Posts tagged #Liberia

Students in Sanniquellie, Liberia continue Evangelizing at home during Year End Break

Operation Report For January 2025


Our students returned back to school on the 12th of January, 2025 after a successful Year end vacation (Christmas and New Year). Regular classes started on January 14, 2025 under a careful supervision. We are saying successful because of the many good work they were able to do back home at their congregations during the period of the vacation. Leaders of some congregations called to recognize and appreciate their meaningful contributions helping with evangelism works and edification during their stay.

Since our return from the year end vacation, everyone is in high spirits to play their own role very well to enable us complete the 1st year 4th quarter. Students are playing their roles very well, and the instructors are also playing theirs as well.

Before the season break, the school administration expelled a student from the school for disorderly conduct after several warnings to have him repented but to no avail.

 As part of our tradition after vacation, students are required to write on their vacations activities:

1.     Where they spent their vacation

2.     Their roles in the Church

3.     The results of their work and contacts of the preachers or church leaders they worked with.

Meanwhile, reports received are all encouraging. They were involved in preaching and teaching at their various congregations, and deeply involved in house to house evangelism and personal works. We confirmed those information by placing phone calls to leaders of their various congregations. We are proud of the practical work out of the classroom done by our students. Please pray that these men continue to grow in the work of our Lord.

Short Course (Galatians)

On January 18, 2025 Bro. Calvin Jusu Johnson was invited by the School Administration to conduct a week’s Class, teaching one of the Short Courses (The book of Galatians). He ably ended the Couse Successfully on January 24, 2025 and has since returned back to Monrovia.


Our 4th quarter continued after the break with the follow courses and assigned instructors.

1.                 Personal Evangelism --------------------------------- Thomas Jimmy

2.                 1, 2 Peter & Jude  ------------------------------------- Fester Lee

3.                 New Testament Worship ----------------------------- Fester Lee

4.                 1&2 Thessalonians ----------------------------------- Joel Weah

5.                 Leadership -------------------------------------------- Joel Weah

6.                 Short Course (The Book Of Galatians) ----------- Calvin Jusu Johnson

7.                 Agriculture -------------------------------------------- Samuel B. K. Jabaty

8.                 English------------------------------------------------- Marcus Joel Wehye

9.                 Computer---------------------------------------------- Augustine Quoigbay

Children Sunday School Female Teachers Training Program

One January 27, 2025 we graciously received in Liberia Bro. Steven Ashcraft and his wife Sis. Karen Ashcraft in preparation for a seminar aiming at training Female Children Sunday School teachers from forty congregations in Liberia, to be conducted in two areas. Beginning January 31 to February 1, 2025 in Sanniquellie City, Nimba County, at the Sanniquellie Central Church Of Christ, for sixty (60) participants from thirty (30) congregations, two persons each per congregation. And February 7-8, 2025 in Monrovia, Paynesville City at the GSA Road Church of Christ for twenty (20) participants from ten (10) congregations, two per congregation.


Without your love for God and your constant support, we wouldn't have come thus far with this huge task given us. Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your spiritual and financial assistance. We are eternally grateful to each and every one of you. To God be the glory, praise and honor belong to Him always.

With The Love We Share In Christ;


Posted on March 8, 2025 .

Students in Sanniqullie, Liberia Participate in Weekend Evangelism in their studies

College view Community

Sanniquellie City, Nimba County 

October 2024 Operation Report


We are very much grateful to God Almighty for His special grace thus, reaching us this far in the last month of the year 2024. Also, we appreciate the Bear Bible Institute Family for their meaningful supports to the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Liberia extension and other extensions around the world making sure that men and women are prepared to carry the Good News of Christ to the needed.     

Gospel Campaign

As part of our practical work and most importantly bringing the lost souls to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Students of Batch Four and Instructors of the Bear Valley Bible Institute-Liberia have successfully conducted their third Gospel Campaign to establish a new congregation in Kietomom Town, Nimba County, Liberia, on October 20, 2024 with 52 persons giving their lives to Christ through emersion in obedience of the gospel of Christ. This campaign brings the number of new congregations established by batch four to three (3), since their inception in January 2024. We request your prayers for those precious souls that our good Lord will guard them as they continue in the faith.

Weekend Evangelism And Preaching Assignments 

As we continue to mode the minds of our incoming gospel Ministers/Preachers, the administration of Bear Valley Bible Institute-Liberia keeps engaging them practically as part of their training.

As a requirement, the students are involved with door knocking (house to house evangelism) and preaching the gospel in the communities and other congregations in and around Nimba County during their weekend breaks. This measure is put in place to enable students carry on the practical aspect of their training in accordance with the school’s curriculum.

To accomplish these weekly tasks in the face of various challenges that has always been concerning transportation, rain and bad road conditions, committed Brethren of the Church and instructors of the institution continue to make individual sacrifices by providing means financially to help the students go out to various Congregations during the week ends for practices. They leave every Friday to their assigned areas after school to enable them carry on their door knocking (Personal Evangelism) before Sunday Worship Service.

Since the introduction of these exercises, their works in those different locations has tremendously helped the Church. Nine (9) baptisms were recorded from four (4) congregations visited by our students and many backsliding brethren restored in October 2024. This effort is not only affecting the church positively, but helping individual students with great experiences in field work and what will be expected in the future of their own ministries.

Please keep them in your daily prayers for God’s guardians as they continue this key aspect of their careers.

Academic Works

We remain grateful to God Almighty for His protections and care He continues to bestow upon us.  Since the relocation of the school from Ganta to Sanniquellie, we smoothly continued with various operations with staff and students performing their respective duties as required. We are always thankful and appreciative to the Bear Valley Bible Institute Colorado family for their unflinching supports, making sure that men are prepared to preach the Gospel and Lead the Church.

Batch Four graciously completed year one quarter three on November 3, 2024 and quarter four started Monday November 4, 2024. Please keep us in prayers as we strive to please our maker through this medium accordingly.

Courses for Batch Four, Year Quarter Four include:

1.    Personal Evangelism II

2.    The Epistles Of Peter & Jude

3.    The Epistles Of Thessalonians

4.    Leadership

5.    New Testament Worship

6.    Galatians

7.    English/Literature

8.    General Agriculture

9.    Computer Study

 Gospel literatures / Tracts Distribution continue

In an effort to make use of those tracts and other Gospel literature received on June 29, 2024 from Mission Printing, students of Bear Valley Bible Institute - Liberia continue the distribution in the communities of Sanniquellie and its environs including various congregations of Nimba Country.

The third Saturday of every Month is set aside by the school administration for personal evangelism which provides the opportunities for students to take out copies of gospel tracts for distributions and the Good News of Christ to the needed. These efforts are tremendously helping the evangelistic efforts of the school thus, converting souls and restoring more back sliders to Christ.

Please keep us in your individual prayers as we take on the task of propagating the gospel.

Kind Regards

Fester G. Lee

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Liberia

Posted on December 16, 2024 .

Classes continue in Liberia

Bear Valley Bible institute-Liberia

College View Community

Sanniquellie City, Nimba County

Operation Report August 2024


We bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Almighty. We remain grateful to Bear Valley Bible Institute, Denver Colorado administration for their unflinching support and care for us as we take on the task of preparing men for the Lord’s Kingdom here in Liberia and the world at large. Below are activities for the Month of August 2024.


The rainy season in Liberia this year has pretty much affected our students’ personal evangelistic effort for the past four months. The bad road condition due the excessive rain fall is hindering our students’ movements to their various preaching points during their usual weekend activities. The rain this year is very serious that rivers and creeks are overflowing their banks to the roads obstructing the flow of traffics to various areas.

As you may know, every week end, our students are deployed to local congregations across the County to practice, as a way to mature them for their future work. In most cases, the school motorbikes are assigned to transport them to their destinations.

