Posts tagged #Accra

Successful Second Quarter and Evangelism Efforts in Accra-East, Ghana

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Accra East

Second Quarter Report - 2024 

Courses covered

The second quarter commenced on April 2nd, 2024, the first Friday of April, and concluded on June 29th, 2024, the last Saturday of June. During this quarter, the school successfully completed three courses:

  • The books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians

  • 1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus

  • Denominational doctrines

Report on the Students

The students' performance was highly commendable throughout this 2nd quarter. They demonstrated exceptional commitment by attending classes punctually and regularly. Moreover, they actively participated in class tests and discussions. The average attendance for this quarter was nine (9) students.

In April, all students participated in the Bear Valley Bible Institute graduation ceremony held at Serpeman Church of Christ auditorium on April 20th. The program was lively, and the speakers' presentations were inspiring. It was encouraging to see so much joy on the faces of the students.

House to House Evangelism

House-to-house evangelism continues in three communities: Gomoa Asebu, Santor, and Awutu Breku Twiime. These communities have congregations needing urgent attention, particularly Gomoa Asebu and Santor, where ministers are currently absent. I oversee these congregations along with Nmai Djorn, the mother church. Students are assigned to these congregations on a rotating basis, visiting every Sunday. They take the opportunity to engage in house-to-house evangelism after worship. During this period, we witnessed three baptisms: one in Gomoa Asebu, another in Awutu Breku Twiime, and one at Boi Church of Christ. At Boi Church, our student John Achie Quophy serves as a part-time preacher in the congregation 

Report on Awutu Breku Twiime Church

The students continue their visits to Awutu Breku Twiime Church of Christ this quarter. Established on September 24, 2023, through the Bear Valley Church Planting Program by Accra East, the church experienced one baptism during this period, maintaining an average attendance of 25 members. Accra East students continue to rotate their visits to the church every Sunday. On Sunday, June 30th, 2024, all students went to Awutu Breku and Asebu to assist with worship and evangelism.

Church Planting Program 2024

This year's church planting program is set for Achansa-Abobiri in the Eastern Region, a small cocoa farming village. Initially planned for April 26th-28th, 2024, the campaign and inauguration were postponed due to the passing of one of the community elders and subsequent seasonal rains. The new dates are now scheduled for July 27th-28th, 2024. We remain hopeful and pray for the successful establishment of the Church of Christ in this community.

Pending Lectureship

The school, in collaboration with Nmai Djorn Church of Christ, has scheduled a lectureship for the 1st Sunday in September this year. The event is planned for a Sunday to maximize participation. After discussions with the students over the past month and a half, the final date is confirmed for September 1st. For this year's lectureship, we intend to invite speakers from Bear Valley Bible Institute whom we trust to effectively address the chosen topic

The chosen topics for the lectureship are:

  1. How to Safeguard Biblical Truth in a Changing World

  2. Principles of Hermeneutics and Interpretation: (Foundational rules and guidelines for interpreting and understanding biblical texts)

  3. The Role of Scripture in Today's Culture

Thank you,

Peter Arhinful-Quansah

Posted on July 13, 2024 .

Accra students conduct follow up campaign

Monthly Report - May 2024

Southern Institute of Biblical Studies

As we conclude the month of May 2024, we reflect on the activities that have shaped our institution and propelled us forward. Here are the highlights of our endeavors:

Class Activities

1. Staff Meeting: Following the successful graduation and matriculation ceremonies, our staff convened to assess the outcomes and plan for the future. We celebrated the achievements of our students and discussed ways to enhance their learning experience. The camaraderie among our faculty members continues to foster a positive environment.

2. New Greek Instructor: We welcome Samuel Papa Woode as our new Greek instructor. His expertise will undoubtedly enrich our students' understanding of biblical languages. We look forward to his contributions in equipping our learners for effective ministry.

3. Campaign for New Students: Our commitment to growth extends beyond the classroom. We have initiated a campaign to attract new students to our institution. Through targeted outreach and personal invitations, we aim to expand our student body and impact more lives.

4. Upcoming Campaigns:

 Follow-up at Paanor: Building on our recent gospel campaign, we will diligently follow up with those who expressed interest. Personal connections and nurturing relationships are essential in guiding souls toward Christ.

 Church Planting at Kasoa: Our next endeavor involves planting a church in Kasoa. We recognize the importance of establishing vibrant congregations that serve as beacons of hope in their communities.

Fundraising and Community Support

Our recent graduation and matriculation ceremonies were joyous occasions and opportunities to raise funds. The generosity of our community members and supporters has been heartwarming. These funds will contribute to scholarships, infrastructure development, and outreach programs.

We remain grateful for our partners, alumni, and friends' prayers, encouragement, and financial contributions. May the Lord bless our endeavors as we strive to fulfill our mission.

 By E.O. Larbi

Posted on July 8, 2024 .

Graduation in Accra, Ghana

 Bear Valley Bible Institute, Accra  

End of April 2024 Operating Report

We give thanks to the Lord for His guidance and blessings throughout April 2024. It has been a month filled with growth, learning, and spiritual outreach. Below are the highlights of our activities for the month.

Academic Activities

April marked the beginning of a new quarter for our diploma class. Esteemed Bro Amoo Gyima led the students through enriching courses such as “The Life of Christ” and “Christian Evidences,” while “Scheme of Redemption” by Kojo, “Homiletics 1” by Shadrach Oppong, “Old Testament II and Godhead” by E. O. Larbi, and other subjects were also part of the curriculum. The dedication of both students and faculty has been commendable, ensuring a robust and spiritually enriching academic environment.

Gospel Campaign

Our commitment to spreading the Word took the form of a church planting campaign that spanned two weeks, with activities conducted day and night. Although we did not witness any baptisms this month, we were blessed with the presence of three visiting prospects and the initiation of three new members. We remain hopeful that the seeds planted will bear fruit in God’s perfect timing.

Leadership Seminar

The ongoing weekly leadership seminar at Akotoakrom, spearheaded by Bro E.O Larbi and Bro Sasu Ntim, has proven effective and transformative. The seminar has been instrumental in equipping our leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to shepherd the flock and spread the gospel more effectively.

