he is a Bike Rider, therefore, his effectiveness in the work of the Church is questionable. However, we told the congregation that since it is the Lord’s desire that His church functions effectively everywhere, we would include them on our external mission list so that our staff and the students would be going there. Having said all of these, I want to let you understand dear reader that Pujehun is a very fertile town for the Gospel to be received. The people of Pujehun just need someone to teach them and they are ready to accept the truth. So for the one week we spent there, 10 souls were converted and 4 brethren who left the congregation long ago were restored. We believed that we could do more but for almost 3 days, we could not preach because it was raining. But God is to be praised for those He added to the congregation at Pujehun. During our regular weekly evangelism outreaches, 3 souls were converted. Please may we pray for those new converts and for the Church at Pujehun. We want to emphatically let you know our supporters that evangelistic campaigns and our weekend evangelism outreaches are very rewarding; do not hesitate to send in whatever financial support you have. All will be and has been used for all the intended purposes.


You will recall that in our August report, we informed you that the first semester year one for the extended program came to an end and that they were expected to resume on September 3, 2022 for the continuation of their studies. Indeed, all the 15 students resumed except one, Adamson Brima who did not come back again because of family responsibilities. So right now, we have 14 students in the extended program all together. We are grateful for all our students, especially in relation to their commitment to their studies and the work of the Lord.


In the month of September, we held a very successful and timely lectureship which was themed, “UNDERSTANDING THE NEED FOR EFFECTIVE BIBLICAL LEADERSHIP IN A LOCAL CHURCH.” The purpose of this lectureship was to begin to teach the brethren in the local congregations in Kenema about the organization of the Lord’s Church, and what impacts that has on the growth of individual Christians and the congregations as a whole. The lectureship was attended by 188 brethren from the four local congregations in Kenema, even though we had one of our speakers from Freetown. Presently, there is no congregation in Kenema with all complete Biblically organized leadership, though some of the congregations here have spent many years in existence. Therefore, it is the desire of the KBVBI to continue to teach the brethren so that in a short while, men will rise up who have met the biblical qualifications and are ready to serve with humility to be elders and deacons in local congregations here. This challenge of ineffective leadership is not only limited to Kenema; many congregations in Sierra Leone also follow suit.


In order to continue to be more effective in the work of God, Brother Peter Sahr Makundu has decided to seek for a helper in the person of sister Patience Boima. We have decided to spend life together and raise up a Christian family. The marriage is scheduled to take place on the 2nd and the 3rd December, 2022, at Kenema here. On this note, we are specially inviting all of you; we require your prayers, guidance and financial support in whatever way. We remain grateful to all the brethren who have been counselling us. We anticipate your coming and may the peace of God be with all of us till that time.


Eric Turay is one of our committed and serious minded students. He worships with the Komendeh Church of Christ. Komendeh is about 8 miles away from Koindu, eastern Sierra Leone. He serves as the assistant preacher at his congregation. Brother Eric was born on January 9, 1986. He was added to the Lord’s Church in 2009. Since then, he has been actively involved in the activities of the Church. Brother Eric is a very humble brother who loves to serve with passion. He personally sought for the opportunity to be enrolled at the KBVBI so he could learn more skills to lead God’s church and bring many to Christ. At the end of this report, Brother Eric’s picture will be attached.


It is indeed exciting and fulfilling to be found useful in God’s vineyard. And to you brethren, the lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly.

Posted on October 28, 2022 .

Restorations in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs 


Just like July, in fact more than July, the month of August was so successful for us. Indeed there is no joy in this whole world other than that of saving souls, and it is this joy that the month of August left with us.  In the month of August, many activities took place here at the KBVBI; these activities include: evangelistic campaign and conversion of souls, ending of first semester for the extended students, and the continuation of academic activities. As we give more details, may you patiently keep on reading!