Since they could not go out of Sanniquellie for their weekend practices, they seize the opportunity to work in Sanniquellie and its environs. By the grace of God, their efforts resulted in converting fifteen 15 souls and establishing one new congregation in Keetonmom, one of the nearby towns, six miles away from Sanniquellie. Please keep our new brethren in your daily prayers for God directions in their lives

Tent Making To Empower Potential Ministers For The

Lord’s Works (General Agriculture And Computer Science)

Students at the Bear Valley Institute - Liberia are not limited to Biblical studies in the class room and evangelistic campaigns only, we also offer them skills in general agriculture and Computer science hoping that after graduation, they will have the basic technological concept as well as face the electronic age and be able to support their families through crops production, animals rearing and etc. These special programs are basically focused on 60% practical and 40% theoretical aspects of these courses.

Germination test was conducted to know the viability of selected crops specifically okra seeds.  Test gave the result of 80% germinations, encouraging us to continue planting in the agriculture department. Subsequently, since the resumption of the school, we have gone through the following, constituting the sum of five courses in General Agriculture Science:

1.     Introduction to Agriculture Science

2.     Fish farm production and management

3.     Agriculture marketing and financing

4.     Vegetable crop production

5.     Rice productions and maintenance on going

Computer class also continues with the following courses:

1.     Introduction to Computing

a.      Central Processing Unit (CPU)

b.     Key Board

c.      Monitor

d.     Mouse

e.      Various Windows and Applications

We appreciate Bear Valley Bible Institute Administrators’ decision to allow these special skills to be offered to upgrade our students’ future ministry.


We remain grateful to the Almighty God for His protections and care He continues to bestow upon us.  Since our relocation from Ganta to Sanniquellie, the school continued to run smoothly with every staff actively performing their duties. The students are all doing well in health and with their lessons while, the support and instructional staff continued coming as scheduled, playing their parts as well.

As we come to the close of year one quarter three, please keep us in your prayers as we strive to please our maker accordingly.

Courses for Quarter three include:

1.         Hermeneutics II

2.         Christians Evidences

3.         World Religion

4.         Life Of Christ II (The Gospel OF Mark)

5.         Church Planting

6.         Prison Epistle (short Course)

7.         General Agriculture

8.         Computer Study


D. Sylvester Davie is one of the students of the fourth batch. A member of the Bahn Congregation, who expressed his interest of becoming a Gospel Minister. His commitment and passion for the word of God and his desire to become a Gospel Preacher, led him to the school.  He was born on Tuesday June 17, 2000 in Bahn City, Nimba County Liberia. He works with the local congregation in His home town. He became a Christian in November 2011. His primary interest is to become a preacher and a counselor.


We remain grateful for your love for God and your constant supports that have brought us this far, despite the challenges. To God be all the glory, praise and honor.

Kind Regard

Fester G. Lee

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on October 6, 2024 .

Making an eternal difference in Liberia


The Students and Staff of the Bear Valley Bible Institute - Liberia extension brings you greetings and hope that all is well with you in the name of our Lord Almighty. We remain grateful to Bear Valley Bible Institute Denver Colorado administration for their unflinching support and care for us as we take on the task of preparing men for the Lord’s works here in Liberia and the world at large. Below are activities for the Month of June 2024.


Bro. Steven Ashcraft once told us in a meeting that it is better to close down any Bear Valley Extension if the school is not evangelistic. This statement served as caveat to us, thus getting us to put in more time for evangelism.  As a requirement, this is one of the best things we came up with to keep our students busy in learning the practical works by being involve in the preaching field.

During the weekend, our students are usually required to visit any congregation of their choice to worship. During their visit, they are instructed to work with leaders of said congregation to do door knocking or visitations thus, reminding weak and delinquent members for service. And they submit the reports on Monday upon their returned. For the matter of fact, the June 2024 statistics of their weekend visitation indicates that talk to two hundred and forty-six (246) people. Out of which twenty-nine (29) were backsliders who were restored and Nine (9) received baptisms in the various congregations visited over the weekends.

 Tent Making To Empower Potential Ministers For The

Lord’s Works (General Agriculture And Computer Science)

Students at the Bear Valley Institute - Liberia are not only limited to just Biblical studies the class room activities and evangelism campaigns, but we also offer them skills in general agriculture and Computer science with the anticipation that after graduation, our Students will have the basic technological concept as well as to face the modern age and be able to support their families through crops production, animals rearing and etc. These special programs are basically focused on the practical aspects of those courses than the theory.

We are happy that Bear Valley Bible Institute Administrators allow these special skills to be offered and our students are upgraded for their future ministry.

A sister of the Sanniquellie Central Church Of Christ offered a passel of land (five Lots) to be used for agriculture practical.

Academic Work

Since our relocation to Sanniquellie, the school has been running smoothly in teams of lessons and Students Care. We started Batch Four Year One Quarter two in Sanniquellie by April 22, 2024 which ended on July 21, 2024.  As per the requirements of the institution, our staff and students are regularly carrying on their required duties and lessons are on course as per the curriculum of the school. As we conclude year one quarter two of Batch Four, we continued to seek your prayers as we strive to perform our duties accordingly.

Our class room activities continued with the following:

1.     Group works

2.     Research works

3.     Students group or Individual Assignments and presentation

4.     Memory works

5.     Final examinations (Practical and theory) etc.

 Gospel literatures / Tracts Received

On June 29, 2024 the Bear Valley Bible Institute - Liberia received 512 cartoons of tracts and Children Bible Class materials from Bro. Alfred Beyan the GSA Road Church Of Christ Minister, through Bro. Steven Ashcraft on behalf of Mission Printing. Those tracts are intended to boost the evangelistic efforts of the Country.

In an effort to make use of those materials, the Liberia evangelistic effort have taken the initiative to have them distributed to various congregations and evangelism teams of the Country. The Southeast Churches Of Chris Evangelistic Mission took the street On July 20, 2024 to carry on a massive tracts distributions in Pleebo City, Maryland County creating awareness and popularizing the Church.

At this juncture, we want to use this medium to appreciate and recognized the efforts of Mission Printing for taking the gospel out to the needed and defending the truth. Those tracts and many other Gospel materials received from you and other brethren are tremendously helping the evangelistic efforts here in Liberia and will carry us a long way in improving the works of God’s Kingdom in this part of Word.

Please keep us in your individual prayers as we take on the task of propagating the gospel.


We remain grateful for your love for God and your constant supports that have brought us this far, despite the challenges. To God be all the glory, praise and honor.

Kind Regards

Fester G. Lee

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on August 14, 2024 .

School Updates and Evangelistic Outreach in Liberia

Operation Report April 2024 — Sanniquillie City, Nimba County

Our Sincere Greetings!

We are very thankful to the Almighty God for guiding and protecting us through our first Academic Year. We also extend thanks and appreciation to the Bear Valley Family for their tireless support since we started this academic year (2024 – 2025). Moreover, we are asking for your constant prayers for strength and wisdom to successfully go through this academic year.

Relocating The School to Sanniquillie

We started and ended the first quarter of this academic year (2024 –2025) in Ganta successfully. From January 22, to April 19, 2024 we conducted classes successfully. From April 22, to April 28, 2024 has been used for Campaign, and from April 28, to May 10, 2024 was for the break, but because time was against us to move to Sanniquillie, and we wanted to be on time with the Curriculum, we used both the Campaign and the break times to speedily move to Sanniquillie. We thank God and appreciate Bear Valley so greatly for the support that enabled the School to finally move in Sanniquillie.

School in Session, Classes Continue

Upon the completion of transporting the materials and setting up the Campus, we immediately On May 13, 2024 as the Commencement of the second Quarter which is presently ongoing.

House to House Evangelism

During the following two weekends, after the commencement of classes, a strong Students House to House Evangelism Campaign was conducted resulting in three Baptisms. We pray that more souls will be won through the same method (Student’s House to house Evangelism).

Posted on June 5, 2024 .

Evangelism plans in Liberia

Tokay Hill Community

                    Ganta City, Nimba County

February 2024 Operation Report


The Students and Staff of the Liberia- Bear Valley Bible Institute bring you greetings and hope that all is well with you in the name of our Lord Almighty. We truly remain grateful to God and you for your partnership with us as we take on the task of preparing men for the Lord’s works here in Liberia and the world at large. Below are the activities for the Month of February 2024.


