Successful in Takoradi, Ghana

Dear Brethren,

This is our report for the month of March.



In the first week of the month of March, all the courses were completed for the term. The students are left with short courses. There were no classroom activities for the second week because the school was on field for the campaign for Christ.

The students, the cooks, and the instructors were given the third week to rest after a hectic week on the field spreading the good news of salvation.

The last week of March was a revision week for the students to prepare for the end of term examination.

Short courses postponed: According to our time table, the regular students were to be taken through short courses between April 8 and 19, and then immediately after that break for vacation. But the school received an invitation from the congregation at Efia-Kuma requesting for our students in a 4-day house to house and public evangelism. We therefore decided to postpone the short courses to give way for the evangelism program.

Classes for the part-time students continued to be effective for most part of the month. The only break they had was the Friday and Saturday when we were out for the campaign for Christ. Some of them partook in the evangelism.

Classes resumed for the last two weekends of the month. Three instructors are currently teaching during the weekends. Douglas Armah is teaching the epistles of John and Jude on Fridays, Nathaniel Brobbey is teaching Denominational doctrines on Saturday mornings, and Samuel Owusu-Afari teaches world religions in the afternoon.


In the month of March, the school had its campaign for Christ for the term. We have been getting a lot of requests from Churches all over to help them in their evangelism programs. Currently, the school officially goes out on an evangelism trip once a term. There are a lot of individuals and churches who have brought their request to the school. One of such requests came to us from one of our old students. He wanted the school to help him evangelize a town called Beposo, to plant the Lord’s church there, though there are some Christians who move from there to worship at a nearby town. This town is a big commercial town which did not have the Lord’s church. We were very happy to help in such a work, so we made preparations and on the 11th of March, around 12:30 p.m. we left campus to the place.

The town is about 30 – 40 minutes from the school, but because of transportation cost and other conditions, we rented a guest house there to make the work more effective.

The team for the evangelism included the instructors, the cooks, the nine regular students, four part-time students and twenty-two old students.

The campaign for Christ was very successful, as many got to hear the undiluted truth for the first time through personal work and public preaching. Overall, there were seven (7) baptisms, two in the course of the week and the other five visited the church on its first worship day in the town and got baptized after worship. The number of people who met together to worship that Sunday were ninety-three souls, children included.

Seven of the current students stayed behind to worship with the new church before returning to campus.

God blessed the students’ work at Efia-Kuma Church of Christ with two baptisms. But many have had the opportunity to hear the gospel. 

Thank you.


Posted on May 12, 2024 .