It is always rewarding to confront unbelievers with the Gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ. For the month of August, our campaign efforts were directed to Koidu city, the headquarters of Kono city. Koidu is 80 miles away from Kenema, and it is one of the main cities of the eastern province of Sierra Leone. The Church of Christ was taken to Kono District by Brother Tamba Kabba, a native of Koidu who got converted in The Gambia during the 1991-2001 war that erupted in the territory of Sierra Leone. Upon his return from The Gambia in 2002, he established a congregation at Koidu, Ndoimena Street. Brother Tamba’s effort has led to the establishment of two more congregations- Kuoyor and Sukudu. However, many brethren in those congregations had backslided and required restoration. Moreover, the Koidu territory is populated by Muslims. It was against this background that our students (we have five students in a full time program from Kono) expressed their desire for an evangelistic campaign to be taken to Kono.  Koidu, a diamond rich city, attracts a lot of interest from people and there are many inhabiting that city that are lost. Therefore, our decision to go to Kono was not by any mistake.

The campaign was embarked on at Koidu from August 2 to 8. During our one week preaching at Kono, we came in contact with a denomination that bears the name “Church of Christ”, and the leadership of that denomination invited us to study with them. We spent hours and some two days studying with them. During our interactions with them, as we got to the point of baptism, they informed us that they had come in contact with 21st Century Global Mission through brother Jacob Sesay who came to Koidu there last year and baptized almost all of them (for they are over 150) and gave them baptismal certificates with the WBS inscription on them. They continued that since then, they have not seen Brother Jacob and his team, and they also continued with their denominational practices in worship (use of instruments, clapping of hands, occasional taking of Lord’s Supper- once in a month, sometimes they do not take at all, etc). 

Upon hearing this, we continued to teach them, and the following Sunday, they never used instruments, but were still clapping and doing some other wrong things. However, teaching is a process, therefore, we pray that as we are still in touch with them, the Lord may open up their hearts so that they can embrace the true teachings of the New Testament Church. However, since it is a rainy season now in Sierra Leone, the rain affected most of our outings, so that during the one week campaign, 6 souls were converted and 14 brethren were restored back to the congregations in Koidu. We have included Koidu in our external missions so that we could continue to teach that denominational church and encourage the brethren there to be more committed to the work of the Lord.


You will recall that in our January report, we informed you about the commencement of our extended program with 16 students, 11 males and 5 females (preachers’ wives and wives to-be). Therefore, on August 13, their first semester year one came to an end. In that semester, they handled 8 courses including English and Computer. They were expected to resume on September 3, 2022 for the continuation of their studies. We are grateful for all our students, especially in relation to their commitment to their studies and the work of the Lord.


 Brother James Fayia, who was one of our students in the extended period, died on August 16, after a brief battle with Tuberculosis. He was one of our committed brothers and students, and his death has brought us so much sorrow. Brother James was the assistant preacher and the evangelism coordinator at IDA Church of Christ in Kenema here, where one of our staff, Brother Gabriel Abu preaches. He was 40 years old. He recently got married before his demise, and the young sister is here with us. Please may we be remembering her in our prayers.


A.   Evangelistic Campaign (September 24-30)

B.   Leadership Seminar (September 16)

C.   Youths and Leadership Seminar (October 7,8) 


It is indeed exciting and fulfilling to be found useful in God’s vineyard. And to you brethren, the lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly.

Posted on September 12, 2022 .

Great work in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs 


After sending our May report, we were hopeful that we will meet again to continue to share with you the news of the work that you are supporting here at Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute. And at this point, we are grateful to God for keeping us till now so we could continue to work in His vineyard. In the midst of intense and high inflation in the whole world, you continue to support the work here, hence you deserve to be appreciated and commended, our dear brethren.  As we share this June, 2022 report with you, we pray that it finds you doing well. This report will cover the following subheadings: weekend evangelism and conversion of a soul, end of third quarter academic activities, alumni update, student’s sickness, and a graduate’s profile. Below are the details of the report:


As we informed you before, our students (full time), some members of the churches of Christ in Kenema and some staff go for evangelism every weekend and the month of June was not an exception. Now in Sierra Leone it is rainy season therefore sometimes it rains on our students and some staff while on the field, but the Gospel must be shared. The month of June was not so fruitful for us in respect to conversions because we recorded only one (1) baptism. However, we are grateful to the Lord for the soul He added to His Church.


Our full time students successfully ended their first year third quarter academic activities on June 30, 2022. In that quarter, eight (8) courses were covered: Life of Christ 2 (Mark), The Book of Acts, Hermeneutics 2, 1 Corinthians, Prison Epistles, How We Got the Bible, Computer Studies 3, and Basic English Grammar 3. We taught the classes to the best of our abilities and all our 20 students took the courses and ended the quarter. We appreciate Bear Valley continually for the opportunity to serve.  