As part of our practical work and most importantly bringing the lost souls to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Nimba County Evangelism Team (Winning Nimba For Christ) and Bear Valley Bible Institute-Liberia (Students and Instructors) took up a challenging gospel campaign to an area called Karnplay City in Nimba County Liberia, to establish the Church. By God's special grace, the Lord's church was established with 8 Persons obeying the gospel through baptism.

In an effort to coordinate the affairs of evangelism in the Country and across Africa, Brother Steven Ashcraft on January 22-24, 2024 brought together in Sanniquellie Nimba County, Liberia representatives of six West African Countries comprising of Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. During the meeting, issues of coordinating the evangelism works in those Countries mentioned above were highlighted, taking into consideration various challenges and sharing success and experiences that could help us achieve our goals.  

In this vain, evangelism teams in Liberia that have agreed to work with us are making some significant gains in their efforts to bring the lost souls to Christ.   

Konia and Salayea Evangelism Teams in Lofa County concluded their week long leadership training from February 19-25, 2024 with two days gospel campaign establishing three new congregations in Ziggida, Boi and Tivazue Towns respectively with 41persons being added to the Church through baptisms.


As we come to the close of year one quarter one, the school continued to run smoothly with every staff actively performing their responsibilities. The students are all doing well with their lessons while the support and instructional staff continued to come as scheduled playing their parts as well. We continued to seek your prayers as we strive to please our maker accordingly.

Our class room activities continued with the following:

1.    Group works

2.    Research works

3.    Students Individual Assignments and presentation

4.    Memory works

5.    Final examinations (Practical and theory).

6.     Cleaning of the campus etc.


We will always remain grateful for your love for God and your constant supports that have brought us this far, despite the various challenges we faced. To God be all the glory, praise and honor.

Fester G. Lee

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on April 4, 2024 .

Improvements in Liberia




January 2024 Operation Report


Another New Year has come meeting us in good health and sound mind by the grace of God to continue the Lord's work as per His commands. We say Happy and a prosperous new year to you all. We remain thankful to God Almighty for His grace, and many blessing He keeps bestowing upon us daily. We are also appreciative to all that are making it possible through their selfless sacrifices for the sake of God’s Kingdom.


After a long break from September 30, 2023 to January 2024, The Bear Valley Bible Institute-Liberia resumed normal school operations on January 22, 2024.

Students Orientation started January 15-19, 2024 with Nine (9) students in attendance. Classes began with ten (10) students out of the eighteen (18) registered students on January 22, 2024.


 Our 1st quarter begins after the break with the following courses and assigned instructors.

1.     Research & writing ----------------------------- Bro. Alpha Beweh

2.     How we got the Bible ---------------------------- Bro. Fester G. Lee

3.     God’s Scheme of Redemption ------------------ Bro. T. Joel Weah

4.     Old Testament I ----------------------------------- Bro. O.D.K. Zakamah

5.     Personal Evangelism I --------------------------- Bro. Thomas B. Jimmy

6.     Christian Evidences ------------------------------ Bro. Fester G. Lee

7.     General Agriculture ------------------------------ Bro. Samuel B.K. Jabaty

8.     Computer Class -------------------------------- Anstrong Dolopyie 

Preparing to move the school to Sanniquellie

The four months break after Batch three (3)’s graduation came as a result of a decision of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Denver Colorado authority through Bro. Steven Ashcraft the West African Coordinator to relocate the School from Ganta to Sanniquellie City, The Capital of Nimba County. The break was meant to give us time to prepare for the relocation.

However, due to the delay in preparing the Sanniquellie Building to host the school, the BVBI-L administration in consultation with Bro. Steven Ashcraft, came up with a consensus to resume classes in Ganta while the Sanniquellie preparation goes on for continuation of normal school activities. As it stands, said building is nearing completion and hopefully, the second term or quarters two of Batch Four (4) year one which begins April 22, 2024 will start in Sanniquellie.  


The BVBI-L administration in consultation with Bro. Steven Ashcraft has appointed two instructors for replacement. Bro. Samuel B.K. Jabaty to replaced Mr. Meanto Bembo the Agriculture instructor who is not prepared to move to Sanniquellie and Bro. Thomas B. Jimmy Dean Of Students to replace Fester G. Lee.


Ezekiel S. Penzue is one of the students of the fourth batch. He is passionate about his study of the word of God and his desire to become a Gospel Preacher. Penzue was born on Tuesday January 23, 2001 in Gbayblin town, Nimba County Liberia. He was working with the local congregation in His home town. He became a Christian in March 2022. His love for God and for the truth brought him to attend the Bear Valley Bible Institute. When asked of his future plans and dreams, he said firstly, He wants to be an Evangelist of the Lord's church and he also want to become an educator.


Without your love for God and your constant support, we won't have come this far with the huge work we have here. Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for spiritual and financial assistance. We are eternally grateful to each and every of you. To God be the glory, praise and honor.

Kind Regards

Fester G. Lee

Director, BVBI-Liberia

Posted on March 12, 2024 .

Graduation in Liberia



We are very much grateful to God for His special grace that has brought us this far to see the end of the year 2023 and appreciative to the Bear Bible Institute Family for their unflinching supports to the Liberia Bear Valley Bible Institute and other extensions around the world making sure that men and women are prepared to carry the Good News of Christ to the needed.     

The year 2023 was a year of new beginning in the history of Bear Valley Bible Institute Liberia. The school experienced a change of administration. Bro. Fester G. Lee, Bro. Oultarcious D.K. Zakamah, and Bro. T. Joel Weah were asked to manage the affairs of the school pending the arrival of Bro. Steven Ashcraft, the West Africa Coordinator to Ganta, Nimba County, Liberia. He set up an interim administration upon his arrival headed by Bro. Fester G. Lee, to continue with batch three containing sixteen (16) students to graduation. Normal classes began February 20, 2023 two Months after the decision to change the administration of Bro. Robert P. Dahn (December 2022 – February 2023). By the grace of God, we the (interim administration) managed to bring batch three to a successful ending by July 30, 2023, thus graduating the full 16 students of batch three on September 30, 2023.


Bear Valley Bible Institute Denver Colorado authority through Bro. Steven Ashcraft West African Director has decided to move the School from Ganta to Sanniquellie City, The Capital of Nimba County.  As it stands, a two apartments building containing seven rooms to host the students and conduct classes has been arranged and preparations are ongoing to start classes comes January, 2024 with eighteen (18) potential students.    



1.    Graduated 16 Students with Diploma in Biblical Studies, Certificates in the studies of Basic Computer Knowledge (Office Suits) and General Agriculture Knowledge.

2.    Three successful Campaigns and lectureships in 2023:

a.      One in Meainplay Yeezlay (Men Fellowship )

b.     One in Sanniquellie (Leadership and Youth)

c.      One in LAMCO Camp 4 (Leadership Training)

3.    2023Total Baptism ------------------------------- 160 Persons

a.      Students Field Trip in Meainplay Yeezlay ----------------------- 44 Baptism

b.     One Student’s Regular Campaign --------------------------------   7 Baptism

c.      Students weekend ministry ----------------------------------------- 21 Baptism

d.     Campus Ministry ------------------------------------------------------ 10 Baptism

e.      Nimba County Evangelism Team --------------------------------- 78 Baptism


1.     2023 total baptism ------------------------------------------------------- 10 Baptism

2.     Lectureship ------------------------------------------------------ 1

3.     Weekly Visitation Every Friday And Saturday of the week 


1.     Nimba County Evangelism Team was established in accordance with Bro. Steven Ashcraft’s recommendation for the sole purpose of coordinating the affairs of Evangelism in Liberia and the Sub Region.

2.     Received a set of brand new PA System with a New Generator from Bro. Steven Ashcraft

3.     6 baptism ------------- Nimba County Evangelism Team And BVBI-L Students  

                                      Campaign in LAMCO Camp 4, Nimba County

4.     22 baptism ----------- Regular assessment trips

5.     14 Baptism ---------- Campaign in Goegen Town Nimba County

6.     36 Baptism ---------- Visit to Foya Lofa County to help our foreign counterparts from                             Sierra Leon And Guinea for seven days Gospel Campaign

a.   Two New Congregation Established

b.  Restored One Congregation

  78 ------ Total Baptism for Nimba County Evangelism Team

7.     Restored 82 backsliders in various congregations in Nimba County

Students Practice

While it is true that we have to fulfill Bear Valley curriculum, we also help our students with first hand experiences in preaching and teaching in other congregations during their course of studies. We arranged with sister congregations to allow our students to teach and preach in their congregations on Sundays and midweek services for practical training purposes and this is working very well with them.

