Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone
Full Time and the Extended Programs
As we march through the month of March, we want to begin this report by honoring God for His providential care. As a family (staff and the students of KBVBI), we keep on recognizing you, our dear brethren, supporters, partners and readers for your continual demonstration of the love that you have for God thus seeking to save the lost through training.
In March, we went on a short 2 weeks break (full time program only) and resumed classes again; souls were converted, evangelistic training seminars were conducted; and the graduates kept on working harder on the field. Here is more information on the highlighted activities:
At the end of February 2024, we informed you that our full-time students went on a break for two weeks. They were told to record all their activities with their respective congregations, so that upon resumption, they would turn in to the administration. They went on break indeed and resumed classes on March 15, 2024. Our students come from the various congregations and parts of Sierra Leone including, Kono, Tonkolili, Kenema, Kailahun, etc. Therefore during the break, they were greatly involved in evangelistic and congregational work. As a result, 10 souls were converted and some congregations were strengthened. Apart from the souls converted during the break, 3 others were converted by the staff in the month of March. This is especially important to the school administration because we do not want to train and graduate pulpit ministers who love to see themselves as administrators only and would be fighting for positions in local congregations. Rather, we want to train preachers and evangelists who see the growth of local congregations as the bedrock to intense evangelism. Our part-time students continued their classes and are also involved in evangelistic activities. We desire your prayers for all our students to continue to be committed to the course of Christ.
You are already aware of the active works of the evangelistic teams across the country. So training seminars were held in Freetown and Bo and before the end of the program for the stipulated period, 7 souls were converted and the evangelistic team members were strengthened again with more skills to continue promoting God’s evangelistic mission. Apart from the seminars at the above places, the Koindu team also cooperated with the brethren in Nongoa, Republic of Guinea and conducted an evangelistic campaign which led to the strengthening of the Nongoa Church of Christ and the conversions of 4 souls.
As we keep on informing you that our existence as a school is to train evangelists who would find interest in field work. With that background, you have been reading through our reports of the works of some of our graduates. For the past months that we didn’t share their update with you, they have been working tirelessly. Many of them are leading local congregations, are part of the evangelistic teams and are very recognized in the churches of Christ in Sierra Leone for their contributions. They have been able to convert 22 souls and restored 3 fallen congregations and 10 backslidden brethren. They are to be prayed for and also appreciated for their tireless efforts.
As we marched through the end of March with fruitful activities, we anticipated that April would be more fruitful. Thank you for patiently reading through while noting all the details. May we get your response, suggestions and ideas on how we can improve as a school. We look forward to meeting in April 2024 again, if the Lord tarries to come!