In our April report, we informed you that we want to closely work with our graduates. Therefore, in this attempt, an alumni meeting was held at the school campus. Based on the conclusions (like the activeness of the graduates on the preaching field, maintaining communication with the administration, challenges that are being faced, what can be done for more evangelistic work to be carried out, etc) arrived at during the meeting, the school administration has been in constant contact with many of the graduates. Many of them are actively working in their respective congregations and are involved in the evangelistic work. One of those actively working is Brother Emmanuel Focko. The profile of Emmanuel will be given under the “Graduate’s Autobiography” section. However, upon his graduation from KBVBI in 2019, he returned to his home town, Koindu. After a while, Emmanuel thought of extending his evangelistic activities to a village called Weima, located around the environs of Koindu Town. He, together with some brethren at his congregation, Kpuya Church of Christ, Koindu, decided to go to Weima and evangelize. Their efforts led to the birth of Weima Church of Christ, which was established in 2019. Weima congregation currently has an attendance of 50-60 members weekly. More information about this congregation will be stated under the profile of Emmanuel. Like Emmanuel, other graduates are also working as stated above. We would have involved some pictorial evidence regarding some of their works but the challenge many of them are facing as they always tell us is that, many of them do not have android phones or cameras to take pictures.


Health challenges are those things one cannot avoid in life, and this is also true of one of our full time students: Godfrey Bawoh. Brother Godfrey is one of our students from the republic of Liberia. He has been suffering from a stomach problem for so long. This sickness however started before he was even admitted at the KBVBI. The administration has done her best to take him to the hospital but he still complains of the same issue. His family members requested that he go home and try local herbs again. Therefore, as the quarter came to an end, he also went for a break. We are trusting God that Godfrey recovers and resumes back with his colleagues. Please remember your brother in your prayers as you have always done.


Emmanuel Fayia Fock is one of our first graduates and one of the current staff. He graduated as the best student during his time. Brother Emmanuel was born to Sullo Fayia and Finda Fayia, Christian parents who were baptized in Guinea by Brother Francis Musa. He was born on the 10th February, 1993. Emmanuel grew with his parents and was later baptized in 2007. Since his baptism, Brother Emmanuel has been actively involved in the church activities at Kpuya Church of Christ, his home congregation then. He had been officiating collections, Lord’s Supper, and reading scriptures at Kpuya congregation. The coming of Bear Valley Bible Institute was a great blessing to Emmanuel. Upon hearing the emergence of this Bible school, Emmanuel expressed the desire to be enrolled so he could learn more and be better equipped in the ministry. He was eventually enrolled and pursued his studies. While at Bear Valley, he stood distinguished among his mates; his behavior and commitment to his studies were noticeable. He served as the student president while here. Finally, Emmanuel graduated as the best student. He was maintained by the school and till now, he is one of our committed staff. What is even more interesting about Emmanuel is that, upon his graduation in 2019, he returned home and established a local congregation at Weima. His convictions about evangelism and his full involvement in it has led to a tremendous growth of the Weima congregation. Currently, 50-60 congregants meet every Sunday. Moreover, Emmanuel did not sit to wait for some outside support to come and build a worship hall for the Weima congregation. He motivated the brethren (all are peasant farmers) to put their attention to raising a worship hall. As we write, they are on the painting and casting the floor. Such effort is worth commending and supporting! He presently preaches at the congregation. Brother Emmanuel’s photograph and the Weima congregation shall appear in the pecking order at the end of this report.


As we conclude this report, we say a big “Thank you” for reading through to the end.. Thank you for your kindness. The lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly.

Posted on August 3, 2022 .