2024 GOALS

We have the desire of working together to prepare the saints for God's service, this is our passion. By the special grace of God, through Bear Valley Bible Institute Denver Colorado, this passion is being manifested. As per our responsibilities from Bear Valley Bible Institute to prepare leaders for the Church, we have come up with the following plans for 2024:

1.     We continue our training of students through the Bear Valley standards by strictly adhering to the curriculum given.

2.     Seven (7) Gospel Campaigns for the year 2024

3.     Three lectureships/seminars:

a.      For leaders of the church in Nimba

b.     Men and women of the Lord’s Church

c.      Nimba County Youth lectureships

4.     To organize the aluminum of the school for days of refresher training to encourage them in their discipline as trained gospel preachers.

5.     Upgrading the Agriculture Program by including poultry and piggery to the existing cassava and vegetables cultivations if possible, to help with some food.


As we try to achieve our goals through the help and strength provided by God to save the lost souls and bring them to the saving knowledge and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we pray that our good God of Heaven bless our relationship with you, that we all grow together in His grace as we walk together to the glory of Him who has commission us to work. You are always in our prayers. Thank you so much for all you keep doing for the sake of Christ.

Kind Regards

Fester G. Lee

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on January 9, 2024 .

Liberian school finishes the school year strong

May 2023 Operation Report

Tracts Received

Bro. Fester G. Lee, Dean Of Students BVBI-L on Thursday May 18, 2023 left for Monrovia to receive from Bro. Alfred Beyan some Bible Tracks donated by Mission Printing to BVBI-L. Unfortunately, there were some mistakes in allotting those tracts to the appropriate locations from Monrovia. Tracts designated for Ganta were mistakenly taken to Sierra Leone. Later, Bro Ashcraft suggested those tracts are returned to Ganta from Sierra Leone. But, considering the cost of transportation and custom formalities at the border, we also suggested that those tracts remain be Sierra Leon and be used.

How be it, Bro. Beyan assisted us with few cartons of his consignments for the evangelism work in Nimba County.

Below are the categories of tracts and number of cartons received from Monrovia:

1.      47 cartons of GTI Tracts

2.      16 cartons of the Preacher

3.      2 cartons of the Used Library books

4.      75 cartons of tracts from Bro. Alfred Beyan

We appreciate and recognized the efforts of Mission Press for taking the gospel out to needed and defending the truth. Those tracts and many others received in the past have tremendously helped the evangelism works here in Nimba and will carry us a long way in improving the works of God’s Kingdom in this part of the world.

Please keep us in your individual prayers as we take on the task of propagating the gospel. 

Meeting with the Landlord

On Sunday May 28, 2023, we received on BVB-L Campus Mr. Sylvester Zorr, the Landlord of the school compound from Monrovia to do a final assessment on the school building for renovation work. The administration on May 4, 2023 informed him of the deteriorating condition of the three buildings on the compound. The main building used for schooling is leaking seriously from the roof (the director’s office, Staff bathrooms and the class room). After his assessment, the landlord asked the interim administration to find a constructor to do a comprehensive estimate for those buildings and get back to him.

We discussed with him also to review the lease agreement, and it was accepted. We are yet to come up with the date for the revision.

Concluding With Batch Three (2021, 2023 School Year) 

Come July 31, 2023 Bear Valley Bible Institute-Liberia Extension will be finally concluding with Batch three (2021-2023 School Year). We are so grateful to God first and appreciative to the Bear Valley Family for their numeral supports bringing us this far in managing this batch in the mist of numeral challenges.

The interim administration appointed in December 2022 to steal the affairs of the school, has unanimously worked with the Batch three year two schedules for quarter six (6) and seven from February 20, 2023 to date and has successfully absolved most of the require courses except few for the month of July 2023 which will bring us to the end of this batch, getting us to prepare for their graduation.

As the school year comes to an end, we have successfully concluded Quarter six (6) which runs from February 20, 2023 to May 14, 2023 teaching all ten courses (nine Biblical courses, a general Agriculture course and a computer course (introduction to Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office Suit). A week break was given from May 1, to May 7, 2023 and classes resumed on Monday May 8, 2023 to conclude quarter six which ended May 14, 2023.

Below are Quarter six courses:

1.     Short Course - Bible Geography

2.     Short Course - 1, 2 Timothy & Titus

3.     Old Testament IV

4.     Life of Christ IV

5.     Christian Ethics

6.     Romans

7.     James

8.     Homiletics II

9.     Computer Study

10.     Agriculture

Quarter seven begins May 15, 2023 and ends July 31, 2023 bringing us to an end of the school year 2021-2023 for Batch Three.

Agriculture And Computer

 Our studies at the Bear Valley Bible School in Liberia are not limited just to classroom activities, gospel campaigns and evangelism. Our students are taken through the skills in general agriculture and Computer Science with the anticipation of supporting their families through computer knowledge, crops production and animal rearing after their graduation from this institution. This special program is hugely focused on the practical aspect than theory.  Presently on the farm we have cabbage, sweet corn, hot pepper and garden eggs (Bitter Balls).

We are very much grateful for this special skill being allowed by the Bear Valley School to upgrade our students for their future ministry. 

Weekend Evangelism And Preaching Assignments 

As we continue to mode the minds of our incoming gospel ministers, the BVBI-L administration keeps engaging her students to the practical aspects of their training.

As a requirement of the school, our students continue to engage the communities in and around Ganta city where the school is located, including other congregations in Nimba County during their regular weekend campaigns. This measure is put in place to enable the students carry on the practical aspect of their training in various congregations in the County. They are involved with door knocking (house to house evangelism) and preaching the gospel.

To accomplish these weekly tasks in the face of various challenges that have to do with transportation, rain falls and bad road conditions in our county, the instructors continue to make individual sacrifices by providing means to send the students out to various Congregations during the week ends for practices. They leave every Fridays to their assigned areas after school to enable them carry on their door knocking (Personal Evangelism) before Sunday Worship Service.

This has been working very well, because the students used the evening hours to visit members and people who are back home from their daily duties, encouraging them for church services the following day.

Since the introduction of this exercise, their works in those different locations has tremendously help the work in Liberia especially in Nimba County.  Twenty one (21) baptism has been recorded from eleven (11) congregations visited by our students and many backsliding brethren restored. This effort is not only affecting the church positively, but helping the individual students with great experiences on field work and what to expect in the future of their own ministry.

Please keep them in your daily prayers for God guardians as they continue this key aspect of their careers.

Kind Regards

The Administration


Posted on July 10, 2023 .

Liberian students attend county-wide lectureship

Bear Valley Bible Institute–Liberia

Ganta Nimba County

April 2023 Operation Report


Since the resumption of classes in February 2023 under the Interim Administration, the school is progressively functioning well. Upon completion of Quarter Six (6) beginning from February 20, 2023 – May 14, 2023, all courses scheduled for the quarter were successfully completed. Ushering us into quarter Seven (7) beginning May 15, 2023.


The interim Administration of the Bear Valley Bible Institute – Liberia called a General Staff Meeting on April 15, 2023 to discuss the way forward to a successful completion of the balance terms for the present batch (Batch Three). Highlighted in the meeting among other issues were recruitment plans for new students and campaign strategies to improve upon the previous one.

 STUDENTS FIELD TRIP (April 27 – 30)

Upon completion of quarter six (6) final examination, we took the students on a field trip to attend a four (4) days annual Lectureship of the Nimba County churches of Christ (Thursday April 27-Apil 30, 2023) to a town called Mieplay Yeisely, lower Nimba County about four (4) hours’ Drive from Ganta.