Working and Education on BV Library

Sammy has been moving around helping to resolve the network connection of the library, fixing errors, and educating its use to instructors and students. This month, he visited Koforidua and Accra East to help fix connection challenges. There was a peculiar error i.e. javascript error after connecting the laptop or phone. He is searching for how to resolve this to keep other students in touch and enjoy its use.

There were common questions students normally asked, “Can it be accessed everywhere I go,” and he answered, “It is a local area network.” Only when you are within the radius of the Wi-Fi yet, the school is working on upgrading it to be used worldwide.

Instructors and students love using it because it contains many books you can access.

Graduation and Matriculation Ceremonies

April 20th, 2024, was a historic day for our institution as we celebrated the 6th Graduation and 7th Matriculation ceremony for our Diploma class, alongside the 1st Graduation ceremony for our Degree class, which saw 12 students proudly receiving their degrees. The 2nd Matriculation ceremony was also held on this day. The events were not only successful but also memorable, marked by joyous celebrations and a spirit of camaraderie. As is our tradition, the ceremonies included a fundraising event, which received generous support from the churches. The funds raised will be instrumental in furthering our mission and supporting our students.

We are immensely grateful for the unwavering support of our partners, alumni, and friends of the college. Your prayers and contributions have been the cornerstone of our success. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly.

Radio Programme

A new contract has been signed with Top Radio (TOP MEDIA GROUP). We still appeal to you to help by paying the full contract price for us to enable us to reach as many listeners as possible. We were able to reach as many as about Fifteen (15) to Twenty (twenty) people a week. We visited two homes a week to teach and instruct.

We thank our Lord God for these activities. We pray that He gives us strength all the time to work more.

Report by E.O. Larbi, Director

Posted on May 10, 2024 .

New instructor in Accra, Ghana

End of February 2024 Operating Report, BVBI Accra


God has been good and merciful to us. We will always praise him for his love and the numerous favour he has always bestowed on the ministry. Our heart is filled with full of joy. Praise him forever and ever. Amen.


Our instructors are doing well with their lessons, endeavouring to teach with all cheerfulness and in good health. Our students are also participating in their studies and research works.

New Instructor

We are happy to introduce our newly appointed instructor brother Shadrach Oppong. He is married with 2 children. He has recently completed his master's with Bear Valley Bible Institute, also working as an Evangelist. We have observed from him that he is sound in the doctrine and has a passion for teaching. He is with a media group, chariot TV which educates the church and public in the way of the Lord. He has endorsed the doctrinal position of the school and taken up the teaching responsibility with the school.

Number of Instructors

Currently, we have ten (10) instructors of which two (2) are mentoring to take over from the aged. The instructors include: E. O. Larbi, Kojo Acquah Beenyi, Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah, Samuel Sasu Ntim, George Osafo Anim, Emmanuel Gyasi-Quansah, Shadrach Oppong, Wisdom Yirenchi, Ebenezer Amoasi, and John Acquah.

Report of Survey for church planting

Sammy and some of the evangelized team went out to survey the area for the campaign. Below is the report:

Paanor (school site)

1.      Campaign schedule for two weeks or more beginning from 1 to 14 April 2024

2.      Rent for John Acquah, chamber, and hall self-contain – 400.00 per month

3.      Chief of the town has promised us a plot of land with registration in the town by the road side at fifty thousand Ghana cedis (50,000.00)

4.      We met a couple (Michael and Dora) who were members of the church. They have built an apartment which will help us to host some of the team members.

5.      We had an old lady and a gentleman who promised us three  rooms for our stay for two weeks for the campaign

6.      On Sunday, John and Eric will be visiting the two nearby churches to announce the campaign  and their support for the programme

7.      We also cited a river and a good place for baptism in the next town (ie. River Densu)


8.      Campaign schedule for 1 week starting from 18 to 24 March 2024

9.      Unfortunately our car broke down and left it at the village to get it fixed the next morning

10.  We found five (5) members who were members of the church

11.  A couple who were members of the church has promised us rooms to receive our team and all participants

12.  We found a stream at the next two towns for baptism

13.  The members are ready to cook for the participant

14.  Meeting place: we have been promised to use the town school’s classroom for our assembly until we get a piece of land.

Visit churches for new students

Brother Amoo-Gyimah and Sammy visited all the Suhum township churches and some of the brethren at Teacher Mante, Kyekyere, and Asuboi to campaign for faithful men who has the desire to do the Lord’s work.

Flyers and announcement have been sent to all students in the weekend schools for students who may wish to switch to full-time class. In all we had two (2) students and two (2) brethren from the local church to start with the class. In total, we have ten (10) students for the full-time class.

We thank God for his guidance throughout the month’s activities. We hope to do more in the next month.


Reported by Bro. E. O. Larbi

Posted on April 4, 2024 .

Church Planting in Accra, Ghana

                                    End of January 2024 Operating Report, BVBI Accra


It is with much joy for a new year. Glory be to God our Lord and Saviour for ushering us into a new academic year 2024/2025. The administration, teaching, non-teaching staff, and the student body, all thank God for His merciful love, protecting, and providing for our needs throughout the past years. Furthermore, we thank our brothers, Steven, and Keith, the administration of Bear Valley and supporting brethren in the US, individuals, and local churches in Ghana for their prayers, support, and the advertisement of the school. God bless everyone.


This quarter’s courses and instructors include: Old Testament 1 (Pentateuch) - E. O. Larbi, Hermeneutics – Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah, Cost of Discipleship – Kojo Acquah Beenyi, How We God the Bible – Shadrach Oppong Sika, Computing & Elementary Greek – Samuel Sasu Ntim, Research and Writing – George Osafo Anim.

Short courses with Instructors: Personal Evangelism – Emmanuel Gyasi-Quansah, Scheme of Redemption – Kojo Acquah Beenyi.

Campaign and Other Schedules

These include the students and evangelism team of Southern Ghana for all evangelistic activities. Targeted areas for church planting: Paanor, Akotuakrom, Medie-Kotoku Road.

Follow ups: Pakro road, Ankwa Doboro, Fotobi, and Akwamu

Tracts sharing campaign: Nsawam and Amasaman Marketplaces

Trip: Blackman Animal Husbandry, and Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park

Teaching Practice and Mentoring: Doboro, Kasoa SCC, Teshie Main  


As reported in our previous reports, almost every time admission is open to every member who may wish to school upon our regular advertisements. Currently, we have admitted Seven (7) students. Recruitment campaign is ongoing through visiting the local churches and seminars.


