Operation Report For January 2025
Our students returned back to school on the 12th of January, 2025 after a successful Year end vacation (Christmas and New Year). Regular classes started on January 14, 2025 under a careful supervision. We are saying successful because of the many good work they were able to do back home at their congregations during the period of the vacation. Leaders of some congregations called to recognize and appreciate their meaningful contributions helping with evangelism works and edification during their stay.
Since our return from the year end vacation, everyone is in high spirits to play their own role very well to enable us complete the 1st year 4th quarter. Students are playing their roles very well, and the instructors are also playing theirs as well.
Before the season break, the school administration expelled a student from the school for disorderly conduct after several warnings to have him repented but to no avail.
As part of our tradition after vacation, students are required to write on their vacations activities:
1. Where they spent their vacation
2. Their roles in the Church
3. The results of their work and contacts of the preachers or church leaders they worked with.
Meanwhile, reports received are all encouraging. They were involved in preaching and teaching at their various congregations, and deeply involved in house to house evangelism and personal works. We confirmed those information by placing phone calls to leaders of their various congregations. We are proud of the practical work out of the classroom done by our students. Please pray that these men continue to grow in the work of our Lord.
Short Course (Galatians)
On January 18, 2025 Bro. Calvin Jusu Johnson was invited by the School Administration to conduct a week’s Class, teaching one of the Short Courses (The book of Galatians). He ably ended the Couse Successfully on January 24, 2025 and has since returned back to Monrovia.
Our 4th quarter continued after the break with the follow courses and assigned instructors.
1. Personal Evangelism --------------------------------- Thomas Jimmy
2. 1, 2 Peter & Jude ------------------------------------- Fester Lee
3. New Testament Worship ----------------------------- Fester Lee
4. 1&2 Thessalonians ----------------------------------- Joel Weah
5. Leadership -------------------------------------------- Joel Weah
6. Short Course (The Book Of Galatians) ----------- Calvin Jusu Johnson
7. Agriculture -------------------------------------------- Samuel B. K. Jabaty
8. English------------------------------------------------- Marcus Joel Wehye
9. Computer---------------------------------------------- Augustine Quoigbay
Children Sunday School Female Teachers Training Program
One January 27, 2025 we graciously received in Liberia Bro. Steven Ashcraft and his wife Sis. Karen Ashcraft in preparation for a seminar aiming at training Female Children Sunday School teachers from forty congregations in Liberia, to be conducted in two areas. Beginning January 31 to February 1, 2025 in Sanniquellie City, Nimba County, at the Sanniquellie Central Church Of Christ, for sixty (60) participants from thirty (30) congregations, two persons each per congregation. And February 7-8, 2025 in Monrovia, Paynesville City at the GSA Road Church of Christ for twenty (20) participants from ten (10) congregations, two per congregation.
Without your love for God and your constant support, we wouldn't have come thus far with this huge task given us. Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your spiritual and financial assistance. We are eternally grateful to each and every one of you. To God be the glory, praise and honor belong to Him always.
With The Love We Share In Christ;