The field trip was meant to familiarize the students with the practical work of the church and acquaint them with other brethren of the Lord’s church in the county.   

Meanplay Yeezly congregation is managed by one of the batch three (3) students, Freeman Zlahn and was established in January 11, 2017 by the Late Bro. Harris M. Wonlah formar graduate of the Bear Valley Bible Institute (Batch One), Bro. Peter Karmie, minister of the Bahn congregation and Bro. Fester G. Lee minister of the Sanniquellie Central Church Of Christ and Dean of Students Bear Valley Bible Institute – Liberia.

The Fellowship was well attended, about 700 persons representing 23 congregations across the county including BVBI-L and the Campus Ministry with Forty-four (44) baptisms.

Saye Ganlarkpor

Posted on June 5, 2023 .

Liberian school resumes classes




The school was on break for two months from December of 2022 until February 2023 due to some needed changes in the school administration. Upon the arrival of the Bear Valley coordinator, Steven Ashcraft, on February 17, 2023 a new management team was put into place that consists of brothers Fester G. Lee, Oultarcious D.K. Zakamah, and T. Joel Weah. As it stands, the school is now being managed by the above interim management team until the completion of the present batch of students. At the reopening of the school and resumption of classes, an orientation was conducted with the students to educate them about the change in administration. Below are some photographs that were taken.


On Monday February 20 – 24, 2023, Bro. Steven Ashcraft taught a course (Historical Biblical Geography). He also had the opportunity to worship with the Tokay Hill church Of Christ (Campus Ministry) during his visit. He departed Liberia on Saturday February 25, 2023, and the local instructors continued their classes. 


An evangelistic team was established for the sole purpose of strengthening and restoring weaker congregations, as well as establishing new ones. The evangelism team is headed by Bro. Morris Tiah as a team lead. 


On March 1, 2023 Eighteen (18) pieces of Mattresses were purchased by the Administration and distributed to the students respectively to replace the damaged ones that were purchased by the previous administration.



The students harvested the cassava and sold the produce at the total cost of $10,000.00LD or its equivalent $62.00USD.  


On February 26, 2023 the campus ministry rejoiced over a new member added to the congregation.

We are so grateful to God for the resumption of the School. We are asking the supporters and all the brethren to be in strong prayers with the interim administration to hold unto the standard and principles of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Liberia.

The Management Team - BVBI Ganta Liberia

Posted on April 5, 2023 .

Outreach in Liberia




It is another wonderful opportunity we have been afforded to share with you the happenings here in Ganta Liberia. The school is making great impart in the lives of churches and the country. The school is being regarded as Sound in Doctrine and her products respected for their works out there. Thank you for all your prayers.


My visit to Fist Town, River Gee county, a very hard to reach county from Nimba county was all meant to encourage two of our past students who are there working very well in that part of the country. River Gee county is located in the south eastern part of Liberia. Bear Valley both graduates : Brother Winston Carrick and Brother Julius Nowon both came from that far side of Liberia to school with us in Ganta Nimba county. After their graduation, they both returned to Fish Town and got strictly working together on house to house evangelism and radio preaching which I paid for. They started the first and only congregation for now in Fish town through their efforts in the community and on the Radio. This is the only church in the whole of River Gee county. Julius and Winston have also established a huge agriculture farm from the agriculture knowledge gained from Bear Valley as they work to support themselves whiles they involve in preaching the gospel of our Lord.

During my stay with them, I was able to visit their agriculture farm, I went to the Radio station with them, form part of their weekend visitations and evangelism outreach etc. I was given the opportunity to teach and preached on the Lord's day. On that Sunday, the Lord added to His church, six precious souls. I was also able to meet with their parents who appreciated Bear Valley so much for the level of transformation seen in their children since their returned home from the Bible school.

Three men from the church decided to attend the school next intake. This made me so very happy because for a whole county to just have one church with a huge population in such county, is worrisome. But thank for the two young brother (preachers) who took the lead and for all they are doing in that part of Liberia. It is difficult for them financially, but they are very determined to preach the gospel of Christ no matter what. It was very challenging to get there to them and back but I thank God I made it to them safely and the church was so happy that we can come to them and encourage them. Thanks so much for all your prayers.


Brother Lenin Cooper has accepted our invitations three time to offer his services to the school. Lenin has been one of our short course teacher for three times now since this ongoing badge on students.

Lenin currently lived with His wife and son in Monrovia and teaches at the Liberia Bible College. He is a 2015 graduate from the School of Biblical Studies located in Jos, Nigeria. He holds a BA Degree in Biblical Studies. He also hold a Diploma in Advance English from the Sunset International Bible Institute accredited by the state of Texas, USA

Lenin was born on August 9, 1989. He is currently the assistant preacher for the Church of Christ that meet at Tower Hill, RIA high way. He said His passage is to bring many people to Christ.

In my opinion, he is a good teacher and someone willing to work for God. He has gone with us twice to our campaign and county lectureship and has come to Ganta on invitation to preach and teach.


We are grateful to all of you for your prayers and support toward this extension program in Liberia. You are highly appreciated for all the lives you are changing through your support. May God bless and keep you all safe.

Posted on October 28, 2022 .

Liberian students conduct weekend campaigns


Tokay hill community, Ganta City

Nimba county, Republic of Liberia


Greetings Brethren

God has been very good to us here in Liberia and we continue to be thankful to Him for His providential support through you and all those involved in supporting our work here in this part of the world. We are so very grateful for this great opportunity to be part of Christ's working force in teaching the undiluted truth to the world. So far, our work here in this part of the world continues to grow with more souls being won to Christ. 


A few months ago, we informed you that due to the high cost of living in my country and the prices of commodities on the market that is a great challenge we are faced with in staying on our budget, especially because of the inflation rate here. We decided to give some time to farming so that we can help support our budget. Ever since we started, things are going very well with the growth of our crops. We have also started chicken poultry to enable us to raise some chickens for both feeding and selling in the near future. We are very sure of contributing to the feeding of our students very soon.


Our students continued to engage the communities, towns, and villages during the weekends. On June, 26 a baptism was recorded from all their efforts from the different congregations they worked with. This is so good because it is truly helping them to practice what they are learning in the classroom on the field. We are also very grateful to Brother Greg Grounds for supporting these weekend evangelism programs in towns and villages outside Ganta.


As part of our efforts to keep in touch with the past students and especially to encourage them, this time brother Lee and I visited Morris Gaye in his hometown (Toweh town) where he preaches the gospel. Brother Gaye and all the brethren there were very happy to see us and they welcomed us very well. The church is a small church that needs our prayers and support.

Brother Morris also requested prayer for his wife who is suffering. Life is very difficult for him but he continues to be faithful to the work of our Lord. He truly needs our prayers and support.


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

Please continue to pray for us as we all work for our Maker.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on September 1, 2022 .

Liberian school conducts successful gospel meeting


Tokay Hill Community, Ganta City, Nimba County

Operations Report For The Month Of April, 2022


We will continue to thank God first and also you for all your support toward the Lord's work here in this part of the world. I count myself so much blessed for this great privileged and blessings to be part of His workforce in teaching the truth in His kingdom. We are delighted for this opportunity to work with you. Many thanks to all those making it possible through their sacrifices for the sake of Jesus Christ. So far, all has been moving very well in Liberia.


In our last report, we requested your prayers for our upcoming gospel meeting for the month of April. We are glad to inform you that your prayers worked. On the 14th of April we embarked a campaign away from Ganta with the students and some other church leaders to two different towns and the result was wonderful. 56 souls surrendered themselves to Christ saving authority (His word) through water baptism. The church was restore in Blamine and all other confusion was settled. Thanks so much for your prayers.


Another Staff meeting was held in April to encourage and show appreciation our teachers and support staff for all their sacrifices for the school and this again was very successful for the future of the school. This meeting brought together all of our staff members to evaluate our progress and plan on how we can do more for the betterment of school. In this meeting, all our staff members who are preachers were also encouraged to speak with their congregations to please help the school with whatever they can to encourage our American brethren who are supporting the school. We encouraged each of us to see this extension school as ours to help train our own for the work of the local churches. High on our agenda also was the need to make follow-up on our past students and encourage them to take the work seriously. 


