Evangelistic Work in Lima, Peru

Fraternal greetings to all who have the possibility of reading this report.
March and April have been two very exciting months, with God's favor we have had many opportunities to serve him both outside and within the BVBI – PERU project. This is something that has brought us a lot of satisfaction and very gratifying moments. What I am trying to say is that the work of the institute is not limited only to teaching Saturday classes (according to our modality), but because of the many opportunities we have to serve the Lord, we can merge efforts including those that, As an institution, according to our possibilities, we can do.
ABOUT THE MARCH AND APRIL COURSES: Wisdom Books II (Sal, Prob, Ecl and Cant.) with Andrés Nuñez as teacher and II of Corinthians with myself as instructor (Juan Abanto). We have really enjoyed sharing the lessons corresponding to each course with the brothers. We have had between 5 and 8 students, 4 of them are formal students and another four who have been taking the courses freely and taking only some classes. The four formal students are: Jose D. Chullare, Marta Nolasco, Ethel Lapa and Jhonely Pérez Silva. Here I share a few lines from Brother Andrés' report about his course:
“…We were able to observe the importance, the need for the study and practice of the Christian in his life at all times. The student brothers were able to observe that each study book was very edifying, and important from the point of view of the Jew, as well as for every Christian today... It was truly a great experience studying the wisdom books, they all show us that the hand of God is always available to help, serve and bless man through his word. Thank God for this good experience in meditating on his holy and blessed word in the lives of all of us."
ABOUT THE UPCOMING COURSES: For the months of May and June we have two new courses, I am referring to “The Gospel of John and the Epistles” with Abraham Alata as instructor and Galatians with Juan Abanto. We are looking forward to resuming our classes this coming May 11, if the Lord allows it.
ABOUT THE ANNUAL BIBLE CONFERENCE: As it is already part of our annual work plan with the BVBI – PERU, each year we have a Bible conference presented by the teachers of the institute and one of our graduates, to the brotherhood. This year we turned to the church's location in America, managing to gather about 85 people between the two meetings on March 29-30. The conference had as its theme “A church that fights for the faith.” It has been a time of mutual edification, communion and fraternity. This has been our VI annual Conference and we hope with the Lord's favor to have many more. We are convinced that all these conferences are a great precedent for future events to be held as an institution.
ABOUT EVANGELISTIC WORK: We have had two wonderful opportunities to participate and to be able to help both students and teachers. We had an evangelistic and benevolence campaign with the church of Villa Alejandro in the southern part of Lima (congregation in which the 3 teachers of the institute worked), we had a team of 45 people cooperating in this activity, many evangelistic studies, work with children , and delivery of benevolence, with a reach of approximately 700 people, four new souls were added to the kingdom of our Lord in this event.
The other evangelistic work has been done in the church of Christ in Santa Anita, in the eastern part of Lima on April 26-27, the teachers of the institute were also invited to support, many people had the opportunity to hear the gospel thanks to the efforts of the different evangelistic teams and the program organized by said congregation.
We hope in the Lord to have more opportunities to serve in his kingdom, if He allows us, but we are very grateful for what has happened in these two months that have passed. We beg your constant prayers!

Posted on May 13, 2024 .