Accra students conduct follow up campaign

Monthly Report - May 2024

Southern Institute of Biblical Studies

As we conclude the month of May 2024, we reflect on the activities that have shaped our institution and propelled us forward. Here are the highlights of our endeavors:

Class Activities

1. Staff Meeting: Following the successful graduation and matriculation ceremonies, our staff convened to assess the outcomes and plan for the future. We celebrated the achievements of our students and discussed ways to enhance their learning experience. The camaraderie among our faculty members continues to foster a positive environment.

2. New Greek Instructor: We welcome Samuel Papa Woode as our new Greek instructor. His expertise will undoubtedly enrich our students' understanding of biblical languages. We look forward to his contributions in equipping our learners for effective ministry.

3. Campaign for New Students: Our commitment to growth extends beyond the classroom. We have initiated a campaign to attract new students to our institution. Through targeted outreach and personal invitations, we aim to expand our student body and impact more lives.

4. Upcoming Campaigns:

 Follow-up at Paanor: Building on our recent gospel campaign, we will diligently follow up with those who expressed interest. Personal connections and nurturing relationships are essential in guiding souls toward Christ.

 Church Planting at Kasoa: Our next endeavor involves planting a church in Kasoa. We recognize the importance of establishing vibrant congregations that serve as beacons of hope in their communities.

Fundraising and Community Support

Our recent graduation and matriculation ceremonies were joyous occasions and opportunities to raise funds. The generosity of our community members and supporters has been heartwarming. These funds will contribute to scholarships, infrastructure development, and outreach programs.

We remain grateful for our partners, alumni, and friends' prayers, encouragement, and financial contributions. May the Lord bless our endeavors as we strive to fulfill our mission.

 By E.O. Larbi

Posted on July 8, 2024 .