Nine souls added to the Lord in Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone

Full Time and the Extended Programs


Wow! So just like that 2022 came to an end? Well, the good news is that when we analyzed all the activities we undertook at KBVBI in 2022, and we couldn’t think of anything else but to express our gratitude to God Almighty who made everything possible. In addition, we continue to mention and register our appreciation to our beloved brethren who are directly or indirectly supporting our work here. We are so thrilled to bring you this end of year report for the month of December 2022. We are even hopeful that more will be done for the Lord in 2023.  In December, classes continued, a Bible Lectureship was held, our students went on a 2 weeks festival break, some souls were converted while some erring brethren were restored, and the marriage ceremony of one of the staff was conducted. For more details on the above activities, we encourage you to keep on reading.


In the month of December, our students (full time and extended) continued with their classes. We were also privileged to host Brother Emmanuel Abiodun Adegoroye, one of the Bear Valley instructors at Abuja center, Nigeria. He taught our full-time students for 9 days (5th-9th and 12th-15th December, 2022). He handled the course, “Intertestamental Period.” Brother Emmanuel’s vast experience and knowledge (he taught Greek and leadership classes at the School of Biblical Studies, Jos: An Affiliate of the University of Jos, Nigeria for 18 years and presently preaches at Kado Church of Christ in Abuja) helped to shape the understanding of our students so much.  We are grateful for all the sacrifices he made to come over and impact our students.


Our full-time students were given a 2-week festival break (22nd December-5thJanuary, 2023). Moreover, the extended students were expected to resume on the 7th January, 2023. We are thankful to God for the committed students He has given us; every one of them is always eager to resume back to school. We continue to covet your prayers for them to remain steadfast and diligent.


As the Gospel continues to spread, more souls are waiting to respond to it. Therefore, for the past December, the Lord added 9 souls to His church here and 2 brethren were restored. We plead with you to continue to pray for these new babies in Christ.


On the 16th December, 2022 a Bible seminar was held at the Bear Valley campus. This seminar was organized by the school in an effort to continue to teach local congregations the importance of embracing the effective practice of leadership in local congregational levels. Great leadership lessons were taught and we were once again blessed with the effort of Brother Emmanuel Adegoroye who was one of the speakers. Seventy church leaders and brethren from various congregations attended the program. The attendance got affected because it rained heavily here on that day and some who had planned to attend couldn’t come. However, we remain grateful for those who came.


You would recall that in one of our recent reports, we invited you for the wedding of the Director of the school, Brother Peter Sahr Makundu which was scheduled to be held on the 2nd and 3rd December, 2022. By the Lord’s will, the wedding successfully came to pass; Brother Peter got married to sister Patience Admire Makundu who worships at one of the congregations here in Kenema, Kamanda Street Church of Christ. The Makundus wish to thank God Almighty who, in His providential care made everything happen. We are grateful also to the whole Bear Valley family for your contributions to the success of this marriage. Brother Steve Ashcraft is being acknowledged also for supporting us prayerfully and financially.


Patrick Manga is one of our committed and serious minded students. He was born on September 23rd, 1998, to Mr. and Mrs. Momoh Bockarie.  He hails and lives in Koidu city, the headquarter of the Kono District in Eastern Sierra Leone. Brother Patrick worships with the Ndomaina Street Church of Christ in Koidu, a congregation where his father serves as a preacher.  He was added to the Lord’s Church in 2018. Since then, he has been actively involved in the activities of the church. At the congregational level, he has proven to be a very evangelistic and truth-loving brother. Upon his conversion, he was enrolled into the WBS Correspondence Course and completed successfully. After this, Patrick longed to further his studies in the Bible, hence the opportunity to enroll at Bear Valley emerged. At the school, Brother Patrick, together with the other four students from Koidu made a request to the Kenema Bear Valley administration for the campaign to be taken to their territory. And this request was granted last year in August.  Not only that, Patrick serves as the secretary for the current congregation that was established at the Bear Valley Campus in 2021. At the end of this report, Patrick’s picture will be attached.


We want to also inform you of some of the challenges we are facing in doing this work of the Lord; one of those numerous challenges is road accidents. On the 5th and 9th December, 2022, two of our staff- Academic Dean (Michael S. Triyoh) and the Students’ Dean (Joseph Missailie Jr) were involved in terrible motorcycle accidents. This happened while the both of them were going for congregational visitations as it is part of our programs to be involved in external missions. Michael’s left eye was so badly hit that he needed to undergo surgery while Joseph’s hands were also bruised. However, they are responding to treatments and we plead with you that you join us to pray for their complete rehabilitation.


December 2022 as the closure of the year 2022 was not a bad month for us at all. We remain grateful to God for all that was achieved for the Master. Moreover, we continue to appreciate you and pray also for you daily, our dearly beloved brethren. We look forward to meeting in the New Year, Lord willing.

Posted on January 27, 2023 .