Classes have begun with their instructors as mentioned above. All the students are participating well.


Tract Sharing Campaign at Nsawam Market

Mondays and Thursdays are market days for this town. As part of our evangelism activities, the school and the campaign team have decided to share tracts during these days.

As we prepared for this evangelism, we prayed to God for His guidance in the crowd for a successful event.

We took three boxes of the tract with the title Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth and other mini booklets. The marketplace was big enough that we could not cover a quarter until the tracts were finished. The activity was so interesting that some of the market women devoted their time for us to share the gospel with them. Some were astonished that our message was new to them. Most questions were asked on tithing “Is it Biblical to pay tithe” and “What is the truth church of the Bible and the direction if they want to visit them.”

Having accomplished the mission, we have decided to speak to the administration on our next tract-sharing campaign, we shall mount speakers and horns and preach while others walk through sharing the tracts and dialogue with individuals.

Furthermore, we found an old woman who introduced herself as one of the members of the church but was unable to find the location of the church. We tried to locate her house and introduced her to Brother Moses Edison who was a past student and an evangelist at Ayigbe Town church to fellowship with them. A sad moment was when some of the members confessed their withdrawal from the church. We had time to dialogue with them to have a change of mind to restore.


Some of the campaign team members and Sammy went out to survey areas to plant churches. We went to Paanor which is to our New School Building Project. We spoke with the chief of the town about the upcoming campaign and gave us the right hand to start the work. He introduced to us a piece of land at a cost of C50,000.00 near the road when we were ready to plant the church.

We also went to Akotuakrom in the Eastern Region where we found four (4) members of the church who complained about the cost of proximity.  They were happy to hear about our mission in the town. However, we have decided to plant the church in this town in March 2024. We also introduce the school to the man who has been a member for two (2) years to think about coming to study the word to handle the church in his town.


Brother Silas Adjei has recently completed his courses and waiting on graduation. Silas is 27 years old, he is single, and a preacher at the Medie Ketewa congregation. Silas is a hardworking young man who loves missionary work. He is part of the campaign team of the school. This man always attends the Top Radio campaign with E.O. Larbi on Tuesdays. He reads the Twi Bile during the radio programme. He also helps the office of the school.


We thank God for His protection throughout the Month. Keep praying with us.

Report by E. O. Larbi.

Posted on February 10, 2024 .

Special seminar in Accra

Bear Valley - Accra

Operating Report for November 2023


We thank God for a successful month of November 2023. We are grateful for His grace and guidance in all our activities.

Class Activities

The following classes were conducted in November:

- Bro Gyasi-Quansah taught the last short course on world religion and denomination doctrines. The students learned about the history and doctrines of various religious groups and denominations and how to respond to them biblically and logically.

- Bro Kojo Acquah Beenyi met the second batch of Bachelor’s students on congregational development. Six students were present and they discussed the challenges and opportunities of developing and growing a congregation in the contemporary world.

- Bro Samuel Sasu Ntim taught Elementary Greek where he delt with areas such as Greek alphabets, vowels, diphthongs, breathing marks, and syllabification. The students appreciated the introduction to the original language of the New Testament and its relevance for biblical interpretation and exegesis.

- Bro E. O. Larbi also taught the Book of Revelation and Christian Ethics. The students explored the apocalyptic genre and symbolism of the book of Revelation and its application to the church today. They also studied the ethical principles and issues that Christians face in their daily lives and how to make moral decisions based on the word of God.

Exams and Research

The students took their exams at the end of the quarter and submitted their research papers on various topics. The lecturers graded the exams and papers and gave feedback to the students. The results showed that the students performed well and demonstrated their understanding and skills in their respective courses.

Visitation to our Students' Churches

Bro Samuel Sasu Ntim visited two churches for the last quarter at Pakro Road and Fotobi. He observed the worship services and the activities of the churches. He also interacted with the members and the leaders of the churches. He reported that the churches faced some challenges such as leadership issues by some old brethren at Pakro Road and the numerical growth of the the church. Also, the Fotobi congregation is challenged with a noisy environment due to five instrumental churches circling the brethren. This has made four baptized members difficult to worship. He also offered some suggestions and solutions to resolve these challenges. He encouraged the churches to remain faithful and steadfast in the Lord. A relocation is ongoing for Fotobi church for comfortable services.

Talk with Past Students

We had a great and successful talk with our past and present students. We had a good turnout of our alumni who came to share their experiences and testimonies. Bro Keith spoke to us about Bear Valley policies; the importance of continuing education and lifelong learning. Bro Emmanuel Amoo-Gyima taught us about the role of the preacher in the church and society. Bro Kojo and Bro E. O. Larbi also made good contributions to the discussion. We were inspired and motivated by the words and deeds of our past students.


Working on Campaign for New Students

We are working on a campaign to recruit new students for the next academic year 2024. Currently, we have six outstanding applicants who have expressed interest in studying with the school. We are following up with them and providing them with the necessary information and guidance. We are also planning to conduct some campaign activities in the following places: Tamale, Pakro Road, Fotobi, and Akotoshi. We hope to reach out to more potential students and persuade them to enroll in the college.

Radio Campaign

The college has been conducting a radio campaign to promote the college and the gospel. The director, Bro E. O. Larbi has been delivering interesting and edifying lessons on the radio. He has made a great impact in advertising the college and solving counseling problems. He has also brought many people to know Christ through radio messages. We thank God for this opportunity and we pray that more souls will be saved through this medium. However, the college still needs more funds to sponsor the radio campaign. We appeal to all our brethren and well-wishers to support us in this endeavor.

We will need (GHC 48,000.00) Forty-Eight Thousand Ghana Cedis to continue this programme when the contract ends next year April 2024 apart from transportation. We still need your kind donations both in cash and in prayer.


School Bus

We are finding it very difficult in our campaigns and visitation because of the non-availability of school bus. The bus facilitates our movement in preaching and teaching, and wish a new bus is acquired. Hope to help find funds to purchase a new one next year.



