Successful Second Quarter and Evangelism Efforts in Accra-East, Ghana

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Accra East

Second Quarter Report - 2024 

Courses covered

The second quarter commenced on April 2nd, 2024, the first Friday of April, and concluded on June 29th, 2024, the last Saturday of June. During this quarter, the school successfully completed three courses:

  • The books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians

  • 1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus

  • Denominational doctrines

Report on the Students

The students' performance was highly commendable throughout this 2nd quarter. They demonstrated exceptional commitment by attending classes punctually and regularly. Moreover, they actively participated in class tests and discussions. The average attendance for this quarter was nine (9) students.

In April, all students participated in the Bear Valley Bible Institute graduation ceremony held at Serpeman Church of Christ auditorium on April 20th. The program was lively, and the speakers' presentations were inspiring. It was encouraging to see so much joy on the faces of the students.

House to House Evangelism

House-to-house evangelism continues in three communities: Gomoa Asebu, Santor, and Awutu Breku Twiime. These communities have congregations needing urgent attention, particularly Gomoa Asebu and Santor, where ministers are currently absent. I oversee these congregations along with Nmai Djorn, the mother church. Students are assigned to these congregations on a rotating basis, visiting every Sunday. They take the opportunity to engage in house-to-house evangelism after worship. During this period, we witnessed three baptisms: one in Gomoa Asebu, another in Awutu Breku Twiime, and one at Boi Church of Christ. At Boi Church, our student John Achie Quophy serves as a part-time preacher in the congregation 

Report on Awutu Breku Twiime Church

The students continue their visits to Awutu Breku Twiime Church of Christ this quarter. Established on September 24, 2023, through the Bear Valley Church Planting Program by Accra East, the church experienced one baptism during this period, maintaining an average attendance of 25 members. Accra East students continue to rotate their visits to the church every Sunday. On Sunday, June 30th, 2024, all students went to Awutu Breku and Asebu to assist with worship and evangelism.

Church Planting Program 2024

This year's church planting program is set for Achansa-Abobiri in the Eastern Region, a small cocoa farming village. Initially planned for April 26th-28th, 2024, the campaign and inauguration were postponed due to the passing of one of the community elders and subsequent seasonal rains. The new dates are now scheduled for July 27th-28th, 2024. We remain hopeful and pray for the successful establishment of the Church of Christ in this community.

Pending Lectureship

The school, in collaboration with Nmai Djorn Church of Christ, has scheduled a lectureship for the 1st Sunday in September this year. The event is planned for a Sunday to maximize participation. After discussions with the students over the past month and a half, the final date is confirmed for September 1st. For this year's lectureship, we intend to invite speakers from Bear Valley Bible Institute whom we trust to effectively address the chosen topic

The chosen topics for the lectureship are:

  1. How to Safeguard Biblical Truth in a Changing World

  2. Principles of Hermeneutics and Interpretation: (Foundational rules and guidelines for interpreting and understanding biblical texts)

  3. The Role of Scripture in Today's Culture

Thank you,

Peter Arhinful-Quansah

Posted on July 13, 2024 .