Sierra Leone students conduct a successful campaign


We wish to register our profound gratitude to God Almighty for another opportunity to share our May 2022 report with you, our dearly beloved brethren.  We also acknowledge your great efforts and sacrifices toward the ministry of saving souls in Sierra Leone here. Your generosity is changing many lives and many here are being saved. May you be richly blessed by God and may He grant all your heart desires in Christ’s name, Amen! In the month of May, a successful one-week evangelistic campaign was carried out through which a good number of souls were converted and a local congregation was established. Our academic activities continued as well as our internal and external evangelistic mission works. Here are the details of the report: 


Our evangelistic campaign this time was directed to Buedu Town, Eastern Sierra Leone. Buedu is 117 miles away from Kenema and her inhabitants are predominantly peasant farmers. Some years ago, a congregation of the Lord’s church was established in Buedu, but an evangelistic and committed preacher was lacking, hence the work died completely and the members joined denominations. Brethren from Koindu, Dia and Kangama, the surrounding towns, made some good attempts over the years to restore the Buedu congregation but to no avail. Therefore, the school administration talked to one of her graduates, Patrick Nsimdoh Ngegba, to move to Buedu to be a preacher if the local congregation is reestablished. In fact Brother Patrick, who is committed to the Lord’s work agreed and together with the administration, a week-long campaign was hosted there. As a result of God’s grace and the hard work of the students and Brother Patrick, ten (10) souls were converted and a congregation was established. As we write, Patrick is stationed in Buedu as the preacher and is doing very well, though with some challenges. Sometimes, brethren come from Koindu to worship and encourage Patrick to remain steadfast in nurturing this young congregation. Apart from the Buedu congregation, four (4) souls were converted and three (3) brethren were restored from Taiama and the Levuma congregations as the result of our external missions. Please brethren, may we continue to remember these young converts in our prayers. 


God has been rewarding our (you, our supporters, the Bear Valley, Colorado Administration, our coordinator, and International Director, other Bear Valley School Directors, and our brethren) efforts here that when we go for campaigns, local congregations are being established and brethren are being restored. At Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute here, we have external and internal missions. By external mission we mean, when we go for campaigns and establish local congregations or restore congregations, our staff and students are being sent every week to those congregations in order to teach, mature, nurture and sustain them to the point that they will be able to stand on their own. On the other hand, internally, our students are also sent to local congregations within Kenema in order to continue to put into practice what they are learning in the class. The local congregations within Kenema here appreciate this so much. Therefore, with our internal and external missions, we embark on a lot of journeys week after week. We embark on all of these journeys on motorcycles, and the risk of travelling on a motorcycle is very high. 


I want to especially share my appreciation for Bear Valley and our supporters through beloved brethren, Brothers Steve Ashcraft and Keith Kasarjian for the financial support they rendered me to go to Jos, Nigeria to graduate from the School of Biblical Studies. The journey was smooth and the convocation was successfully held also. I graduated with a B.A. with honors in Christian Religious Studies. Thank you so much brethren, and may the Lord continue also to shower His blessings on you all.


Brethren, we remain grateful to you. Thank you for loving the Lord. Thank you for your kindness. The lives you are changing in Sierra Leone through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly. 

Peter Sahr Makundu,


Posted on July 5, 2022 .

You need to read this from Sierra Leone!


Full Time and the Extended Programs


Greetings to you our dear brethren and co-workers in the Lord’s vineyard. It is with great joy that we write to share with you our fruitful and exciting report for the month of April 2022.  Moreover, we are very hopeful that you are doing well in the Lord and that this report will also interest you as you read through. Thank you for your support and for praying for us; may the Lord bless you all. As the month of April ended, the Lord enabled us to resume our third quarter academic activities (for the full-time program, though the extended program continued without break), carry on a successful campaign where souls were converted and some brethren were restored, hold our first formal alumni meeting, embark on fasting and prayer for our sponsors and all brethren, complete the planting of our crops on the farm. However, we had sad news about the death of the father of the director, Brother Peter Sahr Makundu. But in all, God was favorable to us in the past month of April, hence, may you read further for the details of the report. 


In the March report, we informed you that our second quarter for the full-time came to a close on the 5th of March 2022 and that the students were to resume on the 1st of April 2022 for their third-quarter year one, which would end on June 30, 2022. To the glory of God, all our 20 students in the full-time program resumed and the academic activities continued. 