We thank God for a fruitful month and the safe return of Bro Stephen Ashcraft. We also thank all our partners and friends for their prayers and support. We pray that God will continue to bless and prosper the work of the college and the church. Amen.

Posted on December 12, 2023 .

Accra school continues their studies

Accra Regular School

October Report 2023


We thank God for a successful month of October. We are grateful for His grace and mercy that have sustained us throughout the month

Class Activities

The school has reopened for the last term in the academic year. Lessons are going on smoothly and effectively. The students and staff are eager and enthusiastic to learn and teach. The courses being taught include Revelation, Logic and the Bible, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Christian Ethics, Denominational Doctrine, 1,2,3 John and Jude, and Greek. The students are also engaged in various assignments, quizzes, and presentations.

Top Radio Programme

The Top Radio programme is ongoing and reaching out to many listeners. The director, Bro E. O. Larbi, continues to deliver interesting and inspiring lessons on the radio. He also addresses various counseling issues and answers questions from the callers. The programme has received positive feedback and appreciation from the listeners. The programme is sponsored by the generous donations from various individuals. We appreciate their support and pray for God’s blessings upon them.

Pakro Road Church Follow-up campaign

This campaign took a whole week to evangelize house-to-house within the community of the community. All the students participated except one older brother who was having challenges with his eye on walking in the sun. Many souls were contacted and were receptive. Though none were baptized yet, many of them were happy to hear the truth and promised to visit the church and study further.

Having completed the week's programme, some of the prospects invited us to come and study with them. Our student named Godsway is with the congregation to follow up on the prospect and be invited for further studies.

Bachelor’s Degree Class

The bachelor’s degree class was met by Bro Kojo Acquah Beenyi for a course. The course involved practical exercises, research, and case studies. The turnout for the course was 10 students. The students were satisfied and benefited from the course. They expressed their gratitude and appreciation to Bro Kojo Acquah Beenyi for his teaching and mentoring.

Arrival of Religious Books

We are grateful to God for the safe arrival of the books transported to Ghana. A total of 210 boxes were received at Doboro school.

Campaign for New Students

Several advertisements have been sent out, visiting churches by students and staff in various localities for new students. Hopefully, we have four (4) applicants who have picked up forms and if they meet the school’s requirements will be admitted into next year’s academic calendar.


We thank God for a productive and successful month of October. We also thank God for His protection and provision for the school and its activities. We appreciate all our partners and supporters for their prayers and contributions. We solicit your continuous support and cooperation. May God bless you all.

Report by E.O. Larbi

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

Continued improvements in Accra




As this month marks the end of this third quarter for our 6th batch students, we are grateful to the Lord for bringing us so far. All courses were successfully completed with all exams and quizzes. All students took part in the exams without challenges. Currently, we are on vacation and hoping to resume on October 1, 2023.

Furthermore, we were grateful to the Lord for the safe arrival of our dear brother Steven in Accra. He met with the bachelor's degree students on examination on Greek 1 and reading Greek 2.

During the vacation, Sammy had a class with the Nsawam Extension School on computer studies where the students were introduced to the Digital Library which was promised and programmed by Keith and Steven. The students were very happy with it as they had never dreamt of having such a library. According to them, this has made it easy for their research work. Their request now is that it could be accessed in their various schools and wherever they find themselves.

Moreover having met with some of the bachelor’s degree students, Sammy introduced them to the digital library on how it could help them in their research assignments.

The administration is preparing to introduce the Digital Library to our present students and the alumni during the upcoming “TALK” with Keith and the staff.

Introducing our new evangelism team and request for P. A. System for our campaigns

Some students added to the Evangelism Team:

We are fortunate to have these brethren who have dedicated themselves to team up for campaigns of which Brother Wisdom Yirenkyi is the coordinator. Currently, three students who will be completing their Diploma programme in December 2023 have been introduced to this ministry and are willing to dedicate themselves to this task. These dedicated brethren are Ebenezer, Asante, and Silas. These men stay around and are already in the field and are taking part in the radio programme of which E.O. Larbi is currently preaching. Having met, we decided to organize internal and external campaigns in areas under survey.

As part of our campaign plan, we have organized house-to-house, info center preaching, public preaching, and tract distribution programme. We are also planning to organize children or teen Bible classes in the community where the school is located.

All schedules for the programme will be communicated in due course.

Students Profile

One outstanding student by Name Fredrick Owusu is on this day presenting him on our profile. He is married to Gladys Owusu and is blessed with two (2) children. The family are members of the church of Christ located at Bediako Michel Camp – Tema, Greater Accra. His effort is helping the church grow spiritually and numerically. At present, he is ministering to two hundred and twelve (212) members.

He is one of the best students whose participation and attendance in class is marvelous. He is serious with his class, campaign activities, social services, and motivating his classmates.

He is one of the benevolent students who has dedicated himself to providing and serving the students and the staff breakfast each morning because of his cooking skills.

The school has appreciated his effort in the ministry and services to the school and we pray that the Lord grant him knowledge and good health to serve the Lord.


Report by E.O. Larbi

Posted on October 9, 2023 .

Accra, Ghana students conduct campaign

Accra Monthly Report, August 2023

Glory be to God for another month ending in success. We are always grateful to our God that He began with us and ended in peace. Our Lord has done greater things in us as He provides with our needs in times of crisis yet in all things He encourages us to hold firmly to Him in the doctrine and our way of life. To report to you the challenge of health challenges as our brother Gyan-Mante is challenged with mild stroke, Kojo with consistent health challenges, and Sammy. We glorify God for how far He has brought us and we are praying for healing and good strength.


Regular class

All the instructors are endeavoring to complete their courses with their exams and quizzes followed by the school’s campaign program.

Master’s Program

As with their normal class, they met for two (2) weeks with Brother Jerry Bate on the course, World Religion. Eleven students participated in the program.


Doryumu follow-up

As we reported in our previous report for our next campaign location, Duayedeng, Paanor, and its environs, we saw the need for another place in Doryumu to embark on follow-up evangelism to strengthen the church and to restore some of the fallen brethren which commenced on 14th to 20th August 2023. Our past student, Philip Abruquah is the Evangelist for this church. Our students both rescent and past students, the Legon University campus church, Nsawam Road congregation, and the host brethren together, did work on campaigning both day and night preaching for one week. The campaign was successfully completed and the Lord added to the church with six baptisms.