Our goal is to give our students more practical work experience in both the churches in the cities and congregations in the villages and other personal work like house-to-house visitation, public preaching, seminars, lectureships, teaching and preaching in congregations etc. With this in mind, a program has been instituted to send our students out every weekend to get involved in any of the work listed above. This effort is really helping our students have first-hand knowledge on the work expected of them in the future after their graduation from the school. 

Meanwhile, we request for your prayers for them as they go out to serve during the weekends. Especially now that our roads are very bad because of the rain.


Our class room activities continued with the following:

  1. Daily Teachings

  2. Daily Memory work 

  3. Daily Quizzes

  4. Assignments

  5. Research work 

  6. Presentations

  7. Daily Chapel

  8. Group work 


One of our last year end resolution for the school was to cultivate a huge farm land this year for the school. By His grace, someone loaned us seven plots of land and agreed for us to farm on it till they get ready for it. As we speak, the whole land has been covered with cassava and other crops completely. And guess what, the sight is wonderful seeing the cassava and all other crops planted growing so fast. We are happy for the farm and thank God for the thoughts to help in such direction.


Boimah Falleh is one of the young man we have in the school that is very passionate about studying the word of God and his willingness to help with smaller congregations outside the cities. Boimah was born on Saturday December 25, 1999 in Bhah town, Bomi county. He graduated from High School in 2018 and was working with the local congregation in His home town. He became a christian four years ago since 2017. His love for God and for the truth brought him to attend the Bear Valley Bible Institute. When asked of his future plans and dreams, he said firstly, He wants to be an Evangelist of the Lord's church and he also want to become a medical doctor.


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on June 2, 2022 .

Liberia school starts farming to extend their resources


We are very thankful to God for having this opportunity once again to report on the work of BVBI- Liberia during the month of March 2022. Under the divine power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, everything is going well here in Liberia with everyone involved with the school playing his or her part very well


All our classes for the month of March were very good and well attended by all the 18 students and the instructors assigned to those classes. Because of the rain that has already started here in Liberia, we are having a little challenge with some of our teachers coming to classes a little late because of their distances, but they make sure to cover the day’s materials and class hours before leaving.


The continued day-to-day visitation of our students in the communities in Ganta and their every Sunday visitation at local congregations have resulted in 13 baptisms in the month of March. It is getting challenging for them getting to some of the places they used to easily reach because of the rain. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.


Brother Peter Makundu, the director from Sierra Leone was our guest teacher in March. Peter spent 12 days presenting lessons on World Religion. We were truly privileged to have him teach at the school in Liberia because our students here spoke highly of his presentation and patience with them.


The economic situation in Liberia is getting very bad with the rise of goods and basic commodities on the market making it difficult to effectively run the school. In this light and as part of our plans to buttress your selfless efforts in providing for the needs of the school and the students, we have resulted to farm this year. To be able to do this very effectively without tempering the hours allocated for Bear Valley courses, our farming will be over the weekend. This decision has met the consent of the staff and students and we all agreed that the farm will help us greatly and the future of the school.

Meanwhile, as we speak, seven (7) plots or lots of land have since been cleared and burned. As part of our students agriculture training and practical demonstration, The students have embarked on laying out the land for planting. We are very sure this will ease the burden on you and will also help us take in more students during our next intake to train more men for the work of our maker. Please keep this effort in your prayers.


As part of our academic requirement at Bear Valley Bible Institute -Liberia, we have planned to carry out another evangelism next month in two towns to restore the Lord’s churches that are dying there. Congregations have been in these areas but one of them is no more because of the passing of the preacher that was there and the other one in another town is facing some doctrinal problems that need serious help. Most of the members of the congregation with these doctrinal issues have left the church and the news we are getting from there is not good at all. The school has been called by some members of the church to come and help restore the church and teach some lessons on the problems. For this, we ask for your prayers for God's will to be done there and for the safety of our team members.


Brother Robert G. Toweh, another former denominational preacher who through the radio teaching program became a Christian through water baptism in September 2020 at the Ganta church. He is now the oldest student at Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia. Brother Toweh was born on Febrary28, 1952 in Tarppita city, Nimba county. Robert is married with 7 children. 

Robert G. Toweh attended the Living Waters Bible School (A Denominational Bible School) in Kakata and had worked as a Pastor for The Grace Mission Church and for the Christian World Mission church. Brother Toweh worked with the World Health Organization in Nimba county, Liberia from 1976 to 1978. He has also worked with the Fire Stone Harbel Rubber Plantation in Margibi County from 1986 to 1996. When asked how he became a Christian, Brother Robert said, he came to Ganta to visit his relative when he heard the church of Christ preaching on the radio. That lead him to visit the church that faithful Sunday when the invitation was extended to the public. Since his visit, he said he was convinced and wanted to learn more about the truth. After discussing this with his wife and children, he got enrolled at the Bear Valley Bible Institute -Liberia where he is now studying the undiluted words of God. Please keep him in your prayer. He is willing to learn and hopefully like the Apostle Paul will do great work in teaching the denominational church he came from.


We remain eternally grateful for the partnership, cooperation, and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI- Ganta Liberia. We express our gratitude and thanks to the elders of Bear Valley Church of Christ for their great love and compassion toward the work of our savior. We are also thankful to our coordinator Brother Steven Ashcraft for his great encouragement for this educational project to train up young people in Liberia who can teach others also. We are in need of your continued prayers and encouragement.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on April 29, 2022 .

Radio program is reaching souls in Liberia


Tokay hill community, Ganta City

Nimba county, Republic of Liberia



We bring you greetings from Liberia Bear Valley Bible Institute, west Africa. We appreciate God continually for your partnership with us in this work of our Lord directly or indirectly in Liberia.


In their own little ways, some sisters from the Ganta Church continued to assist our students with some of their basic daily needs as they studied. As you may recall, before the Christmas vacation some sisters donated two bags of used clothes to the students. In the month of February, another sister called Herritta Nehywon came with washing soap for all the students individually. She said that she feels so happy in her own little strength to help the students with the soap because they need it, since their studies keep them on the campus even during the weekends. They still have to go out helping to strengthen smaller congregations in the villages. She further said, the future of these students’ education in the Bible will help the world to be a better place. The students thanked her so much and prayed with her for God’s blessing upon she and her family.


Five years ago on the 1st of January 2017, I started the teaching program on the radio as another way of exposing the Lord's church and have more people listen to the undiluted gospel of Christ and His church. Since the inception of this program, many souls have been won to Christ and many new congregations have been started through this efforts.

Another very important part of this radio program is to have our students from the Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Liberia practice public speaking on the radio. The students are taking turns on the radio after preparing a special topic given to them some months before. This practice started with our very first batch of students and the results are to the glory of God and to the edifying of His church. Almost 12 of our past students are now preaching and teaching on the radio at their different locations (Congregations) and the news coming from there by other people make us so happy for the opportunities afforded them to practice while in school.


In the month under review, we held a staff meeting on the school campus. This meeting brought together all the teaching staff and support staff of the school. On our agenda, the following were key in our discussion:

  1. Thanking God and welcoming everyone to the new year

    a. Under this, we appreciated our teachers and staff commitment to serve the students and help them become better preachers and church worker for our maker.

  2. Reviewing Bear Valley needed standard for her schools

  3. We discussed making a cassava farm for the school to help us provide some food in addition to the help Bear Valley is giving to us.

  4. We also discussed ways we can help our past students with evangelism to strengthen the work they are doing in their town and villages.

  5. We concluded our meeting with a prayer for you all that are sponsoring these efforts in Liberia and across the world.


Brother Calvin Jusu Johnson has always responded to our call to come and offer his services to the school. This is his third time honoring our invitation to teach a short for us. We are thankful for his services and want you to please join us to pray for him.


Alex Gonlarkpo Waie was part of our first batch of students who graduated in 2018 and went back home and started a new congregation. We visited Alex and saw the work he is doing and it moved us so much because he struggled in school. Alex presently preaches in his hometown at a congregation he started and he is also helping two other congregations that do not have a trained preacher. Meanwhile, Brother Alex has a very serious problem in easily reaching these struggling congregations and is asking for help. Having visited him and seen the good work he is doing, we want to join him to request for his need. Bro. Alex is humbly asking for a motorbike to help his movements between these three congregations.