The administration of Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute acknowledges the dire need for the Gospel to be preached to the dying souls, hence her effort is always directed to evangelistic campaigns. The month of April was not an exception. Our evangelism was directed at the southern part of Sierra Leone, specifically, Taiama Town. Taiama is 110 miles away from Kenema and it is one of the historical towns in Sierra Leone where “Christianity” began. From 1810-to 1898, some denominational missionaries, especially the Anglican and the Roman Catholic penetrated the town and subsequently established their denominations there. As time went on, in the 1960s-80s, some early missionaries for the church of Christ who were based in Freetown capital also found their way in Taiama, and with great effort, some locals were converted and the church of Christ was also established. The church was flourishing very well until sometime later, it died completely as a result of the withdrawal of the missionary activities and the lack of a dedicated and a committed preacher who could encourage and motivate other members to continue steadfastly with the work of the Lord. However, in 2016, when some of the early members (3 of them) who are still living in Taiama who never joined any denomination though were not worshipping as church of Christ brethren, heard about the coming of Bear Valley Bible Institute which they learned is associated with churches of Christ, decided to send one of their children, Pessima Sheku to enroll in the school. Pessima was accepted and enrolled and in fact, it was at Bear Valley here that he was converted and became a serious-minded preacher, who upon graduation in 2019, returned to his hometown at Taiama and restored the congregation back. It was upon the request of Brother Pessima that the campaign be held at Taiama in the past month of April. The campaign was so fruitful that twenty-three (23) souls were converted, and twelve (12) people that Brother Pessima had preached to but were no longer attending were also restored. As we write this report, since the day after our campaign, we have been sending our students to Taiama every week to worship and fellowship with the brethren. God is indeed glorified for His wondrous works! Please brethren, may we pray for this restored congregation, and may we pray for Brother Pessima to continue with the good work he is doing. Apart from the conversions from our campaign, five (5) souls were as well converted during our regular weekend evangelism. 


In some of our reports, we have informed you that we plan to work with our graduates closely so that all of us can combine our efforts for the growth of the work of God in Sierra Leone and the KBVBI. It was on this note that we called for an Alumni meeting, which was held on the 29th April 2022 at the school campus. Thirteen (13) graduates who are actively preaching attended the meeting, together with five teaching staff. Many important things were discussed: the activeness of the graduates in the preaching field, maintaining communication with the administration, challenges that are being faced, what can be done for more evangelistic work to be carried out, etc. The leadership of the Alumni was also formed on that day. 


Our students and staff embarked on our regular fasting and prayer on April 15, for our sponsors, the Ukraine-Russia war, our coordinator, our International Director, our directors of Bear Valley schools in the world, and the brethren worldwide. 


In order to complement the great effort that has been made by Bear Valley, we embarked on agricultural activities. We planted cassava so that our students can eat it when it is ready. 


It is with deep sorrow that we write to inform you that on April 20, 2022, Peter Sahr Makundu lost his father, Steven Makundu. He died from high blood pressure and was buried. Our very compassionate coordinator, beloved Brother Steve responded to us when we needed some financial assistance. He did so through the provision of Bear Valley Bible Institute, thus we are very grateful to you all for your assistance. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you also, especially to beloved Brother Keith who sent some comforting words when he heard about the demise. Moreover, we appreciate brothers Francis Musa and Robert Dahn who showed great concern at the time of our bereavement. The family members of Makundu are so grateful to you. 


Brother Sheku Pessima is one of our first graduates who graduated from the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute in 2019. He was born in 1987 in Taiama town to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pessima. Brother Pessima, prior to his conversion was a Muslim. In 2016-2017, after enrolling for a Diploma course at the KBVBI, was converted through the efforts of his coursemates. Since his graduation, he has been actively involved in ministry work. He presently serves as the preacher of the Taiama Church of Christ and was among the alumni that attended our April 29 meeting. 


Brethren, we remain grateful to you. Thank you for loving the Lord. Thank you for your kindness. The lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance, and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly. 

Thank you so much for reading through.

Peter Sahr Makundu,


Posted on June 2, 2022 .