We thank God for this successful occasion in strengthening us throughout the week. We pray that the new members will be strong in the Lord until He comes.

Bear Valley Top Radio Program

We are always proud to be preachers of the gospel of Christ and  supporting the program with our funds. As we always report to you, the radio program keeps yielding fruit. Almost every week after preaching, we have numerous calls and private calls for further studies. As we reported in our previous reports, we are also invited to different places to help in teaching and counseling most listeners on some of the topics that were not clearly understood by them (listeners) and other social matters bothering them. This program has further sent messages on the advertisement of the school to brethren who are showing interest in attending the school. We have three prospects who are willing to pick forms to register for the academic year.

This month we had one baptism in addition which took place at Nsawam Road church.

Mode of funding the program

We are grateful to our Lord who has endowed us with understanding in the ministry. The staff of the school is doing well to sacrifice some amount from their monthly allowance, an amount of four hundred cedis each to pay the monthly installment of three thousand cedis for the ongoing preaching work.   

We are using this medium to inform you of the wonderful work the Lord is doing in this program.

We will be also grateful to receive your contribution to this programme.

We request that you pray with us.

Posted on September 26, 2023 .

Big plans in Accra

End of June Report, Accra

Glory be to God for a successful ending. Through His providence, all activities went on successfully, none of the instructors experienced ailment, and everyone is doing well and kicking. Also, we are grateful for all your support throughout the quarter.

Classes & Vacation

Classes went on successfully as the following courses were taught: The Book of Romans, Christian Leadership, 1 &2 Peter, Old Testament 5, Intertestament, The Book of James, Computing, and Communication skill, with all examinations conducted. The school vacated on 11th June 2023 and resumed on 2 July 2023 respectively.

Bachelor’s programme

Currently, we have two (2) batches pursuing the programme i.e. Bachelor One (1) and Bachelor Two (2). The second batch met on the 16th and 17th of June and studied Advanced Hermeneutics One (1) by Brother Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah. The class was very interesting enlightening everyone, on the way of interpretation.

On 22nd June, the first batch also met to study Advanced Hermeneutics Two (2) by Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah.

Campaign Plan

In our previous report, we reported about the campaign held at Twerebo and Botokora. The next plan is to revisit the towns once again to check on the impact of the gospel preached. We shall also focus on the other two towns closer to the school site thus Duaeden and Paanor. It is our greatest hope that our visit to these towns will yield fruit for the Lord.

We are also planning to have information centers built in these towns to facilitate our preaching programme.

Bear Valley Top Radio Programme

We are much impressed to have you updated on the wonderful works of God. Our listeners keep calling even when on campus and in our homes. Others also come in to request the audio to listen once again. We also added books such as Voice of the Truth with our stamp and contact, to be shared freely with anyone who is interested to read out the truth. Through these calls, some prospects have received counseling regarding the load of frustrations and challenges on their neck. Through this counseling, a man who planned suicide due to massive challenges has repented. This depicts that many love and appreciate the truth. We always pray that our radio programme will convert more souls in various places to the glory of God.

We plead with you to keep remembering us in your prayers.

Talk With Our Past Students

As part of the school’s planning activities, the staff has been meeting to find a day in November 2023 to meet with all students for the purpose to strengthen them to hold firm the doctrine of Christ which they received during their schooling. As we know that our Lord is well pleased when we keep to His instructions.

At this time, Brother Keith will be passing by and will stop over to speak more of the way of Christ and the rules of Bear Valley in America before leaving for other countries. We are looking forward to his safe arrival.

We hope the Lord will bring our brother safely to Ghana and we are praying that this programme will be successful and yield good fruits.

Posted on July 10, 2023 .

Evangelism challenges in Accra

Monthly College Report - May 2023

We praise God for His wonderful works in the month of May 2023. We acknowledge His presence and direction in all our endeavors. Here are some of the major activities that we engaged in during the month.

Academic Activities

The second quarter of the academic year which commenced on April 9 has been going on smoothly and is expected to end on June 9. We have been busy with academic work and practical evangelism. The students and staff have demonstrated enthusiasm and excellence in their studies and work.

 Gospel Campaign

We conducted a gospel campaign in Twerebo, a town in the Eastern region near the new school project. During our visibility study, we found out that about 98% of persons cohabitating and native of Ga. These made communication very difficult. Sammy had some knowledge of the language yet he struggled much to communicate in this language. Also, due to multiple marriages and cohabitation, they found it difficult to repent in that state. Sometimes, the ladies fear giving in to baptism because they might be beaten by their men. Others also wait to hear permission from their spouse. Due to a local festival, we were not allowed to preach publicly or use loudspeakers. We opted for door-to-door evangelism and personal contacts. We did not record any baptism or restoration, but we sowed seeds of the gospel and hope to follow up later. On Sunday, we were given one of the rooms of the Anglican School building for the meeting. On our next meeting on Sunday, the Pastor of the Anglican church ceased us from using their facility for meetings. Since then George and Sammy have been visiting the village on Saturdays to evangelize.

This has been my first time encountering such challenges in evangelism and have been very sad yet, I am much grateful that as we keep on with our weekly visitation, some are coming back to their senses on what we have told them.

Moreover, we are planning that Sammy with the students will take over their information centers to further explain the need to deny the world and come to Christ after the town’s local festival. I strongly believe that God will make a way for His chosen people.

School Building Project

The construction of the wall around the school compound is completed. The wall will ensure security and safety for the school property and personnel. We thank God for the generous contributions of our supporters and partners who have made this project possible.

Radio Programme

The college has started using the opportunity to preach on the radio. The director, Bro E. O. Larbi who initiated the programme with an engaging lesson on the radio has made a great impact in promoting the college and addressing counseling issues, and also bringing people to know Christ. We have received positive feedback and inquiries from listeners who want to know more about the gospel and the church. We still need more funds to sponsor the programme and reach more souls.

We thank God for a fruitful month and for the safe return of Bro Stephen Ashcraft who visited us in May. We appreciate his support and encouragement. We also thank all our supporters, partners, friends, and well-wishers who have been praying for us and supporting us in various ways. May God bless you all.

Posted on July 7, 2023 .