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

We also want to take this time to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to all of our brothers and sisters across the world for all your financial and spiritual support for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine has dislocated our brethren literally and has brought more sorrow on their land. Many of our Christian brothers and sisters have lost their homes, their jobs and left them hungry. I am so thankful for all your love you have shown them in this hard times. Let us all continue to pray for peace for them, Please!!

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on March 24, 2022 .

More souls saved in Liberia



Another New year has come by the grace of God and met us in good health and sound mind to continue the Lord's work as He has instructed. Happy New year to you all. We are thankful to God for his grace and many blessing that he keep bestowing upon us daily. Many thanks also to all those making it possible through their selfless sacrifices for the sake of the kingdom. So far, all has been moving very well..


We wish to inform you that our students returned back to school on the 10th of January after a very successful Christmas and New year vacation. We are saying successful because of the many good work they were able to do back home at their congregations they went to during the period of the vacation. Since our returned from the year end vacation, everyone is in high spirit to play their own role very well to enable us complete the 1st year 3rd quarter. Students are playing students roles very well , whiles the instructors are also playing their instructing roles very well . Sadly, four of our students have not returned yet and from the look of things, they might not be coming back because of their many complains that the lessons are very intensive.

As part of our tradition, after vacation students are required to write on their vacations activities: where they spend it, what were they involved in doing, the results of their work and contacts of the preachers or church leaders they work with. Meanwhile, their reports are so interesting that we think you need to know. To summarized their vacation works and experiences, fifteen of them were involved into preaching and teaching at their different congregations, and deeply involved into houses to house evangelism and personal work. This resulted in eighteen (16) baptisms from all of them and 22 person restored We confirmed these information by placing a phone called to their congregations, I am so proud of the practical work out of the classroom done by our students. Please pray that these men continue to grow in the work of our Lord.


This is to inform you that the school and the county of Nimba has lost one of the pillar of the Lord's church here in Liberia west Africa. Preacher Harris Wonlay was among the first batch of student enrolled into the Bear Valley Extension Program in Ganta Liberia in 2016. He was a very matured Christian who was already teaching and preaching in the church. The quest to rightly divide the word of truth led him to the Bible school in 2016.

While in school, Brother Wonlah served as the students prefect and advisor at the same time because of his level of faith and maturity in the Lord. Harris was a very strong, sound and vocal Preacher who before coming to the Bible school and after his graduation from the Bible school preached the undiluted gospel of Christ without fear or favor. He brought thousands of lost souls to our Lord and planted over 20 congregations in the country. He leave to morn his old wife and four daughters with seven grand children. The school is really hurt with his passing but happy that he died in the Lord and as a great servant of the cross. Please pray for his wife and children he left behind.


Our 3rd quarter continued after the break with the follow courses and assigned instructors.

  1. Old Testament -2------------------------- Robert Dahn

  2. Life of Christ -2--------------------------Fester Lee

  3. Old Testament – 3-------------------------Robert Dahn

  4. English--------------------------------------O. D. K. Zakamah

  5. Prison Epistles-----------------------------Joel Weah

  6. 1Corinthians------------------------------- Calvin Jusu Johnson

  7. Short Course ( World Religion----------Peter

  8. Agriculture --------------------------------Meantor Bembo

  9. Computer--------------------------------- Amos Dolo


Without your love for God and your constant support towards His work, we won't have come this far with the huge work we have here. Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for spiritual and financial assistance. We are eternally grateful to each and every of you. To God be all the glory, praise and honor.

With The Love We Share In Christ;

Robert P. Dahn, Jr

Director, BVBI-Liberia

Posted on March 14, 2022 .

A great year in Liberia!




We are very grateful to God for His special grace that has brought us to another year. Let me take this time to greet you and extend happy new year to all of you as it is by God's grace that we have come thus far. The month of December started very well both in and out of the classroom. Our twenty two (22) full time students are doing very well and in high spirit as we all come to the close of the year. They all say hello. The year 2021 was a very successful considering the achievements realized by the help of God. Please Read how God bless His work through His servants in 2021.


  1. 16 Students Graduated with a Diploma in Biblical Students after two years of intensive studies.

  2. In 2021- we had 7 successful Campaigns

  3. 6 lectureships ( three men, leadership and Preachers lectureships , two women lectureships and one youth lectureship).

  4. 590 Baptism Total in 2021

    a. School Campaign Team- 326 Baptism

    b. Present Students- 74 Baptism

    c. Staffs- 59 Baptism

    d. Radio Program- 67 Baptism

    e. Ganta Church Baptism- 64

  5. 106 Restored

  6. 6 New Congregations planted

  7. 2 Congregations Restored


In as much as we faithfully fulfilled Bear Valley curriculum, we also continued to help our students with first hand experiences in preaching and teaching at other congregations whiles they are still here at the school. We managed to arranged with sister congregations to accept our students to teach and preach at their congregation on Sunday and midweek services for practical future purposes and this is working very well for our students.


As we look up to a new year, the school has decided to set a target for the up coming year. Our operations will include all of us working together for equipping of the saints for God's service. The following are our plans for 2022:

  1. Our training at Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia will continue through the Bear Valley rules, regulations and standard as been given to us by our Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft especially following strictly the curriculum given.

  2. Secondly, we have planed to carry out 10 gospel campaigns in 2022 if we have the means to do so.

  3. Our weekend evangelism and visitation program especially to local congregations outside Ganta will continue with reports from each work weekly.

  4. We planed to host two (2) men seminars for all the men in the county that will bring together church leaders, preachers and other denominational preachers.

  5. We have also planed to bring together all of our past students ( Graduates) to encourage and strengthen their works with some few days training.

  6. The school will also be embarking on making a cassava farm to help with some food.

All these decisions or plans were reached agreed upon in a general meeting comprising of both the staffs and the student body.


Two of our church sisters from the Ganta congregation bought some used cloths and donated them to the students for their Christmas gift. She said most of our students have been going to church with out good cloths on so they both noticed them and decided to surprise the future preachers with some good cloths for service purposes. Sister Evelyn Duo and Sister Sarah Garnett encouraged our students to do their best in their studies and promised them of their help if God continue to bless them. We appreciated them and pray along with them.


Our students left for the year end break (Vacation) on the 20th of December 2021 and are expected to return back to school on January 10th, 2022. Before the vacation, in a staff meeting, the faculty came up with a plan to keep our students busy while on the vacation. Each student is required to visit at least one congregation apart from their home congregation, work with them in either preaching or teaching and bring a comprehensive report of their work out there. Our students were also encourage to zealously work with their home congregations especially in the area of personal evangelism and house to house visitation. We are hopeful tat their work during the vacation will bring more fruits to the kingdom of God.


We are doing all we can with the help and strength provided by God to save erring souls from sin and bring them to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so to avoid the wailing and gnashing of teeth at the end of our journey. May the God of Heaven, the shepherd of our souls, bless our relationship with you and may we all grow together in the grace as we walk and work together to the glory of Him who has commission us to work. You are always in our prayers. Thank you so much for all you keep doing for the sake of Christ.


Robert P. Dahn, Jr

Posted on February 14, 2022 .

Evangelism in Liberia

It cannot be over emphasized how grateful we are to you all continually for your partnership with us in this great soul saving work given to all of us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-20). Many thanks and appreciation for all your Prayers and supports that is keeping us going here in Liberia.



I am always happy to announce the wonderful work that is being done by the students and staffs when it comes to Campaigns evangelism. Their zeal for gospel campaigns continued to sent out the good news and make the Lord's church known in the community and beyond. In the month of July and August, the middle of the rainy season where our roads in Liberia are very terrible and movements becomes difficulty, we still carried out two very successful campaigns supported by brother Steven Aschaft in the Beatuo and Ganaglay areas in Nimba county, were we had through the special grace of God the total of twenty nine (29) person accepting the gospel of Christ through water baptism. This campaign also resulted in the restoring of a falling congregation, brought back backsliding members and planted the gospel seed in the hearts of many people who never knew the truth in Beatuo Town.