More conversions in Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, Colorado, USA


Full Time and the Extended Programs 


It is another opportunity we have to share with you, our regarded supporters and beloved brethren, the joy of the impact of the Gospel here in Sierra Leone through the effort of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute. We are very optimistic that this report will find you flourishing in the Lord. We are steadfastly praying for our brethren in Ukraine and the Bear Valley there for peace to be restored. Thank you also for praying for Ukraine and also for us; may the Lord bless you all. The month of March was a memorable one for us, because souls were converted to the Church, our second quarter came to a close successfully, and some brethren were restored to their usefulness before the Lord. As much as March was favourable to us, challenges were not also absent. For the details of this report, may you read below:  


We are glad to inform you that our second quarter for the full time program, which began on the 1st December 2021 came to a close on the 5th March, 2022. The students were to resume on the 1st April, 2022.  Our second quarter jumped into March because we had lost two weeks in December due to “Christmas” and the New Year festivities. Therefore, we used the first week of March to at least compensate for the loss.  All our 20 students attended all the courses and wrote their exams successfully. Moreover, all of us as instructors did our best to offer to the students what the Bear Valley Curriculum requires. In the just-concluded quarter, the following courses were covered: Hermeneutics 1, Old Testament 2: History, Godhead, New Testament Church: One True Church, Christian Evidences, Basic English Grammar 2, and Computer Studies 2. However, our 16 extended students continued to take their lectures.


As already stated, all our full time students went on break at the end of the quarter. However, the staff and some of our extended students continued in the evangelistic work. Before March could end, the Lord added 5 souls to the Church and 2 brothers were restored. Though many were not converted in March, yet we give God all the glory for the ones He called. On this note brethren, we solicit for your prayers as you have always done for those brethren.


I was privileged to be invited by the Ganta Bear Valley Bible Institute director, beloved brother Robert P. Dahn Jr., to teach World Religions. The assignment took me twelve days and, afterwards, I returned to Kenema. During my twelve days tarry at Ganta, I was amazed by the seriousness, burning desire, and the preparedness of our students. I was well treated by the staff and especially the director, Brother Robert. I remain grateful to God, the Ganta Bear Valley Bible Institute, and the Bear Valley International for creating such opportunity for me.


It is with deep sorrow that we write to inform you that in late March (23rd and 25th), we were faced with the reality of death again when we lost Brother Eric Kaiamba, the preacher of the Church of Christ at Shengema Gao, some 68 miles away from Kenema. Brother Eric was one of our committed students who just graduated in October, 2021. He has been one of the strong pillars for the Shengema Church. It was at his request that we went on a campaign at Shengema, the campaign that yielded much fruit. The staff and some other brethren traveled to Shengema and to the glory of God, he was buried. The staff spent three days in Shengema. Also, on the 23rd March, one of the preachers, Kaaloko Dodoo at Magburaka, Northern Sierra Leone departed to be with the Lord. Kaalokoh was the father of one of our just-graduated students, Dodoo Larkoh, who was working closely with his father at the Rokel Church of Christ in Magburaka. Two staff also traveled for the burial and it was successful. We want to specially commend our hard working and compassionate coordinator, Brother Steve Ashcraft. In the midst of our predicaments, he encouraged us, approved some financial assistance and prayed for us. Again, the Bear Valley Ganta director, Brother Robert Dahn and Brother Francis Musa, another committed God’s servant in Guinea encouraged and guided us in everything especially as we are young and not full of much experience. We are thankful to God in all.


Tamba Cyprien is our committed international student from the Republic Guinea. Brother Cyprien was born to Muslim parents in Kindia, Guinea. He was born on 2nd July, 2000 and he is the second son of the three sons that were born to his parents. Cyprien is a Kissi by tribe, a tribe that is found in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. He speaks French and Kissi and is a high school graduate in French. He was invited by one of his uncles who is a business man, residing in Koindu, Sierra Leone in 2014. Upon his arrival in 2014, he came in contact with Emmanuel Focko, one of our first graduates who is working tirelessly in the Lord’s vineyard in Koindu and Weima axis. Eventually, Cyprien was preached to and became a member of Kpuya Church of Christ in Koindu. Since his conversion, he has been working closely with the brethren and has been making a lot of effort to learn English. Currently, he works together with Emmanuel Focko who converted him at the Weima Church of Christ. At the time the school sent in applications for the 2021/2022 admision, Brother Cyprien indicated that he wants to study deeply God’s word so that he could better be equipped. He was given admission and is committed to his studies. He is determined to preach the Gospel and convert many to Christ. His photograph shall appear in the pecking order at the end of this report.


Brethren, we remain appreciate to you. Thank you for loving the Lord. Thank you for your kindness. The lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly.

Thank you so much for reading through.

Peter Sahr Makundu,


Posted on May 10, 2022 .