Accra, Ghana school conducts campaign

Monthly Report - April 2023

We begin this month's report with gratitude to God for another successful month at our college. As we reflect on the past few weeks, we are filled with gratitude for His faithfulness and provision. Here are some highlights of the month:

Academic Activities:
We are pleased to announce that the second quarter of the academic year began on April 9, and academic activities are in full swing. Students and faculty have resumed classes with renewed zeal and dedication, determined to achieve academic excellence. The second quarter is expected to end in June, and we are confident that it will be a successful one.

Gospel Campaign:
The Gospel Campaign team at our college recorded two baptisms and restored one member this month. It was an inspiring moment for us all, reminding us of the impact of sharing the Gospel. We are planning to hold our next campaign in Duayeden, Trebo, and Botokora. We urge everyone to support us in prayer and contribution as we reach out to these communities with the Good News.

School Building Project:
The construction of the wall for our school building project is in progress. We are grateful for the team of skilled workers who are working tirelessly to ensure that the project is completed according to schedule. We believe that this building will provide better facilities for our students and enhance the quality of education.

Radio Programme:
We have started utilizing the opportunity to preach on the radio, and it has been a fantastic experience so far. Our Director, Bro E. O. Larbi, has started with an interesting lesson on the radio, and we believe that it will be instrumental in reaching out to more people with the Gospel message.

Digital Library:
We are delighted to announce that we have set up a digital library on campus, spearheaded by Bro Stephen Ashcraft and Bro Samuel Sasu Ntim. This is a significant step towards enhancing studies and research at our college, and we believe that it will have a positive impact on our student's academic journey.

In conclusion, we thank God for a fruitful month and for the safe return of Bro Stephen Ashcraft. We believe that with His continued guidance and provision, we will achieve more significant milestones in the coming days.
Report by E. O. Larbi

Posted on June 5, 2023 .

Graduation in Accra

End of March Report, Accra 2023

Let's give thanks to God for a successful month of March. We have achieved a lot as an institute and I am grateful for your efforts and commitment.

End of Quarter:
The first quarter of the academic year has ended successfully. Congratulations to all of us for the hard work put in to achieve this milestone. We can now look forward to the second quarter with renewed energy.

Academic Activities:
All courses were taught with diligence and attention to detail, and we were privileged to have Mr E. O. Larbi teach the family life short course as the last course of the quarter.

School Building Project:
I am pleased to announce that the land boundaries for our school building project have been demarcated. This is an exciting development for the Institute, and we eagerly anticipate the next stages of the project.

Radio Programme:
We have recently secured one hour of airtime on Top Radio Station (103.1fm), which is a fantastic opportunity for us to share the word of God with a wider audience and also to promote our college. However, we need more funds to sponsor the programme, and we hope to get help in any way you can to ensure the continued success of this initiative. This will promote evangelism and edification.

On 25th March, our school held a graduation ceremony which was a huge success. Congratulations to all the graduates and I wish them all the best in their future endeavours. We are grateful to Steven Ashcraft who was instrumental during the graduation. They vacated on the 25th of March, 2023 and will resume on the 9th of March, 2023 to start the school term. There will be a campaign on the 10th of April, 2023 and wish you pray for its successful

As we look ahead to the next quarter, let us continue to strive towards our goals as a college and work together to achieve success. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication.

Posted on May 9, 2023 .

Preparing for graduation in Accra


February Report, 2023

It is a new month and we ought to glorify God for ushering us into it. Below is a summary of the happenings in the month of February:

Academic Work

Normal classes are in progress as we approach the mid of the quarter. All students are trying their best in assignments, projects, and class activities.


The building project is also ongoing. Demarcations to be made for wall construction. Construction thereof is expected to start thereafter.

Graduation 2023

Final preparations are being made for the 2023 graduation ceremony which is scheduled to take place on the 25th of March if God permits. We implore you to keep praying for us for the event to be successful.

Church planting

We are grateful to God for a successful campaign in the Upper West Region. Having completed twenty (24) souls were baptized and seven (7) souls were restored.

Next church planting

The next church planting is planned to happen in April. We hope that the Lord sees us through it successfully.


We give thanks to God once again for a graceful month. We also express our regards and gratitude to the management of the Bear Valley Bible Institute USA for their support both physically and spiritually. We are grateful to God for the efforts of all the members of staff and students who work tirelessly for His name. We pray that God keeps blessing them. We also thank God for local brethren who are also contributing to the development of our dear college. May God bless us all, Amen.

These are updates for the month. We request that you keep praying with us.

Student Profile

Emmanuel Gyasi-Quansah is a proactive brother and a fellow worker in the Lord. He was born on 9th September 1990. Emmanuel is married with three (3) kids. He was baptized on 9th September 2005 and has been in the preaching ministry for ten (10) years. He completed his diploma in Biblical Studies at the West Coast School of Preaching in the year 2018. He is currently enrolled in Bear Valley’s degree programme. Emmanuel is very active on social media, utilizing mainly YouTube and Facebook for his ministry since 2019 with 2,400 followers on Facebook and 66o subscribers on YouTube with the channel name (Rescue the Perishing – COC)

Posted on March 14, 2023 .

Accra, Ghana school welcomes new students

January Report, 2023

Much glory to God for ushering us into a new year to do His work. Find below a summary of the happenings in the month of January:


The school reopened as scheduled on Sunday, January 15, 2023. Four (4) new students were admitted in addition to the Seven (7) old ones and prepared for lessons on Monday, January 16.

Staff Meeting

The staff meeting was held on Wednesday, 25th January 2023 to discuss the plan for the new academic year. Four prospective students were also interviewed during the meeting and granted admission. The staff also met with the students to discuss the expectations and activities for the year. A plan for the fifth (5th) coming graduation on March 25th was discussed.

Degree Class

The degree students took their Research and Writing 2 course on the 20th – 21st of January with the Research and Writing course instructor, Bro George Osafo. Students have been given a mini–project to be worked on within a month, as they wait to take their next course in early March.

Campaign Plan for the year

The school planned to have its maiden campaign of the year in Susu-Lawra, Upper West Region from 30th January to 5th February. This plan is in execution as students and instructors have already set off for the program. It is in a plan that subsequent campaigns will be held in Fotobi, Kasoa, and Mandela respectively.