We are happy to announced to you that another new congregation was started in Ganaglay Town through the help of an old member of the church who badly wanted the church in his home town. We spent four days on house to house evangelism and public preaching there and 19 persons responded to the gospel called in Ganaglay beginning and new congregation there. We had a great worship in both towns with an amazing attendence from the community. We are sincerely thankful to Brother Steven and to everyone who continue to supports our campaigns efforts with every dollar you continued to sacrifice. May our God bless you with refund.


We are never giving up on our weekend campaigns in Ganta and other villages where we have new congregations established. Our students continued to engaged the communities in every weekends in house to house evangelism and preaching for practical, since it has been made a requirement from the school to enable our students practice personal evangelism and working with local congregations for their future as trained gospel preachers. Meanwhile, to be able to accomplish these weekly task in the face of very serious rain falls and terrible road conditions in our country, provisions are made to sent out the students to their practical preaching points on Saturday morning so that there won't be any problem getting there on Sunday. We came up with this decision because they might have breakdown in the mud if leaving on Sunday morning to their assigned areas and this has been working very well for the passed two months, because when they get there on Saturday, they can used the evening hours to visit members and and people who are back from their farms encouraging them for church service the following day.

In these two months (July and August), their works in those different locations has tremendously help the work in Liberia especially in Nimba County. Sixteen (16) baptism was recorded from nine (9) congregations visited by our students and many falling brethren restored. This effort is not only making the church known or have great impart on prospects they come across, but helping the individual students with great experiences on field work and what to expect in the future of their own ministry. Please keep them in your daily prayers as the make these all important weekly trips on our very bad roads.


For the year 2021 we have planed to carried out ten additional campaigns with our four regular campaigns that is supported by the Bear Valley Bible institute, making them foueteen (14) campaigns in all. We (the students and staffs) have agreed to cut down our quarterly break from two weeks to one week so that we can use the one week for campaigns. This will help us do about fourteen campaigns a year. And not just that, it will help our students with all the practical experiences they will need in the future work for the Lord. But this can not be accomplished without your prayers financial help. Please help us rescue the perishing in this part of the word. If you cannot go, you can support us to go. It cost $500 to $600 to effect one successful gospel campaign. Anyone willing to help can kindly contact brother Steven Ashcraft on his Email- ( He is the regional coordinator for the Bear Valley Schools in West Africa. Thank you so much in advance for being part of this soul saving mission. May God richly bless you.


On August 23, 2021, we experienced a very unfortunate situation at the school whiles classed was on going. One of the students room caught fire while we were in class and cause a lot of damage to the school and the students in that room belongings. The four beds, mattresses, flood mat in that room and lots of the students personal things got destroyed in the fire. If it was not by the special grace of God who took one of the student outside to use the bathroom and saw the smoke from the dormitory and shorted fire, then by this time, we would be in serious problem with the Landlord. The good thing is that the fire did not touch the zinc.

Meanwhile, we called on the electricity people and the came and found out that it was a short circuit caused by an extension coil left plug in the socket. We thank God this did not happen in the night.

PROFILE OF A STUDENT: Student Thomas B. Jimmy

I am very happy to introduced to you now, Brother Thomas B. Jimmy, once a denominational preacher who became a member of the Lord's church through the Radio preaching Program. Thomas followed the teaching on the radio for about two years and accepted the teachings of the one true church and started telling his denomination ( Spiritual Life Soul Stirring Ministry) about what he has heard and the need for them to change to the truth. Brother Jimmy was able to convinced most of his leaders to finally accept the truth and decided to turn the church to the church of Christ. Before the church got changed to the Lord's church, we were invited to teach their denomination for three days and by God's grace, 43 of them believed and got baptized into Christ including brother Thomas Jimmy who was the preacher, resulting in the change from Spiritual Life Soul Stirring Ministry to the Church of Christ!

Brother Thomas, so passionate to know and learn more about the Lord Church decided to leave his secular profession as a classroom teacher and and other benefits to attend the Bear Valley Bible Institute-Liberia. During the interview after the school's entrance examination, he said having suddenly come to Christ with his denominational congregation, they will be expecting more from him in terms of teaching the truth that he has made them come to. Therefore, to be able to do so, he wants to attend the Bible school(BVBI-L) so as to be prepared to teach and preach the truth of the one true church.

Brother Jimmy is married and he and his wife has four children. He was born and raised in unification town, lower Margibi county Liberia. The wife alone has to now take care of the children whiles he come to school. Your prayers, encouragement and support is seriously needed to keep this brother's family up to enable him focus on his Biblical education.


We thank you so much for your continued supports for the work here in Liberia. We won't have gotten to where are if you have not partner with us in this great work of our Lord. Thank you so much very much. God bless you.

Your brother and co-worker in the Lord

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Posted on October 7, 2021 .

Guests in Liberia

Dear Fellow Workers In Christ

We bring you greetings from Liberia Bear Valley Bible Institute, West Africa. We want to take this time first and full most to extend our many tanks and appreciation for all yours prayers and supplications that is keeping us here going safe and protected through the COVID-19 that killing many of our countrymen and women, even Christians. Many thanks also to all of our instructional staffs who continued to come even during these very hard days in our country to impart knowledge to the students. We also appreciate God for your partnership with us in this work of our Lord directly or indirectly in Liberia.


We were so blessed to have brother Keith Kasarjian visiting the school in Liberia after about five years since its establishment. Brother Keith and Brother Steven Ashcraft came to Liberia in 2016 to see if there was a possibility of starting a preaching school in Liberia and that visit resulted in the school we have in Liberia now. And ever since after their visit about five years ago, thirty two (32) preachers have been trained and graduated from the Bear Valley bible Institute Liberia with over a thousand (1000) won over to Christ through the evangelistic efforts of both the students and instructors of the school.

His visit in July was an encouragement to our new batch of students who have heard of him but haven seen him in person. He spoke to the students and encouraged them to remain disciplined and focus on their studies. He also gave some books as gifts for the school.


During the visit of Brother Greg Grounds in Liberia, we had a month evangelism and the efforts resulted in the establishment of eight (8) new congregations in eight different town away from Ganta. The establishments of these new congregations have brought great opportunities to our students practical work. On a weekly basis, our students are sent to these new congregations a day or two before the Lord's to carried our house to house evangelism, encouraging members to be prepared for worship to on the Lord's day. In the month of June, we recorded 13 new baptism done by the students from these eight (8) new churches planted. Brother Greg Grounds helps with the transportation of the students to these locations weekly.


We were privilege to have Brother Calvin Jusu Johnson come to teach our first short course in Research Writing. Calvin was born May 26, 1989 in Flehla, Bong County, Liberia. Like Timothy was, He was brought up by his grand mother who was the only Christian in my family. Fortunately for him, he was converted to the Lord's Church through her in 2006 upon graduating from secondary school. Due to his zealousness as a young Christian and a desire to share God's word to the world, he abandon his pursuit of sociology degree at sophomore level at the United Methodist University, Liberia and went to Nigeria 2011 where I studied Ministry at the School of Biblical Studies, Jos and graduated with a bachelor degree in 2015. He returned the same year and started preaching at his home congregation in Flehla lower Bong county and teaching Religious Education in the Public School on a voluntary basis, at the same time taking care of his aged grandmother. Having developed the mind of teaching, he enrolled in the Kakata Rural Teacher Training Institute in 2016 and graduated with a "C" Certificate in Education 2017. He presently lecture at the Liberia Bible College and a short term lecturer at Bear Valley Bible Institute. Brother Calvin loves reading and writing. He has written two tracks tittle, Did Jesus Resurrect? The Passion of Christ; and a book: A Century With the Lord, but yet to be printed/published because of the lack of sponsorship.


We thank the almighty God through whom all blessings flow and also appreciate you all for all you are doing directly or indirectly for the Lord's work here in Liberia. May God continue to bless you.

Your Fellow Servant In Christ,

Robert Dahn


Posted on September 14, 2021 .