Building Project

Hopefully, the upper flooring is completed. Kojo, EO Larbi, and, Sammy, visited the place to confirm the first phase of work and to see the next work to be done.


We thank God once again for a peaceful month and a promising new year. We also express our regards and gratitude to the management of the Bear Valley Bible Institute USA for their support both physically and spiritually. We are grateful to God for the efforts of all the members of the staff and pray that God keeps blessing them. We also thank God for local brethren who also contribute to the development of our dear college. May God bless us all, Amen.

These are updates for the month. We request that you keep praying with us.


Reported by: E.O. Larbi

Posted on March 1, 2023 .

Accra school conducts funeral for former student

END OF November Report, 2022

To God once again be the glory and honor for a successful end of the month. Below is a summary of school activities in the month of November

Academic Activities

Two short courses have been completed by the brothers Amoo Gyimah and Gyan Mante. Brother Jerry Bates also held a master's class that lasted two weeks. We are very thankful to God for his safe arrival and departure.

School Building 

Workers on the school building project have commenced and have progressed to lintel when Bro Kojo Acquah and Sammy visited. The work is hoped to continue till the end of the year.

Campaign for Christ

Students organized a gospel campaign that involved public preaching evangelism. This came off successfully as I reported in my previous report for October.

 Funeral Ceremony

The funeral ceremony of the late brother and former students Adams Quashie was successfully held on 19th November. Our students and staff were present and a donation was given to the children for their relief. We hope to meet our brother again in Heaven.


We give much glory to God for a successful month and term. We also express our gratitude to the management of the Bear Valley Bible Institute USA for their support both physically and spiritually. We glorify God because of the efforts of all the members of the staff and implore many blessings from God on them.

These are updates for the month. We request that you keep praying with us.

 Reported by: E.O. Larbi

Posted on December 28, 2022 .

More progress in Accra

September Report

End of May 2022

We give glory to God for the end of the month. May His Name be blessed forever, Amen!

Vacation and Resumption date for quarter four.

According to the academic calendar for the year 2022, the third term was scheduled to end on the 9th of September. Students departed to their various destinations on this date after a week of Campaign for souls. The school was scheduled to reopen on 2nd October 2022.

New Campaign Team for Accra

The Accra school has organized a new campaign team with the aim of helping the weekend schools in the Eastern, Southern, Central, and other places of Ghana in church planting and follow-up evangelism. As part of the administrative goal, each weekend school is to plant one church a year with our students being the preachers for such congregations.

School Building

The school building project is in good progress as laborers and masons are doing their best with what has been given them. This progress is hoped to continue in the next months and hence till the end of the year.

Safe Arrival and Departure of Bro Stephen Ashcraft.

Ashcraft’s travel to the country was safe as always, thanks to God. His trips to various parts of the country were safe as well. He departed from the country after honoring his schedules, and we have learned that this departure trip was also without any mishap. We give glory to God very much for this! We are grateful for God’s healing mercies upon our beloved brother Steven Ashcraft when he was taken ill in Ghana.

Some Baptisms of the Month

We are grateful to the Lord as souls accepted the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Four (4) souls were baptized during the visit of our brother E.O. Larbi at Okushebade Golden City. Our Brother and student, Yaw Boadu preaches for this congregation. We say glory be to God.


We are most thankful to God for a successful month and term. We also express our gratitude to the management of the Bear Valley Bible Institute USA for their support both physically and spiritually. To all staff members too, we glorify God because of your effort and dedication to duty. May He continually bless you.


We are sad to report the death of two (2) of our members (a student – Bro. Adams of Nsawam Weekend School and Bro. Asare, a graduate in April 2019 – of Nsawam school). Brother Jacob Asare was buried on the 7th of October, 2022, and Brother Adams will be buried same time later on the 19th of November 2022.

These are updates for the month. We request you to keep praying with us.

Posted on October 28, 2022 .

Accra East Ghana student baptizes his wife after personal evangelism class


Courses taken

The third quarter started on Friday 1st July 2022 and ended on Friday 30th September, 2022. The courses taken within these periods were four: The Life of Jesus, Pre-existence, Birth, and Early Ministry; The Plan of Redemption; Christian Evidences, and Old Testament 2 (The Old Testament History).
New chairs were bought for the school
Within this period of the third quarter, the Coordinator, Mr. Kojo Acquah, and his team presented to the school, Accra East, twenty-five new chairs. The students were very happy when they saw the new chairs. The chairs were very beautiful, well-designed, and comfortable for students' studies. It has beautified our lecture hall. The leadership of Nmai Djorn Church of Christ (Accra East Campus) was also grateful and expressed their appreciation to the school since the chairs will also be used by the church for worship.

The students started applying the evangelism methods studied in June 2022. The good news is that it has started yielding good results. Isaac Acquah one of the students, who worships at Ashalley-Botwe Old Town church, started the method in their visitors class and within this quarter he has converted four people. The joyful thing is that out of these four baptized people, one of them is his wife. Isaac was so delighted because for some years he and some brethren have made several attempts to win his wife to Christ but to no avail. For all these years Isaac was using a confrontational style, by arguing and condemning his wife because she was attending a different church. This time Isaac reversed his tactics and changed from confrontational and
condemnation to dialogue. This has yielded a good result and as a result, his wife has given herself for baptism on 25th September 2022.

John Achie Quophy is the preacher of the Boi church of Christ. He also recorded two baptisms. He did both teachings. The two baptisms occurred in August and September 2022.

Report on the students
The students’ performances were very encouraging. They were very committed to classes. They were punctual and regular. In addition to this, they also responded to class tests and discussions. There were a few who, because of their job schedules, were not able to attend classes regularly.

The average attendance for this third quarter is twelve. Currently, I have total students of eighteen. One of them, Vincent Tamatey had a motorcycle accident and has not yet recovered fully. To sustain the students and also to make Bear Valley Accra East one of the effective schools, I encourage them and advise them to take the courses seriously.
House-to-House Evangelism
Within this period, some of the students were sent to Gomoa Asebu-Pomadze for house-to-house evangelism and edified the new church planted by Nmai Djorn church of Christ which was supported by the students of Bear Valley, Accra East. The fallen brethren within those two communities were targeted so we were able to locate some and talked to them. By God’s grace some were restored back to the fold and as a result, have increased their church attendance.

On 23rd-25th September 2022, eleven Accra East students went to Gomoa AsebuPomadze for house-to-house evangelism. In the same way, they also edified the church. This is the second time we have gone there in our numbers. However, what we are lacking is follow-up. Since Nmai Djorn church of Christ, which is the main sponsor of these projects, does not have the financial strength massive and effective evangelism is still lacking. Some of the students who took part in the third evangelism at Asebu-Pomadze were, Benjamin Forson, John Achie Quophy, Daniel Nkansah, Akwasi Mamah, Moses Antobam, Isaac Larbi, Cecil Larbi, Da-costa Asare, etc. On Sunday 25th, the Bible class and the sermons were handled by Benjamin Forson and John Achie Quophy. The people of Gomoa are the largest indigenous Fante groups in the Central Region of
Ghana. Their communities are divided into three districts, Gomoa Central, Gomoa East, and Gomoa West. They have many communities with vast lands. Some of their communities are growing at a fast pace, but sadly many are growing without a church of Christ. So it is for this reason that we have focused our evangelism in Gomoa Central, particularly the communities which share borders with Winneba and Swedru. We hope God will bless this mustard seed to grow to yield more churches of Christ in those communities.
The Projections
1. I have planned to work hard so that more students will be enrolled as students of Bear Valley to acquire training to be able to conform to the image of Christ. Also to help defend, advance and uphold the true gospel of Christ.
2. I have designed a program on how the two churches I have planted (Nmai Djorn church of Christ and Santor church of Christ, in Greater Accra) will organize joint worship once a year to raise money to support the rural evangelism of the students of Bear Valley, Accra East.
3. It is my plan that if God gives me life, I will ensure that the church of Christ will be planted in all the fifteen communities across Winneba and Swedru road (in Gomoa Central).

Posted on October 19, 2022 .

Accra, Ghana school holds lectureship

Accra Report

Report on activities and programs for the month of August

During this month, classes were ongoing. Ten students were present during the studies, except one who was absent due to family challenges. This student will be reseating all the courses for this quarter as required by the schools’ regulations. All instructors did well in the teaching activities until the completion of the research assignment.

Lectureship in Koforidua

Both weekend schools, the regular class, the ministers, and past students from the surrounding churches attended the three (3) day lectureship. The theme for the lectureship was Seeing the Big Picture. The program was more practical on evangelism. Eighty-eight were present for the lectureship. We are grateful to God for the success of the program, seeing the Big Picture and looking at the message from beginning to end. The brothers who facilitated the program did an outstanding job. It was Biblical and good and we commended the work done by them.


We had Bachelor’s class taught by Steven Ashcraft who took them through the introduction to Elementary Greek. This was to pre-equip the students, to be knowledgeable with the alphabet, ascent, breathing marks, syllabification, and parts of speech before the next class on Greek 1. About fifteen students were present for the course.


As part of our program this quarter, we gathered at Ablekuma NIC congregation to partake in a one week house–to–house and public preaching campaign. The community was very interactive during the gospel presentation. They attended in good numbers and contributed to the many questions asked after the presentation. We had no baptism yet, but we promised to pay a visit to study more.


This video has been handy to the school. Through this material, the Nsawam Adoagyiri congregation uses it for their Teen Bible Teachers in their classes. The brethren really enjoy using it in their studies. This is because the instructors teach in clarity and understanding.  The teen class has learned How to Read the Bible and now to study How we got the Bible. They have been very grateful for these lessons and really appreciate the effort and the cost of the material. 


The Director, Bro. E.O. Larbi visited a student (Bro. Yaw Boadu) and was assigned to teach the congregation Marriage, Divorce, and Remarrying for the month of August. The church was full to its capacity during the second, third, and fourth weeks. Three visitors who were invited to the church were baptized during the period.

Student’s Profile

We also introduce our student John Acquah. A young man of Twenty-seven years old, and a student at the University of Education. He is single. He has been in the faith for a couple of years. He preaches for the Batanyah congregation and was admitted to the Bear Valley School this year, 2022. He has been very good in academics and fluent in evangelism and teaching activities. He is also helpful, humble, and willing to serve when he is called on a mission. He has been one of the students who we send to help the rural churches in the central region. 

The school is very grateful for such brethren. We always request that you remember our students in prayer so that they may be well enlightened as all instructors strive to teach the doctrine of Christ.

We also appreciate the willful giving for the support and your prayers. God richly bless you.

Report by E. O. Larbi

Posted on September 27, 2022 .

Accra schools continue their intense study

Accra Report

End of July 2022

This is to report on various activities of the school in Accra, the full-time class, and extension schools.

The Lord has been kind to us throughout this month. We have been healthy in life so far. It is our prayer that the Lord will see others too, our brethren in Ukraine, Russia, and other countries that there may be peace among these countries to relieve our brethren and the people.

Resuming, Classes, and Lessons

To begin with, the school resumed on 3rd July 2022. All the students reported except two (2) who were ill and admitted to the hospital. Lessons for the commencement of this quarter were Hermeneutics II, Prison Epistles, Gospel of John, Books of Acts, Communication Skills, and Computer studies. The following instructors handled the courses; Amoo-Gyimah, Kojo, Gyan-Mante, E.O. Larbi, George, and Sammy. Amoo-Gyimah will teach the two short courses on I Corinthians and Life of Christ II in August.

Currently, classes are ongoing and are effective with their research and writing.

New Students Admitted and Others completing Courses

We had two new students interviewed and admitted for the quarter to do the two-year diploma at Doboro and a weekend student from Nsawam Extension School to offer an uncompleted course.

Also, two students have completed their two-year course for the diploma program this month, and are waiting for the next graduation which will be held next year, 2023.

Currently, our number is Twelve who are pursuing the program at Bear Valley Institute Doboro Accra.

New Study Chairs Bought

50 new study tables have been bought and distributed to three schools, Accra East, Nsawam, and Ashtown.

Study Bibles

We were grateful for receiving many books including seven Study Bibles. These books have been given out to the seven new students who were admitted. See the pictures, smiling faces showing their appreciation and happiness for the books. These will be helpful in their studies and research work. May God bless you.  


As reported by E.O. Larbi

Posted on August 30, 2022 .